lenawritesjojos · 3 years
hey um so I've been receiving some requests lately and I just wanted to point out that:
1. I have been inactive for months due to personal reasons
2. my bio says requests are closed
sorry. I don't know when I'll be back, since right now I'm having a ton of rl problems, but I'll make sure to keep you updated from time to time
thank you
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
OMG OMG OMG !!!! I'm asexual, and I just saw you did a Jotaro / Josuke x asexuel reader and OMG THANK YOU !!!!!! I never saw something like this ans I'm SO HAPPY RN !!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you, you really made my day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I’m asexual too!! I’ve been thinking of writing more asexual fics because there aren’t many in fandom in general, so I’m glad you liked it!! Honestly can relate so hard, thank you ❤️❤️❤️
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
Come down today and try some corn
but i dont even like corn :(
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
guess who
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
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reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
AHDISJDJS THANK YOU!! i only had a wish and it already came true ❤❤
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
Can we get all the main part 5 boy's morning routine (like what time they go to sleep and wake up, how they get ready, what they do in the morning, their fav breakfast, etc)? 💛💗💚💜
Hello! This is purely based on my own personal headcanons, and anyone is welcome to discuss them with me! Also please correct me if there’s anything wrong.
I think this is a great request! Thank you for asking 💗 The rest are all under the cut!
The morning routine of the Bucci Gang
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Bruno Bucciarati is not a morning person, but he wakes up early anyways, because he has to. He is usually quite sleepy in the mornings, since he probably goes to sleep late -- in fact, I think Bruno would go to sleep once he’s sure everyone is already in their rooms, just so he knows they’re safe -- and he doesn’t do his hair until after breakfast.
His morning routine is quite simple: he washes his face, then has a simple breakfast with coffee and toast (blueberry marmalade may be a personal favorite of his), and then he does his hair, braiding it at the top and attaching the golden clips he always wears. After that, Bruno works all morning.
Leone Abbacchio is a morning person, contrary to popular belief. This has to do with both his training back at the police academy and his desire to get his life together, so he usually makes sure to get at least six hours of sleep. He usually showers first thing in the morning and does his makeup as to not be made fun of by the other members of the gang.
He usually has breakfast with Bruno, sipping one black coffee and usually with nothing to eat, and they both spend some time sitting quietly while the younger gang members sleep. From then on, the rest of the morning is spent doing missions and mostly anything Bruno asks of him, as well as keeping an eye on the others.
Guido Mista is a morning person depending on the day. Sometimes, he wakes up refreshed and likes to go for a walk in the early morning sun before breakfast, and other times he sleeps until noon. The fact that he oftentimes stays up late watching some trashy TV program may have something to do with it.
Showering isn’t usually on the list for his morning routine, but Mista likes to wash his face at least. He doesn’t comb his hair, since no one’s going to see it under the hat, and he isn’t picky about breakfast food: anything lying around the kitchen will do. Cold pizza is a win on hungover mornings. Mista is also slower to do things on the morning, so missions are usually left for the afternoons and evenings.
Narancia Ghirga isn’t a morning person at all. He goes to sleep late and wakes up as late as he can, complaining about Abbacchio’s hairs in the shower drain and Mista’s water spill on the bathroom floor. In the rare case that he’s assigned an early morning mission, he will do it quickly and then collapse for the rest of the day.
For breakfast, Narancia likes cereal, and often nags at whoever is in charge of groceries so they buy a different brand each time -- he wants to try them all. Milk and orange juice are a must, too, and he always eats breakfast, even if it’s almost lunchtime.
Pannacotta Fugo wakes up early, but stays in his room for a couple hours before deciding to go get ready for the day. He likes to read in the morning, when everything is quieter around the house, and usually goes to sleep early to feel refreshed the next morning.
His morning routine includes a shower every other day, and he likes to comb his hair carefully before having breakfast. Fugo likes to eat breakfast alone, either reading the paper or a book, and the food is usually toast and fruit, with a cup of tea. After that, his mornings are spent working on whatever Bruno needs him to do.
Giorno Giovanna is a morning person too, but not as much as Abbacchio, so he gets to hog the bathroom for as long as he likes without any confrontation. He goes to sleep whenever he’s tired and sometimes goes on walks with Mista if he catches him; he likes hearing Mista talk about whatever is on his mind as they enjoy the morning calm.
He usually takes a long time braiding his hair and getting it to look as perfect as it always does, showering most days and using all kinds of special products to take care of his skin and hair. Breakfast is simple and quiet: a fresh bagel from the nearby bakery and some orange juice, as well as some fruit if he’s up to it. 
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
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dam… who is He
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
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DIO loves cars and I love DIO (and lestat from interview with the vampire)
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
Can we get all the main part 5 boy's morning routine (like what time they go to sleep and wake up, how they get ready, what they do in the morning, their fav breakfast, etc)? 💛💗💚💜
Hello! This is purely based on my own personal headcanons, and anyone is welcome to discuss them with me! Also please correct me if there’s anything wrong.
I think this is a great request! Thank you for asking 💗 The rest are all under the cut!
The morning routine of the Bucci Gang
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Bruno Bucciarati is not a morning person, but he wakes up early anyways, because he has to. He is usually quite sleepy in the mornings, since he probably goes to sleep late -- in fact, I think Bruno would go to sleep once he’s sure everyone is already in their rooms, just so he knows they’re safe -- and he doesn’t do his hair until after breakfast.
His morning routine is quite simple: he washes his face, then has a simple breakfast with coffee and toast (blueberry marmalade may be a personal favorite of his), and then he does his hair, braiding it at the top and attaching the golden clips he always wears. After that, Bruno works all morning.
Leone Abbacchio is a morning person, contrary to popular belief. This has to do with both his training back at the police academy and his desire to get his life together, so he usually makes sure to get at least six hours of sleep. He usually showers first thing in the morning and does his makeup as to not be made fun of by the other members of the gang.
He usually has breakfast with Bruno, sipping one black coffee and usually with nothing to eat, and they both spend some time sitting quietly while the younger gang members sleep. From then on, the rest of the morning is spent doing missions and mostly anything Bruno asks of him, as well as keeping an eye on the others.
Guido Mista is a morning person depending on the day. Sometimes, he wakes up refreshed and likes to go for a walk in the early morning sun before breakfast, and other times he sleeps until noon. The fact that he oftentimes stays up late watching some trashy TV program may have something to do with it.
Showering isn’t usually on the list for his morning routine, but Mista likes to wash his face at least. He doesn’t comb his hair, since no one’s going to see it under the hat, and he isn’t picky about breakfast food: anything lying around the kitchen will do. Cold pizza is a win on hungover mornings. Mista is also slower to do things on the morning, so missions are usually left for the afternoons and evenings.
Narancia Ghirga isn’t a morning person at all. He goes to sleep late and wakes up as late as he can, complaining about Abbacchio’s hairs in the shower drain and Mista’s water spill on the bathroom floor. In the rare case that he’s assigned an early morning mission, he will do it quickly and then collapse for the rest of the day.
For breakfast, Narancia likes cereal, and often nags at whoever is in charge of groceries so they buy a different brand each time -- he wants to try them all. Milk and orange juice are a must, too, and he always eats breakfast, even if it’s almost lunchtime.
Pannacotta Fugo wakes up early, but stays in his room for a couple hours before deciding to go get ready for the day. He likes to read in the morning, when everything is quieter around the house, and usually goes to sleep early to feel refreshed the next morning.
His morning routine includes a shower every other day, and he likes to comb his hair carefully before having breakfast. Fugo likes to eat breakfast alone, either reading the paper or a book, and the food is usually toast and fruit, with a cup of tea. After that, his mornings are spent working on whatever Bruno needs him to do.
Giorno Giovanna is a morning person too, but not as much as Abbacchio, so he gets to hog the bathroom for as long as he likes without any confrontation. He goes to sleep whenever he’s tired and sometimes goes on walks with Mista if he catches him; he likes hearing Mista talk about whatever is on his mind as they enjoy the morning calm.
He usually takes a long time braiding his hair and getting it to look as perfect as it always does, showering most days and using all kinds of special products to take care of his skin and hair. Breakfast is simple and quiet: a fresh bagel from the nearby bakery and some orange juice, as well as some fruit if he’s up to it. 
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
Hi! I don't have a request or anything but I just want to say that I'm so glad that you're back! I hope that you're doing better than before. If you haven't, remember that things will be alright yea? I rlly love your writing, keep it up!
Hello!! Thank you so much, I’m very happy to be back too! I’m actually doing a bit better, and writing here again is refreshing :) Again thank you, you made my day! I hope you’re alright too!
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
Hey hey! Could you do something with P2 Joseph catching reader staring at him as he works out and then shows off/teases them to get them all flustered? 😍
Staring contest
Pairing: Part 2 Joseph x Reader
Word count: 458
You were bouncing your legs, sitting on the edge of Joseph’s bed as he did some sit-ups on the floor of his room, counting under his breath. The two of you had been friends for quite a long time, so you had grown used to the domesticity of just waltzing into his apartment and watching him do mundane tasks - sometimes, you too did them, like studying or cooking.
“Don’t you have anything better to do?” He asked you suddenly, eyeing your relaxed form on the bed. You shrugged.
“Nah, I’m cool.”
“Alright.” Joseph smirked in that special way of his that made you both melt internally and fear for your life at the same time.
He didn’t seem to have any mischief in mind at the moment, though, since he simply finished his sit-ups and started with some push-ups. You watched quietly, trying hard to contain the blush that was starting to creep up your neck as you stared at his biceps.
That Joseph Joestar was fit was not a secret to anyone, his towering height and intimidating muscles being always the first thing to be noticed about him. It had never particularly bothered you, until recently, when you had caught yourself staring at him more and more, and maybe developing a tiny crush on the goofy man.
“Like what you see?”
His voice pulled you from your thoughts, a teasing edge to it that didn’t go unnoticed. You gulped almost imperceptibly and tried your best to put on a poker face.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You arched one eyebrow, hoping to ace the impassible look.
Of course, you failed catastrophically.
Joseph’s teasing grin grew wide.
"Oh, I don't know." He replied, then stood up, taking a dumbbell and starting to flex his right arm exaggeratedly.
Your eyes followed the movement as you felt suddenly very hot. It didn't get any better when Joseph took off his tank top and stood there in all his shirtless glory, staring right at you in the eye as he kept flexing his arm.
"Uh, uhm..." You tried to say something, anything, to gain the upper ground, but it was useless. The words were stuck in your throat and you were pinned to the spot by his intense gaze.
“What?” He smirked, knowing full well what happened. You blushed profusely, your cheeks hot as Joseph stepped closer and showed off both his arms, doing a pose that in some other moment could have been funny, if not for the way you were completely flustered.
“I’m leaving.” You finally said, but Joseph was quick to grab your arm and push you towards him, smiling down at you infuriatingly.
“Are you, though?”
You gulped. It was going to be a long evening.
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
so what if I was back... haha just kidding... UNLESS👀
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
Taking a break
Hey everyone! I’m sure this won’t come as a surprise since I’ve been inactive for a few days now, but I wanted to say it anyways. Between the virus, my country’s situation and my general mental health, I’ve realized that I can’t keep up with this blog until things get a little bit better.
I’m sorry for everyone that sent requests, but I’m just not in the right mindset to do this right now - same goes for my fanfics in AO3. I hope things stabilize soon and I can write again, but until then, this blog will be taking a break.
Stay safe and healthy, and thank you for all your support <3
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
If you don’t mind answering my question how do you find out that you have corona virus and how does it feel like?
well it has many different symptoms (for example, my mum only lost her senses of taste and smell while my uncle had to be hospitalized), in my case i had a huge headache and then a fever out of the blue
also, they're doing massive tests in my country, so it's "easy" to find out whether you have it or not
personally, it feels like any other virus - i had mononucleosis several years ago and it's kinda the same lol
i hope this answers your question!!
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
well turns out i have coronavirus
I'm a bit mad at myself for not writing in two whole days but I'm having a health issue so I hope you don't mind :( I'll try to get back on track with requests tomorrow!
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
oookay so my health is actually worse and I can't look at screens for more than 5 minutes without having a huge ass headache so I won't be writing stuff these days probably. I'm sorry everyone :(
I'm a bit mad at myself for not writing in two whole days but I'm having a health issue so I hope you don't mind :( I'll try to get back on track with requests tomorrow!
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