leiathesleia · 6 years
*crawls out of my hole*
Hey. So I realized today is Leia's Birthday! She misses you guys and hopes you are doing well!
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leiathesleia · 6 years
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leiathesleia · 6 years
My friends and I made a Tales of Discord server! Feel free to join :)
what’s up y’all
so my friends and i wanted to make and foster a community focused on the Tales of series of games, so we created this discord server just for that! we have lots of stuff to offer like:
+cool mods
+fun bots
+channels for game discussion
+and other things
i’m sorry i don’t know how to hype things up but if you’re looking for a fun, kind, friendly, and meme-filled tales of discord community, consider joining us.
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leiathesleia · 7 years
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Man I've been away here for awhile. I'm sorry I haven't been around. I just recently lost my job out of nowhere so I'm probably not going to be back anytime soon. I do get on every now and then to read what people have been up to and I want to keep doing that. Just consider this a hiatus for now. Love you all and miss you.
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leiathesleia · 7 years
Which Major Arcana are you?
The Fool
"The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. It is the void from which all other things begin" Your personality is shaped by the people's actions and decisions. You are a jack of all trades having a wide potential depending on how you choose to live your life. Easily influenced by others. Be careful how you choose to live your life and of the people you choose to be with. Your life holds a network of infinite possibilities because of your natural talent and skills in all aspects of life.
Tagged by: @ufemew-wexub
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leiathesleia · 7 years
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「 ⚕  ❝ Does a cake sound alright? Or maybe we should make something a bit healthier. ❞
She asked as she flipped through a cookbook. There was a dessert one beside her, but she wondered if they should really make dessert this early. Perhaps some chicken or beef curry would be more suitable. 
❝ Do you eat meat? ❞ 」
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Leia bounced excitedly. “Oh a cake sounds perfect!” She was always up for some sweets. She pondered Cheria’s question. “Well, what if we whip ourselves up a cake, and then while it’s baking, we can make dinner! Then we can have the cake for dessert!” Leia grabbed the dessert cookbook and turned to a page. “How about this one?” she said pointing to a pink cake decorated with strawberries. Leia loved adding fruit to her food. “And heck yeah! I like meat! Especially chicken!”
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leiathesleia · 7 years
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Leia wrapped her puffball decorated sleeves around Plum. “Hey Plum! It’s been awhile! How are you doing on this beautiful day?” Leia was happy to see her friend in such good spirits.
[ @leiathesleia ]
Feeling a sudden hug from behind got the elympion to wonder who it was at first before looking to the sleeves, easily knowing who they belong to. A bright smile soon showing on his face he spoke up.
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“Leia!! How have you been??”
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leiathesleia · 7 years
Coffee: but reversed ;)
Coffee: My character will be hyped up on coffee and pester yours  (reversed)
She had been warned. Erston warned her first. Alvin and Jude then warned her. Elize just said ‘good luck’ and Elle wanted to tag along. All she did was take Leia out for a cup of coffee. What she didn’t know were the four cups the teen had earlier, PLUS being hyper normally. 
“Emily come on! Let’s go, I got a scoop that’ll really impress my editor.” Emily groaned a bit as she continued to walk around with the teen, trying to wind her down. Keywords; trying. She stopped by the job board as Leia started to pester her a bit more. She found a simple job that should help wind the teen down.
“Hey Leia, why don’t we go on a job really quick and then maybe you can make a story from it?” She pondered to the teen, even though she knew from the editor that she needed real stories. Erston barred her from following him on business ventures completely so, she had to figure something out.
“That sounds great!” She pumped her fist into the air as she was still hyped. Emily shook her head slightly. Still, a few stray, and traitorious solider’s with monsters at their beck and call should help Leia. Maybe figure out why these people do what they do.
After the job is done, the proper authorities came out to arrest the people. Emily was talking to the one in charge while Leia was talking to the ex-soldiers. Once the teen had what she needed to scribble down, she went right back to Emily. 
“Come on! I need to get this in! COME ON COME ON.” Leia pulled at Emily’s arm. Emily made a face that told the officer all he needed to know. He told her to go ahead and go home while they cleaned up everything. 
Once back at Emily’s apartment, Leia kept going on about everything. How she should sound in the article, how it should be written to be turned in, when it should be edited. Everything was driving Emily up the wall. When Erston finally came home, he saw how wound the teen was and had a horrible feeling.
“Gaius there you are!” Yup. 
“Leia, quit calling me that, you know I’m nothing like him.” He grumbled as he watched his roommate roll her eyes.
“Oh come on! You two are so much alike!” Leia chuckled as she tried to cover her hiccup. 
“Why don’t you go lay down for a few?” Erston tried to coax Leia into Emily’s room. Leia fussed but when she was told she could use Emily’s room to brainstorm for her article. For about thirty minutes, as Emily started to breathe and start to cook dinner, they listened to Leia go on and on about the Elympios traitors and how they wanted to cause chaos. 
At one point the noise from the room went quiet. The dark haired man stood from the table and went to check on the teen. He smirked a bit when he saw her passed out on Emily’s bed.
“Good thing we tend to sleep in the same room anymore.” He commented as he closed the door quietly. Emily sighed in relief. 
“Well, so long as she eats, she can stay the night if need be.” 
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leiathesleia · 7 years
Someone's been working too hard lately. That whole journalist business keeps her occupied, Alvin knows this, but that doesn't mean he's just going to let it slide on Valentine's Day of all days. When Leia gets to her office, she'll find that a certain someone has left her a heart-decorated card enclosing a train ticket and the time for a dinner reservation in Drellin.
Work had been hectic. There were so many articles she needed to write and all her thoughts were swirling around in her head. Leia stumbled into the office, mostly due to lack of sleep, and plopped herself down in her chair. Her heavily lidded eyes caught sight of something pink and red on her desk. Suddenly awake, she reached for the card and opened it. A soft smile grew on her face as she pulled out her GHS. How could she forget about Valentine’s Day!? She typed up a quick message along with one of her famous emoticons, flipped it shut, and began working with the motivation she had just been given.
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[text] “See you at 6! ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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leiathesleia · 7 years
Pass the happy along! 💛 when you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and then send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! :-)
Awwww, thank you! Sorry this is so late! You make me happy too!
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leiathesleia · 7 years
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“Wonder what I’ll do with all this candy….” He’s looking for the chocolate truffles.
*you can hear running in the distance*
Suddenly a young reporter is spotted dashing towards Plum.
she looks at him eagerly*
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leiathesleia · 7 years
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(⊃ ♡⌂♡)⊃ Commission for @cheeseheiress!  ⊂(♡⌂♡ ⊂)
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leiathesleia · 7 years
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Maxwell in the Streets
Originally started working on this in 2015. Need more sisterly art of these two. Milla Maxwell and Muzét from Tales of Xillia and Xillia 2. Lineart done in SAI, colors and effects done in Adobe Photoshop 7.
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leiathesleia · 7 years
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Tales of Link gifs set - Alvin (God Eater)
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leiathesleia · 7 years
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Jude x Milla shading practice. Something I did a while back to try different techniques.
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leiathesleia · 7 years
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Rough doodle of Leia making Alvin carry her.
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leiathesleia · 7 years
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Didn't make it on tonight because my hair appointment lasted 4 and a half hours! But hello purple!
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