bye-bye-gremlings · 2 months
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bye-bye-gremlings · 11 months
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kind of wanna reinforce this here. because i’ve seen ai writing become so popular on tik tok.
ai writing is not okay.
it’s literally theft. just like how ai art steals, ai writing steals. it’s using authors’ very real work to generate whatever you type in. and this also needs to be said as well.
writing is a form of art. fanfiction is a form of literature.
seeing this all over my fyp is REALLY discouraging. fanfic itself is already a labor of love and we love it when you interact. but please do not use ai writing for your fanfic needs when this writing literally steals from fanfic authors.
genuinely don’t know if this post will go around because my interactions outside of hcs are shit, but i hope it does.
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bye-bye-gremlings · 2 years
Mark Sloan x male reader
Summary: While Y/N was at home cooking he got hurt and had to go to the hospital to get treated. Mark wasn't very happy to see his husband at the hospital, without telling him.
Warnings: injury to hand while cutting vegetables, mention of blood and stitches, fluff
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“Aaah fuck me!” Y/N cursed while looking at his bleeding palm. “Why now and why today of all days?!” He ranted, but still  simultaneously taking a kitchen towel and wrapping his hand with it. Thankfully he and his husband Mark, lived close to the hospital, so he just decided to walk into the emergency room.
After 5 minutes, Y/N was at the hospital and getting signed in. He got help rather quickly from April Kepner, who noticed Y/N sitting in the waiting area. “Hey Y/N! What are you doing here? Are you here to see Mark?” Y/N looked up at the familiar voice. “Oh hey April. No I`m not here to see Mark. I´m here because I cut myself pretty badly while cutting an avocado and the knife cut my palm.” Y/N explained while taking the blood soaked kitchen towel off of his hand and showing it to April. “Oh that`s really bad, we need to take a look at that immediately. I also should page Mark.” April ushered Y/N up and into the emergency room, to get him on a bed, so they could take care of his hand. “No please don´t bother Mark with this. You can page Dr. Avery instead if he`s available.” April was unsure on if to page Dr. Sloan, but decided against it. “Fine, I´ll only page Jackson for you.”
After about 5 minutes of April cleaning the blood off of Y/N, Dr. Avery arrived. “Hello Y/N nice to see you. What happened to you?” Jackson sat down next to you on a chair. “Well... I was trying to make some dinner for me and Mark, when I was trying to cut open an avocado and take the seed out, I cut myself on the palm. Not fun.” Y/N explained slightly nervously, while Jackson was inspecting his hand. He just hoped that Mark wouldn´t come into the ER, because Y/N knows how much he worries about him. 
“Well, fortunately it does look like you only cut through a few layers of skin in your hand, so you won't need surgery to fix it, just stitches."
Right at the end of Dr. Avery telling Y/N the bad news, Mark came into the ER and saw his husband getting treated by Dr. Avery. “Y/N what are you doing here and Kepner why didn´t you page me immediately when my husband got here?” Y/N looked at Mark with an apologetic look on his face. He sighed and told him how he didn´t want to tell him, because he would worry too much and that he didn´t want to bother him with something small, because Dr. Avery could handle it.
Mark sighed and moved Jackson out of his way, so he could tend to Y/N's hand. “What did I tell you when we first got together? That if anything happens to you, no matter how small, you call me and I´ll help you. And baby please be careful next time when cutting avocados.”
Time skip
After Y/N had gotten his hand stitched and wrapped in gauze, he and Mark decided to have lunch at the hospital cafeteria, because Mark wasn´t gonna let his husband go home without him. 
They got their preferred meals and sat down together, opposite each other. “So, how has your day been before I came and interrupted your work?”
"Nothing that exciting, just stitched up some facial cuts and I also did a breast augmentation, so pretty routine stuff." Mark shrugged and took a bite of his burger. He felt eyes on the side of his face, so he turned to look and saw a group of interns staring at him and his husband, while whispering about them. "What?! Can't a man have lunch with his husband in peace without being stared at?!" The interns immediately got up from their seats and left the cafeteria in a hurry. "Mark, stop it!" Y/N lightly smacked Mark on his arm, while grinning from ear to ear. "Maybe they were just admiring your beautiful husband and how you could ever get someone as handsome as me." Mark looked at his husband, with his mouth agape, while Y/N was hiding his laugh behind his hand. "I mean... That is true tho." Mark smirked and winked at his husband, making him plush.
Author's note
I might make a second part to this
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bye-bye-gremlings · 2 years
Sebastian Danzig x Male reader
Summary: You had a rough day at work. You come home exhausted. Sebastian is always there for you when you need him.
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You had a shitty day at work because of your boss. Right when you walked into the company building, he was there ready to yell at you. “Why is this project not done yet!!! Didn´t I tell you that it needed to be ready last week!!” You sighed and looked at your boss tiredly and said “Mr. Smith... That is not my project. It´s Allison´s.” He didn´t care and kept yelling at you in front of everybody that was in the lobby.
You went to your cubicle and sat all of your papers down already feeling tired and just wanting to go back to bed with your boyfriend Sebastian. Whenever you had a shitty day at work, he would be there to cuddle with you when you got home.
When it was time for you to leave, you were already way too tired and pissed off for one day. Luckily you lived close to the office, so you decided to stop by at a convenience store to pick up some snacks to make your mood a bit better.
Walking in through the door, Sebastian immediately greeted you, "Hey babe. How was your day?" you sighed, "shitty". You dropped your bag and coat, walked into your bedroom and changed clothes. With your snacks in hand and pajamas on, you went over to your boyfriend and layed on top of him. "I'm so tired," you whispered, as Sebastian started running his fingers through your hair. "What happened today to make you so exhausted baby?" He kissed the top of your head. "Immediately when I got to work, my boss started yelling at me for something, I wasn't responsible of. When I told him that, he didn't care and continued with his obnoxious yelling."
Sebastian started massaging your head, knowing you would need it. "I got snacks on the way home to cheer me up. You can have some also." You opened up a bag of chips, offering it to Sebastian first. He took a handful and put them in to his mouth all at once. He was trying to cheer you up with his goofyness.
After a while of just eating snacks and watching TV, you break the silence, "I want to quit." Sebastian stops eating his gummy bears and slowly turns to look at you. "Are you sure, babe? Maybe you should start looking for another job before you quit."
"Maybe yeah, but I've recently gotten some emails from companies, who would like to hire me so... I can just accept one of their offers." You stuffed your mouth with chips and gummies.
"Oh ok. Then you don't really have to worry babe." Sebastian kissed you on the forehead and snuggled you harder.
Everything was going to be good, if you had Sebastian by your side.
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bye-bye-gremlings · 3 years
It's hard to be creative, while having no motivation, because of depression. It's also hard to create certain art, because your skills aren't where you want them to be, to be able to create that stuff.
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bye-bye-gremlings · 3 years
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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bye-bye-gremlings · 3 years
This is one of my earlier digital art pieces. The photo in the back is not mine (taken from pixabay), but the zombie face art I did. Got the idea off of a youtube video, so I don't remember the name.
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bye-bye-gremlings · 3 years
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Here are some phone wallpapers I made. Feel free to use them.
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bye-bye-gremlings · 3 years
So, I have a few updates.
I'm writing fanfiction for The Eurovision winning group Måneskin (Each of the members) and they are all x male reader.
I'm thinking about posting illustrations for pride month, that relate to my experiences of being queer and living in a somewhat homophobic society (as in the country I live in) and also about the positive things that have happened because of online communities etc.
I also have fanfiction about Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Pedro Pascal, Corpse Husband and Pete Davidson coming up, but they are still gonna take a while, so just keep your eyes open for those.
So that's my little update.
Happy Pride month!!!
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bye-bye-gremlings · 3 years
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don’t forget on pride month
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bye-bye-gremlings · 4 years
Mads Mikkelsen x male reader pt 2
Warnings: Sexual assault, anxiety
Summary: Mads is doing an interview and you're with him. At one point you leave the studio to go to the restroom. Something happens and Mads can clearly tell there's something bothering you, when you come back.
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"Hey uuum... could we take a little break? 15 minutes maybe?" Mads asked Jacob, because he couldn't stop looking over to make sure you were ok. "Yeah sure. Guys! We'll have a 15 minute break." Jacob shouted to grab everyone's attention. Quiet murmur and feet shuffling could be heard.
Mads started walking to you quickly, ready to make sure if his intuition was correct and to help you calm down.
“Hey are you ok? You look shaken up.” Mads asked quietly as he placed his hands on your cheeks to examine your face. “I´m... uuum.. ok I guess.” You still kept looking around, but stopped when Mads turned your face towards him. “I went to the bathroom earlier and when I was washing my hands, a lady came into the restroom. I was confused, because I didn´t go into the gender neutral one, so she shouldn´t be there, right?” You look at Mads for agreement or support. “Well, you can´t assume anyones gender babe that person could of been a transgender man or just feminine presenting man.”
You nodded in agreement. “ Yeah I guess so. But when I asked them if they knew which bathroom they came into, they said it was the right one, because I was in there and that didn´t feel right to me.” You started hyperventilating, but tried to calm down and continue telling Mads what happened. “Then they attacked me, pushed me to the ground and started inappropriately touching me. I felt violated.” As tears were slowly trickeling down your face, Mads wiped them away with his thumbs and he hugged you tightly.
"Okay. This is what we're gonna do. You go sit next to Claire, I'm going to tell Jacob what happened and then we are going to find this person. Is that ok?" You hesitated for a second, but then nodded and kissed Mads on the lips. "Yeah it's ok. Thank you." You walked over to Claire and sat down on one of the chairs. You never expected this to happen to you. You had heard a lot of stories about people getting sexually harassed or even assaulted, but never thought about it happening to you personally. 
“Hey. I told Jacob and he is going to the surveillance office to go look at the cameras so we should go and look, if you can recognise the person, who did this to you. Ok?” You nodded slowly and took Mads´ hand, holding it tight. You were scared. Scared to see that person who dared to touch you inappropriately. You knew the person wouldn´t survive out of this alive, with Mads being your husband.
He was protective of you ever since you met for the first time. It was 6 years ago. You fell in love instantly, even though you knew of his reputation, not just in the united states, but also all around the world. 
You came back to the moment, when you heard Mads knocking on the surveillance office door. Jacob opened it and let you both inside. “So... we found the person who attacked you by seeing when you went to the bathroom. It looks like it was one of our employees. We hired them about 3 months ago, so firing them should be easy. I am incredibly sorry that this happened to you. We will be holding a company wide conference about this and informing other businesses about this person, so they won´t be hired ever again. And if you want, we can call the police and report this and get this person in jail.”
To be continued...
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bye-bye-gremlings · 4 years
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Here is a “photo” I made of Pedro Pascal on Photoshop.
Hope you guys like it :)
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bye-bye-gremlings · 4 years
I'm in the midst of making a second part to my Mads Mikkelsen story.
Thank you to everyone who has read it and liked it. It means a lot to me as a newbie writer.
Thank you to everyone for the support :))
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bye-bye-gremlings · 4 years
Mads Mikkelsen x Male reader pt. 1
Warning: Sexual assault, anxiety
Summary: Mads is doing an interview and you're with him. At one point you leave the studio to go to the restroom. Something happens and Mads can clearly tell there's something bothering you, when you come back.
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You and Mads had recently gotten married and he soon after announced it on his Instagram. Everybody knew you guys were together, so it wasn't a surprise for any of the fans.
A big news channel had invited Mads to do an interview, so he asked you to come with him, even if you didn't want to be on camera. Just as emotional support.
When you guys walked into the studio, hand in hand, everyone came to congratulate you guys. Hugs and handshakes were exchanged, before getting ready to do the interview.
You sat next to Mads and talked with him quietly, while he was getting cleaned up a bit. You were fiddling with his fingers, because you were slightly anxious about the fan questions. "Baby. It's going to be ok. I know how to take care of those types of questions. You don't need to worry." Mads kissed you on your temple very gently and made you look at him. "I got this, ok?" You nodded and leaned into his touch.
The interviewer Jacob, was asking Mads some of the questions he had. "So, how does it feel to finally be married to the love of your life?" Mads smiled, looked at you and turned back to Jacob. "It's wonderful. y/n is the greatest husband anyone could ask for." You blew a kiss to Mads, because of his lovely words about you. "That is awesome to hear. It's also been great to see how your relationship has developed on both of your guys' social media. We know y/n likes to post about the silly things you do on sets of different shows, especially when your character is the villain. And Mads, you like to post about cute and romantic moments with y/n, specifically when he is sleeping. What's up with that?" Jacob chuckles, ready to hear Mads' explanation. "Well... When you have somebody as cute as y/n, especially when he is sleeping, you just got to capture those cute moments and share them with the world, you know?"
As you were looking towards your husband, you realized you really had to use the restroom. You told one of the makeup artists, that was also your friend, Claire, that you were going to the bathroom.
You did your business and washed your hands, you were about to leave, when a random lady you had only seen walking around the studio, but were never introduced to, came into the bathroom. You were confused at first, because you chose the male bathroom instead of the gender neutral bathroom, so she shouldn't be here.
"Uumm... excuse me?? I think you might have come into the wrong restroom by accident." You told the lady, while looking at her sceptically. "I'm in the right one y/n," she said as she was walking closer and closer to you.
"Uum.... I really need to go." You tried to move past her, but she pushed you to the ground. "How dare you get married to Mads when you know I'm the love of your life??!!" You had a pained and shocked look on your face. "What the fuck are you talking about?? I have no idea who you are or what you want with me," you said as you tried to push her off of you. "No. You will be my lover," she said and started pulling at your clothes to get them off. You pushed and kicked at her, but she wouldn't budge. "Help!! Please help me!!!" you yelled out in hope of catching somebodys attention.
When no one came, you finally were able to punch her in the nose, which caused her to get off of you. Quickly, you ran out of the restroom into the hallway, but before you walked back into the studio, you made yourself look presentable again. You tried to look calm and collected, but immediately your husband noticed something was wrong with you. He didn't say anything at first, just to make sure his intuition was correct. Mads saw you constantly looking over you shoulder towards the door, where you just had come out of. You were also shaking and biting your fingertips, which was one of your anxious habits.
To be continued...
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bye-bye-gremlings · 4 years
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One of my neon pieces of NCT´s Haechan (not the best, but it´s good taking into consideration my skills in digital art).
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bye-bye-gremlings · 4 years
I just had to make this into a gif
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bye-bye-gremlings · 4 years
Why is his hand so attractive... ughhh
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