leemeanhoes · 2 years
hi @ohnomyk-jams!
thank for leaving such a wonderful reply 💗💗💗 i just woke up and seeing your kind words really started my day off right :')))
and YES! i totally feel you. as much as jake enjoys physics, i get the vibe that jake is pragmatic in nature and that eng is the perfect pathway for that type of thinking. i think jake would quite enjoy biomechanics and would take it as an elective if it wasn't compulsory. also think he'd jokingly poke fun at jay for being a business major but obviously, all in good fun haha.
i'm glad you enjoyed my writing! i'm really happy you were able to feel excited over it! also, engineering majors always have a soft spot in my heart. ik that shit is tough so kudos to you for studying it :))
thank you for reading! ❤
enhypen’s college majors (a headcanon)
okay so i know that this is skz blog (feel free to ignore), but recently i’ve gotten into enhypen and their music and can’t stop thinking about what the members would study if they were in university/college lol
lee heeseung: a double major in english and music, possibly a minor in education. i saw somewhere that if heeseung wasn’t an idol, he’d want to be an english teacher so i’m mostly basing it off of that. i think he would be a good teacher since he’s already such a good role model for the younger members :))
park jongseong aka jay: okay so, i think jay would be a business admin/ business major. i’m pretty sure he has a lot of exposure to this field since his dad owns a business and so he would probably be interested in either continuing his family business or starting his own. he’s a people person and his mbti type is ENTP and all the business majors i know are generally extraverted lol. but i also think he could be a communications or sociology major or even have those as a minor. when he was explaining how he chose batman as a superhero he could relate to (buzzfeed video, i think?), he was articulate and had a lot of insight. i think he would suit liberal arts since he’s well spoken and probably could write a stunning research paper. 10/10 for jay!
sim jaeyun aka jake: jake is the reason why i started thinking about this topic so much and ultimately ended up writing a post about it. all the fics i’ve read on tumblr about jake or the enhypen boys in a college!au all revolve around him being a physics major! i actually disagree on this. i firmly believe that jake suits an engineering major. it’s widely known that he likes math and physics but i think he would’ve gone for more of an applied approach. i specifically think jake would specialize into the biomedical stream of engineering and go into some sort of healthcare because he seems like the person who would want to help people improve their lives. jake is a sweet and kind boy. that’s it.
park sunghoon: our ice prince! i had a bit of a difficult time deciding what fit sunghoon but i think he would suit kinesiology with a possible chance of a minor in sport education. i based this choice off of his figure skating background and if he wasn’t an idol, i think he could’ve done coaching of some sort because it’s quite common for figure skaters to coach once they retire or decide not to participate any longer. i know he truly loves figure skating so if he weren’t an idol, i think this would be the route his goes down.
kim sunoo: liberal arts boy! either sociology, psychology, communications, polisci, international relations, maybe film studies? a lot of variety shows focus on the fact that sunoo leans towards the liberal arts type subjects so i wanted to honour that. he’s quite bubbly and honestly, i could see him having a fun time reading articles and presenting in group projects. i also get the vibe he could probably write papers quite well lmao.
yang jungwon: i had a hard time deciding for jungwon too. ik he’s technically still in high school right now so i’ll be a little more general. he’s quite smart and is really mature for his age. and did you see how fast he solved those logic puzzles in en-o’clock? i think he could probably go for a STEM based major but he could go for law. he’s responsible and dedicated so i think he has what it takes to pass the bar exam. i don’t know if he’d be the type of lawyer who’d go argue in court but he could deal with other stuff. either way, you’re in good hands with yang jungwon as your lawyer!!
nishimura riki aka niki: niki-san! this goofball. okay. i wrote down in my notes: dance major, music major, or kinesiology major with a minor in business/management but i really don’t think anything suits niki more than dance. he lives and breathes dance. it would be criminal to think anything else. but i also put down business/management as a minor because his parents own their own dance studio, lead ent. and i could see him wanting to open his own studio or taking up the business. the minor would probably help that aspect a lot but he would generally love to study dance and learn to perform all the different styles.
author’s note: i hope it wasn’t horrible or out of character for them as it is my personal guess and i don’t know them in real life. but i hope it was a fun read if you made it this far :) thank you for reading!!
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leemeanhoes · 2 years
enhypen as volleyball players! (a headcanon).
lee heeseung: oh my. ace heeseung strikes again. i feel like he can and could play any position given since he’s hard working and generally picks up on things easily. i know this is super stereotypical but i would give him the outside hitter role as well as the ace position. he’s someone who is dependable and everyone can look up to him when the team is in a tight spot so entrusting him to be the offensive cornerstone of the team is a no brainer despite how cheesy it sounds. as we saw in the bowling episode of en o’clock, hee has a lot of power lmao. would totally blast through blocks and would love the feeling of winning points with his spikes. probably has great technique and gets a lot of air when he jumps. also hits really sharp angles when he attacks. i would think he’s probably the least picky hitter lmao.
park jay: he strikes me as a person who would hate diving or chasing around the ball. so, obviously not libero! but the thought of jay rolling around on the court kinda cracks me up. i think he would either play as an outside hitter or a middle blocker but i’m leaning towards MB. part of the blocking line (with hee, hoon, and niki). i can literally imagine him getting so pumped or being so smug after shutting down a hitter. aggressive at the net! jousts and everything. would definitely be into read blocking. probably has less control with his serves but lots of power and spin so cover your head when it’s his turn lmao. i think jay would totally intimidate his opponents based on his energy and would get really into the game. i’m here for it though :)
jake sim: my boy jake sim!!!! he’s so athletic!!! oozes athleticism!!! (kin major approved). even if he didn’t have much experience playing volleyball, he would totally pick it up quickly. is a really steady and fast player due to good footwork from soccer (same with niki!). but i would also see him as the type of player who would save the ball with his foot instead of diving LMAO. opposite to jay, he doesn’t mind and would have fun when diving for a ball. though, i think it’s just his first instinct to go with his foot. i noticed on episode of en o’clock with the ping pong tournament that he’s really tenacious and volleyball is quite a mental sport. he has a good attitude and really preserves under pressure. he wouldn’t mind long games or deuces. or even climbing from a big point gap. it’s just like, a deuce? a fifth set? more volleyball for him lol. like heeseung, i think he could play any role if needed but i think i’m going to give him outside hitter but with a specialty in defense. he could dig up the hardest hits, no problem. need an emergency setter? he’s on it. need back court hitter? blockouts, feints, cut shots. you name it. he is ready!!! gives a lot of trouble to blockers because he probably runs all the strategies in his head. bottom line is that he would really just play at his own rhythm due to his solid defense and just rack up the points by letting his opponents sweat.
park sunghoon: middle blocker! i think he would be calmer than jay and he would be more troublesome like jake by always getting a touch in. he always has every hitter marked and doesn’t fall for decoys easily. i could also see him trying to force hitters into spiking certain directions by blocking so either jake and or sunoo could dig it up. has good footwork and has a good quick setup with jungwon when the team needs to score fast. probably teases sunoo when he rotates in and says things like “i’m going to score 100 points this rotation” or gets embarrassed when the boys hype his serve up too much and would end up launching the ball out of bounds. hoon would turn RED hfkahsdkfsfkd
kim sunoo: i decided on giving sunoo the position of libero. he’s really upbeat and i think he would totally brighten up the court when he rotates in. he and niki keep it fun and lighthearted :) but i can imagine him complaining about niki slamming the ball into blocks too hard instead of going for rebounds lmao. he keeps the ball up and overall a really dependable member on the team. he’s the team’s lucky charm and would probably randomly score a point like diving for a ball and somehow sending it into a bad spot where the opponents can’t return it. wasn’t going for it intentionally but somehow gets points like that. either way, every time it happens the boys dog pile on him and just get real rowdy. imagine sunghoon or niki trying to hoist sunoo onto their shoulders after he does a really cool save.
yang jungwon: he’s giving me setter vibes!! jungwon is very calm and logical and since he’s also the leader, i think he lends well to the position. imagine him being so smug when he lands a setter dump. i can him see him faking out his opponents and gently pushing the ball over the net or aiming the ball into a place where it wasn’t well defended. he’s strategic and really balances out the players. but definitely not controlling or overly bossy, if you know what i mean? if you told him that you like sets a certain way or whatever, wonie would totally set the ball in the best way he could. i imagine he would be a player with gorgeous gorgeous technique. i think opponents would underestimate him initially since he’s on the shorter side but that’s their downfall. he’s someone you should definitely watch out for!
nishimura riki aka niki: okay so! based on my impressions of niki, he’s also really athletic and is competitive in a good way! i think he would really have fun in a flashy position and would love to spike and land crazy serves. since he’s grown a lot and is one of the taller members now, i would either put him as middle blocker but eventually transition into opposite hitter because he’s a leftie :) i would see him loving to go fast and have his play style be heavily inspired off of yuji nishida! he also would look up to heeseung and would wanna become the ace as well. would start off with an overhand serve but after seeing someone jump serve at a game or a tournament, he would be so determined to practice a jump serve because he would think it looked cool. he would probably get really frustrated if he hits the net or he serves it out of bounds but get so hyped when he hits a clean ace. high energy and a vocal player. gets along with everyone and he’s someone you would wanna root for in a match :)))
author’s note - hiya! i am back with another enha headcanon. is this blog turning into an enhypen acc??? lol i apologize to anyone part of my original following who were here for skz content. anyways, as a long time volleyball player, hq enthusiast, and a kinesiology major, this was really fun to write :) thank you and i hope you enjoyed reading! <3
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leemeanhoes · 2 years
jake as an ib student — a quick headcannon
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a/n: look, i know i said i wouldn't make reactions/headcannons and stick to fics but as a former ib kid (2020 cohort woot woot) i feel like i have every right to talk about this. anyway enjoy lovelies <33 also @hyuckworld we talked about aerospace engineering jake and now i can't get this entire thing out of my head ;-;
warnings: lowercase and bullet points; mentions of food
© orpheyeux 2022. please do not repost, translate, or cross-post my works onto other websites or forums.
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mfer is smart he'd def take 4 HLs
HLs: maths, physics, chemistry, english
SLs: korean for second language (group 2), economics for humanities (group 3)
trust me, every stem kid i knew took economics as their group 3
also, every international school kid is obliged to take an english hl course. like, the only sls i knew were fresh off the boat (fobs)
definitely would use his hls to apply for oxbridge/ivys because he probably has the money to pay for the tuition
if not, then he'd work towards doing co-op engineering at unsw or umelb
alice headcannoned him as an aerospace engineering guy but i see him more towards civ eng or mech eng
either way engineering is the goal for jake, and his subjects perfectly align for him to get into his desired program
now, let's talk about his study ethic
surprisingly, he's not a procrastinator
idk he was very hardworking in i-land, and as relatable as he can be, i just don't see him as someone who leaves work last minute
trust me i’m an s tier procrastinator so i would know
anyway, jake would be one of those kids who actually does their work one step at a time
i also feel like he has a good balance between maintaining a social life and studying, but when exam szn or ia szn comes he just... disappears
he'd definitely be the type of guy to email the teacher for a meeting to check his ia and reports
would probably (most likely) stay after school to finish his ias since he's a stem kid
like, trust me i took chem sl and even i had to stay after school to finish my goddamn ia labs it was absolute torture
out of all the subjects he takes i feel like he'd whine about economics a lot
would surprisingly do well in english, because i can see him as a bit of a reader
like, he'd obviously not pay attention in school but once he goes home he'd just go like "hey king lear is actually really interesting"
his extended essay would definitely be about physics
idk he'd probably go a bit nuts on the research and do smth like airplane design or the brachistochrone problem
i mean, ngl every boy always has that airplane phase and if we're going with the aerodynamics route he'd probably look into a lot of that !!
i can see him lurking on the ib disc or ib reddit, constantly shitposting memes to cope with the workload or panic about his uni applications
for uni apps, i'd say he's mid. by this i mean he won't apply too early, but he also won't apply too late
there's a certain indecisive factor about which school he'd want to go to, and i feel like because he's such a family guy he'd want to stay in aus for a bit before branching out and going abroad
however, considering how he took the bold move to train in korea with a meager grasp of the language, i can also see him going to the uk/us right after he graduates the diploma program
hAbiTat foR hUmaNiTy
speaking of cas (creativity, action, service), he would probably struggle to find enough activities to get credit because his academic workload is just too much
like, we're talking about the stem kid taking 4hls of course he'd not have time to do extracurriculars
for action, he'd continue with the soccer club and i kinda see him doing swimming
creativity is his worst category. i'm sorry i really don't see jake as a creative guy
when i did the ib, it was the other way around and i had too many creative projects (photoshoots, editorials, short films for advertising, etc)
with jake, i think he'd do just fine with being part of the string section in his school orchestra
other than that i really don't see him doing anything artistic
for service i can see him volunteering a lot for dog shelters like cmon
of course, every ib kid has to be a part of h4h, and i can see him taking the trip to vietnam/cambodia/wherever to build a house he'd forget about
he'd probably bs something like "this experience falls in line with my career path because i want to be an engineer in the future. building houses allowed me to demonstrate my skills in maths and physics, and the hands-on experience with construction work made me learn about the importance of the subjects i'm taking."
he would also tutor kiddies on math and science!! that's like, the easiest way to gain service points!!
his portfolio would be shit but hey he'd definitely get more than enough cas credits to graduate and keep his pg
now that we got the basics out of the way let's dive a bit into tok
he would hate tok
this is the one class (apart from econ or Korean) where he'd just... sleep
let the melatonin take over and catch up on the zzzs he missed because he had to write up like three ias in one week
we're talking about maths, physics, and chemistry reports!! yikes jakey....
obviously the teacher would get mad all the time and pick on him
but because he's smart he'd usually give a general, correct answer and then go back to take his nap
nonetheless i feel like his tok score would bring down both is pg and his final grade
like he wouldn't do terrible at it, he'd just do decent enough
like say, a b
i feel like his tok essay would be better than his presentation because have you seen his belift audition video?? man is a nervous wreck before getting the idol training and ego boost /j
he'd be a stuttering mess in his tok presentation and his groupmates would have to cover up and answer the questions, which would further bring his score down
his tok essay would be really interesting though, like he'd def write something about ethics in science or aritifcial intelligence and sentience
doesn't show it but can get really existential in his essay
alright now let's talk about his pg
that's it
this kid is smart and a hard worker, and i feel like the inner east asian in him would sigma grind his way into getting past the 40 cutoff
would definitely panic after his pg goes down for a bit and go straight to the diploma coordinator like "WTF WHY IS MY PG A 38 NOW?!?!??!??!"
would probably end up getting a 41 final but bc it's the ib i honestly don't know
if jake gets lucky with a nice marker he might get upwards to a 42/43
but anyway tok would screw up his mark and he'd under up with a solid 40 or 41 i'd say
now that we got the grades away let's talk about jake as a classmate
solid group of friends taking a variety of subjects
i feel like he's the type to make more friends outside of his discipline
like, he'd have a few people he's tight with in physics, and then most of them would either be in bizman or glopol
i reckon he'd have a few friends taking art just so he can chill in the art room
overall a very friendly person despite the stress
100% shitposts memes as a cope
would definitely stalk his physics teacher on instagram and keep in touch after he graduates
i can also see him as the guy who lightens up the mood in every class, cracking jokes with the teacher or showing the bare minimum levels of enthusiasm to keep the class from turning into a zoom lecture void with 0 cameras on
like, he'd try his best to raise his hand and engage at least once, then shuts up the entire class
double period jake is where we see him go from 100 to 0
like, imagine double period physics and double period chem? yikes.......
like, he'd be so energetic then he'd just sleep after an hour
anyway because of this i feel like some of his teachers would allow him to bring snacks to class
like, say if his physics or maths class is right after recess, he'd rush to the canteen to buy food and eat them during class
he'd def be the type of guy to bring his wholeass laptop to lunch, typing up his ia while eating
ia szn also means jake spends his entire lunch breaks in physics/chem classrooms to finish up his ias
i feel like he'd be a teacher's pet
like who can hate him
i just can't see him as an asshole
he'd probably be the classmate who says "we're all gonna go to hell anyway!" when mock exams come up
like he's that kind of funny, yet wholesome person that makes you instantly feel better even though you know damn well that your pg is going down down down
he's the student that creates the inside jokes of the class
like, he's that much of a trendsetter
probably saw a mascot during one of his econ trips to the bank and started dancing with it, so now, everyone does the dance that jake did
he'd also be very supportive in class
by supportive i mean typing up notes and handing them to people who were absent by sending them emails of it
at the end he'd always have a meme or two
i don't think he'd run for student council, but his class would probably nominate him as class rep
ofc he'd turn down and say "guys i'm really busy"
which, ofc, understandable. 4hls + stem is rly hard to manage as a teenager
i have a good feeling he might be salutatorian
but hey, who knows?
anyway i think i've covered enough about jake being in the ib
tldr: he's a nice, hardworking stem kid who stresses out over his pgs and makes photoshopped memes of his teachers
the end!!
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leemeanhoes · 2 years
enhypen’s college majors (a headcanon)
okay so i know that this is skz blog (feel free to ignore), but recently i’ve gotten into enhypen and their music and can’t stop thinking about what the members would study if they were in university/college lol
lee heeseung: a double major in english and music, possibly a minor in education. i saw somewhere that if heeseung wasn’t an idol, he’d want to be an english teacher so i’m mostly basing it off of that. i think he would be a good teacher since he’s already such a good role model for the younger members :))
park jongseong aka jay: okay so, i think jay would be in business or a business-related major (e.g. finance, commerce, econ). i’m pretty sure he has a lot of exposure to this field since his dad owns a business and so he would probably be interested in either continuing his family business or starting his own. he’s a people person and his mbti type is ENTP and all the business majors i know are generally extraverted lol. but i also think he could be a communications or sociology major or even have those as a minor. when he was explaining how he chose batman as a superhero he could relate to (buzzfeed video, i think?), he was articulate and had a lot of insight. i think he would suit liberal arts since he’s well spoken and probably could write a stunning research paper. 10/10 for jay!
sim jaeyun aka jake: jake is the reason why i started thinking about this topic so much and ultimately ended up writing a post about it. all the fics i’ve read on tumblr about jake or the enhypen boys in a college!au all revolve around him being a physics major! i actually disagree on this. i firmly believe that jake suits an engineering major. it’s widely known that he likes math and physics but i think he would’ve gone for more of an applied approach. i specifically think jake would specialize into the biomedical stream of engineering and go into some sort of healthcare because he seems like the person who would want to help people improve their lives. jake is a sweet and kind boy. that’s it.
park sunghoon: our ice prince! i had a bit of a difficult time deciding what fit sunghoon but i think he would suit kinesiology with a possible chance of a minor in sport education. i based this choice off of his figure skating background and if he wasn’t an idol, i think he could’ve done coaching of some sort because it’s quite common for figure skaters to coach once they retire. it’s well known that he truly loves figure skating so if he weren’t an idol, i think this would be the route his goes down.
kim sunoo: liberal arts boy! i headcanoned his major as either sociology, psychology, communications, polisci, international relations, aaand maybe film studies? a lot of variety shows focus on the fact that sunoo leans towards the liberal arts type subjects so i wanted to honour that. he’s quite bubbly and honestly, i could see him having a fun time reading articles and presenting in group projects. i also get the vibe he could probably write papers quite well lmao.
yang jungwon: i had a hard time deciding for jungwon too. ik he’s technically still in high school right now so i’ll be a little more general. he’s quite smart and is really mature for his age. and did you see how fast he solved those logic puzzles in en-o’clock? i think he could probably go for a STEM based major but he could go for law. he’s responsible and dedicated so i think he has what it takes to pass the bar exam. i don’t know if he’d be the type of lawyer who’d go argue in court but he could deal with other stuff. either way, you’re in good hands with yang jungwon as your lawyer!!
nishimura riki aka niki: niki-san! this goofball. okay. i wrote down in my notes: dance major, music major, or kinesiology major with a minor in business/management but i really don’t think anything suits niki more than dance. he lives and breathes dance. it would be criminal to think anything else. but i also put down business/management as a minor because his parents own their own dance studio, lead ent. and i could see him wanting to open his own studio or taking up the business. the minor would probably help that aspect a lot but he would generally love to study dance and learn to perform all the different styles.
author’s note: i hope it wasn’t horrible or out of character for them as it is my personal guess and i don’t know them in real life. but i hope it was a fun read if you made it this far :) thank you for reading!!
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leemeanhoes · 4 years
people apparently think rubber bullets aren't dangerous or something. they're bullets with a thin rubber coating, they're generally not, as some seem to believe, bullets made from rubber. they've got the capacity to seriously injure and kill. there is nothing nonviolent or lenient about rubber bullets.
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leemeanhoes · 4 years
please sign !!!!!
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
wow is the reason why stray kids have no love songs
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
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happy 20th birthday to our baby changbin!
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
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just thought this was important
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
Stray Kids: 
Stray Kids’ official TikTok account!
#StrayKids #스트레이키즈 #Clé1_MIROH #MIROH #YouMakeStrayKidsStay
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
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stray kids  ˗ˏˋ  19  ˎˊ˗
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
It’s the 25th of March and Stray Kids’ album has just come out. With sweaty palms you play each song and finally get to ‘19’. It’s age restricted so you don’t know what to expect. After a deep breath you hesitantly press play and all you hear is…13yr old Jisung’s Youtube mixtape.
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
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resident cutie, kim seungmin (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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leemeanhoes · 5 years
my communications technology class is learning adobe dreamweaver and our teacher told us to make a website of our favourite band and their whereabouts...
...she literally gave us an assignment to make a fansite 🤣
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