lennonsteele · 2 years
↪   𝚂𝙴𝙽𝙳  “ ♫ ”  𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 𝟹 - 𝟻 𝚂𝙾𝙽𝙶𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝙸 𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙾𝙲𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷 𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴𝚂 ,      *   bonus points if receiver specifies lyrics !
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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drinking  wasn’t  a  usual  habit  of  oliver’s  ,  especially  not  on  a  weekday  .  he  wanted  to  be  in  the  studio  right  now  ,  strumming  against  his  guitar  ,  fucking  with  piano  keys  ,  scribbling   lyrics  on  scratch  paper  .  yet  here  he  was  .  maybe  it  was  one  of  those  days  that  he  was  feeling  sorry  for  himself  .  as  rare  as  those  days  were  .  a  beer  was  being  brought  up  to  his  lips  when  he  heard  a  woman's  voice  .  “  like  one  of  what  ?  sorry  ,  was  i  meant  to  be  listening  to  your  request ?”
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Letting her eyebrows shoot up she couldn’t help but let out a breathless laugh, “It wasn’t a request. It was an offer, but never mind” Gigi said rolling her eyes. The girl leaned back in her seat and continued to sip on her own martini, no longer making eye contact with the male. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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scout  was  no  stranger  to  bar  crawling  for  the  hell  of  it  on  a  tuesday  night.  she  appreciated  the  lack  of  creepy  men  at  this  one,  so  there  she  sat.  sharp - winged  eyeliner  lined  eyes  looked  to  her  side,  the  source  of  the  voice  making  her  grin. “ of  fuckin’  course  i  do;  you  know  who  you’re  talkin’  to ? ”  she  scoffed  good - naturedly. 
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“Oh trust me. I know exactly who I’m talking to” she said with a laugh. “Not sure if that is the best idea to offer you a drink, but I’m bored so maybe it could add some fun” she joked as she shot the other a wink. “Have you been out and about tonight?” she asked. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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the impulsive part of isadora’s brain (which was the majority of it) wanted to say if you’re offering to foot the bill then sure. but she remembered that she wasn’t a struggling actress anymore. she didn’t have to charm her way to free drinks. money wasn’t a problem but either drinks were free or she easily afford them. instead she replied with,  "i’m nowhere near classy enough for a martini.“ her lips curved into a bright smile. “i’m more of a cosmo or purple rain type of girl. I think if you’re going to burn your insides with booze it might as well be a pretty color.”
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Nodding along with her statement, “I guess that makes a whole lot of sense” she said as she came to the realization. “Two cosmos please” she said to the bartender. Looking back over at the dark haired girl, “So what is your normal goto drink then?” she asked her leaning back in her chair a bit. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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𝐹𝐼𝑁𝐼𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑁𝐺  𝑂𝐹𝐹  the  last  sip  of  her  french  martini  ,  she  gave  the  other  a  bright  smile  .  “  i  would  love  nothing  more  ,  “  her  eyes  moving  toward  the  bartender  ,  “  EXTRA  dirty  please  ,  doll  ,  with  blue  cheese  olives  if  you  have  them  ,  “  finishing  of  her  order  with  a  playful  wink  .  “  whats  the  occasion  ?  “  she  asked  ,  with  her  attention  back  on  the  familiar  face  .  it  was  IRONIC  given  ,  she  herself  had  only  walked  into  the  bar  based  off  of  sheer  boredom  with  her  day  .
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Gigi gave the bartender a smile as he went on his way to make the blondes drink, “No occasion, I’ve just had a long day and was in the mood for some olives” she shrugged. Taking a sip of her drink, “What about you? Come to this bar for a reason?” she asked. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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“  remind  me  to  talk  to  him  about  that  ..  ”  runs  digits  through  slept  in  locks  as  he  rummages  through  the  fridge  after  her  .  banks  fell  asleep  wasted  ,  figures  he  might  as  well  continue  the  party  ,  "  fuck  it  ,  what  are  we  drinking  to  ?  "
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Flipping her hair behind her back, “Oh come on, what if you tell him to not let me in, and then you need me because something happened and I can’t get up here to help you! You are setting yourself up for failure my friend” she explained in a drawn out way. Genevieve couldn’t help but give the boy a quick up and down look. “Well, I just got an amazing campaign, and I just wanted some champagne” she smiled. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
Astrid had found herself practically staring down the liquors behind the bar. It sucked not being able to drink out in public. It’s not like she had ever taken a vow of soberness, quite the opposite actually, but she had to play pretend. To outsiders, Astrid Morrow was now a sober girl focusing solely on her career. What a joke that was. She could be talented and piss drunk if she wanted! That’s what makeup artists were for. “Nope, I’m as sober as a judge now, remember?” She let out a sigh and picked up the coke in front of her, sipping on that instead. If she closed her eyes, she could almost pretend like she could taste a hint of alcohol. “Came here with some friends who…” she turned to look around, finding that said friends had wandered off elsewhere. “Ran off elsewhere.” Typical. 
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Genevieve was very close to Astrid, but her sobriety still confused her. Mainly how she could control herself so well in front of others in public. Giving her friend a nod, “I know I know. It was a test” she winked. Looking around with the girl she didn’t see anyone else around them barely, “Well, glad you are here! Now we can hangout. I feel like I haven’t seen you in a bit!” she exclaimed. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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“  ━ ─  huh  ?  ”  the  girl  muttered  ,  turning  to  give  her  attention  to  the  new  voice  she  heard  next  to  her  .  dark  irises  pleasantly  surprised  ,  “  dirty  martini  ?  yeah  ,  sure  .  hope  some  conversation  comes  with  it  ,  preferably  yours  .  ”
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“Of course! I’d love to speak to someone that isn’t poking my eyeballs out with an eyeshadow brush” she joked. Twiddling her fingers to the bartender asking her another drink, “How was your day?” she asked. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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*    “  y’know  ,  i’m  not  usually  a  fan  of  martinis  ,  but  i  think  i  deserve  a  little  bit  of  gin  after  today  .  ”   jc   slides  gracefully  onto  the  stool  next  to  gen  .   “   thank  you  .  ”   a  charmed  smile  is  tossed  in  the  model’s  direction  ,   “  …  long  day  for  you  too  ?  ”
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Genevieve laughed at the girls answer as she told the bartender another one, “Very much so, I mean I wasn’t saving lives, but how many times can someone redo an eyeshadow style” she said casually with a shrug. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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          a  conversation  with  her  mother  that  leaves  a  bitter  taste  in  her  mouth  and  a  desperate  wish  to  drown  the  sound  of  that  woman’s  voice  .  maybe  why  she  finds  herself  sitting  at  the  bar  ,  brows  furrowed  in  a  small  frown  as  she  tries  to  decide  what  she  wants  to  get  .  a  feminine  voice  pulls  her  out  of  her  thoughts  and  honey  turns  her  head  to  look  at  the  other  ,  a  small  laughter  escaping  plush  brims  .   ❝   i  would  like  more  than  one  ,  actually  .  what  are  you  having  ?  i  wasn’t  paying  attention  .   ❞
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Gigi looked over at the girl giving her a soft smile, “A martini, but if you’d like something else it is on me” she winked. Leaning back in her chair she looked her over, Genevieve thought she was having a rough day, but it seemed the girl beside her had a worse one, “Long day?” she asked sipping her drink. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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                    hunter’s head was still spinning from his last meeting  .  he’d left the office and stumbled into the closest bar  ,  planning to process everything over a  c o l d  beer  .  but now the beer was warm  ,  only half gone and he still couldn’t BELIEVE the number of zero’s on his new brand deal  .  hunter only came out of his haze when he saw the cocktail being handed to the newest addition to the crowd at the bar  .  maybe hard liquor was what he needed  .  he should be celebrating  .  ❝  yes !  ❞  he declared  .  ❝  i do want one  ,  and a round of shots – on me of course  .  ❞
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Genevieve gave him a bit of a nod, “Did you have a long day?” she asked with a small laugh. Pointing to him to the bartender signaling for another round. Turning her chair a bit, “What kind of shots? I literally was trying to come out for one drink” she laughed. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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the  echo  of  a  familiar  voice  amplified  throughout  high  rised  ceilings  ,  serving  as  banks'  personal  alarm  clock  .  tangled  up  in  satin  lined  linens  nursing  a  hangover  from  the  night  prior  ,  he’d  let  out  a  groan  before  coming  to  a  groggy  upright  .  "  who  keeps  letting  you  in  ?  "  
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“Your doorman” she yelled after him. Still searching through his fridge she gave up and grabbed the bottle of champagne sitting in the middle shelf. “He has really taken a liking to me” she continued. Walking around the kitchen like it was hers she grabbed some glasses and started to prepare the bottle, “Come on, I’m making mimosas... minus the orange juice!” saying before the following pop of the bottle.
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lennonsteele · 2 years
Closed Starter | Bank’s House | @banksroll​
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At this point Bank’s doorman knew who she was, so most of the time she just made herself at home and walked in. “Banks!” she yelled out as she walked to his kitchen. Opening the fridge she tapped her finger on the door as she was trying to decide what she was going to drink for the evening. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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Genevieve walked quickly down the street, just trying to get home, right before feeling to others shoulders touch hers. Gigi gave here a quick smile, “No you’re so fine!” she started before hearing her next question quickly, “Umm... which one?” she asked slightly joking, but not really. She felt like everyday it was something else. 
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        as  it  seemed  ,  desirée  cared  more  about  moving  her  thumbs  across  the  screen  of  her  phone  than  paying  attention  to  where  she  was  walking  —  which  turned  out  to  be  her  downfall  as  she  stepped  right  into  another  person’s  way  .  “ shit!  ”  she  exclaimed  ,  stumbling  a  few  steps  back  . “   sorry  , ”  the  apology  came  out  seemingly  harsh  but  one  look  up  at  the  person  had  her  quickly  changing  her  attitude  .  “  i  guess  i  should  really  start  looking  where  i’m  going  .  ”  she  chuckled  ,  giggled  really  . “  oh  my   god  ,  i  was  just  reading  this  article  about  you !  did  you  actually  do  what  they’re  all  saying  ?  ” 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
Open Starter | The Penrose Bar
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It had been too long of a day, shoot after shoot and the girl needed to relax a bit. Walking into the first bar she saw she went straight up to ask for a dirty martini. Nodding to the bartender once he handed it to her she looked at the person sitting beside her, “Would you like one?” she asked them giving a small smile. 
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lennonsteele · 2 years
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The Society (2019—) Created by Christopher Keyser
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