leonardoleads87 · 10 years
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
space bound - eminem
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
Year 1
//It's been a over a year since I made this blog, I wanted to open myself up into the tmnt fandom.. but I was apprehensive at the time. It came down to me wanting to enjoy whatever might come my way, and also wanting to believe not only in myself but the fandom. I want to again say just how amazed? Shocked? Surprised I am for receiving good words from many of the people that do follow me. I never expected it, and it kept me coming back- But it wasn't the only thing making me crawl back to you all.
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
He could hear her breathing in a relaxed and slow pace, signifying that she was falling to sleep. He quickly reached over, pulling the comforter  up more, covering her a little more with it as well as himself. 
Moving a hand up to brush a few strands of hair away from her forehead before placing a gentle kiss there, whispering a soft good night to her. He hoped that he didn't disturb her sleep too much as he closed his eyes, allowing sleep to take him away. 
He's last thought was that he didn't want any unwelcomed guests in his room. Mainly his brothers, But little did he know what was going down in the other rooms.
Both of them was getting close to the manhole that would lead them to their home of hell, she knew Mikey's idea was great. The thought of turning around and going home was like giving bubble wrap to a kid, she wanted to, but she was so scared.
It could be because she was brainwashed to believe that her place was there, or maybe she was starting to develop stockholm syndrome. She wasn't stupid, she knew how she was in the past, but the many beatings she had gotten over the years and beat that out of her. she wasn't what she was. and Mikey is the same too.
"You know he'll come looking, I can't go back." Fear was evident in her voice, she wanted to break down. "seeing your brother and how badly beating he is, I don't want the rest of you to suffer." She only made excuses, excuses, excuses. She was controlled, and she didn't have the mind to break free, nor her will-power.
She calmed down enough as they both exited the sewer from the manhole "Mikey, I promise I'll get you out of this. I'll find a way to trick him." Mikey needed out, and he had a home, He didn't deserve this anymore then what is. "Go hide." The only place she knew Mikey could hide as she opened the door to find a man standing there.
Donatello's jaw went slack as he watched her brother walk towards the door as if he was on a mission, he didn't believe Raphael would go ad do just that. Placing down one of his old books that he hasn't seen since years, he quickly chased after Raphael. 
"You should be resting..." He said as he got close "I doubt April would be pleased to find out that you haven't given wounds have had a chance to heal!" The last of his word's coming out a bit harsher than he wanted.
New Friends, Old Enemies || Leonardoleads87
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
TMNT vol.1 #54
Donatello: What's on your mind, Leo?
Leonardo: This confusion... This lack of clear purpose... It weighs on me... like the cold of the approaching winter, it seeks to paralyze me... and I can't seem to shake it--
Michelangelo: Leave? But... but... what about our duty? What about... honor?
Leonardo: Honor? Heh... I'm beginning to think there's no place for honor in this world. Greed... Hatred... Violence... The lust for vengeance... These are primary motivators.
Raphael: What motivates you, Leo?
Leonardo: Lately... I don't have a clue.
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
El Chupa Libre DangerDoom The Mouse & The Mask
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
Turning his head to give her a soft quick kiss on her cheek, "Stay." He whispered out, his breath brushing against her skin and hair as they laid there. He didn't need to be asked this, but if she needed more reinsurance that he'll be by her side tonight, then he'll do it.
Laying here together tonight he had started thanking his father for his teachings, for if he never knew how to defend himself or others, then he might have lost her today.
His grip on Cherry tightened a little, trying to keep her close. She is safe, they're safe. "Oyasumi nasai.."
"Where Mikey?" They had this talk so many times, but each time she refused to give up. She had to not only him now, but his brothers. She knew that if she didn't come around, he'll hunt for her, and Mikey being Just as protective over her as she is to him.
He'll fall right into the mans hands. It's was like terrible horror movie she had watched in the past, only it's real.
"I rather take the punishment than to see you captured, or worse." His brothers are back, which made it even more dangerous. Seeing Raphael in such a state made her even more determined to carry out this terrible idea of hers.
That wont happen to him again or the rest.
"What should we do? Walk right in to her home and demand what is going on?" He spoke as he finished cleaning up the area, the mess they made was small, but he wanted his equipment clean.
The suggestion was a joke, but for some reason he felt the same as Raphael. There was something going on, and April is not telling them anything.
New Friends, Old Enemies || Leonardoleads87
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
The walls of the underground facility were trembling from a shockwave of power from the explosive blast, causing anything that wasn't set off or already broken to be. Leonardo with April in his arms, kept a steady balance until he couldn't no more. Maneuvering so he would land on his shell with April on top of him
The impact was harsh.
Opening his eyes he could barely hear April's voice, he couldn't make out what she was trying to say as he slapped him. Slowly the world started coming back to him, her voice getting stronger and clearer.
"Leonardo! Speak to me, say something!"
He closed his eyes, trying to move, which wasn't easy given April being on top of him while crying out his name. He pushed her away with his hands, as he opened his eyes back up.
The whole city was in chaos, but it was in a better chaos than before. What the hell is that smell? Looking to his left answered his question imminently, a large chunk of flesh from the creature.
Raphael's plan did work... but it's created a big mess. He tried to block out the smell, but it was really hard to. The smell was anything like he had ever smelled before.
"Dude, you missed it! That monster went into a gazillion pieces!" Mikey already at his side now, trying to explain what happened like he wasn't here. Sure, he did black out for a bit, but that doesn't mean he couldn't connect the dots on what had happened.
Pieces of meat was still falling down from the sky, making it a gruesome sight to see and smell. He can't get over this smell.
lifting himself up off the ground with little help from his younger brother, he turned to see Raphael from the prime dimension hooting and hollering in victory. 
Leonardo gave a wave at him before a piece of meat fell on him, before hearing laughter at what happen. Leonardo is known for being a calm and having an extreme  ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted.
But he's still a teenager, and he's still learning.
Throwing the piece of worm meat off him he started fussing at his brother, trying to get him to see that it wasn't a funny matter.
So much for Lo Mein!
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
speaking to the mun- has there been any time you have been flattered like something shocked you.
//There have been a few times that I have been honored. Being recognized from a few well known blogs that I follow.. It shocks me, but it also tells me that I must be doing this right. I have formed friendships with wonderful people in this fandom, or another. 
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
have you ever kissed a girl?
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"If I have, I wouldn't tell."
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
"I’m Leonardo."
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
"Do you prefer the beach or snowy mountains?"
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"I do like being able to sunbathe at the beach, it’s nothing like the lamps at home that we use…. snow covered mountains are also a favorite of mine, I like the peacefulness up there, nothing like the city that I grew up in."
"Although both have good perks, I would have to lean more towards being up in the snow covered mountains."
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
The Weeknd - Wicked Games (Explicit) 
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
He rubbed her back as she whispered into his skin, knowing that she is opening herself up a little towards him. He didn't regret what he did, nor did he regret what he said. He was sure she didn't know what he had just confessed. He did love her, although his feelings for her was puzzling to him. 
Maybe it was best that she didn't know, that he didn't speak in english. He wouldn't know how to react if he was turned down, and what little pride he did have inside him.. He knew it would hurt him. 
"I could say the same for you..." He took a deep breath before closing his eyes to rest, his brothers outside are grown up enough to handle themselves.
 She gave a quick goodbye, before her eyes landed on Raphael with a sad look before turning away and walking out with Michelangelo. The pain not only in his eyes, how could she hurt him.
She covers her mouth as they both walked down the tunnel together side by side. She stifling her whimpers and cries, but it did no luck to how she looked. She loved them all, and the pain was great. 
"I-I wish there was a way.." Her voice croaked as she tried her best to control her feelings. Michelangelo took all of her pains and sorrows, and she thanked him for it. She made him grow up too fast, and experience too much in what short time they both had.
She cried again, her heart breaking for not only her true family, but also the place she was about to go to. She needs to be brave, she needs to protect him... no, all of them. 'Leo please give me guidance, Raph give me the strength'
"Well that was quick.." Donatello said after both Michelangelo and April were gone. Noting the hurried look in her face. April never hurried for anyone, even her job. Something wasn't adding up, along with many of the issues that he could see in his family.
New Friends, Old Enemies || Leonardoleads87
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
What if I don’t want to find my way back? What have I been fighting for all these years? The stakes are too high to just pass it off as simply being my destiny. People die… I need to know the meaning of it all. I need a reason to walk out of these woods… And right now I don’t have one. The darkness is so overwhelming.
Leonardo (Tales of Leonardo - Blind Sight #2)
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
"I'm happy you're so eager to learn." The same couldn't be said for his younger brother, it was really hard getting him up in the mornings for practice let alone getting him to eat a little bit healthier.
Although her excitement was positive and good for the road ahead, he hope she was up for the ride, not many could deal with him. "When would you like to start?" He asked before taking another slice of pizza, not shockingly it was the last one since his brother did a big dent in the pie. 
"Bro, I was going to get that!" Mikey was around done chewing as he spoke, his hands reaching out to grab the slice out of Leo's hand. Which he quickly dodged them. "Haven't you had enough?" 
"No, I'm a growing turtle! I need it!" Mikey was wiggling in his seat as he kept on reaching for it. Leonardo gave a sigh before handing over the slice to his brother.
Somehow I'll Make a Ninja Out Of You
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leonardoleads87 · 10 years
[Firmly places a fist onto Leo's shoulder] Hey! ....You're alright, for a pudgy wannabe! Just lay off the pizza! - MirageRaph
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‘Even his friendly gestures are rough.’
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