lee-marlowe · 2 years
Alex never really drank coffee, but he would find himself in the little shop when he was picking up some for Charlie or simply waiting for her to get off work to walk her home, especially now since they lived together near the shifter woods. This time of night the shop was quiet with few people, so he’d ordered a tea and sat in the window seat as he began reading one of his novels.
He hadn’t even realized Feyre’s dad had taken a seat at the table near him until Lee suddenly spoke, causing Alex to lift his head and look over at him. If he hadn’t already known who he was, Alex wouldn’t have tried to strike up a conversation at all. “What are you working on?”
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Lee continued to stare at the screen as his coffee began to disappear more quickly than he had anticipated. It was clear his writers block was making him more distracted on other things and unable to focus on what was actually in front of him. He was grateful that someone had responded to him, because he was stuck. It never used to be this hard, because he had a purpose to writing his books in the past. It was to try and get his daughters attention and send you a message that he was always looking for her. Now he didn’t know what to do. 
“ A book. I haven’t written in a while and it was what I’ve done to make a living for a long time, but I hit a wall. I’ve got pretty bad writers block right now” He explained as he looked over to Alex. He knew the young man was a friend of his daughter, so he didn’t feel as though he had to be wary. 
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
Lee had been relatively busy lately. Once the dust had settled on the island, he found himself able have a clear head for once. He wasn’t worried about whether or not his family was safe. He wasn’t focused on all of the bad that was out there in the world and it left him able to work again. He hadn’t written in a long time. Not since before he had found his family once more. So much of his writing had been giant clues, hoping to send a message . Now he didn’t need to do that anymore and in a way it was both a blessing and a curse. He had anywhere he could go, but Lee had no idea where to start. So instead the witch stared at his laptop with a sigh, before shaking his head. He took a sip of his coffee and glanced back at the counter of the shop unsure if something to eat would help his creativity. “ It never used to be this hard to come up with things”  
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
It all happened so fast.
Feyre had been kicking at the man’s knees with all her might, doing anything she could as she had yet to learn many self defense spells- something she would later make a note to work on. Once her feet hit the floor, her light eyes darted to the man who writhed in the flames, his screams so loud and guttural. She had to be brought back to the present by her father’s voice, and she instantly looked at him, trying her best to not appear as overwhelmed as she felt. Between the screams and the pain in her arm, all she could do would nod for a moment. “I- I think so. I will be.” She clutched onto her arm, tears streaming down her face. The pressure didn’t help but she couldn’t think of what else to do in the moment. 
The young witch groaned as she stood up, looking around at the chaos that surrounded them.  “We-” She began as she wobbled on the uneven ground, taking a deep breath to try and bring herself back to the present. Her eyes widened in horror as she witnessed people stumble over each other, trying to get out. “We have to get people out of here. This place is going up like a box of matches.” She looked up at her father, nodding to reassure him, “I’m okay. I can help, I know I can.” 
Lee hadn’t had a lot of moments in his life where he could be a dad. The opportunity had been stolen from him all those years ago and yet the instinct to protect his daughter had been with him even in absence. Even as the pair were in a safer spot than once before, his instinct to make sure Feyre was alright was the only thing on his mind. “ Good. Good. We are not losing you again’ Lee replied as he wrapped and arm around her just to make sure she was really there. 
At his daughters words. Lee was pulled into that moment and realized just how much chaos was taking place still. She was right. They had to do something. He knew they could get people out of harms way and it was clear people needed the help. “You’re right.  If you’re sure you’re okay?”
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
Mei Lian was still trying to process everything that’d happened. She’d been at the labs when it’d been attacked, felt the fear and the anger that everything she’d worked for could be gone but thankfully the building was still standing and what was damaged would be fixed soon enough. The damage was enough though that the power needed to be restored and some of the walls reinforced, meaning that the labs were closed and blood drawing from humans needed to be done at the hospital. 
Rationing was done there as well, which is where Mei was now, overseeing it all as both vampires and non-vampires made their way in and out of the building–one of whom she accidentally bumped into. “Oh–sorry. Did you get your bag for the day?”
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Lee had spent most of his time at the hospital seeing if there was any way he could help do to his knowledge of healing. He wasn’t the type of person built to rebuild thing’s but he still wanted to be useful in any other areas’. As such he was trying to spread himself a little more to see if there was anyone else who just needed an extra pair of hands so they didn’t wear themselves thin,
He moved through the crowds of people offering any help he could, before someone bumped into him. The witch held out his hands in case there was unsteady footing before offering the woman a small nod. “ I don’t think I would need it. Are you okay?” He asked with a soft smile, “ I’m actually here to see if I can offer a pair of hands or really anything right now,”
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
“Both would be great.” She laughed gently, eyes darting up to the sky when she heard the explosions of the fireworks above. Something felt… different this time. They were louder, it sounded like they came from all over. 
In the blink of an eye, it seemed, chaos erupted around the father and daughter. People ran, screaming, towards the exits- climbing and clamoring over each other as food stalls and game booths were consumed in flame. 
Feyre’s heart pounded against her chest, scanning the crowd, trying to quickly think of something to do. Before she could move or say a word, however, she felt a pair or arms roughly wrap around her waist as she was dragged closer to the flames. Tears burned her eyes from the smoke and fear as she felt the air around her become unbearably hot. She kicked against the person, and yelled as loud as she could, trying her best to get away. The smoke scratched her lungs as she was dragged closer to the flame, and felt the heat burn her arm from her elbow to her shoulder. Feyre found her father’s face in the crowd and screamed out, “Dad!” 
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Lee had been enjoying the moment and it had been a bad idea. Something so simple as enjoying carnival foods with Feyre had turned into a nightmare within the blink of an eye. He had spent nearly twenty years being hyperaware and cautious as he had searched for his daughter and now that he had reunited with her, his guard was down. He didn’t see this coming and it brought back the panic in him that he hadn’t experienced since the night they had lost Feyre. 
The flames became the only thing in sight and Lee’s focus on his daughter had disappeared. His eyes stung from the temperature but he needed to find Feyre and get her out of there. He needed to call Lillian and make sure she was safe. He had to act faster now than he had so long ago. “ Feyre!” He called out pushing through people as he tried to find his daughter. Once he heard her call out, the witches eyes locked onto his daughter and the situation at hand. Lee practically stomped over to where someone held his daughter and the overwhelming urge to protect her was fueling him. He was a witch he could have done something and tapped into something darker at the visual of seeing his daughter being grabbed and dragged closer to the flames, but instinct took over as his thoughts weren’t focused on spells. Lee tried to get out of their line of sight before rushing over to hitting the person as hard as he could, knocking them into the flames while grabbing Feyre and pulling her away from the heat. He was not a violent person at all, but the thought of losing his daughter again was too strong. He’d throw a dozen men into fire if it meant saving his family “ Look at me, Feyre. Are you okay?”
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
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Suddenly Alice was most comfortable on the outskirts, looking over the festivities. Growing up, she did have a best friend and usually Alice was the bright and bouncy one dragging them into every type of trouble. From snatching her clothes on forest branches to bringing home birds in her pockets. She used to sneak out, hang out, and wander aimlessly. Well, the wandering aimlessly still felt quite on brand. But Dear Lord, now she felt quite ominous just shifting in the shadows. It was getting late and she was turning to go home, her little walk through the festival really having been all she could bare. She turned only to collide with another. “Sorry, sorry.” She stepped out of the way, ready to hurry on home. “Should’ve probably kept my light on or something.” She added, trying to feel more normal about the situation. “Get home safe.” @paradisusstart​
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Lee had taken a moment to answer a call and stepped away from the carnival. He had been trying to get in touch with members of his old coven since arriving to the island and he needed to be available to keep the lines of communication open. He needed to step back now though and find Feyre and rushed to try to find her again. In his movements he bumped into someone else and held his hands out to make sure they were steady on their feet. “ It’s more than okay. Are you alright? You’re not hurt are you?” Lee asked as he looked at the person and offered her a smile. “ It’s okay. It’s dark over here. I didn’t realize how bad it was over here. Are you alright?”
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
She looked around the fairgrounds, thinking about her previous visit with Kennedy only a few days prior. It looked a little different, but it held the same amount of excitement and wonder for her. She hadn’t gotten to experience much stuff like this growing up, but she was more than happy to experience it now. Like her father, she believed in better late than never. 
Feyre looked over at Lee when she heard him speak, a bright smile breaking out on her face. “Okay- umm..” She glanced around the fairgrounds at all the food, games, and rides. “Have you had funnel cake before? Or the fried Mars Bars?” She nodded towards the stands, “My friend Kennedy had me try it, and it’s so good. Or, we can play some games.” She pointed in the direction of the skeeball ramps and water gun races. 
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 Lee knew he was never going to get the years back that he had lost with his daughter. So much time had passed and everyone had grown into the people they were going to be for the rest of their lives. However, Lee was also a firm believer in that nothing was ever too late. He was willing to look for Feyre for the rest of his life so long as they would finally be reunited as a complete family. It didn’t have to happen thankfully, and it was why he was going to take advantage of any chance he had to reconnect. 
“ I’ve had a funnel cake before, but it’s been forever and they didn’t have all of these topping options that they have now. The Mars bar I have never tried at all though” He explained before a small smile fell on his face. He liked knowing she had friends in town and a good network of people. “ Why not both?”
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
closed for @feyre-marlowe​
Now that he was reunited with Feyre, Lee had to admit he needed to make up for several years of memories. He had spent far too long looking for his daughter with Lillian that the memories that could have been made were lost to time. However, Lee was a firm believer in better late than never and he was more than willing to take any opportunity to get to know his daughter again and make new memories to replace any of the bad that had been in the Marlowe families past. 
He looked around unsure where to even start, because there were honestly too many options for him to decide on. “ I’m gonna be honest here Fey” Lee replied with a small smile. “ I have no idea where to start. Please take the lead cause I’m not sure where to go” He added glancing over to her. 
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
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“it’s summer, why not!”
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
“Wow.” was just about all Alex knew to say. Reunions seemed to be something everyone had experienced on the island. Even with Alex- first with Jamie and Charlie and later his sisters. Everyone seemed to have a story on the island, and as intriguing as they were, Alex never asked because he knew he wouldn’t want to tell his own. “She’s a friend of mine. I work in the library, and I’ve helped her figure out potions a few times when she’s come in there.” Alex was a shifter, but he grew up with witches, so although he couldn’t use magic himself, he had a good understanding and knowledge of it all.
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Lee was certain he wasn’t the only reunion on this island. He knew that this place was key to bringing people back together because it was a safe haven and somewhere others could be to finally find peace. However, he had been searching for his daughter for over twenty years and he was filled with so much relief that it was finally about to be over. “ Is she? “ Lee replied with a smile, grateful his daughter had what seemed to be really nice people in her life as friends. “ It’s a small world....or really island I guess. I’m glad she has friends here.” He noted before looking at Alex again. “ I’m sorry if this is invasive but are you a witch?” 
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
Just In Bloom, the place to be if one needed a little something to make something up. Not that the Prince had much to make up for but he did tend to spoil his wife a little every now and then, especially when they both had been busy. Work took up their time, also their son was another aspect though he didn’t interfere much yet with his upbringing. That would come when the boy was old enough to pick up a sword at least. He wasn’t sure what she was doing right now, so he kept an eye on the door just to be sure, just in case she’d suddenly walk in. “Just the biggest floral arrangement you have, as long as it has roses in it. Thanks.” He mused , waiting for it to be done for him. “Any ideas of what would be a nice gift to give?” He asked a random person, any ideas were welcome after all. 
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Lee had been married a while and while it wasn’t as long as many others he still tried to make things exciting or keep an element of surprise going. His family had been through a lot before they found one another again and he wanted to do something for them. He had been moving around the store looking for something that was pretty enough for the Marlowe women. He stopped his search before he was asked a question and looked up to greet the other man with a smile. “ That depends really. “ Lee began; pondering the answer. “ Who is it for and what is the occasion?” 
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
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Typically, he wasn’t in a hurry to leave work. Yet, this particular day had a rough start and a rough ending. It began with a lady with wanted to be a Karen and ended with an oil spill that felt like the size of an ocean. Doyle was for sure that he would find Atlantis at the bottom of the oil spill. Yet, once he had cleaned it up, he was quick to rush out the doors of Sunrise Mechanics. He hadn’t even looked around as he rushed out to door to see he was about to walk in front of someone without hesitation. Doyle pursed his lips as he felt his oil covered arm sleeve brush the other person. “Whoops. I’m — uh, sorry, I guess.”
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Lee had finally starting to get used to the island now that a lot of the stress was off of his shoulders. He was however still in a state of getting lost. He didn’t have too much to focus on lately that worried him, and that left his mind to wander and he had gotten turned around more than once since moving here. Lee knew he had walked past the mechanics garage more than once and stopped as soon as he saw it again before turning back to figure out where he had gotten turned around. When someone brushed into him, Lee paused before looking at the sleeve of his button up. He shook his head, not bothered by any sort of stain that could have shown up. He’d cleaned up worse than this. “ It’s honestly okay. I was standing in the middle of the sidewalk. “ Lee noted before glancing back at him. His parental side coming out as he assessed the situation he had bumped into “ You okay? You seemed in a rush?”
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
“She had the necklace you gave me, I have to admit I actually was quite angry when I first saw it. I thought she was maybe a human child of one of the people in the village. But it wasn’t, it was her. She called me mum Lee it, god it was the best thing I’ve ever heard.” Lillian could feel the giddy happiness creeping into her voice as she explained it to her husband how she’d met their daughter.
“She works at the local bakery, and is a part of the coven too. I haven’t joined yet I was waiting for you. She’s so excited to meet you Lee,”
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The more that Lee heard the more his smile grew. For the first time in so long, he felt at ease. All of the pain and grief the couple had gone through for years was finally coming to an end and at the end of it was a reunion of the family. He never thought this would happen, but had hoped for it. “ I can’t believe that. I can’t believe she was able to have it, but it makes me smile in a way. It means we were close to her when we didn’t have her here. ‘ Lee mused before his expression softened at what she said next. “ You’ve always been her mom Lil, you have deserved to hear that for so long” 
“ I contacted some people from the old coven, I think they know to come here when they can. I am more than happy to join if she is there.  “ 
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
Alex began to lead the other in the direction of the coffee shop he’d been searching for. It was still almost humorous to him that this wasn’t the first time he’d helped someone find their way around. Mostly because he was so quiet and shy that he’d rather remain lost than to ask anyone for directions. Thankfully, it wasn’t awkward though. They seemed to chat with ease. “About five months.” He nodded. “And you?” He knew he had to have been new, but he was curious as to how new the other was. After hearing the response, he thought for a moment before it dawned on him. “Wait, did you say your name was Marlowe? Do you know Feyre Marlowe by chance?”
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Due to the fact Lee was so new to the island, he wasn’t sure how social most of the people were. He didn’t want to rub anyone the wrong way right from the start, but he had a feeling that his present company was easy going when it came to new people. “ That’s actually pretty new still. Me? About a day” Lee replied with a half smile. It was somewhat humorous saying it out loud that he was so new. Having just arrived truly meant he had no idea where anything was. “ Yeah I did” He replied before his smile appeared on his face again at the mention of Feyre. “ She’s my daughter. She is actually why I’m here to be honest. We were separated and now we can finally reunite” 
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
Feyre tried her best to blink away the tears, but she couldn’t when her father told her that he missed her. Since her mother arrived on the island and told her about him, she had been able to read a few of his books. She’d caught the messages where he tried to tell her they were looking for her. She always had people who cared for her, and that fact had only just recently started to sink in. 
She couldn’t hold it in any more. She buried her face in her father’s chest and cried, so tired of holding back the tears that threatened to escape, and held him tight. “I missed you too. Both of you. As soon as I found out who I am, what I am, I wanted to find you guys. I went back to the house, and I didn’t know where to even start from there and-” Her rambles were interrupted by a sharp inhale, as she felt embarrassment and grief grip her lungs. “I’m sorry.”
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Lee knew it had been along shot, trying to leave clues in his work for Feyre, but he had to try anything and everything to find her. If he could have sent a message into every home on the globe he would have done that, but these things took time. He hadn’t wanted it to take as long as it did, but at the end of the day he was grateful to be here now with his daughter verses never being here at all. He truly hoped this day would come even though he had his fears over the years. 
As soon as he heard the sound of his daughter crying against him, Lee held onto Feyre tighter. He wanted her to know he was truly here and that nothing was going to move him from this spot now that they had found her. His own eyes started to fill with tears as he began to hear her words. The entire situation was incredibly overwhelming and he had no idea how he wasn’t breaking down right now. However, he felt needed and Lee wanted to stay strong for his daughter. “ Feyre, there is nothing to apologize for. You have nothing to ever apologize for with this. I wish we had found you sooner, but I am so happy that we have found you now. We never stopped looking for you. I’m sure finding everything out was incredibly overwhelming, but I am so happy to see you. “
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
Juliet nodded. “These place is way bigger than I thought it was when I first moved in.” She pointed out, which was why she liked that her house wasn’t so far from the city, that way she didn’t needed to shift to make it to work in time, not that she made it in time. “I don’t have my phone on me.” She almost never had her phone with her, it was one of the reasons why she was always late. “Come to my place.” She said, walking toward her house. “You can charge your phone a little while you use my phone and I will give you directions when you’re done.”
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“ I didn’t even consider this to be honest. When my wife told me of the island I assumed it was so much smaller, since an island is a finite space. I was very much proven wrong since I got here” Lee replied with a chuckle. He felt so awkward right now, but he assumed this was just how he was going to feel till he got settled. He wasn’t used to such hospitable people as well, but he knew pretty much everyone was probably looking for a sense of peace and harmony. “ Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you? “ He noted before looking at the state of his phone which was now a paperweight at the moment. “ I would very much appreciate it though” 
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lee-marlowe · 2 years
“Oh I agree. I’ve only been here a month or so and even still, it’s at times overwhelming. But I suppose that’s to be expected with coming to live someplace new. Hopefully you acclimatize sometime soon?” He seemed decent enough, nice even, and Priya was nothing if not polite and cordial when she needed to be. Her mother would have never accepted anything less from the queen-to-be after all. “There was, yes. You just missed it. It was to celebrate the island being successfully open for a year–which I guess is a long time in human terms.” She laughed, shrugging it off.
Priya’s laughter died off soon though, her smile morphing into a softer expression and she hummed, taking in the man’s words. Meeting his wife here, his daughter missing, a coven. At least she was right in assuming he wasn’t human. “I’m not a parent but I was incredibly close with my mother so…good luck with that. Have you all been reunited yet?”
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Lee felt a slight sense of relief at hearing the person in front of him had taken a while to grow accustomed to island inhabitance. The whole situation was kind of overwhelming now that he was in the thick of it, but he was glad that people were taking their time around here to feel normal. “ I hope so. I know I’ve only been here a day, but I’m optimistic. “ He noted with a smile. He had always tried to be an optimist but it had been hard over the years. Knowing those hurdles were in so many ways over was a relief. “ That’s a shame I missed that. I’ve never been to anything that big in a long time” Possibly ever? Lee thought to himself, but it would have been nice to have gone. 
For many years Lee hadn’t been the most forthcoming about his life situation. It was difficult and at times upsetting but Lee felt as though it was going to be something in the past and it something he could speak freely of. “ That’s a wonderful thing. Familial bonds are always so important whether it’s blood or not. I haven’t yet. I’m supposed to meet my wife here, but I wasn’t sure where? So I’m waiting for a message back” 
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