lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
Hey just fyi, I am officially switching blogs to @jaztice! If you want to keep seeing my nonsense then follow me there. I’m not gonna delete this blog or anything, but I am lowkey abandoning it. But it’s still me. So no fear. Love y’all ❤️
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
thinking about hardison's nana and the fbi. they show up, she invites them in for tea and skillfully dodges their questions. plays up the flustered old lady act and they leave with cookies but no answers.
she raised two high-level hackers, she's definitely on some kind of invented-just-for-her watchlist. they track her internet activity but she posts "how to google" on facebook and nobody's sure if it's real or not (including hardison)
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
6 November -
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I'm so sorry
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
“gender envy” this “gender envy” that,,, sir that man is a senior citizen
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
remember that catfish episode where she catfished her cousin bc he called her a fat ass kelly price 3 years ago
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
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why do all the words sound heavier in my native language?
—  @metamorphesque, Yoojin Grace Wuertz (Mother Tongue), Still Dancing: An Interview With Ilya Kaminsky (by Garth Greenwell), Jhumpa Lahiri (Translating Myself and Others), @lifeinpoetry
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
i want a typical Con Artist Movie where the protagonist sets out to create your standard pyramid scheme, but they have adhd and out of pure boredom end up redesigning the generic tupperware/vitamin supplements/essential oils etc they were originally selling. by complete accident they end up inventing useful products and a legitimate business model, while skillfully evading the Federal Trade Commission--by sneakily obeying all laws and regulations. the entire narrative is told in the style of a heist film
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
My dad was dealing with some mixed feelings so I told him "In therapy when something is too complicated to do a simple 'pro and contra list' we sometimes do an excercise where you imagine all these mixed feelings around a table in some kind of conference, letting each tell their bit and you leading the debate."
and my dad didn't really respond and just stared ahead so I kept preparing lunch. Until a few minutes later when he suddenly piped up: "I am having a bad time at the conference"
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
Remember when Rush Limbaugh said Natives were to blame for white men dying from lung cancer because of tobacco, so on behalf of all Natives, WE GOT HIM!
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
I think it'd be really funny if you could be honest when applying for jobs though. Like hi I'm so fucking autistic. I hate standing up for long periods of time and I don't work well in groups. I resent your establishment and all it stands for but I need money to live. Hire me please god hire me I can't keep living with my parents. Because I'm transgender. Okay fuck you email me back. God bless
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
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Liking this new phase in the twitterpocalypse
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
playing spot the newcomer is easy because they’re the mfs who censor everything
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
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annoying disability tropes in media
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lemonmintcoughdrops · 2 years
If Batman and Spider-Man switched rogues galleries none of their villains would last more than ten minutes against the new enemy
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