leogaladris · 11 years
I shall come online tomorrow. Christmas preperations keep me quite busy
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leogaladris · 11 years
Offline for now. Personal business is raging up,thus I will return tomorrow.
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leogaladris · 11 years
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" You never know - You could have meant it like you said. 
{ A small laugh in amusement left his mouth,before he jested again. }
You still have your good-looking,Sue. "
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       ❝ Don’t be so serious, Peter. I’m only teasing you. ❞
                   [ she smiles in jest ; a hint of sadness behind her eyes. ]
                                     ❝ Besides, I doubt I have much intelligence left. ❞
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leogaladris · 11 years
The burden of a king // Caspian & Peter rp
[ ♕ ] - Radiant beams of a dying sun, enlighted,danced across that bright, chivalrous cutter blade in sublime elegance, as if the magical sword was on fire. Rhindon, the sword of kings. Yet the male had his hard time seeing himself quite kingly. To be honest, the upcoming battles,strategy plans, plans of actions and the troops that came and passed now and then made him feel quite sick. The king had often done it before. Much more then that,he had planned wars and even worse, he had won them. Now..everything appeared quite distant, as if years had passed since then. It was unreal. Like a dream,at least in a way. High King Peter,the Magnificent. Peter the school boy - It was hard to let the one side rest,whilst the other took the turn. Still...his 'burden' was a welcome pain. Peter was a born leader, a born...warrior and regent. Yet he was afraid of making fatal mistakes - And that made him almost frantic. 
That was not Peter the Magnificent. That was...- who cares. All that mattered where his troops,his battles and victory. They were relying on him.Counting on him. He was the High King, Narnia's last hope. At least when it came down on motivation. Sometimes,even a king had doubts
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Radiant,moss green orbs that locked upon the shade of his sword. Aslan had once gave it to him. Had crowned him and called him the protector of Narnia, warden of the unknown isles,keeper of Cair Paravel. A knight,a king, a brother and a protector. Peter had never been fearless,but he had found a way to use that as an advantage, a way to enpower his strength. 
Rhindon donated the dying sun one last gleam,before Peter sheathed it, slipping off the raucous stone he had sat on. It was about time. The counsel was awaiting him. The counsel and furthermore his...replacement. Could he call Caspian like that? The knight was not sure what he should figure. Perhaps it was better that way. That man was an adiquate fighter, probably even a suitable orator. But did that male had the virtue to lead his own people to victory? Truth to be told, the young king doubted him. 
Time would tell.
But time could also effectuate the whole opposide - 
Firm steps were made toward the sculptured frames of their 'castle', Aslan's haul. His stance was proud, his pace well. Clad in a darkbrown jerkin,with Rhindon dangling among his side. It gave him strength,it gave him courage. 
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It was time to win a war -
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leogaladris · 11 years
[ ♕ ]  -  Bushy brows,which rose in mere,swift ashtonishment. A queen? Sure...the tall knight was proud of his title too, but clad in a plain,darkbrown jerkin, with a simple steel-ornamented longsword dangling loosely among his right side,located around his hip, Peter belived that it was surely better to let his title drop. -He didn't even appeared to have quite the kingly guise at the moment -
At least as long as such a name was not important at all. "Your grace." He bowed stifly, whilst his expressions turned stern. He had a certain suavity, but compared to his sister Susan, his bows, greets and all the other galant conventions were more clumsy. However. He wouldn't go farer then a bow - Peter was a king after all.
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The tall male would actually permit his sallow chops to curve up into a thight, dim smile. "Nice to meet you aswell,Madam." A broad,strong hand would suddely hoist,offering the female a quick handshake. "My name is Peter. Mind to tell me yours?"
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{❅}        She’s usually reluctant to touch; powers and all, so she has to remind herself a bit that she won’t freeze the boy. Folds her hands in her lap after they share a handshake. “Oh — hello, Peter. I’m Queen Elsa of Arendelle.”
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leogaladris · 11 years
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leogaladris · 11 years
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"     caustic remarks neither, Susan. There are much more important things then intellegence. I thought you have learned that by now.    "
       ❝ Using big words won’t make you sound smarter, Peter.  ❞
                   [ who doesn’t know what gastrovascular means? ]
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leogaladris · 11 years
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narnia meme + [2/2] pevensies —> peter pevensie
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leogaladris · 11 years
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narnia meme + [2/2] pevensies —> peter pevensie
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leogaladris · 11 years
"      I thought that cup passed to Edmund? He was my tactican back then after all.
                                     Smart people try to avoid depletion."
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       ❝ Someone has to be the brains in this family, you know. ❞
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leogaladris · 11 years
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"        You should probably try to not overdo it,Sue.       "
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         “I have read so much today that my eyes are knocking together.”
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leogaladris · 11 years
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The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe in 10 words
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leogaladris · 11 years
I'm looking forward to it.
(●ω●✿) — A starter, maybe?
Oh, I would love that! Mary in Narnia is just… perfection okay?
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leogaladris · 11 years
Thank you kindly. I'm currently trying to rebuild my former kingdom -okay joke aside. I'm standing in your debt,dear new followers.
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leogaladris · 11 years
This account will win back it's former glory...I hope
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leogaladris · 11 years
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leogaladris · 11 years
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