lelunasims · 4 years
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kitty on a counter to take a break from my extremely long captions/storylines
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lelunasims · 4 years
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Karter Blanco, the 7th blanco heir!
Being a twin wasn't ever difficult for Karter- His brother Blaine, was his best friend. While his brother was overly talkative, ridiculously fit, seen flirting with just about anything that breathes and is the pure opposite of himself, Karter figured it was perfect that way. 
He figured it was okay when Blaine asked him for homework answers again and again, after coming home past the curfew, hair all messed up and cheeks flushed. He figured it was okay when Blaine came home with their neighbour, Camilla and announced they were dating. He figured it was okay when Camilla introduced him to Ariana. A quick-witted, curly-haired bookworm.
Ariana was brilliant, and their personality clicked together effortlessly. While their friendship blossomed and so did hidden feelings for each other. 
Karter tried his hardest to rid himself of the feelings he had for her, studying too late into the night, learning new skills (ones that are helpful when it comes to getting into universities) and even getting promoted in the barista career. 
On New Years eve, Blaine dragged his brother to a party- though it wasn’t what he wanted to be doing, Karter compiled and went anyways. The music was too loud and the floors were sticky- but somehow minutes later, Karter had a drink in his hand and Ariana dancing next to him. they shouted over the music to try and hear each other, laughing at how ridiculous it all was. The night turned from stressful to enjoyable- 
towards midnight, Ariana looked worried- when he was about to ask if she was okay, the countdown started. 
“5..4..3..2..1″ before he could say “happy new year!” she grabbed him by the face and kissed him, leaving him shocked and unable to speak for a while.
Fast forward a few weeks, they’re now happily together!
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lelunasims · 4 years
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Meet the eldest Blanco sister- Amelia Wren!
Amelia’s life went from living luxuriously in the mansion-like house of her parents, to a musty apartment in san myshuno with her girlfriend. The two lived there for years, throwing themselves into their careers. Amelia being extremely into the fashion scene in the city (hence moving there), and after a sudden turn of events, her career took off. 
Whereas her partner, Jaqueline, struggled in her field of work- Law. being a jealous sim, Jaqueline became more and more frustrated with herself and would accidentally lash out at poor Amelia. there were many fights, but it was soon overruled by the Amelia announcing she was pregnant.
With hardly enough simeloens to get through the week, the girls moved in with Jaqueline’s mother, who was now an elder and needed to be taken care of. Soon after, the twins were born, Blaine and Karter Blanco-  and they could have not have been anymore opposite. 
They had a relatively “normal” childhood, it wasn’t until they became teenagers, and their mom’s divorced were they thrown for a loop. Blaine discovered his love for fitness and became slightly addicted to the basketball hoop in their driveway. While Karter always knew he wanted to go to university, though he didn’t care what he studied- he was and still is, a genius. 
Amelia did very well with career and was never super strict with her boys though she was still troubled with the thought of, her now ex-wife. 
it wasn’t supposed to end that way... right? 
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lelunasims · 4 years
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Britechester is just *chef’s kiss*
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lelunasims · 4 years
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Ryan Harper graduated with a degree in Economics from Foxbury! (where she met her bae) Currently, she’s the only blanco to, y’know, not drop out... oops
since she wasn’t the “heir” I never took too much interest in her- Nora, her twin sister, moved out and married rich very quickly after becoming a young adult. Leaving Ryan to try and figure out what she was going to do with her life.
Around the same time, Discover University came out and so she applied and got in! 
but also around that time, my laptop (My Mac is great for many things, but HATES video games), crashed my game. over and over. so I took a 4 month break and then realize it was an outdated mode that ruined it.
Moral of the story- I fixed it, she graduated and is now married to her best friend and they have a cat who’s named Squeegee and a black lab named Bean. they’d rather be pet parents than parent parents.
She’s a super important investor and has a simple home in Brindleton Bay.
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lelunasims · 4 years
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a quick appreciation post to everyone’s favourite parents-
 Piper Blanco (gen 5) and Evan Blair :-) 
even though they’re old and smelly- they’re still very much in love... I mean c’mon, look at them!
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lelunasims · 4 years
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hi there! lelunasims here,
I’m a brand new simblr, but not necessarily a new simmer! I’ve been playing the sims 4 for about 2 years now and have always wanted to start a Tumblr dedicated to my sims gameplay- which is jam-packed full of messy story lines and drama
I’ve always been a fan legacies and have 2 ongoing ones. The two main families most likely shown on this blog- The Blanco family ( 6 generations) and the Wellworth family (3 gens, coming-on 4).
(The sim giving the side eye in the photo above is probably close to one of my favourite sims to date, Sawyer Mae Blanco :-) it seemed fitting to make her my first post.)
Sawyer’s “hobbies” include… pouting, running away to sulani to try and get rid of her problems, getting pregnant thrice with the same relatively annoying baby daddy, accidentally leading on her best friend and somehow accumulating half a million followers on her social media accounts…
she also has 3 other sisters, who all have their own lives and story lines- so keep a heads up because they’ll also be popping onto this blog. I really hope you stick around, I’m not really sure what I’m doing quite yet or if I’m doing this right and if any successful simblr’s out there wanna role into my DM’s and give me a few tips- that would insanely appreciated! have a great day, thanks for taking time to read this!! -Lelunasims :-)
p.s if you’d like to share this and help me out that would be flipping fantastic.
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