legend-of-rabbit · 4 days
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A chain must be forged. Who is the blacksmith?
Based on my headcanon that the fierce deity is the first Link (before Skyward Sword)
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legend-of-rabbit · 9 days
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Just finished my doodle page from last week’s classes!
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legend-of-rabbit · 11 days
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legend-of-rabbit · 6 months
Heyyo!! I’m new here but I’m just gonna dive right in!
Here are some Legend of Zelda Thoughts I’ve had recently that I’ve wanted to share:
Temples aren’t actually built like the way we see them in the games. They were originally temples, caves, and the like. However, when a boss monster starts to live there, the whole area becomes magically distorted as the boss’s defense mechanism. If a boss lurked in a cave, the cave would become a dungeon.
The weapons, hearts, potions, and tools that Link finds in the temples are placed there by the Fierce Deity, the Spirit of the First Hero. He watches over the timelines, raising heroes when danger befalls the people of Hylia once again and equipping them with everything they need to vanquish the danger.
The Fierce Deity and Hylia were made the deities of time after their deaths facing Demise. Together they watch all the times of Hyrule, raising a hero in time to face the next evil. This is why a hero is never born late. However, after the Hero of Time defeated Ganon, the sages acted foolishly, sending the goddess-raised hero to a past where he would not be able to save the alternate future. Thus there was no hero when Ganondorf came again. But the sages acted wisely when they flooded the land, frustrating the enemy’s rise to power and protecting the people until the deities could raise a new hero.
Ganon never returns on his own. He is not part of the cycle of reincarnation, not like Zelda and Link. The cycle started before Demise, when Hylia and the first Hero fell. When he was beaten by the Hero of the Sky, Demise added himself to the cycle, but without the agency of divine power. Thus he can only be brought back; he can never return of his own volition. Throughout history, he is most commonly called back by the king of the Gerudo, Ganondorf, but he has also been called back by Ghirahim, Vaati, the Twinrova, Aghanim, monsters, (and whoever brought Calamity Ganon upon Hyrule).
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