leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
The vanishing.
This is an autobiography.
Depression is a very tough disease. It is tougher when people around you don’t believe it’s a disease though.
The idea behind this project is to try and explain abstractly and figuratively what one goes through when they’re depressed. What the body, mind and heart go through. I can never fully cover it all in one project, but this is my start. 
I chose myself as a subject, with the help of assistants to take the photographs. I directed every scene, and I edited myself to deliver my own vision.
The main present color is blue, where it represents calmness, sadness and autism. It is found in most of the pictures. The photos are mostly dark because with depression, comes darkness, comes the bulging eyes from all the tears. With depression comes the dead body that wants to sleep but is insomniac. With depression comes loneliness and endless waiting. With depression though, comes light. With depression, comes the light at the end of the tunnel.
A personal project, where every photograph is like a painting for me. A project where I am the artist, and the canvas.
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1. Insomnia 
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2. Loneliness 
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3. Bulging eyes
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4. Light at the end of the tunnel 
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5. Light, surround
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
The vanishing
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1. Pain 
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2. Exhaustion 
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3. Loneliness 
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4. Vanishing
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5. She’s here.
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6. Hopeful
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
The human body project
Here is the link to my proposal PDF. 
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
Visual research
Where I get my inspiration:
Devansh Atray: https://www.instagram.com/devanshatray/
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Isaac Gautschi: http://www.isaacgautschi.com/ 
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Nathan Head: https://www.instagram.com/nathan.head/
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Daria Kobayashi Ritch: http://www.dkrphotography.com/
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Roy’s People: http://www.royspeople.com/
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
Photo recreations
Here is John Malkovich, for a project of photo recreations by American Photographer Sandro Miller.  The project recreated some of the most iconic photographs, with John Malkovich being the main model. 
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
A3 reflection
Why are people afraid of giving their stories away? Why are people scared of being photographed, recorded? What did this country do to them, how much hurt and pain did it cause for them to not be able to pose for an innocent picture? 
These were my thoughts standing in Moez street. I faced difficulty trying to get this assignment done. It was hard to convince them I’m a student, not a reporter trying to bring them down, nor do I work with the government. 
What is this insatiable fear we live in? 
Some of the people I’ve met this day were the most kind-hearted. The way they also deal with each other is very cozy, it’s like Moez street is one big apartment, and they all live together. The love between them is something that we don’t find nowadays in our modern world. It reminds you of old Egypt. 
When it comes to the technical part, it was a very pressuring assignment because I didn’t have the luxury to really set up my camera’s settings perfectly, the people were already hesitant to get photographed, so I didn’t have much time. 
I feel as though people don’t talk as much as they used to before. I feel the pain throughout their stories, the fear, the effort they put every day selling their accessories and fruits. These people suffer on a daily basis, trying to provide the basic Maslow needs for themselves and their families. 
Yet, they were very friendly and open to me (before I had a camera pointed at their face). Even though they may feel heartbroken and tired on the inside, they still try, they still smile, they still exert effort. 
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
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My name is Amar. I am Sudanese. I came to Egypt through the UN program. I hate it here. I am always scared. I was once taken into custody for two days, for no apparent reason. I just do Henna. I don’t break the law, I never get involved in politics. It’s like my mere presence in this country just bothers them. 
I don’t have anyone here. I want to be transferred. I am not happy. 
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Best day of my life? I don’t think I have one. 
What can I tell you? No one’s happy. It’s just the way it is. 
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
Humans of Moez (Buffers)
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This is our first day hanging out together as a group. We’re very happy to be here in Moez because we have fun together. We fight a lot but we always reconcile right away. 
We go around taking pictures with our camera. We also make Tik Tok videos. One of us has around 1000 followers on the app. Today we’re going to the new bridge, Rod el Farag. We never saw it so we’re excited. We’re gonna film some footage there. 
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My only wish is to own a house. I want my kids to have a better life than mine. I want them to get a good education. I want to have stability. I don’t want to my family to get evicted every now and then from an apartment. They live in Fayoum, and I come to Cairo every week to work. I sell Pita bread. Of course it’s not enough, but I try, I try for them. 
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
Humans of Moez
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My name is Mahmoud. I’m 23 years old. I’ve been working in this restaurant for a couple of months now, it pays the bills. I never went to school, or got proper education. I can’t really read or write anything in Arabic. 
My dream is to get out of the country. A friend of mine lives in Canada, so I decided to give it a go. I don’t have family or friends here worth staying for. My friend is helping me with the paperwork. 
Yet, In order for me to go though, I needed to speak their language. I decided two months ago to start taking English courses. A church nearby the area offers classes, and they teach us the genuine American accent. I passed level 1. 
I can read and write in English. But I can’t in Arabic.
I can’t wait to travel.
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
Reflection A2
This is one of the best assignments I ever had to do for uni. It was hard to try to find shots that are not cliche, and at the same time follow the instructions. 
I believe though that it is a very enriching exercise to the eye, as it is an organ that has muscles that need to be exposed to different things all the time. The eye is a part of the sensory nervous system, which is connected to the brain in areas involving sensory perception. I believe that the more the eye gets exposed to, (Colors, different sceneries, different point of views...) the more the brain starts to process things differently and starts to get out of the box. From then, the eye starts to see things differently.
This is the same for painting/drawing. The eye needs to get exercised to look at details, to be sharper, smarter.
When I was working on this assignment, I would catch myself always looking at different things while driving for example, trying to see what scenery would fit the pictures i’m looking for. It’s like my eye was wired to look for shots even when I wasn’t holding the camera, something in my subconscious.
I really enjoyed this assignment, as it made me get in touch with the little mini artist inside of me, yet I believe I still need more practice with the camera, I have high hopes that as the time goes by, I produce better work. 
Sometimes, I actually wish eyes could capture certain moments because some candid moments in life happen so fast and it’s never easy to catch them with a camera. 
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
Assignment 2
1. Shape
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2. Point of View, Title: “CAR”
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3. Texture
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4. Light direction, Title: “Assassin” 
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5. Light movement
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6. Color, title: “cells” 
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7. Rule of thirds, title: “SCORE”
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8. Color + B&W, Title: “escape”
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9. Frame in a frame, title: “The soul”
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10. Unique vision 
Title: “Eyes”
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title: “TV”
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Title: “Fighter” 
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
Reflection A1
For this assignment, I honestly struggled a lot to get the pictures with the correct exposure.
I was expecting it to be WAY easier than what in reality turned out to be. It was my first time handling a camera on manual mode, and also my first time using a manual focus. This made it even harder but I felt that as the hours got by, and I was redoing some of the pictures a few times, I was starting to get the hang of it.
This proves that practice makes perfect.
Aside from the difficulties I faced, at the end I was actually proud of the work I produced, and I cant wait to get my hands on the camera one more time.
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
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Picture 7: same frame, different focal lengths
1/125 shutter speed with f5.6 for all pictures.
15 mm
35 mm
50 mm
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
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Picture 6: same object in shade and light
Shade: 1/125 with f6.3
Light: 1/1000 with f5.6
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
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Picture 5: same object different perspectives
Level: 1/125 with f5.6
Below: 1/60 with f5.6
Above: 1/80 with 5.6
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
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Picture 4: movement
1/30 shutter speed with f11
1/250 shutter speed with f4
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leilahelhanbaly · 5 years
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Picture 3: blurry background vs non blurry
Aperture f4 with shutter speed 1/250
Aperture f16 with shutter speed 1/15
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