legendiism · 4 years
Wow, there’s still some of y’all on here?
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legendiism · 6 years
If you see this on your DASHBOARD please re-blog so that the previous blog knows they haven't been muted!!!
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legendiism · 6 years
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legendiism · 6 years
Posts being flagged as sensitive content and how to fix it
A ton of posts are now being flagged as sensitive content thanks to Tumblr’s new idea to make it adult content free. However, you can request a review so they can fix it. I know it’s tiring, and I know it’s not our fault that Tumblr can’t do a simple thing right, but I refuse to have any of my SFW creations being taken down just because Tumblr doesn’t know how to write an algorithm.
So here’s what you can do, even if you aren’t the OP.
Any post that has been flagged will show something like the image below at the top of the post, even if it’s a reblog.
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If you’re the OP, a REVIEW link will show up at the right margin of the red bar where it says “Your post was flagged”. Click on it, and then click REQUEST REVIEW, like the image below.
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After you’ll get a message in an orange bar saying “Your post is in content appeal”, meaning they’re evaluating whether their algorithm screwed up or not. If it was wrongfully marked as sensitive (and it most likely was), you’ll get an email being alerted to that your post is now visible to everyone again.
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Alternatively, if you aren’t the OP, but your reblogs are flagged as well, (which in this case, you’ll see something like the image below in your flagged reblog), you can message the OP about it so they can request a review.
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Please, don’t ignore this! It’s bad enough that adult content is being deleted because Tumblr can’t deal with p*rn bots, but having content that has absolutely nothing to with adult content being deleted as well can be fixed, even if we’re the ones who have to ask for said fix.
19K notes · View notes
legendiism · 6 years
Posts being flagged as sensitive content and how to fix it
A ton of posts are now being flagged as sensitive content thanks to Tumblr’s new idea to make it adult content free. However, you can request a review so they can fix it. I know it’s tiring, and I know it’s not our fault that Tumblr can’t do a simple thing right, but I refuse to have any of my SFW creations being taken down just because Tumblr doesn’t know how to write an algorithm.
So here’s what you can do, even if you aren’t the OP.
Any post that has been flagged will show something like the image below at the top of the post, even if it’s a reblog.
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If you’re the OP, a REVIEW link will show up at the right margin of the red bar where it says “Your post was flagged”. Click on it, and then click REQUEST REVIEW, like the image below.
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After you’ll get a message in an orange bar saying “Your post is in content appeal”, meaning they’re evaluating whether their algorithm screwed up or not. If it was wrongfully marked as sensitive (and it most likely was), you’ll get an email being alerted to that your post is now visible to everyone again.
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Alternatively, if you aren’t the OP, but your reblogs are flagged as well, (which in this case, you’ll see something like the image below in your flagged reblog), you can message the OP about it so they can request a review.
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Please, don’t ignore this! It’s bad enough that adult content is being deleted because Tumblr can’t deal with p*rn bots, but having content that has absolutely nothing to with adult content being deleted as well can be fixed, even if we’re the ones who have to ask for said fix.
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legendiism · 6 years
Mutuals if you are leaving Tumblr (ever for any reason) please let me know where else I might find you so we can remain in contact.
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legendiism · 6 years
My gosh, there is always something on here, isn’t there? Why can’t people just get along and stop with all the drama..this is why I stay on the kinky side of tumblr. Less drama. Much more lgbtq+ positivity. People need to learn to hold their tongues, man.
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legendiism · 6 years
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a moodboard
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legendiism · 6 years
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Iron Man #5 - “Frenzy In a Far-Flung Future!” (1968)
written by Archie Goodwin art by George Tuska & Johnny Craig
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legendiism · 6 years
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Sara Lance in every legends episode 4x03 – Dancing Queen 
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legendiism · 6 years
Iron Man taught me to be brave.
Captain America taught me to be kind.
Black Widow taught me to be strong.
Thor taught me to be forgiving.
Hulk taught me to love myself.
Hawkeye taught me to never give up.
STAN LEE taught me what it means to be a HERO.
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legendiism · 6 years
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Peggy always believing in Steve.
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legendiism · 6 years
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what’s your name, darling? agent
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legendiism · 6 years
Stan Lee will be missed.
May peace be upon him.
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legendiism · 6 years
for real tho. someone halp..
How to start Grad school applications:
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legendiism · 6 years
Hey so friendly reminder about voting and elections that I haven’t seen going around yet but is SUPER IMPORTANT.
Watch what you wear and say while you’re waiting in line for the voting booth/at the polls. It is against federal law to do anything that might be considered campaigning once you’re there, and since we know that voter suppression is the name of the game this election, there will be people looking for ANY reason to remove you from the polling place. And they will nitpick. You have a shirt with a artistic picture of donkey on it? You’re visibly supporting the Democrats, you’re disqualified from voting. Want to wear a Black Lives Matter shirt? Not there you don’t. They’ll call it intimidation and kick you out. Pins, buttons, stickers, none of it. Wear the most bland, plain clothes you can imagine. 
And then keep your mouth shut. Even the slightest hint of discussion about which candidate you’re voting for can get used against you. Don’t assume the people around you are safe to discuss it with. You might be overheard. There WILL people watching for these things, hoping to get rid of anyone they can. Voter suppression isn’t just about making registration impossible. It happens at the polling stations too. Be smart, be bland, be quiet, and make sure your vote gets in. 
Also- and I have seen this mentioned but it bears repeating- DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR BALLOT. EVER. It’ll also disqualify your vote. Take a selfie when you’re out of their with your fun little sticker. 
71K notes · View notes
legendiism · 6 years
Hey so friendly reminder about voting and elections that I haven’t seen going around yet but is SUPER IMPORTANT.
Watch what you wear and say while you’re waiting in line for the voting booth/at the polls. It is against federal law to do anything that might be considered campaigning once you’re there, and since we know that voter suppression is the name of the game this election, there will be people looking for ANY reason to remove you from the polling place. And they will nitpick. You have a shirt with a artistic picture of donkey on it? You’re visibly supporting the Democrats, you’re disqualified from voting. Want to wear a Black Lives Matter shirt? Not there you don’t. They’ll call it intimidation and kick you out. Pins, buttons, stickers, none of it. Wear the most bland, plain clothes you can imagine. 
And then keep your mouth shut. Even the slightest hint of discussion about which candidate you’re voting for can get used against you. Don’t assume the people around you are safe to discuss it with. You might be overheard. There WILL people watching for these things, hoping to get rid of anyone they can. Voter suppression isn’t just about making registration impossible. It happens at the polling stations too. Be smart, be bland, be quiet, and make sure your vote gets in. 
Also- and I have seen this mentioned but it bears repeating- DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR BALLOT. EVER. It’ll also disqualify your vote. Take a selfie when you’re out of their with your fun little sticker. 
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