#LoZ shower thoughts
legend-of-rabbit · 6 months
Heyyo!! I’m new here but I’m just gonna dive right in!
Here are some Legend of Zelda Thoughts I’ve had recently that I’ve wanted to share:
Temples aren’t actually built like the way we see them in the games. They were originally temples, caves, and the like. However, when a boss monster starts to live there, the whole area becomes magically distorted as the boss’s defense mechanism. If a boss lurked in a cave, the cave would become a dungeon.
The weapons, hearts, potions, and tools that Link finds in the temples are placed there by the Fierce Deity, the Spirit of the First Hero. He watches over the timelines, raising heroes when danger befalls the people of Hylia once again and equipping them with everything they need to vanquish the danger.
The Fierce Deity and Hylia were made the deities of time after their deaths facing Demise. Together they watch all the times of Hyrule, raising a hero in time to face the next evil. This is why a hero is never born late. However, after the Hero of Time defeated Ganon, the sages acted foolishly, sending the goddess-raised hero to a past where he would not be able to save the alternate future. Thus there was no hero when Ganondorf came again. But the sages acted wisely when they flooded the land, frustrating the enemy’s rise to power and protecting the people until the deities could raise a new hero.
Ganon never returns on his own. He is not part of the cycle of reincarnation, not like Zelda and Link. The cycle started before Demise, when Hylia and the first Hero fell. When he was beaten by the Hero of the Sky, Demise added himself to the cycle, but without the agency of divine power. Thus he can only be brought back; he can never return of his own volition. Throughout history, he is most commonly called back by the king of the Gerudo, Ganondorf, but he has also been called back by Ghirahim, Vaati, the Twinrova, Aghanim, monsters, (and whoever brought Calamity Ganon upon Hyrule).
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occasionallyprosie · 6 months
Thinking about the Hero's Spirit
Okay, so, when Time left the Adult Timeline... he took the hero's spirit with him. There was no hero's spirit to reincarnate when Ganondorf re-emerged and (as of the goddesses flooding the world) no other spirit born that could become the bearer of the Triforce of Courage.
Until Wind. Wind, whose spirit is its own spirit, came and becomes the embodiment of courage unlike any other hero. He forges his own spirit into one unbreakable, restores the Triforce, and defeats Ganondorf at the age of twelve.
But his hero's spirit is stubborn in a way everyone else's is not. He doesn't need the goddess to bless him with reincarnation, he wasn't even born with the Triforce of Courage (due to the fragmentation) he restored it and out of sheer will became the one to bear it and he knows it. So out of sheer will and stubbornness, he reincarnates.
Enter Spirit. Spirit, who is a hero in every right, but he doesn't follow the beaten path because Wind's hero spirit doesn't do that. He chooses to be an engineer instead of a hero or a knight.
But then the timelines merge, and suddenly, there's two hero's spirits? What? Well, obviously First's goes to Warriors, but where does Wind's go?
Linkle. Linkle, because their spirit doesn't follow the beaten path, it makes its own path, it sails through the waves rather than with it, it forces the winds to yield to its call and its power, the limits of death does not bind it, the expectations of ghosts of the past does not force its hand.
First's, Sky's, and every other hero's, their spirit is one of tenacity, one of pain and suffering, one that can take every hit and still stand and fight. They share a spirit of determination, one of courage, one that is unbreakable because it will stand in the way and be the immovable object that will always be there to hold back the darkness.
But Wind's spirit? Wind's, Spirit's, Linkle's, their spirit is also one of determination, but theirs is one born of choice, theirs is a spirit of free will, of stubbornness and a need to stand their ground. They were not forged by pain like the others, but by love (for Aryll, for Phantom/ST!Zelda). They take every hit, but they don’t stand because they can and they must, they don’t get back up because they have this undying need to endure and to persevere, they get back up because of their loved ones and the people they protect. They are the unstoppable force that drives darkness back.
Don’t get me wrong, the original Hero's Spirit is still stubborn, those heroes are still an unstoppable force, they are still seeking to protect the people they love, but if you have a hero hated by all, a hero who has nobody they should logically be trying to protect? They would still fight because that's what's right, that's what their heart is like, the whole world could hate them and they'd still protect it because 'the people in that world deserve to be saved'. The Adult Timeline's spirit is much of the same, they are similar in spirit, but there are differences.
The original spirit is a forest, one that will never truly be destroyed because something will always survive and that something will regrow and restore the forest that once stood.
The second spirit is a river, carving its path through mountains and valleys, overcoming insurmountable odds and creating great canyons. Nothing can stop them for good.
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m5or · 6 months
I have a question for the Zelda fandoms, is Ganondorf a potterer? Does he like to do pottery? Would this explain the "hero's" drive to smash pottery? (this is where the true grudge comes from lol) As someone who is a potterer. I could totally understand that Gannon would start cursing the kingdom of Hyrule out of pettiness. (idk maybe the pottery is cursed or something.) Imagine Demise and all the Ganons in a therapeutic pottery session. Taking pride and joy in their craft only to then dread the eventual comically large stampede of links. The eternal cycle of pettiness. heheheh may- shattered recreation.
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shadowlinktheshadow · 2 years
The flying plane thing from the direct is literally just this:
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trulytiredhermit · 6 months
Holy fuck— why is it when I’m swamped with work and unable to sit down and write that I get hit with amazing ideas to write.
(If you’re wondering, yes it did indeed stem from shower thoughts)
But now listen— just imagine with me, if you will:
LU x Reader story, yeah? In their adventure to defeat Dink the chain and reader stumble upon one another.
But I’m not talking guide Reader or an isekai/our world Reader thing like my other story.
But what if this Reader was like Dink in the fact that, she too, was made by Ganondorf in Time’s Hyrule. However she was a failed attempt where Dink succeeded?
Basically, Reader would be Dark Zelda as Dark Link is to Link. But again this is an x Reader, not OC so of course there is the ✨ twist ✨
Reader grew self-aware during that time, she had a consciousness of her own (Dark does too but is more well muddled).
Being created from darkness and shadows, essentially out of nothing, and just appearing one day with a shape already given to you and then being told you are a copy; a counter part of an already living being is shocking and clearly would leave one feeling with confusion and an identity crisis.
Because Ganondorf is a being of destruction and chaos, creating things— creating life is new to him and so when trying to create mindless copies he made a mistake—a beautiful and amazing mistake.
He made people with their own minds and personalities and while yes they may share certain characteristics with their counterpart they are not the same.
And thus Reader begins to decide her own fate, hence why Ganondorf thought her a mistake. But he kept her around because she placated Dink (they were formed at the same time and essentially ‘grew’ up together).
Anyway, don’t want to spoil too much if I do eventually write this but basically:
Ganondorf didn’t take Dink’s defeat from Link in the water temple well, punishing and experimenting on him to “perfect” him to fight Link once more (hence why Dink has his new abilities of changing shape and the portals) but Reader, with her bleeding heart and want to rebel so that both her and Dink can live their own lives, frees Dink.
(Also ties into why Reader won’t exactly look like Zelda, honestly I’m just gonna shoe in that Reader was able to change her form the way Dink kinda does but to a more minor extent like only looks wise… idk, in any case obviously the reader’s looks won’t be described in the story to make it more immersive)
Link eventually defeats Ganondorf and Reader breathes a sigh of relief thinking now they truly can live their own lives but of course, Dink (having been tortured and having a need for revenge) uses his new found powers to exact just that.
Thus the portals began and as did the LU story.
So begrudgingly (or maybe forcefully, since I’m considering the chain basically holding Reader captive since they don’t exactly trust her at the first meeting) the group set out to track down Dink together but for two whole different reasons.
Reader wants to save her friend and help him see the light while the chain obviously want to put a stop to Dink.
But will love blossom on the way?
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magpie-sherlock · 10 months
as much as i love the idea of there being a set reincarnation for the Links, as it allows for more creativity, i also really like the idea of there being no set reincarnation and instead Hylia just picks a random guy whenever she needs a hero and they all happen to be named Link
like Ganon reappears and she just lunges for the nearest dumb blond with an affinity for swordsmanship and eating rocks
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agithasbugs · 11 months
Complete ramble, shower thoughts if you will... If the Yiga Clan is a group of Sheikah who wants revenge on Hylians, why would they let Hylians into their clan?
Short answer?; I think they'll most likely turn on their own teammates once Ganon is revived... Thought process below cut
With the ability to get the Yiga armor in totk, we've found out that that lil brown puff on their head is a pony tail, it comes from the hair on their head. Link is sometimes criticized about his, the others saying that they're supposed to be as anonymous/uniform as possible, and his blonde hair is distinctive...And of course while they're actively hunting Link, the Yiga clan is also a group that wished to revive "their king" Ganon, with their motive behind that is to get revenge on the Hylians who tried to exhile the Sheikah tribe, meaning they ARE Sheikah, but is it exclusive to them? That's highly unlikely because the "Travelers" we meet don't look Sheikah at all, but either way, the majority of them should be Sheikah right..? Or at least the ones who keep their face hidden... An observation that I had made (bringing us back to the ponytails from previously) is that their hair is brown. Just a simple travel back to Kakariko village shows that the Sheikah have white hair... Now hair dye is obviously the answer, (like the Kochi Dye Shop, which is ran by a Hylian, meaning they most likely won't support it by taking their business there, and maybe created a dye process of their own?) But if that's the case... what's stopping Link from dying his hair for his uniform, like he does with the Ember, Charged, and Frostbite sets...? and even if hair dye is the answer, why would they do it? Since they're seeking revenge, that shows that they have some pride in who they are. Being anonymous as a single person makes sense, but as a whole...? Another possibility is to differentiate themselves from the Sheikah in Kakariko. But Dorian who used to be in the Yiga Clan, still has white hair. But that would mean the "pony tail" is actually a wig, or some other sort of head/hair piece to conceal their real hair... Which might make sense, being that the uniform Link obtained was a new design, but if it was, then that means the other members disagree with it and they would end up keeping the old uniform... Though even then, wouldn't that serve the Hylian members, keeping them anonymous towards their supposed teammates...?
This may or may not be continued, but all it is, is thoughts to be written, and shared to add at least 15-20 minutes to your shower, or fill the thoughts of others with loz instead of useful real-world attributes<3
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mudora · 1 year
For Rose:  I can’t wait until Rauaru dies, and then Malon gets light sage powers. 
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vellik89 · 7 months
"Kooloo Limpah" has the same number of syllables as "Dies Irae" and, therefore, could replace these lyrics in the aforementioned Gregorian chant.
Do with this newfound information what you will.
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silveryloneliness · 1 year
so was the master sword just like marinating in dragon brain juice??????
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necromicon42 · 1 year
You know if they bring back the Triforce in totk with DLC, then they could bring back the champions from botw, since the Triforce is basically a "Deus Ex Machina" that can grant any wish wether it be good or evil.
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rasalicious · 11 months
Now I have funny thought of Link dunking midna like a basketball, because she so smoll. Need to draw this lmao
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Shower thought: photoshop a Zelda poster but instead of “Legend of Zelda” it just says “Idris of Elba”
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m5or · 7 months
In my replay of Skyward Sword, I am reminded of the existence of rupoors. And that's a little bit sad. : ( Small shower thought, do you think Dark Link would have a bag of rupoors on him? What if it's regular dark-world currency? (I know it's not but it's a thought.)
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shadowlinktheshadow · 2 months
shout out to the time I was so into botw that I had to double take because this woman looked like a yiga clan member
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masonmtxo · 2 months
Miles High
Mason Mount x OC
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Summary: Needy Mason on a plane
Words: 1.7k
Note: 18+! Based off this request from @mountttmase blog. Thank you Loz for letting me steal and being the best ever 🏌🏻 this is all for you 🩷
Your boyfriend had a knack for getting turned on in the most inappropriate situations. He had been needy since he had woken up, waking you with kisses before fucking himself into you, sleepily thrusting from behind until you both reached your high, Mason falling back to sleep almost instantly.
You pulled yourself from his grasp after half an hour of listening to his quiet snores, unable to get back to sleep yourself and the urge to clean up the mess between your legs and have a shower taking over. You had only been under the warm water for five minutes when Mason stumbled in, rubbing his eyes and yawning before going for a wee, grumbling a sleepy “morning” as he paused to eye up your naked body. His lack of boundaries made you roll your eyes, even more so when you heard the shower door open and felt his naked body press into yours. Within minutes he had your back against the wall, one leg hooked around his waist, the other attempting to balance yourself as he pounded himself into you for the second time that morning.
You should’ve known it would get a bit messy at some point. Mason had days where he would be relentlessly needy for you, and today was very clearly one of them. You didn’t anticipate his neediness would continue as you and his family boarded a private plane to Greece, something you had tried to convince Mason not to do, but you couldn’t help but enjoy the luxury as you were handed a glass of champagne as you sat down. It started off okay, the pair of you sat together at the back, partially hidden away from his family who had congregated at the front of the plane to play a game on uno. You had politely declined their invite to play, desperate for a nap which Mason had opted to join you for. But within a quarter of an hour you noticed something was up, he was fidgety, more so than usual, and it was driving you crazy when he knocked into your legs every few seconds as you reclined back in you chair with your eyes shut.
“Mason,” you snapped, eyes pinging open to glare at him when you couldn’t tolerate another moment of him flinging himself around, “will you sit still!”
Instantly you recognised the look in his eyes, stomach turning as you took in his flushed cheeks and dark eyes. When he spoke, his voice was uneven, “I can’t help it,” he glanced down to his lap as he whispered, “I’m so fucking horny today, my dick is rock solid and it’s hurting so bad.”
“Are you serious?” You tried to keep your volume down but you couldn’t help your exasperation, “we literally had sex twice this morning.”
“I know,” he whined, “I can’t control it.”
You were quite literally lost for words, he continued to wiggle around in his chair, before reaching for your hand and pulling it into his lap, eyes searching yours.
“If you think I’m wanking you off on a plane with your entire family on board youre sorely mistaken Mason,” your words were sharp, and your movements were even sharper as you yanked your hand from his grip.
“Baby please,” he pleaded, “it’s hurting.”
“Go to the toilet and sort yourself out then,” you shrugged, once again shutting your eyes and attempting to ignore him as he shuffled around.
After another ten minutes he let out a loud huff as you felt him get up from his seat and dart into the bathroom, your eyes slowly opening as you came to the realisation he had actually gone to the toilet to get off. The thought made you squirm slightly, but you refused to let your thoughts wander any further, particularly when Debbie made her way over after a few minutes of Mason being gone.
“Is Mase okay?” She asked gently, “I saw him run into the bathroom and he looked quite flushed?”
You tried to keep your expression impassive as you answered, desperate to make sure your facial expression didnt give him away, “he said he was feeling a bit sick, I think he got himself a bit anxious about flying,” you falsely simpered in an attempt to cover your boyfriend’s arse, literally.
“Oh my baby, I’ll go check on him,” Debbie cooed.
“Its alright Deb, I’ll go,” you reached up to carefully touch her arm, “I was about to go and find him anyway,” you lied through your teeth, panic shooting up your spine as she stepped toward the hallway to the bathroom.
“Thank you my love,” she reached for your face, cupping your cheek fondly, “I’m sure he would rather it was you than me.”
You didn’t respond, simply nodding and smiling at your mother in law sweetly. You stood to your feet and made your way into the walkway, glancing behind you to see Debbie heading back to the others at the front of the plane.
Once she was back in her seat, you knocked carefully on the door, “Mase, it’s me, open up.”
You heard a shuffle and a click, giving the door a push you quickly slipped in the narrow opening. The bathroom was exactly that, a bathroom, with a shower cubicle and much fancier amenities than you were used to on flights.
After admiring the room briefly, your eyes fell on the sorry state that was your boyfriend who was back up against the counter. He was beyond dishevelled, cheeks flaming, sweat beading on his forehead as his chest seemed to be pulsing under his t-shirt as his heart hammered. But what got your pulse racing the most was the sight of his hand, knuckles white, wrapped around his angry cock that he had carelessly pulled from the waistband of his joggers, fist still slowly pumping himself once he realised it was you at the door.
“Shit Mase,” you groaned, “I thought you’d be done. Your mum nearly came looking for you!”
“Fuck,” he whimpered, “need you baby, please.” His eyes were watering, his hand gradually picking up the pace as he pumped his length in his vice like grip, “help me.”
His breathy whines as he touched himself, staring into your eyes in a desperate attempt to silently plead with you, had you folding. Quickly stepping towards him and pulling him into the shower cubicle, shutting the door behind in hopes it may help drown out his noises. The last thing you needed was to be caught.
“What do you need baby?” You soothed, deciding now was not the time to get annoyed, the man was clearly desperate and uncomfortable, too far gone to not have some form of release. He let go of himself, his dick hitting his stomach, twitching at even the slight contact with his own skin. The view made you shiver, although determined to not get yourself in a state of no return, you couldn’t help but get turned on as you admired the familiar sight of his length.
He took your hand in his, wrapping your hand firmly around his cock, in place of his own. Instinctively you thumbed over the slit, spreading the masses of precum that were already leaking from his tip, gently playing with the head as you admired the why his eyelids dropped in pleasure, his cheeks somehow becoming impossibly more flushed.
“Baby, please,” his voice cracked, hips snapping back to encourage you to keeo going, almost on the verge of tears. You knew he wouldn’t last long in this state, a minute or two max now he was in your warm, familiar hand.
You shushed him as his whimpers become louder, letting him burrow his head into the crook of your neck to muffle the sounds. Your hand found a steady pace, one you knew was guaranteed to get him to his high as quickly as possible, your other hand slipping into his boxers to gently fondle his balls. The sounds coming from him were relentless, small cries and whines falling from his mouth uncontrollably as his hips began to snap back and forth, essentially humping himself into your fist. You were silently pleading that the shower cubicle and bathroom door were doing enough to hide the slick sounds of the continous thump of your hand on his cock.
“Shit, fuck, fuck…” his groans began to get lower, a clear indication he was moments away from release, “baby, I’m gonna…”
Your eyes widened, brain working overtime as you considered the mess if he was to release over your hand and potentially both your clothing considering how closely you were pressed together. In a flash, you dropped to your knees, yanking his joggers and boxers down below his bum as you took his cock into your mouth, sucking his tip just the way he liked as your hand continued to stroke him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” he moaned, shooting ropes of cum down your throat as he finally reached his peak, the feeling of your warm mouth wrapped around him sending him over the edge.
Swallowing his load, you stood to your feet, blushing when you felt Mason’s thumb wipe under your lip at a dribble you obviously missed, “fucking hell,” he murmured, his expression finally relaxed as he slowly came around from his sex induced haze.
“I can’t believe I just let you cum in my mouth on a plane with your entire family thirty foot away,” your eyes widened in realisation, shocked at how quickly you bended to his desires when he looked so fucked out and desperate. You couldn’t help yourself, there was something about seeing him a whimpering mess, desperate for your touch that had you going into overdrive.
His lips caught yours in a searing kiss, both of you giggling at the absurdity of the situation, “you’ll be the death of me one day.”
“Likewise,” you shot back, pecking his lips again for good measure as you pulled his trousers back over his slim hips.
He opened his mouth to speak when the voice of his mother outside the door broke you from your bubble, “Mason? Y/N? Is everything okay in there?”
Thank you for reading! Please leave feedback as its what encourages us all the write 🩷
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