lefayexplores · 5 years
Goodbye Tumblr!
So I took a big ol break from Tumblr due to school and I realized something: I’m kinda done with this place. I’m no longer comfortable supporting Tumblr due to their recent(ish) policy changes. A whole lotta folks have said better things than I could have when this first came about but yeah it bothers me.
So I’m out! Big thank you to everyone that has followed me, sent me prompts, asks, all that jazz. You know where to find me on Discord.
And hey, if PornHub does end up buying this place, you’ll probably see me back. But until then Tumblr ain’t getting none of my clicks.
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lefayexplores · 5 years
Heyo! I know I’ve been scarce, the end of the semester is approaching. I’ll probably post more once that is all done. Thank you to everyone who sent me asks, they are sitting in my box and I will get to them eventually!
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lefayexplores · 5 years
♬ - a friend/best friend memory
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As Lefay and Bahlo sat by the fireplace all cozy and eating fruit, she couldn’t help but think back to the time she knew they were going to be friends....
She was still new to Eorzea then, still unsure of herself (or at least more unsure than she used to be) and hesitant to reach out to others. Men especially, for ten cycles she had lived without any men and if they weren’t her tribemates then they intimidated her. So when she was introduced to J’bahlo, Lefay was taken by immediate surprise when she found herself at ease around him fairly quickly. Perhaps it was the constantly cheery attitude, perhaps the perpetual smile, but something about him calmed her.
It wasn’t until their spar that Lefay knew they were going to be good buds. A clear recollection of them sitting on a rock huffing and puffing after their duel and chatting with each other filled her head. She didn’t remember the words spoken, she didn’t even remember who had won, but she remembered that feeling of closeness, of bonds being formed.
Bahlo is very good bean. I’d tag him but he’s not on tumblr so check out his twitter @ BahlinBahlo. Thank you @kyrie-silverwings for the ask! I know this is very much delayed. I appreciate asks 100% of the time, it’s just that I’m only in the right headspace to write answers like 10% of the time thanks to college stuff. 
From the Memory meme prompts.
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lefayexplores · 5 years
Thought-Provoking Headcanon Meme
Send a symbol and I’ll answer the question about my muse. (Or answer in character. Whatever works for you!)
⛔️ - How does your muse react to others breaking the law? If they would do it themselves, what is their reasoning? 🚑 - If your muse was the only person around and someone was injured, would they help? Would they have the experience needed? 💸 - What does your muse think of wealthy people? Do they resent them, or do they believe they earned what they have? 🆘 - What does your muse think of poor people? Do they think they’re a waste of space, or do they want to help them? 📩 - Does your muse prefer to physically write letters or send them online? What is their reasoning? 📢 - Does your muse have a loud personality or a quiet one? Do they enjoy being the center of attention, or would they rather watch and listen? 📊 - How does your muse feel about the state of the world? Could it be better? Could it be worse? 👨 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their father? Is it good, bad, or complicated? 👩 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their mother? Is it good, bad, or complicated? 👧 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their siblings? Who do they get along with best? 👶 - If they have any, what is your muse’s relationship like with their children? Do they feel like they’re a good parent? 👻 - Does your muse believe in an afterlife? What do they think it’s like? ⏰ - Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time? ⌛️ - How often does your muse think about death? Do they think about it at all? 🔗 - What are your muse’s standards for meaningful relationships? How quickly do they form relationships like these? 🚹 - How would your muse react to losing their father? How would they cope? 🚺 - How would your muse react to losing their mother? How would they cope? 🚼 - How would your muse react to losing a child? How would they cope? 💧 - How would your muse react to losing a best friend? How would they cope? 💔 - How would your muse react to losing a romantic partner? How would they cope? 🐜 - How does your muse feel about animal lives? Do they treat them the same way they’d treat a person, or do they feel they’re inferior? 🌎 - Does your muse want to change the world? How would they go about it? 🎭 - How does your muse handle their emotions? Do they bottle them up or pour them out as soon as they start to feel? 💋 - How does your muse feel about people who cheat? Do they see a reason for it, or is it completely immoral? 🌠 - Would your muse make a wish on a star? If so, what would they wish for? 🎁 - Does your muse celebrate their birthday? If yes, how do they celebrate? If no, why not? 🍟 - How does your muse feel about their body? Would they change it if they could? 💅 - How does your muse feel about gender roles? Do they conform to them, or do they play by their own rules? 🌺 - Does your muse have a favorite flower? Why do they like it?
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lefayexplores · 5 years
Send my muse an outfit you want them in. "I want to see you in a _____"
The Twist: They have to wear it.
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lefayexplores · 5 years
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lefayexplores · 5 years
Send 🌺 to hear what my muse likes about yours
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lefayexplores · 5 years
i am the literal worst at answering anything in my inbox in a reasonable timeframe, so if you’ve ever sent me any kind of ask or prompt and i haven’t answered it, i swear i’m not ignoring you and i haven’t forgotten it, i’m just hoarding them for the next big wave of inspiration and motivation. >_>
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lefayexplores · 5 years
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In awe at the size of this lad. 
Thank you so much to my SO who sent me this code for my birthday! Will I ever use another mount again? Probably not for a while.
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lefayexplores · 5 years
Please Reblog This If It’s Okay To:
Send questions about yourself
Ask questions to/about your characters
Ask about your headcanons 
Send questions about your works (fanfics, art, music, RPs, etc) 
Ask about popular ships/headcanons
Ask about plot ideas you’ve had but haven’t acted upon yet (snippets of AUs, a scenario you wish to write/draw but haven’t gotten to yet)
Questions about other ships/headcanons that aren’t as popular or are rarepairs
Questions or comments about favorite tropes, headcanons, characters, foods, weather, or anything else you are okay in answering!
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lefayexplores · 5 years
FFXIV Screenshot Meme
Send a symbol and I’ll give a screenshot for it!  (Note: some folks may not be able to take screenies of their muses to suit the prompt, so editing is allowed and encouraged for those who are so inclined.)
[I’m not a meme blog, and these memes I make are just as much for me as they are for you!] 
Send 🛡️ to see my muse in their current tank glamour(s)
Send 🔨 to see them in their current DoH glamour(s)
Send ⛏️ to see them in their current DoL glamour(s)
Send ⚔️ to see my muse in their current melee DPS glamour(s)
Send ✨ to see them in their current caster glamour(s)
Send 👗 to see them in a fancy dress
Send 👙 to see them in their underwear
Send 💖 to see them in their favourite outfit(s)
Send 👘 to see them in an outfit traditional to their culture
Send 🎩 to see my muse in their favourite headpiece
Send 👕 to see my muse in their favourite top
Send 🧥 to see my muse in their favourite coat
Send 👖 to see my muse in their favourite bottoms
Send 👢 to see my muse in their favourite pair of shoes
Send 🔫 to see my muse with their favourite weapon(s)
Send 💄 to see them in their going-out attire
Send 👀 to see them in something suggestive
Send 💍 to see them wearing an expensive outfit
Send 🎮  to see them in a cosplay of the mun’s choice
Send 🎀  to see them in a cute outfit
Send 🛌 to see them in their PJ’s/Sleep attire
Send 👎 to see them in something they’d never wear
Send 👾 for them posing with their favourite minion/pet(s)
Send 🌦️ to see them out in their favourite kind of weather
Send 🏖️ to see them in their favourite climate(s)
Send 🏠 to see them in their home or place of origin
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lefayexplores · 5 years
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Oh no! Vahs spilled some hot soup on his thigh! Lefay is gonna blow it nice and cool for him while he holds back her hair, how sweet. 
Wonderful art (as always) from Abysmal0! They are a delight to work with and have some super cute OCs so go check them out.
Full image here
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lefayexplores · 5 years
Building the Beast
“Come on, y’piece o’ shite.”
It had been a long time since Mahji had had an issue with anything remotely related to smithing. He had taken on a few custom orders that had tested him, but nothing like this current project.
“Just fucking - hammer out th’ way –” His arm came overhead, hammer in hand, in a compact motion that was all strength and no finesse. “ – that you’re fucking s’posed t’.”
But his raging swing left the piece more uneven than it was a few moments before. He let out a sharp sigh through his nose and leaned forward, resting his hands on the anvil and staring at the metal he was working with. Sweat dripped from his brow and sizzled when it hit the heated but quickly cooling metal.
“Ain’t got time for y’fucking bullshite,” he growled downward, as if the blade he was working on might apologize and cooperate.
Frustration and worry were running high recently, and he felt it coming to a boiling point. But commissions and their deadlines had to be met and there was no room for more time away from the forge beyond what he’d already taken.
With a deep, steadying breath he lifted his hammer again and idly spun the project around on the anvil to try and hammer out the mistake he had just made. With more technique but no less strength, he swung and struck true - right on what must have been a weak point in the metal.
The blade shattered in two immediately and there was a moment where time stood still. His stomach fell first as he watched hours of work break before his eyes. The pit that was left behind was quickly filled with a familiar feeling - a hot rush of anger morphing into rage, quickly followed by the feeling of his aether stirring around him.
A primal, feral shout left him in the next moment. The hammer was the first to go, thrown with violent intent to his right, where it imbedded itself in the wall. He surrounded himself in the familiar flames called forth so easily by now, focusing his frustration at first on the metal on the anvil before him.
His flames, under control but barely, quickly flared into a localized inferno, jumping to what it could to fuel itself. The now near-molten metal was shoved from the anvil to the floor, and Mahji turned as if to leave the forge entirely, to go find some other target, something he could really tear into - only to falter quite suddenly. His flames, raging one moment, near-extinguish in the next.
He stumbled a step and then dropped to his knee, feeling breathless and shaky. He rested one hand on the ground and the other on his knee as he tried to gather himself. There was distinct scent of burnt wood, and the forge was hotter than normal - which was impressive in his own right.
Slowly, he worked his way back to his feet. On the floor was the pile of metal he had reheated to near liquid state. In the wall was the head of the hammer he had been working with - the handle burned away. In fact, the burnt wood was nearly all the handles of his tools. Luckily, he had been intelligent enough to not keep more than scrap paper in the forge, and to have it built with stone and metal.
Still, some of the stone was blackened, and the metal surfaces too. He swallowed hard and ran a hand back through his braids, and now the pit in his stomach was filled with a cold, creeping fear. He knew what had happened - because he recognized it for what it was. But he didn’t remember doing it.
It was getting worse. There was no one harming Lefay, or someone else he cared for, to trigger it. He hadn’t even been in a fight.
The blade had shattered. His temper had flared. Everything else was blurry.
What was wrong with him?
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lefayexplores · 5 years
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It says “Leaving from carriage may result in loss of head” in Eorzean.
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lefayexplores · 5 years
Dear SE…
At the risk of discussing too much non-rp related things in a row… (I’ll get back to rp things soon, I promise)
In the future… You do not have to mention skin color differences between two clans of the same race, if you’re not going to show an actual difference of skin color between said two clans.
There is nothing “umber” or “dark skinned” about the render associated with the Rava.
The two clan renders are the same fair-skinned rabbit, but between a Winter and Summer tan and a bottle of hair dye. Please cut that out. 
What the in-game, character creator options will be is irrelevant when talking about this. If I tell you, “here inside this box are my red apples and here inside this other box are my green apples” and outside of both boxes the apples are shades of green and yellow, that’s… not an accurate representation of your words, now is it?
Words Mean Things!
It is already annoying to have various people running around a shade deeper than a paper plate describing themselves as “dark skinned,” stop adding to that bullshit.
If you do not want to, or are incapable of showing genuinely dark-skinned character types as The Canon, then just stop making that particular distinction. It is so simple.
You do not have to mention skin color at all if all you’re going to do is… What you’ve been doing.
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lefayexplores · 5 years
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Current favorite of my little cinnamon roll!
I had one if those epic bad day and I’m a quite depressed, so I could do with positivity before heading to bed.
We all have a special screenshot we like even if it’s a little old, I would be grateful if you could share it with me and tell me more of the story behind it to cheer up.
FFXIV community is really creative and amazing so I’m sure every single one of you will bring me a smile, thank you 💖
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lefayexplores · 5 years
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Don’t worry, Bahlo’s just biting into a super big peach he’s holding near Lefay for some reason. And you can’t see it but she’s wearing an open-back dress so her nopples are 100% covered. 
Big thank you to Bahlo for including my character in this art piece he won, and of course thank you to the lovely artist TribeHydrae! I don’t think either of them have tumblrs so twitter links it is.
Full image here.
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