leftgem · 5 years
“  i don’t have a plan, but we’ll figure it out.  ”
random sentence starters
ruby is a crystal gem - she’s braved many battles and emerged victorious from many.. but the one thing she’ll never be able conquer is: baking. it is just a whole different world. how she managed to transform the batter steven had given her to mix into.. an abomination of a concoction ? no one will ever know.
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❛ um… yeah. maybe i shouldn’t do the mixing. ❜
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leftgem · 5 years
“ i said no. ”
random sentence starters
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ruby jumps back, hands raised in front of her as a show of surrender. she almost didn’t realise that she kept going, even after the first ‘ no’ from hematite. ❛ okay ! i’m sorry. i’ll stop asking. ❜
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leftgem · 5 years
Pokemon (the series) starters
as requested by anon. Feel free to make any changes !
“If anybody’s out there, you can come out. And if you’re a monster or a ghost, you can stay where you are.”
“Everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while.”
“Don’t you know that love is the most important thing in the world?”
“We have a proud tradition of failure to uphold.”
“Prepare for trouble.”
“When you have lemons, you make lemonade; and when you have rice, you make rice balls.”
“I hate water, especially WET water.”
“There’s no sense in going out of your way to get somebody to like you.”
“My name is Tom Ato/Ann Chovy/Caesar Salad.”
“My brain says to run but my legs ain’t listening.“
“Then came the storm.”
“Just once, I’d like to make a dramatic exit that DOESN’T involve a life-threatening explosion.“
“I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.”
“Where did you get all that chocolate? You’re holding out on us.”
“Thundershock, Thunderbolt… I’ve been destroyed by Pikachu’s attacks so many times I know them all by heart.”
“By the way, that’ll be a two dollar charge for resting on my rock.“
“I want food.“
“It smells like old sneakers mixed with rotten eggs and dead fish with just a hint of skunk fumes.”
“I don’t need a fortune teller to know that. Some woman is ALWAYS causing me trouble! It’s a curse…“
“When I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it!”
“Rejected by the one girl I loved. I’ll never find another one like her again.”
“Everybody’s got secrets hidden in their closet.”
“I know it’s my destiny.”
“Don’t worry, ___. You’ll find plenty of other girls to reject you.”
“I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”
“Oh, I know what I’ll do! I’ll use my trusty frying pan as a drying pan!”
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leftgem · 5 years
random sentence starters
“  i never asked for this/that.  ”  “  i said no.  ” “  she/he was the only one who ever understood.  ” “  help me understand.  ” “  if that’s what you want…  ” “  this is about me, for once.  ” “  maybe if you listened instead of running your mouth, you’d know what i was talking about.  ” “  it was a joke.  ” “  let me see that.  ” “  i don’t have a plan, but we’ll figure it out.  ” “  i like to watch the stars. it reminds me how small we all are.  ” “  i didn’t realize you were in so much pain.  ” “  i only wanted to help.  ” “  what are you smiling at?  ” “  why are you looking at me like that?  ” “  i know i have a right to be angry, but i don’t want to be.  ” “  i’m not sure what i’m supposed to feel.  ” “  don’t make me say it.  ” “  that doesn’t sound quite right, but okay.  ” “  i would never lie to you.  ” “  you wouldn’t get it.  ” “  just, let me have this, ok?  ” “  i need you.  ” “  just go.  ” “  how did this happen?  ” “  is this what you wanted?  ” “  love never really goes away, it just changes sometimes.  ”  “  stop trying to figure everything out. just focus on now.  ” “  you were all i wanted.  ” “  now that i’m on the other side of it, i guess i see now how little it mattered  ”
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leftgem · 5 years
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i’ve genuinely forgotten how to navigate in the rpc SO i will just reblog memes and prompts until i learn
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leftgem · 5 years
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This ol’ Ruby rider
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leftgem · 5 years
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damn i’m gonna have to do something about my icons huh
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leftgem · 5 years
Ruby what is your opinion on Spinel?
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❛ spinel..? i.. can’t really say.  i think she’s another gem who got caught up in rose– pink diamond’s actions, and i feel for her. i really do ! but at the same time.. i haven’t spent any time with her since she went back to homeworld with the diamonds, so the first impressions i had of her are still.. here, you know ? ❜
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leftgem · 5 years
"Beef off?????"
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beef off ?….
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beef off  !!! let’s DO this
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leftgem · 5 years
hi i’m sorry i died for a bit after i said i’d come back but i had the great idea of doing that before school! so you know! i’m still trying to live, and currently dealing with something but....... i’ll be around soon! ( hopefully!!!! )
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leftgem · 5 years
Left Ruby none beef
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um i have PLENTY of beef actually
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leftgem · 5 years
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hey guys... this is like the 100th time i’m trying to revive her, but it’s okay. i’m a rp blog for ruby from steven universe, and it’d be real cool if you could like this post if you’re interested in interacting! reblogs would be greatly appreciated to spread the word around!!
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leftgem · 5 years
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leftgem · 5 years
“Please, don’t stop loving me…” Sapphire
❛ how could i stop ? ❜
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they’ve been together for over 5752 years, basically inseparable, but her metaphorical heart has not once dulled with sapphire. the very idea of just.. not loving her is incredibly absurd, there’s so many different reasons why she does; sapphire has helped ruby so much in many different ways, every experience they shared shaped her into the gem she is today - and this gem doesn’t want to stop loving her.
ruby can pour her heart out, gush about her wife till she bores her audience, but the words will never be enough.
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❛ you’re such an incredible gem, sapphire, ❜ ruby’s voice is soft as she takes sapphire’s hand into her own ( so petite, compared to hers ! one of the many things she’ll forever be amazed by ), eyes full of pure adoration when she looks at her, and she’s the luckiest gem in the entire galaxy to be able to call her ‘ mine ‘.
❛ i promise, i’ll love you again and again. even if something gets in the way, i’ll always find my way back to you ! ❜
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leftgem · 5 years
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leftgem · 6 years
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                 ❝ Ru — — RUBY ?! ❞ The giggles grew to an ESTHETIC LAUGH with her feet no longer touching the ground. It was when she FORGOT the rest of the world ( & ) lived at her FULLEST at Ruby’s side. No one could bring that — —— same face present, the cheeks flushing some BLUE tones ( & ) her touch BECAME SOFT. She was the only one Sapphire could FOCUS on. ❝ I would — LOVE to. ❞
                     Although she could have waited for her wife to make the NEXT MOVE, the blue one was already too excited to kiss her as — — — USUAL. It was as if her hands knew ALREADY what the gem wanted to do. She went directly to cup — — Ruby’s cheeks to press a FRESH KISS on the corner of her LIPS. Loving the calmid sensation it gave ( & ) wanting to —— CONTINUE doing it. Ah ——— but she needed to WAIT, — or at least CONTAIN herself more.
                      Eye visible,  —— COMFORTABLE enough to let her hair as messy as it got. Having the desire of seeing her partner with no obstacle as simple as her hair. Because yes, she LOVES her WIFE so much ( & ) wants to only look at her !
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sapphire’s reaction puts a massive grin on ruby’s face, and she’s laughing along with her. even more so when a kiss pressed onto the corner of her lips, and her cheeks were now considerably a deeper red. ❛ sapphi ! ❜ a delighted hum rings from ruby’s throat, leaning in to nuzzle her wife’s cheek and give a kiss of her own.
-- then she takes a moment to really look at sapphire. how could she not ? perhaps ruby is a little biased, but... she is the most gorgeous gem of them all, and that’s just the indisputable fact. with that pretty blue eye looking back at her, she’s sure a second longer would be bad for the ground beneath her. ( meaning, it may set on fire. just like all those centuries ago. )
ruby opts for going in to press a gentle kiss to sapphire’s lips, relishing in the feeling of it ; the cold contrast was one she could never get tired of. ❛ i love you. do you know that ? ❜
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leftgem · 6 years
Ruby I just want to say congratulations on your and Sapphire's wedding I hope the future for you and wife goes well.
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❛ aw, thank you !! i really appreciate it ! ❜
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