leothefairyprince · 7 years
can’t my serotonin levels just regulate their fucking selves. grow up
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leothefairyprince · 7 years
My cishet friend works at Planned Parenthood.  She fought for 6 months to get the condom labels changed from “male/female” to “internal/external” and they finally did.  She brought it up at every single staff meeting until it was fixed.
That’s how you ally.
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leothefairyprince · 7 years
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leothefairyprince · 7 years
tfw you have positive thoughts about the future and your brain is who is this
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leothefairyprince · 7 years
all my friends are dwayne johnson
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leothefairyprince · 7 years
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has this been done yet
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leothefairyprince · 7 years
okay when i was in hospital my family when to my flat to get me clothes and they where really shocked at the state of my flat im talking about mold growing on dirty dishes and my sister was like “i thought he was coping” the wost thing is so did i 
I think the idea of “if you can go about your life normally then you don’t have a mental illness” is a very dangerous one because it keeps people who need to get help from getting help. They think “I can still go about my daily life so I must be okay” even if they are struggling and suffering.
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leothefairyprince · 7 years
Les Misérables (2012) but every time someone dies it cuts to a one hour documentary about the battle of Waterloo and every time Javert and Valjean meet it cuts to a one hour documentary about sewage systems and every time those candlesticks appear on screen it cuts to a one hour documentary about priesthood in the late 18th-early 19th century
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leothefairyprince · 7 years
friend: i’m gonna go to london in july me, who thinks Big Ben is an actual guy who is very strong: ok just dont go picking any fights with anyone
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leothefairyprince · 8 years
avoid splitting on people by isolating yourself from humanity and living on a remote island off the coast of nicaragua!!
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leothefairyprince · 8 years
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leothefairyprince · 8 years
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leothefairyprince · 8 years
I tell dad jokes but I have no kids.
I’m a faux pa.
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leothefairyprince · 8 years
tpfw you watch gilmore girls and pretend your no hallucinating in the quite room 
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leothefairyprince · 8 years
do you think when fish get thrown back by fishermen, they swim around yelling about alien abductions and the other fish stop talking to them?
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leothefairyprince · 8 years
incredible how "the hungry deserve food" and “the sick deserve medicine” are radical communist beliefs in 2017
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leothefairyprince · 8 years
Double binding can:
• Severely impact your ability to have top surgery • Interfere fear with your ability to exercise • Inhibit basic respiratory function
Not being flat sucks but remember this isn’t permanent. If you choose to electively have top-surgery your body needs to be healthy enough for surgery.
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