leo-tauren · 4 months
Moon of Myugia prologue
The catacombs of Fort Bran were dimly lit, and the wind howled through the corridors. Several individuals wearing red robes walked in a procession toward a large chamber. The ritual was about to commence.
Filing into the room, Aydin brought up the rear. For years, he had waited for this moment, freeing the Lich Lord from his prison. The promise of a world without death usually made him ecstatic, but in these catacombs, everything felt wrong. Nervously, Aydin glanced around the room. Statues of different figures stood on each wall. It was too dark to make out who they were, save one.
One statue sat alone behind a small altar, sending shivers down Aydin's spine. It was a gaunt, bony figure with paper-thin skin, no nose, and empty black eye sockets. Most of its body was concealed in a cloak, and wings wrapped around it gave it an otherworldly appearance. This was the visage of Deld, Lord of necromancy and undeath. The statue's eyeless sockets seemed to survey the room in the dim flickering light, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the catacombs. Glancing at his comrades, Aydin saw their grim faces, the sweat trickling down their faces.
The metal clanking on stone echoed throughout the chamber as Lord Lucius entered. His heavy plate armor reflected little light, and the bones infused into the armor gave him a monstrous look in the dark corners of the chamber.
“Brothers,” Lucius spoke, his voice booming like thunder throughout the chamber. “ our time is at hand. The Lord of undeath shall soon be with us.” A roar of cheers filled the room. It was silenced by the raised hand of Lord Lucius. “This feat requires sacrifice,” Lucius continued. "Who among you wishes to volunteer?"
Someone approached the altar to volunteer. They lay on the altar with Lucius standing over them. With a swift thrust of a sword and a scream of agony, the volunteer's blood spilled out upon the altar. The lights flickered and dimmed as a shadow enveloped the statue behind the altar. It appeared as a giant humanoid shape with its arms spread at full length, and a voice filled the chamber.
"For this gift, I offer one of my own—a gift of pain and life."
A skinless body crawled out of the shadow's torso. As it entered the room, murmurs of confusion and disappointment bounced from person to person.
Aydin looked in awe at the body, examining every feature. Its muscles writhed like snakes, fangs protruded from its mouth, and its eyes darted around the room. This was not the lich god promised.
“You failed us, Lucius.” A voice barked from the gathering crowd. “Murdered our kin for nothing!” Shouted another. “Or perhaps this is a test of faith.” Lucius’ cold demeanor silenced the room. A laugh broke the silence.
The skinless body writhed with laughter, forcing itself to its feet. “A test,” it chuckled. Bones snapped, changing the body’s shape, and muscles broke free from its back, forming meaty tendrils." I am your reward."
This monstrous wolfman pounced on Lucius, blood spraying in the air. Mass panic ensued, and everyone rushed for the exit. Aydin stood paralyzed in fear. The wolf leaped from wall to wall, extinguishing each light in the room.
Aydin fumbled in the dark, clutching the stone walls. Screams echoed through the catacombs, disorienting Aydin as he ran through the maze of hallways. Slowly, the screams died out, and Aydin could only hear his footsteps. Shaking, he patted the walls in search of the exit.
The damp stone felt cold against his hands, and water dripped from the ceiling, calming him like rain on a sleepless night. With slow steps, Aydin navigated the maze until he could finally see sunbeams lighting the path. The doorway outside stood atop a steep flight of steps. Its radiant light illuminated the chamber and the mutilated bodies resting at the bottom of its steps.
Limbs were scattered throughout the chamber, and blood stained the stone floor red like wine. Something touched the ground behind Aydin. Its breath crept down his neck as it whispered in his ear." run."
Gripped with fear, Aydin bolted up the steps with his pursuer close behind. "I'm almost there," he kept repeating to himself. Stumbling on the last few steps, Aydin fell forward, feeling the warmth of the dry, sun-kissed stone beneath him. Eagerly, he gazed toward the sky, seeing the sun high above. He made it. He rose with a smile, basking in the warm light.
A tug came at Aydin's ankle, pulling him to the ground. A meaty tendril had wrapped around him, yanking him back into the darkness below. Pain radiated through him as bones broke, skin was torn, and limbs were lost. But what horrified Aydin the most was when he expected to die, for everything to turn cold and black, he didn't. He had been given what he wanted: a life without death and all the pain that comes with it.
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leo-tauren · 4 years
Trapped reality
I feel chained to this god damn life
no way out without some serious strife
I don’t have the energy
As you can plainly see
I hate my fucking life
Get me out of this strife
All I do is work day and night
I wanna write but don’t have the will to fight
I can’t forget the words she spoke
Everyone’s gone and now I’m broke
I wanna end my life
Please get rid of this strife
I’m alive because of guilt
Here no future can be built
Everyone holds me high
But without wings I can’t fly.
This is just my life
And so is my strife
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leo-tauren · 5 years
You do not wish to see the fire in my eyes
Men do not respect the flame
And women do not swoon at my gaze
You do not wish to see the fire in my eyes
It is not something you can tame
With the light the dead I shall raise
You do not wish to see the fire in my eyes
There is no wish to hurt or maime
But one look and you’ll be ablaze
You do not wish to see the fire in my eyes
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leo-tauren · 5 years
I have fought demons more times than I can count
Crooked people I have faced a fair amount
But when the foe is one I cannot strike
I feel the urge to take a hike
I’ve fought for what’s right
And faced evil in the night
But I’m no warrior full of might
Just a coward full of fright
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leo-tauren · 5 years
The ride
I ride into the dark
I ride till I reach my mark
I miss the the light
But I must fight
I still ride in the dark
Still looking for my mark
I forget the look of the light
I’ve forgotten why I fight
But I still ride in the dark
I think I’ve missed my mark
But I still ride in the dark
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leo-tauren · 6 years
Changing tide
I’ve enjoyed you here
You lived with little fear
I wish you could’ve stayed
But you’re song has been played
And so we send you to the sea
I know that’s where you’ll always be
Traveling here there and everywhere
By the ocean I sit and stare
At the open sea
Because that’s where you’ll always be
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leo-tauren · 6 years
Rage vs morality
I sit chained to morality as the fire around me begins to consume everything else, I watch as everything burns, things I cared about for so long fading, yet I can't shed a tear. Their many shapes distorted by the flames. I want to let loose everything scream, laugh, even cry. The chains prevent it. As the flames grow closer with time I wonder if the chains will hold
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