leoxclark · 8 months
Leo was curious as to what kind of response he was in for. The girl looked like she might be an alternative type, which meant she probably had more opinions about literature than the every day person. Yet she might also be more of a rebellious twenty something year old who just wanted to stand out and distance herself from the crowd. It was hard to tell. That was, until she opened her mouth. "But then you understand that you are judging Hemmingway from a modern perspective? Yes, in todays society he would be considered a misogynist with racist values, but in his time that was what society taught every white male he should believe. To be fair, most these days consider him for his writing style and use of prose which is why he is considered among the classic writers. But we all have our cup of tea I suppose." he said with a curious smile.
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a dark brow quirked at the man as he spoke. 'classic' when it came to literature was a relative term for rhi, she'd read plenty of classics but not all of them were really even that good in her opinion. hemingway was no exception to this, but of course she understood the cultural importance of his work and all that bullshit. still didn't mean she enjoyed his work. "well... just not a fan of an overrated, alcoholic and glorified war hero who wrote almost exclusively in shades of misogyny, racism and toxic masculinity." a small shrug falls from her shoulders softly knowing she's said the most fucking killjoy thing imaginable to this stranger. who the fuck cared about his opinion anyway.
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leoxclark · 8 months
"Thats very unfortunate. They've been the greatest in town for the longest time. But I trust your judgement of course! I'll have the burger with a side salad then. What bottled beers do you guys have?" he asked, always liking a good beer with his burger. And since the waitress was so open about what was good at the moment and not, he might as well ask to make sure.
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"I mean normally they're great, but honestly the oil needs to be changed in the fryer so the fries have a weird taste to them right now. But I can suggest the burger, and a side salad. Or even the soup, just, nothing that's fried."
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leoxclark · 8 months
Being who he was, there were few people he could hand to his heart say were true and genuine friends. His family's wealth attracted a lot of leeches and disingenuine characters, yet Lenny was one of the few Leo considered himself lucky to call friend. She knew the real him. The man behind the charm and faquade he could so easily slip into. Chuckling as she cleverly shot it right back at him, he gave a little shrug. "You know its probably my Italian genes telling me to search for warmer conditions." he kept the joke going. "Me? I promise you I eat lots of meat. I just also work out my stress." he put on a semi innocent look for a moment. "Alright outside it is. And its true, this won't last very long." he smiled warmly back, glad for the heat from the cup in his own hands. "My trip was good! The big cities never change all that much. Though sometimes the lively and quick pulse does make me miss home. Everyone is so on top of it all and always chasing the next thing. They don't know how to slow down like small towners do."
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When Leo made his return to town, Lenny was thrilled to be able to see his face again. Not only had they grown up together, but working together, at least in some capacity had made their relationship come full circle for the woman. "Ah, please," she rolled her eyes at Leo as he teased her about the weather, "I should be asking the same about you," she joked back with him, "I mean, all that traveling, you don't look like you eat enough," Lenny teased with her motherly instincts, "I will be plenty fine outside, I want to enjoy it while it lasts." She smiled at him, taking a sip of her coffee that he had handed to her. "How was your trip?" @leoxclark
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leoxclark · 8 months
Leo smiled a bit knowingly. Most non locals did not do well anticipating the weather. To the degree where the lifers such as himself had an inside joke between them that newcomers had no idea what they were in for. "Well thats the spirit. Give it some time, you'll get used to it and know how to dress accordingly." he assured in a friendly tone of voice. He's not surprised catching her checking his attire out. As always he's dressed in the finest, all high end brand clothing. Its nothing he can help given his upbringing. "No poblem. Its nice to meet you Kat. I'm Leo. Not at all new. My family were one of the ones founding and building this town up." he takes her hand and shakes it gently. "What made you decide to move here?"
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Kat nods, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I didn't expect it to be this cold. Guess I'll have to get used to it." It doesn't escape her notice that this guy is dressed impeccably in designer clothes. She wonders if he's someone important around here, or maybe someone who's just well-off. His offer makes her smile and she nods, not missing his teasing tone. "Thanks, I'll remember that. My name is Kat, by the way, I'm new in town." She extends her hand to the man.
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leoxclark · 8 months
"Of course man! Wouldn't miss it." Leo said with a wide smile back. When he had posed his idea to Marcel's agent, he'd been hopeful but not at all sure it would be something the former star and local hero would be interested in. As it turned out he was, Leo was ready to pitch him the works that his family's publishing house could provide and do to make this book happen. "Indeed we do! I'm very excited to get into it with you." he said, the enthusiasm and interest clear as day on the half italian males face as he reagarded the other. "No worries, lets dig into a good meal. Every business proposal sounds better once one is consumed." he nodded, surveying his own menu and allowing himself to consider how hungry he too might be.
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Closed | @leoxclark
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"Thank you for meeting with me." Marcel smiled at the other as he took a seat opposite him at Patty's café. He'd been intrigued when his agent had told him about how a local book publisher was interested in discussing a potential agreement between the two in form of a self biography about his life and career so far. Though his football career was no more, at least in the way it used to be, he was still considered a local hero when it came to the sport, much like everyone else in town that had made it to the big leagues. "I hear we have some potential business to discuss?" He asked with a smile shaped on his lips, "Though before we start, I am a bit hungry, so I hope it's okay if I order something first?"
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leoxclark · 8 months
The bar was a little lackluster in standard but Leo had found it was a good way to connect with people from the other side of the tracks. It was where he found ladies that were willing to do certain things others were not. Then again it was also where his friends and he used to go sometimes in high school, even a little before with fake ID's. He'd had a long day, and nothing was better than finishing such a day off with drinks, some good conversation and hopefully some company coming home with him. Noticing a familiar face, he headed over to the male in the back corner. "Owen, nice to see you. What brings you to this part of town?" He asked curiously, not able to recall that he had seen the other around these parts before.
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Owen was back from a weekend away working in a city nearby. He was annoyed at it, as it went well yes he made money but the second job he had lined up didn't happen. So now he had to go looking around to find another job soon. He knew he had to go back to London soon for work and he didn't want to do that. He had people here, he had a reason to stay right now.
So annoyed he went into the first place he saw, Tequila Cowboy. Not his style normally but as long as he got his drinks he did not care. Owen sighed as he walked inside wearing of his normal more casual suit. He went up to get a shot before he ordered his normal drink and went to got sit in the back away from most people. He had told the bartender to keep it up so Owen wouldn't have to get up. "Weird" he looked around at some statue of a cow near by him.
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leoxclark · 9 months
Being back in town after a business trip sometimes felt like a semi reunion to Leo. He loved to travel and he had long since accepted that being CEO meant more actual work than play for him. But being away always reminded him why he loved East Haven so much. The tranquility of the smaller town. The familiarity he had with a lot of the towns people or the natives, but also the owners of the different establishments. Of course, what he always missed the most when he was away was his friends. Most of all perhaps Lenny. She was one of a kind, and he wished that there was more time in a week for them to spend time together.
Taking a seat on the park bench, he handed her the coffee he had gotten for her on the way over, giving her a wistful smile. "Are you sure we'll survive an outdoor lunch today in this weather?" he asked just a smidge teasingly. "I'll happily go to any lunch place you want if you have second thoughts."
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leoxclark · 9 months
"Ten dollars for your thoughts?" He suggested as he sat down next to the gorgeous blonde, unable not to check her and the outfit she was wearing out. Women just happened to be Leonardo's favorite past time, and most of them did not seem to mind that one little bit. He and Verity had gotten together numerous times. Which was why he all but expected this encounter to lead to something else. She was looking somewhat distraught though, and if there was something he was a master at it was prompting someone to get in a better, less stressed headspace. "You look like you might need a distraction from life." he added as he took a sip of his beer and studied her near flawless features.
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leoxclark · 9 months
It wasn't all that often he went to the grocery store to get something for himself. As busy as he was, Leo liked to order his food to his door or have his assistant grab him food often as he worked late or liked to not eat home alone. Honestly he didn't like spending too much time alone. But he wanted a case of cheap beer that only the super market would have. Walking in he found the beer alright but it appeared he had come at the worst possible time. The line was an aisle long. Walking to stand at the very back behind a pretty brunette. For a while he only stood there bored, taking in the woman from the back. It was only when she turned her head in his direction that he recognized her. "Come sei bellissima?" How are you gorgeous? He teased. "I never expected to see you here Isla. How are you?"
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leoxclark · 9 months
It had been a long week, and they were just half way trough it. If you asked Leo though, there would always be an excuse for a good drink and so he had hand picked one of the finest whiskeys in his cellar and taken it along with him as he headed over for Teagan's place. Often he would go out and party, but sometimes all he needed was his best friend and a bottle between them to share. That way, they could really talk about everything and anything. Knocking hard on her door, he felt both impatient and excited now that he was about to see her. Sometimes the caught up every week, other times he was so swamped going back and fourth on trips to the company's other offices that he hardly could figure out the time to see her. It had been a bit this time and he sure was eager to hang out. "Tee!!" he exclaimed with a large grin when she appeared from behind the door, pulling her into a bear hug, even swirling her around in his arms. "Shit I've missed you!"
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leoxclark · 9 months
Seeing her startled, he could not help looking a tad apologetic. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." he said, unable not to smile a bit seeing her blushing while swearing she's alright without his offer. "Are you sure? The cold weather here can really be a challenge." He nods a bit though, not about to force his gloves on her if she has no interest in taking them. Must be painful though to wait around like this without them. Either she forgot hers, or she's new to town and the weather this time of yea. "Of course, no problem. Let me know if you change your mind while we wait." he good naturedly says with a bit of a teasing tone.
where: Food Haven who: @easthavenstarters
Kat pulls her sweater closer to her body, taking her time as she walks through the streets. It's been a month since she's moved in, but she's barely had any time to explore the town, too busy unpacking and getting used to her new job. She lets out a sigh, relieved to finally be able to take a break.
Reaching for her camera, she lifts it to her eyes and peers through the viewfinder, wanting to take a shot of Founder's Square when she spots something that catches her eye. There's a string of lights set up somewhere down the road, people heading towards it in groups. She lowers her camera, curiously walking towards the lights.
Her face brightens when she realizes it's a food park. After three consecutive nights of instant noodles, she tells herself she deserves a delicious meal that night. As she walks around Food Haven, she can't help but miss her friends in California, as well as her mom and sister. Starting over in a new place isn't new to her, she had to do it when she was younger. But making friends now is different than it was when you were 11.
"Still, you'll have to make new friends eventually."
If only she were more extroverted, like her little sister.
She spots a food truck selling tacos and she lines up, rubbing her hands together before stuffing them in her jacket. She takes the chance to look around while waiting in line.
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leoxclark · 9 months
His parents would be mortified if they saw him here, but Leo could not help but come in for all the good fried stuff on this menu. He had a bit of a hangover from last night, and nothing kicked that as well as the fried onions and some fries. When however the waitress seemed to think his order was something he shouldn't go for, he could not help but frown a little confused. "What? Are the fries and onion rings no longer good? I had them last week and they were sublime." he said a little puzzled, though he smiled a tad cheekily at the girl. "Then what would you suggest I get instead?" If she thought he should steer clear of something, he hoped she had some suggestions of what he should choose instead.
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status: open location: Nancy's Bar and Grill.
Working at her mom's bar was forever a bittersweet. Ren loved growing up in the bar, and wouldn't change it for the world. The bar was such a integral part of her life, her family's life. She loved it. But being called every time there was a shift that needed to be covered? It irked her to no end. Once more, she was the reliable one. The responsible one. The one who people called because she would drop everything and help. All because she felt like it was her duty. So there she was, taking orders on her day off. "Oh uh", she replied with a grimace to the patron's order. "Just between you an me, I'm not sure you want to order that."
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leoxclark · 9 months
Its hard to forget sometimes the charms East Haven has as a town and community. Every time Leo has spent more than a month away from the town he comes back only to be reminded again. It helps of course that he has nostalgic feelings towards his home town. Its where he spent most of his life and grew to what he is today. Regardless its always nice to be reminded of why he loves his birthplace. The Food Haven is one such reminder. Just seeing the place lit up as darkness of the evening creeps in makes him smile. As does the mix of people in it, moving about between the trucks. Standing a bit aways, he takes in the scene, considering the trucks that are going for a new cuisine he hasn't tried here before as well as the old ones doing the same thing they have for years and doing it well.
Finally Leo decides that tacos sounds good, walking over and lining up behind a gorgeous brunette. She seems cold where she stands, and he slips off his designer leather gloves and offers them to her. "Here. You seem to need them more than me." he says in a friendly tone with that charming smile he's known for.
where: Food Haven who: @easthavenstarters
Kat pulls her sweater closer to her body, taking her time as she walks through the streets. It's been a month since she's moved in, but she's barely had any time to explore the town, too busy unpacking and getting used to her new job. She lets out a sigh, relieved to finally be able to take a break.
Reaching for her camera, she lifts it to her eyes and peers through the viewfinder, wanting to take a shot of Founder's Square when she spots something that catches her eye. There's a string of lights set up somewhere down the road, people heading towards it in groups. She lowers her camera, curiously walking towards the lights.
Her face brightens when she realizes it's a food park. After three consecutive nights of instant noodles, she tells herself she deserves a delicious meal that night. As she walks around Food Haven, she can't help but miss her friends in California, as well as her mom and sister. Starting over in a new place isn't new to her, she had to do it when she was younger. But making friends now is different than it was when you were 11.
"Still, you'll have to make new friends eventually."
If only she were more extroverted, like her little sister.
She spots a food truck selling tacos and she lines up, rubbing her hands together before stuffing them in her jacket. She takes the chance to look around while waiting in line.
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leoxclark · 9 months
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It had become a mandatory shore when he was at home, to stop by the book store and take stock of how it was doing and how well stocked it was for customers. His father would expect to hear about it within two weeks of Leo arriving in town so he made sure to get ahead. After he head spoken to the employees and manager he always ended up trailing the shelves and picking a book or two, sticking around for an hour or so to feel the atmosphere and give himself a small break amidst a hectic work day. Picking out a Hemmingway classic he sat down in one of the chairs to read. He had not read for long before he noticed the female next to him was eying him and the book he was reading. "How do you mean?" he curiously asked, shifting his attention to her. "Not a fan of the classics?"
status: open (capping at 5 replies) location: book haven
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rhi often spent parts of her days off in the local bookstore. picking out different books off the shelves to read on the mix-matched furniture. it was one of the few places she felt most comfortable. she couldn't help as her attention shifted ever so slightly when she noticed a figure sitting down in the armchair beside her. looking subtly through thick lashes in the direction of the figure before doing her best to keep her attention on the book she held firmly between her fingers. lifting the page to turn it softly, but still it was hard to maintain her focus on the words. rhi watched the person for a moment hoping not to be noticed as her eyes shifted back and forth to the book the other eyed off as well. "interesting choice," she spoke softly so not to disturb anyone else as she looked back to the page in front of her. hoping to come off nonchalant.
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leoxclark · 9 months
About Leo
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Full name: Leonardo Andrew Clark Nicknames: Leo  Age: 35 years old Place of Birth: East Haven  Occupation: CEO at Clark Publishing, Owner of Book Haven  Education: Buisness major with minor in Literature  Languages: English, Italian
[ Giacomo Gianniotti | 35 | male | he/him ] Hey, look! It’s [ Leonardo Clark] at [Clark Publishing East Haven and Book Haven]. Did you know they [work] there as a [CEO and Owner]? I guess they’re from [East Heaven] and have been in town [since they were born], living in [Primrose Heights]. I also heard they’re a little [entitled], but also very [charming] which definitely makes sense. [ Sirius | 31 | gmt+1 | she/her ]
More Information
His father is American and a Clark, one of the Founding families, and his mother is second generation Italian-American. His maternal grandfather is the head of a prominent Italian family. His family founded East haven with the other Founding families.
Growing up Leo had everything he could ever want and more. As a founding family member he grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth and a sense of entitlement, importance and knowledge he could do whatever he wanted and he would never really get in trouble. This made him reckless and brazen from a young age, constantly pushing authority but also easily taking credit from others. 
While Leo was quite a brat, he was popular enough in school and among his peers. He always shared his familys wealth and good fortune with his friends. Of course that meant even as a little boy he had friends who were only with him to get their share, but he didn’t much care as long as they appeared loyal. 
He was a bit of a sleeze ball in high school, but could not stand bullies. So even though he was a popular kid at his private school, he did not watch anyone being bullied or participated in bullying himself. He stood up for the underdogs, yet did not go out of his way to help those in lower social circles. 
He grew up as his mothers favourite and most cherished child. In her eyes he could do no wrong and she always boasted of his accomplishments big and small. She also has been overly involved in his love life, always having an opinion on the few women he has seen with serious intent. 
Because of his mother he has a love of Italian cuisine and speaks Italian. She spoke Italian at home his entire childhood and they still converse in Italian when it suites them. All his siblings can also speak Italian and have been raised with both American and Italian values and culture. 
He went to Uni for a Major in Business and minor in Literature but he partied a lot and was more invested in having a great time than doing well in class. When he did have to apply himself though he had good grades and he never failed a test or had a low grade on an exam. His father would not have accepted that from him.  
His familys Publishing company also has offices in NYC and Boston, both of which he oversees as CEO. 
While his father had him sit in on meetings and meet with investors and others in the business when he was in college, Leo never had to get his hands dirty as he was interning with his father for 2 years before taking over as owner and CEO the moment he graduated from University.  
He is a notorious playboy who have only had one serious relationship. His girlfriend of three years, who he was genuinely planning on proposing to, disappeared 7 years ago, literally falling off the face of the earth. Leo felt very betrayed and was heartbroken. He has not pursued any serious relationships since and decided to only have a good time with women. His father does push for him to settle down from time to time, but he usually uses work and building his career as an excuse. The way he frames it is he is too consumed and busy being a CEO to focus on starting a family at the moment. 
He knows he can’t remain single forever though, as both his parents expect grandchildren. This worries him and in his darker hours he frets about having to give up his independence and commit to someone. In his eyes women can not be trusted and he expects to be betrayed or left behind. 
He has a love of high end tailored suits and clothing, cigars, cars and expensive wine and whiskey. 
As the oldest sibling he has always been a very loyal and caring brother, always being there for his siblings and making time for them when they need him. He is however notorious for not asking for help himself. 
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leoxclark · 9 months
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