letosghanima · 9 months
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letosghanima · 1 year
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ«you’ve always protected me. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤyou’ve always been my hero.» ㅤㅤㅤ
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letosghanima · 1 year
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Books everyone should read → THE TAROT SEQUENCE
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letosghanima · 1 year
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Brandon Saint John
“i pulled our Companion bond open and let my emotion sing through it… it was an emotion so complicated and layered it was nearly a soliloquy. It expressed the concept of companion. it said brother. it said ally.”
- The Hanged Man by K.D. Edwards
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letosghanima · 1 year
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“my name is rune st. john. i am, before anything else, a survivor.”
The Tarot Sequence by K.D. Edwards
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letosghanima · 2 years
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letosghanima · 2 years
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Problematic ... But to be honest I don’t know it the problem is with the book or with me. I almost dnf, but in the end I’ve decided to even give it a re-read. I may change my rating.
ETA: this is so much better the second time around! Rating upped!
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letosghanima · 2 years
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The best book yet of the 4. I totally took to the new POV guy, Kay (despite his indeed frequent moaning). The brothercest disappears like a candle bowing out, but the brothers grow towards each other beautifully. Far too many loose ends for this to be the final book though.
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letosghanima · 2 years
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Mildmay The Fox and Felix Harrowgate, from Sarah Monette’s series Doctrine of Labyrinths. 
I couldn’t put this series down. Amazing characterization, amazing worldbuilding, amazing character arcs and emotional poignancy, and hit so many of my buttons. I love these two dysfunctional idiots. 
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letosghanima · 2 years
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Doctrine of Labyrinths’ Mildmay The Fox, atop the rooftops of Mélusine for a job - for @ameliarating <3 
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letosghanima · 2 years
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“I don’t want him to be in the dark… I don’t want him to be afraid.”
Illustration of that scene in The Mirador – happy(?) birthday, @veliseraptor!
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letosghanima · 2 years
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With Mehitabel on the cover and as a 3rd POV narrator I could have guessed the brothercest was going to end up getting swiped under the carpet. The brothers’ relationship is hopelessly dysfunctional, while Mehitabel’s role and narration are far too big in this part of the story for my taste. Still, 4 * for the ending. And thank Kethe they’re out of Mélusine, and alone again. 
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letosghanima · 2 years
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Totally in love with this series. The author is sort of hovering around the bothercest like a moth not quite getting too close to the lamp to get burned. But it’s more than I could have hoped for.
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letosghanima · 2 years
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From the comments on Goodreads I got that this book is either intensely loved or hated. Luckily, for me this one worked. Really well even: I couldn’t put it down. 
If this were fanfictin I’d say the author is going to go for brothercest. It isn’t, so ... Curious about where she will end up going though.
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letosghanima · 2 years
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Now I get to the reason why I’ve been so eager to update my Tumblr: I finished The Kheld King and I’m so damned emotional about it! Hooked! Couldn’t put it down! 
There is one character death I’m going to be grieving about for some time to come. But the last scene in the book is so splendid and the excerpt from the next book so promising I’ll ... make myself get over it. Is it next year yet? I need to know what happens next!
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letosghanima · 2 years
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So then I got curious about these mini-series. I didn’t care much about the first season, but really enjoyed the second one. To me James McAvoy will forever be the face of Leto II now! And Jessica Brooks’ Ghanima was an excellent fit too.
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letosghanima · 2 years
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I’ve not been keeping my Tumblr up to date with my reading exploits since Sordaneon. Besides two short stories I’ve gone through the original Dune saga. I was less enchanted then when I read these as a teen. Less enamoured with Duncan Idaho too though he’s the reason I picked up the sequels. Still fascinated with Leto The God Emperor though.
The two sequels ... so many hours of my life I’m never going to get back. The storylines were promising, but gawd, so badly written.
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