lesamisappreciation · 12 years
This is incredibly eloquent and well said. And in a similar vein, please consider this blog closed. I've never gotten into the online segment of a fandom the way I did with Les Miserables, and I don't regret it, because I've met some truly lovely people. However, it's also the first time I've experienced firsthand how incredibly problematic online fandoms can be, and I'm much happier sharing my fannish things with my in person friends (and those in this online fandom who I met that are carrying on elsewhere.)
My main blog, hanasaseru, shall carry on as ever! Except it shall revert entirely to what I meant it to be in the first place - a place I can find interesting or funny things and share them with my friends, without consigning to a particular fandom, or getting particularly involved in personal discussions. 
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
So, I think I have made no secret of the fact.... well, actually, I don't recall how much I post about this. My Les Mis OTP pairings that I love and have feels for and am very attached to are E/R, coming in a very close second to Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta OT3.
I may also have talked about polyamory feels
So. In this new au headcanon. Because obviously as an OT3 they are a bit fluid with non-monogamy and I'm perfectly comfortable with them actually being full on poly because I could read them that way. The major pairings. Joly/Bossuet obviously. Joly/Musichetta, with slightly less strong Bossuet/Musichetta. Those being the individual components, of course, of Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta, but with all comfortable with any of the rest falling into new relationships. So, simply add to that Musichetta/Fantine. So, thus we have a poly graph where Musichetta/Joly/Bossuet are a triad, with Joly/Bossuet and Joly/Musichetta both a bit stronger as relationships than Bossuet/Musichetta. And with the addition of lovely AU Fantine, we add Musichetta/Fantine, which of course in the lovely land of polyamory, is of course seperate from but happening in conjunction with Musichetta's relationship with her two boys.
Okay, read more cut here because it gets into detailed polyamory discussion and terminology and personal info and a bit more of my feels and opinions on it.
In more poly jargon: while J/B/M do consider themselves a triad and will have threesomes, optional how anyone wants to further interpret but I do like them all sharing a house together... Operating on the primary/secondary/tertiary terminology of reltionship intimacy levels in polyamory, and assuming comfort with multiple primaries. PLEASE NOTE: poly 101, primary/secondary/etc does not necessarily (and usually doesn't) refer to level of importance, or actively having more/less feelings for someone. It's more often a matter of practicality. My primary BF and I live together, and he's usually my goto for dates for things, and we basically have a stronger time investment. My other partner, who atm I believe we could term as secondary but we keep getting terms mixed up because AT HEART, THESE ARE JUST WORDS. WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS WHAT'S IMPORTANT. LABELS ARE USEFUL, BUT NOT BE ALL END ALL. /hana has opinions. Anyway, my secondary partner. I value that relationship immensely, and I don't think it's fair to say that T is more important, or my relationship is more meaningful than my relationship with P. Inurashii and I have less of a time investment, and I suppose for lack of a better term, less priority, but he's still very important to me and I find it diminishing and unfair to say that my relationship with him, while secondary, might be less meaningful. 
MOVING ON, and back to OT3 feels.
Because triads require taking care of each individual relationship seperate from the effective fourth relationship of all three together, it's fair to consider each relationship on it's own alongside the triad. 
Effectively, by my headcanon, Joly has two primaries, Bossuet and Musichetta. Bossuet has Joly as a primary and Musichetta as a secondary. Musichetta has Joly primary, Bossuet secondary, and now a budding relationship with AU Fantine that could become primary or secondary, which exists outside of the triad connection entirely.
Related to this, I don't recall if Jemi reads this blog, but thanks to her I also polyship both M/E and M/C. I actually think it could work quite well, especially in a post barricade Eponine survives along with Marius AU.
AU: Fantine/Musichetta
I did a thing. Inspired by all this AU Fantine stuff and Vee’s drabbling.
Feuilly had introduced her. A gamine, lost to the streets, brought back from the brink. They fed her, clothed her. Joly offered his apartment, and as a student of medicine, he was able to nurse her back to health. Musichetta, sharing the apartment with Joly and Bossuet, took a liking to the girl almost immediately. She’d had her own group of friends of course, but they were often more concerned with makeup and fashion and teasing her about Joly and Bossuet than anything of real substance. They were good friends, but Musichetta was well-read, scholarly almost. She’d taken to reading Joly’s texts whenever he wasn’t using them, and was working toward becoming a fair caregiver.
So when Fantine joined their family, Musichetta sat with her. She bathed her, fed her, brushed out her hair which was starting to grow back now, thicker and more vibrant than before. Fantine spent her days sitting in the bay window, knees drawn to her chest, looking out over Paris. She seemed content, but Musichetta did not want her lost in thought, idling her time, thinking about the horrors of the streets constantly. One afternoon, she moved behind her, drew her up into her arms.
Fantine was taller, but slimmer. Musichetta’s dresses did not fit her well, too roomy in the bust and waist and much too short, always revealing two or three inches of ankle. Musichetta hardly minded. Fantine’s beauty never left her, even in her emaciated state. And now, weeks later after careful tending and proper meals, Fantine was radiant. Musichetta stood on tiptoe, leaning up to kiss her, wrapping her arms around that slender waist.
Fantine hesitated, but relaxed, opening her mouth the way Tholomyes had taught her to kiss. Only this was unlike him. This was warm and soft and wonderful, and she fit perfectly into Musichetta’s arms. Musichetta led her into Joly’s bedroom. The boys were at a meeting and their bed was far larger. And even though she and Fantine didn’t make love that night, the kisses and mutual embrace were enough to satisfy both women.
For the time being.
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
Les Mis feels re the final battle scene  under the cut
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
I just loved everything about this. I have this massive, inexplicable love for ghost amis. I must go send you ghost ami asks now. 
“I can’t believe Musichetta wanted something like this,” Joly whinged as he sat back in the pews. He slumped downwards and poked at the hole in his shirt.
Bossuet managed to make a piece of rice fly once again as he flicked it at Marius. “I bet yours would have been far more exciting.”
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
I'm on a tumblr crush!! :D I don't think I've ever been on someone's tumblr crush list before, as any of my blogs! :D :D
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Tumblr Crushes:
Hey Vee, you know how you win by a landslide in all our crushes?
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
Yet another reminder that, barring technical errors, this channel will be broadcasting All Les Mis Stuff, All the Time for the entirety of the 5th and 6th (today and tomorrow). 
Currently about to start the 1978 Les Mis movie, to be followed by either the 25th anniversary concert or the TAC
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
I mean now we're back to Marius and Cosette but the amis were all just introduced and it was exciting. 
It’s Ami time in Shoujo cosette yay!
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
It's Ami time in Shoujo cosette yay!
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
I’m not crying. There’s just Les Mis in my eye.
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
Technical difficulties sorted. Still showing Shoujo Cosette, currently just got to the episode where any of the amis start showing up. 1978 movie will be next.
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
Why, internet, whyyyyyyyyy. Currently limited to phone internet only. Will post an update when/if my main internet comes back.
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
Ack, sorry to anyone who was watching my live stream, my internet just cut out. Live stream will return after technical difficulties
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
A reminder that, barring technical errors, this channel will be broadcasting All Les Mis Stuff, All the Time for the entirety of the 5th and 6th (today and tomorrow). 
Currently showing Shoujo Cosette episodes 19-25, to be followed by the 1978 movie, to be followed by a series of Les Amis scenes from a bunch of different productions of the musical.
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lesamisappreciation · 12 years
A reminder that, barring technical errors, this channel will be broadcasting All Les Mis Stuff, All the Time for the entirety of the 5th and 6th (today and tomorrow). 
Right now playing the 1998 movie, while I wait for other things to load. Sorry everyone, I know it's not a favorite. If there's a negative outcry, I'll stop it early. 
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