legacydriven · 1 year
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Shayan has moved! Catch him as a secondary muse on his mother’s blog now, over at @sakurarisen​! <3 This blog is hereby archived! <3
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legacydriven · 2 years
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Chocobo (Pink) from Final Fantasy VII
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legacydriven · 2 years
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I want to ride my chocobo all day!
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legacydriven · 2 years
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@annjiru​ because I’m a week late on this- <3
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Visitors to Gongaga’s jungle were rare. For reasons unknown to the four year old, there weren’t many outsiders who swung by the town - And of those who did, there were few who were actually receptive to them. Almost like they were scared... Or was it angry? Indifferent? Shayan wasn’t sure, but the reaction made no sense either way.
So when he’d spotted the man out in the jungle during his daily run through the trees, he’d been quick to scramble behind one and stare. This was, indeed, a stranger; he’d never seen him before and had no idea where he’d come from, unless.. Did the jungle have another town in it? He’d never been far from Gongaga before without his parents beside him, but with the entire jungle being named for the town, somehow, he doubted it. One name, one town. That was how it worked-
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“...Are you okay? Lookin’ for Gongaga?”
He wasn’t sure why he’d spoken, or just why he’d peered about the tree rather than stay hidden. His mother would have his head for this, for sure, and yet bright blue eyes peeked around, regardless. His mother had always noted how much he resembled his father... Maybe he could put that to use here? Somehow?
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legacydriven · 2 years
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Chocobo from Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon
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legacydriven · 2 years
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Kweh! (A Letter, for you!) ❤
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legacydriven · 2 years
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The Adventures of Alpha and Omega
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legacydriven · 2 years
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✨🐥A little chocobo digital painting 🐥✨
Went to see Distant Worlds in concert for the second time last week & now I just want to play Final Fantasy again. Thinkin about starting FFX soon ☺️
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legacydriven · 2 years
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best bird
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legacydriven · 2 years
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Chocobo from Final Fantasy VII
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legacydriven · 2 years
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legacydriven · 2 years
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Kweh? Kweh!
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legacydriven · 2 years
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Bonding with a chocobo.
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legacydriven · 2 years
Hey, you. Yes, you. Send me anons. Make it about whatever you want. Just send one.
No really. Send one. Or two. Or three. Whatever.
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legacydriven · 2 years
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legacydriven · 2 years
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@honorisen​ from HERE
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“Uh-uh.” The reply was almost instantaneous; he’d been out and about briefly that morning, running a quick ‘errand’ for his mother, but it’d been nowhere near the site of the exploded reactor. He knew better than that, especially when the site did little other than make him feel like his head was about to explode - Best to make sure his distance from it was known first and foremost, he decided, slowly curling into his father’s hold like the action alone would make his aches and pains vanish. Of course, it wouldn’t, but he could pretend, right? Zack was supposed to be some kind of magic, anyway!
Just like he could confirm he’d not eaten anything new or weird, pulling back just long enough to grab his plush chocobo and re-curl himself right back into Zack’s torso. His head had been throbbing for hours, steadily getting worse as the day’d gone on, his stomach flopping and twisting, appetite all but gone... Familiar symptoms, even to him, but why? He’d been good this time, peering up with a tired gaze; was it something in the house? “Momma had me go pick up laundry th’ wind blew away int’ the trees.” Not much of an ‘errand’, really, but with how far into the jungle they’d flown, it’d sure felt like it, regardless of his use of Momma over Mom - a surefire sign something was off.
“Maybe th’ clothes bit me? Can pants bite?”
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legacydriven · 2 years
❰ ◈;; legacydriven ❱
“Uh-huh. A ‘boco. Big birdie.” Sliding his hand free of his father’s, Shayan held it up above his head to indicate a chocobo’s height, then out to the side with his other, arms wiggling to mimic wings in motion. It wasn’t the best way to explain a chocobo - especially when one hand kept smacking a nearby chair, definitely not enough room to flap - but it seemed to be doing the job! Er… He was just gonna keep telling himself it was, anyway, slowing his movements to mimic Zack’s head tilt with another of his own. Why did… That movement make him want to smile?
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“A wingman’s a cookie helper? I wanna be a cookie helper! Can I be a wingman?!” How odd… He couldn’t help but grin and perk up, leaning forward like the eager child he was, but the motions didn’t register in his mind until after he’d done them. Motions that were very much unlike the irritation that still bristled somewhere deep inside him. Irritation that he’d wake up tomorrow and his father would be gone again, all for some silly reason and-
Slowly, Shayan’s head dipped, much like a puppy caught in the middle of a destroyed living room. He wasn’t… Angry, was he? Not anymore, anyway, but the two feelings had always paired together for him. If he was angry, then he was most often scared, too, and that… That was what was wrong here, wasn’t it? Why Zack’s smile made him feel so at ease? …Maybe? “….Uh-uh. Mom never says no to big smiles, either… Sometimes… If I help with cookies, will you be here tomorrow, t’?”
Slow to start the questions. If it was really fear, he needs to make sure of that, and that meant hinting.
“ Hey, calm down! You know I wouldn’t have asked if I was gonna say ‘no’! Right? ”
Because Zack’s hand would slip from being outstretched to giving Shayan a well timed ruffle of matching black hair. Just like the teachers that’d trained him, Zack wasn’t the type of go back on his word either. If he’d promised Shayan a spot of being his honorary ‘wingman’ as he’d marched in and demanded cookies and love from Sera, then Shayan would definitely get to be his cookie helper!
But then, the younger’s pause and instant drop of mood made Zack blink again with his small, curious head tilt coming back before he’d glanced Shayan over; then added a soft smile to his reply.
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“ Of course, ” He’d almost hum. “ I’d be here tomorrow whether you’d want to help me out with this or not, so don’t worry. ” Because Sera had already warned him of this; of how Shayan still seemed to shy away from him despite Zack wanting to get to know the kid better. It’d been a little heartbreaking to see how defensive he’d been firsthand though, especially because Zack almost felt like he had a responsibility to be a part of Shayan’s life, now that he was able to – so he’d brighten his smile some.
“ If you don’t mind me sticking around for awhile now that I’d back anyway? ”
‘If you don’t mind me sticking around for a while’. He... He didn’t know how to answer that, studying the elder’s smile like a curious puppy afraid to trust. He’d heard so many stories of this man and how he always kept his promises, how his loved ones meant everything to him and he’d do anything for them, and how his absence had been out of his control. He was dedicated, true, loyal - every bit the father he’d been dreaming of meeting for as long as he could remember, falling asleep every night to stories of him and seeing his smile then - except now, he had a face to place to the smile.
But that didn’t make his fear any less real. What if he still decided he wanted to leave again? His mother had spent countless nights searching and crying for him, doing everything in her power - and failing, if he was honest - to keep him from finding out. If they got used to him being there and he left again... What if he got attached and-
He. He was... More scared to lose him for himself, wasn’t he? If he hurt his mom again, he’d hate him forever, that was a given, but he... Zack had promised. He was dad. And yet, the fear still persisted, all because he...
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“Do you want a kid?” It was a blunt, out of the blue question, but... On some level, he wanted to make sure. Did Zack... Did he... want him? As his son? Or just as a friend? A question that would’ve sounded silly to anyone else, he was sure, but the sounds from the nearby kitchen had all but stopped once the words had left his lips, faintly glowing blue briefly deviating from studying a matching, brighter gaze to glance towards the kitchen. Sera was listening, he knew that much for sure now. “I’m gonna cookieman anyway, but... D’ you want... D’ you want a kid?”
Wingman. Regardless of the answer, he was too drawn in by the man before him to not at least be his cookie wingman.
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