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We’re far frøm økay.
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Because where hope lies...fire breathes. #NewRelease by Yasmin Fazli #YA #Fantasy #ScienceFiction Grab it now! http://thndr.me/rzvzI4
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Here's my I'm over the quarter post and I can't wait for summer😊🙃 (at Camp Whittle)
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We left the river for the mountains this weekend🏔 #dgretreat (at Camp Whittle)
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#ImSorryHair 💖
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Casually goes to Joshua Tree at 12am✌🏽️🌲🌳🌿🌵 (at Joshua Tree National Park)
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Anotha one✌🏽️ (at Generation8 Tattoo)
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I felt a little cosmic🔮⛺️
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John + Shutting Down Foolishness 👊👊👊 (x)
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i love how they just chose a photo of steve and bucky
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a fan losing her shit when adele surprises her
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whenever I’m traveling I always get tripped out at the fact that this is someone’s actual hometown like they know every back road and how to get everywhere and they’ve probably had tons of memories in this city
but I’m just someone passing by
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Fucking Bernie Sanders listens to the people.
He discreetly fucking went to Flint to talk to the families who were personally affected, and do you know why he fucking did it? Because he didn’t want those families or community to think the cameras would go away as soon as it lost interest, and that their situation would stay their situation.
Why is this so fucking important? Minorities are the most likely to be gentrified from nicer neighborhoods into some of the most dilapidated places, ie. Flint, Michigan. To save money, the rich Mayor fucked over the poor by taking risks such as switching their fucking water supply to the Flint River. They knew when lead levels got too high but didn’t do a thing because it benefited their racist asses.
Other places, like Ferguson, MO face the same economic inequality. They live in neighborhoods with crumbling infrastructures just like parts of Flint. I remember when Mike Brown got shot and the people were fueled with many emotions. I remember when I turned on the news and I saw these gentrified people angry at reporters, throwing rocks and cursing at them, saying things like “Go on, get your story!” These people KNEW that the cameras would go away soon. They knew Mike Brown would become yesterday’s news, and that their problem would continue only be their problem and nothing would change.
The people of Flint are afraid they’ll become yesterday’s news, and that nothing will change. And they can’t keep living like that.
Bernie Sanders knows this, because he listened to them.
Bernie LISTENED the PEOPLE. He fights for the people, and only the people. He has even before the MLK march.
Hillary is a Wall Street puppet, who makes empty promises such as “I will do everything in my power”, but the fucking RICH made this happen! How will Hillary explain herself when she stops digging and caring when her Corporate Support asks her to stop?
It is our responsibility to vote for a person who puts the people’s needs above advantageous internal politics. We need a leader who CAN’T BE BOUGHT.
How the working American could oppose Bernie Sanders is beyond me.
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No one ever said a political revolution would be easy.
But we must remember that the struggle for our rights is not the struggle of a day, or a year, or a generation. It is the struggle of a lifetime, and one that must be fought each and every generation. Today, it is our turn to fight.
The billionaire class and political establishment in this country would like very much for us to go away. They see our proposals and the way we fund our campaign as a threat to their existence and have been determined to see us lose from day one.
But the response from supporters across the country has made one thing clear: we aren’t going anywhere — we are going to win.
Since the polls opened on Tuesday, we have received more than 100,000 contributions and raised almost $3 million dollars. So we’ve set a goal that will give us the resources we need to win all three primaries and caucuses next Tuesday:
Make a $3 contribution to our campaign and help us raise $5 million in online small-dollar contributions from working Americans by midnighttonight.
We are less than halfway through this Democratic primary and expect to do very well in the states to come. There are a lot of delegates left to be won: four states alone hold more delegates than Secretary Clinton has in total today.
Are we underdogs? For sure. But we have been underdogs from the beginning of this campaign. And the people powering our campaign, the people working longer and longer hours for lower wages, the sick without health care, and the students staring at the prospect of crushing debt, are underdogs as well.
But if we continue to stand together, we are going to keep chipping away at Hillary Clinton’s lead until we overtake her on June 7th.
That’s why I have to ask you directly:
Can I count on you to make a $3 contribution to our campaign and help us raise enough money to win the upcoming contests?
The economic and political systems of this country are stacked against ordinary Americans. But we are fighting back through our campaign, and we can win.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders
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Remember when Patrick’s occasional stupidity was used to create really clever and funny, albeit random, scenes? Remember when he wasn’t flanderized into being an idiot without any personality? Remember when Spongebob used to be funny? Remember when the episodes used to be good? Remember. Remember the good Spongebobs. Remember the Alamo. Remember the Titans. Remember who you are. Remember.
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