letickens · 7 years
Every person you’ve ever thought was cute has had heaving, grunting, sweating, explosive diarrhea
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letickens · 7 years
I wonder if anyone actually finds newborn babies cute, or if all of society is faking it.
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letickens · 7 years
There probably wouldn’t be any efforts to save mosquitoes if they became endangered.
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letickens · 7 years
A common lie I tell myself is, “I don’t have to write that down, I’ll remember it”
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letickens · 7 years
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Oh Seven, I knew we were meant to be.
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letickens · 9 years
[generic anime girl voice] eeeehhhh!!??
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letickens · 9 years
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Headcanon: Zeref learned wind magic to make his entrances look more badass.     – submitted by anonymous
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letickens · 9 years
Neutral Good
Reblog with your MBTI, Enneagram, & Alignment.
INFJ 6w5 Chaotic Good
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letickens · 9 years
this ship just gives off too much punches for me. 
what about them being some sort of friends first?
The first time Komi writes something that bothers me in his manga
i read 207, and i’m disappointed at the route it looks like he wants to take the story to. in the beginning of the story i thought ruri and maiko had chemistry with the tsundere stereotype thing, but it also became really clear to me and probably everyone else thats not the case - ruri downright hates maiko. and now all of a sudden, he wants to make it seem like she’s crushing on him? what? it was never portrayed as that prior to this, yes deep inside her hard exterior she has this bit of respect for him and cares about his well being a little but it was firmly established she cant stand him and he’s not her type. i also see this as an insult to ruri’s character, reducing her to a spare to be paired.
i am shocked and disappointed, because Komi did such a good job with the story overall and has given good to development to all the raku ships and all the girls (except onodera) and now he does a 180 degree turn to put ruri with maiko.
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letickens · 9 years
komi naoshi: ok so that’s all the side harems out of the way, next… komi naoshi: let’s put in some fillers about THIS SIDE PAIRING THAT DOESNT NECESSARILY HAVE TO ACTUALLY BE TOGETHER :)
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letickens · 9 years
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Yay, look at it, the last chance of me ever shipping Maiko and Ruri flew away.
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letickens · 9 years
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LokexLucy is one of my favorite ships. And honestly, they deserve more screen time.    – submitted by leashpacka
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letickens · 9 years
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letickens · 9 years
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letickens · 9 years
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letickens · 9 years
do u ever have a drama high…… like after a fight or petty drama u feel rejuvenated and clean. like everything feels so surreal and ur heart is so calm and u feel so good
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letickens · 9 years
me: i don't even care. i'm not going to talk about this anymore.
me: and you know what else? [2000 word rant]
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