Maya rushed over to the door and cracked it. Yukari was there, looking radiant as usual. "Yeah! Gimme one second, I was just finishing getting ready." She smiled through the crack in the door and closed it back for a moment, rushing across the room and putting her makeup bag away. She put on her shoes and went back to the door. Maya practically flung the door open and smiled. "Let's get our relaxation on!" She said, her voice chipper as usual.
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She stepped out and locked the door behind her, then faced Yukari. "Did you want to go to Junes or the hot springs first?" She'd been looking forward to their day together since the idea was first brought up. With all the stuff going on in Inaba, this was the most fun thing she could think of.
[it's kind of short but it's 2AM and I wanted to get a reply out ASAP]
[closed] Relaxation Day
It had been a while since she had been in Inaba and the same could be said for her friend that she was planning to spend the day with. Although the matter at hand was important, relaxing to calm the mind and the body was important too. Also, it was nice to have a vacation day where you actually treated it like a vacation.
Which is why after getting herself ready, Yukari walked out of her room and toward the opposite hallway. Stopping at a certain door she knocked.
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“Maya, you there? We were going to hang out at Junes and try out the hot springs today, right?”
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[[I'm sorry for the prolonged absence, but I have nothing to do. I'm waiting on replies, but if someone wants to do a thread/para with me, shoot me a message!]]
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"Right, right! You're a superstar. You can't exactly go around saying that you use a Persona. People would think you were on drugs or something, and that really wouldn't blow over well. Anyway, you say that a few select others know about your Persona. Are they Persona users as well? I've met a few other users here, but they're all from Iwatodai Port Island." She thought of Mitsuru, Yukari, and Akihiko. She realised how widespread the Shadow issue really was.
Maya sighed, feeling the need to tell Rise everything that she knew. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I guess you should know. As far as I know, the Shadows are only limited to Japan. I've only heard of cases here in Inaba, Sumaru City, and on the Iwatodai Port Island. You know how your school is destroyed, right? Shadows are practically oozing out of everything there. Yukari Takeba and I were almost overwhelmed when she and I went there to write my story. Apparently, one of Yukari's friends is trying to get an evacuation order for the town." She hated talking about this, it had put a serious damper on her mood. She almost wished that she hadn't brought it up.
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lovelyrisette started following you
Her intuition had led her to this conclusion, but she was still hit with simultaneous shock, relief, and excitement. Rise stopped walking, and her eyes widened with a bit of happiness behind them. She began to speak, slowly at first but gaining momentum as she went on. “I’m really glad you’re the type to get straight to the point. To be honest, I had a feeling you were also a Persona user, but I’m still relatively new to all of this and I don’t trust anyone outside of a few select others with this information, considering my status and whatnot.”
Though, she was a bit sad at what Maya’s story meant. Others had died at the hands of the Shadows, and they weren’t just isolated to Inaba or the TV world. Her face fell a bit at the realization.
“So we weren’t the only ones who fought Shadows or dealt with mysterious murders, then…and that means more people might be in danger in the future too…”
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Maya bounded out of the door, eager to get back outside. She was enjoying herself in spite of all the crazy events going on in Inaba. She also knew that one of them would break any second and flat out speak of Personae and Shadows. When asked about Sumaru City, Maya smiled. It was her hometown and a lovely city.
"You really want to know about Sumaru City? It's such a great city! Sumaru City is right on the base of Mount Katatsumuri and you can see it from anywhere in the city. There are about a million people living in the city and they're all pretty nice people. We've got plenty of places to shop and eat, theatres abound, I hear that the schools are OK. I work right in the heart of Downtown, and I can hear all of the traffic from my office." Her voice was tinged with fond memories and an overall love for the metropolis. Maya's voice dropped just a bit as she spoke again.
"It's not a place without its strange events though. A few years ago, my friends and I had to deal with this murderer named the JOKER. He would send notes to people that would say "You're next!" before he would slaughter them." She leaned in close to Rise as they walked along. "We stopped him though. My friends and I, we have these powers called Personae. We used them to defeat the JOKER, his monsters, and returned peace and harmony to Sumaru City!"
Maya shot a worried glance at Rise, wondering what she'd say about it. She was convinced that Rise was a Persona user, but there was always the chance that she'd been dead wrong and Rise was just a normal civilian. 
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lovelyrisette started following you
It all happened so fast all Rise could do was watch and smile in amusement. Not that she’d protest, really, because how often does a mysterious reporter who you might share sort-of power in common with show up in your family’s tofu shop?
“Let’s go then!” she said enthusiastically, heading towards the door. She turned and offered a quick wave and farewell smile to her grandmother, then pushed open the door and led Maya out into the sunshine. Her heart began to pick up tempo once they were outside, as she knew that there was no chance of getting out of sharing her secret now. She walked along in silence for a minute or so, wondering how to bring up the topic.
“So since I’m going to show you Inaba, I think it’s only fair that you tell me more about Sumaru City! You seem to be rather fond of it, that must mean it’s a very interesting place.”
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Maya was super excited for her first trip to a Junes. The only thing standing in the way of this excursion was Rise's working schedule. She could tell that Rise was about to protest using Maya's influence to get her off early, but she smiled at the last second. "Good! I'll go talk to your grandmum right now. That's her, right over there?"
Maya rummaged around in her bag and pulled out her ID card. She quickly flashed it at Rise and smiled. "Anything for a bit of fun, right?" She put her drink down on the counter and meandered over to Rise's grandmother, who was chopping up vegetables. Maya politely grabbed the woman's attention and spoke. "Excuse me, are you Rise's grandmother?" She slid her ID card across the counter to the aging old lady. "My name is Maya Amano, I'm a reporter from Sumaru City, down on the coast. I understand that Rise is working today but I really need her help. I'm writing a story on Yasoinaba for my magazine and I could really use the help of a popular teenager to show me around. Would you mind if Rise left work early and came with me? I normally wouldn't ask, but I think your grand daughter can be the missing piece I need to unlock the true Inaba." Maya flashed the woman her best smile and waited for a response. 
Maya walked back over to Rise with a confident smile playing on her face. "C'mon, I think it's time you show me Junes and the real Inaba!"
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lovelyrisette started following you
Rise watched as Maya excitedly responded, her smile growing wider with each of Maya’s returned enthusiasms. When she met new people, even if she enjoyed it, part of her always remained unsure and a little insecure concerning how they would  react to her suggestions, ideas, and personality. So it was always a pleasant surprise when someone actually shared her happiness. It was relief, in a way, and Rise could almost feel as though she and Maya were going to become close soon.
“Of course it’s okay! And Junes is a really big department store, so they have lots of other stuff there too! You could spend an entire day in there…actually I’ve spent many entire days lost in there.” The double meaning of the TV world was unintentional this time, but it wasn’t lost on Rise. Junes had become their de facto headquarters, after all, and might soon become that again.
She was about to throw her hands up in protest at the identification idea, as she was sure she could get off of work fairly easily since she had been there all day, but then a smile crept across her face. Who said the sneaky fun and feeling important had to stop, anyways?
“You don’t have to use your identification, but it would be really cool! You’re the super important reporter, after all!”
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myriad-truth started following you [super late post]
It was approaching sunset as Maya walked along the bank of the Samegawa River. She had no real destination or intentions, she was just out for a stroll. She really needed to clear her mind, that was for sure. Things in Inaba were looking worse and worse by the minute. Throngs of people were still filing in to see the ruins of Yasogami High, when in reality they all needed to be part of a mass exodus. Inaba wasn't a safe place at the moment, what, with all the Shadows and strange happenings that were pervading the once calm atmosphere. Mitsuru Kirijo had informed her of an attempt to get an evacuation order, but she had heard no more back from the red head. She was starting to worry, quite honestly. Many of her friends had disappeared, leaving Maya to spew conjecture about where they'd all gone to.
Maya glanced over her shoulder at the silver haired boy that was tailing her. He'd been back there for blocks. They'd intercepted each other back on the high street, and he'd followed her all the way to the Samegawa Flood Plain. She was getting a tad bit worried. Guys never followed her, but she was trained on what to do in the case of attempted assault (sexual or nonsexual.) She decided, against her better judgement, to turn around and face her shadow. (haha get it?)
Maya spun on her heel and took an offensive stance. "You there! Why are you following me? Do you need something from me?" She stared the silver haired high schooler down, preparing herself for all the possible responses.
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"There isn't a single Junes in Sumaru City! They've been planning to build one for years now but have never gotten approval from the city council." She perked up at the mention of steak and cute clothes. "Steak and clothes?! They have both of those? In the same place? That's unheard of in Sumaru!" She slammed her hand down on the counter and practically roared "We have to go! Today! I require steak and cute clothing!" She smiled and laughed. "If that's okay with you, of course. I'd also love to meet your friends."
She finished up her gonmodoki and looked around. "If you need help getting off of work, I can talk to your parents and tell them that I need you for a special report. You think that'll get them to let you off?" Maya pulled her press pass from the bottom of her purse and flashed it. "I even have identification!"
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lovelyrisette started following you
“Really? You’ve never been to a Junes before?”
Rise’s surprise was as genuine as it was obvious - she’d assumed that someone like Maya would’ve surely been to one before, and that perhaps it might’ve been a mundane place to go. That was the main reason she hadn’t mentioned it first, but was planning instead to sneak it in as part of the interview with the Investigation Team, if things went well with her and they decided to show her the TV world.
That worked out nice, though - saves me the trouble!
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“Well then we have to go for sure!” Rise exclaimed, clasping her hands together in excitement. “They have such cute clothes there, and I know you just ate but you have to try their steaks. My friend Chie-chan loves them. And actually, speaking of my friends, our local Junes is run by the father of my friend Yosuke. I’m sure Yosuke would be glad to give you a grand tour - he’s kind of proud of the store afterall.”
She leaned on the counter, propping her head up with one arm. “So what do you say? I think they’re all busy right now, but we can go over there today and maybe go back tomorrow or another day for a meal with the entire group!”
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Maya scoffed. "I've seen dozens of dark sides. My entire career is dark side after dark side. In fact, I've seen the dark sides of my friends. How they really thought, what they really wanted to say, I've seen it all. It'd be great if you could score me some interviews with all of your friends! That'll really help my story." She nodded earnestly and took a bite out of her food. She knew it was rude to eat while someone was speaking, but she was so hungry.
She wiped a few crumbs from the edge of her mouth and grinned feebly. "I'm sorry! I was going to faint if I didn't eat anything. I'd love to go on a true Inaba adventure with you! I hear you guys have a Junes now! Sumaru City doesn't even have a Junes yet! That has to be the starting point of our adventure." She wanted to know what a big chain store like Junes was all about. Maybe she could even find some people to interview while inside. Her main concern at the moment, however, was asking Rise up front about the Shadows and Personae after they made it outside.
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lovelyrisette started following you
“Me?! Oh, no!” the young star immediately rebuttled, probably having more of a shocked reaction than she should’ve. “No, I’m much too busy right now for things such as relationships. Besides, it’s more fun to keep the guys guessing and that’s certainly difficult to do when you’re with someone. Though, I suppose maybe one day after my life gets a little less exciting, I wouldn’t mind sharing it with someone…” Her words trailed off as she momentarily considered her potential suitors in Inaba, and how Yu-senpai was the one she had grown closest to after everything and how he was the only one who really met up to her interests.
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“But anyways…I’m sure you understand, being a reporter and all! It seems like it’d be a busy lifestyle, but the things you must get to see and hear about! I bet you’ve seen a lot of peoples’ dark sides or people who don’t quite seem to be themselves, too.”
Rise really was having too much fun with all of this sneaky talk. She really hoped Maya was a good person, as she was beginning to really like her. Her happiness and sincerity were really appealing to Rise, and she began to wonder if the two could become friends if she was right about Maya and they did end up working together. She started feeling as though she really wanted to reveal her identity to Maya, but she couldn’t do it here, not in the middle of a semi-busy restaurant.
“If you’re here to write a story about my school, I could see if my friends would be willing to sit down and talk to you sometime. I’m sure you need quotes from the students themselves. But before that, I’ll have to give you the scoop on this town, things that guidebooks would never ever dare or even know to mention!”
Rise paused and looked at her watch, then smiled and glanced back up at Maya.
“Actually, I could probably leave here soon, as I’ve been helping out most of the day. So what do you say to a true Inaba adventure?”
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Maya was sure that the girl standing in front of her had to be a Persona user. The looks and the secret code they were both spewing had to confirm it. Maya noticed that Rise put emphasis on TV, but the meaning flew right over Maya's head. She'd never known Shadows or the JOKER to do anything with a television set. Maybe it was something local to Inaba? She let that one slide, figuring that someone would explain it to her later.
"I agree. When I was younger, everything seemed so bright and happy, like nothing could ever go wrong. Now that I'm older, I have to see so many dark and depressing things on a daily basis. I have to see them more often than others because I'm a reporter. The magazine always sends me out to do pieces on stuff like Apathy Syndrome or the Yasogami Incident and wow. I always stay close to my true self though, if she left me, I'd be useless against the shadows of the world." Maya smiled. She'd managed to put in another Shadow reference. She wondered who would be the first to come out and speak freely about Shadows and Personae and whatnot.
"I'm here for a story." Maya answered. "I'm doing a magazine article about your high school, and my magazine sent me up here to do it. I was supposed to leave the other day but I've extended my trip indefinitely." She'd be here until all the craziness and all the Shadows died down. "It'd be great if you could show me around! I'm going off of a guidebook and I'm sure it's not showing me all the local hangouts and whatnot. I don't have a guy though, so no dates." She paused for a second. "Do you have a boyfriend, Rise?" It was a stupid question but she asked it anyway.
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lovelyrisette started following you
A bit of warmth spread in Rise when Maya mentioned building a memorial. It was a wonderful idea, and something that was simple enough that even she and her friends could do. She started wondering about the feasibility of getting more students involved than just the Investigation Team, when Maya’s words grabbed her attention again.
The sly mention of shadows, combined with Maya’s earlier quote confirmed Rise’s suspicions  She definitely had to be a Persona user, or at the very least, knowledgeable about their existence. This would’ve surprised her before, except the recent events revealed that there were more users out there - this group in particular being the Shadow Operatives. Still, it wasn’t everyday one walked into Marukyu!
Rise gave Maya a very knowing look before sighing and replying. “When I was younger it was so different - things seemed brighter and happier. I suppose that’s the way it goes though with life? But I agree, lately there’s been a lot of trouble. You see the bleak news all over the TV these days. Some days it really brings you down, but sometimes you just have to remember who your true self is and stay loyal to that and not let it cause you to become negative!”
Okay, admittedly those last two were weak. Still, hopefully it drove the point home!
“Speaking of Inaba, what brings you here? I haven’t seen you around and it’s a fairly small town, so I’m assuming you’re either new or visiting. If you want, I can help show you around - and if you’ve got a guy I can show you some really awesome date spots!”
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Time to follow her intuition and see if she was right about Maya.
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Maya noticed the look of tension in Rise's eyes. It was there for a split second before Rise regained her composure. Maya knew she'd landed on an interesting subject and she intended to pursue it. For the moment, Maya let Rise talk. She hoped that the other female would continue with the subtle hints and clues, giving something Maya to work off of. She certainly didn't want to flat out say "Hey. I know you're a Persona user and so you should come help me save the world or at least Inaba." Contrary to popular belief, that wasn't a normal conversation topic to some people.
Maya caught Rise's emphasis on the word bonds. She fired back with a witty quote that'd been in the back of her mind since the JOKER incidents in Sumaru City. "Bonds of people are the true power." Maya grinned, wondering what type of secret speech would come next. "You're right. You guys should do something! Make a little shrine or something. I know that nobody died, but whatever would make you guys all feel better." 
She grabbed the change from Rise's hand and smiled. She had to continue the conversation, lest she walk away feeling unfulfilled. "Inaba's a shadowy place, y'know? So many strange events have happened here lately."
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lovelyrisette started following you
Rise blinked, taken aback by the possible hint that Maya seemed to be dropping. Did she sense something about her presence? Was she that obvious?
She relaxed, but the laughter that followed still had an air of nervousness about it. Rise was unsure of what to do…should she tell her? She’d just met Maya, and while she seemed nice enough, Rise wasn’t sure what her motivations were or what she’d do with the knowledge.
“It’s fine!” she said, while she took the yen from the counter and counted it. She opened the drawer and began to deposit the money and take out the change to return to Maya. “I don’t exactly have a plan yet, but my school was destroyed so I can’t really just sit around and do nothing, y’know? A lot of the students are upset, even if we aren’t the greatest fans of having to attend school, it’s a place where we grew together and formed memories and bonds.” She returned Maya’s emphasis and word choice, and resisted the urge to giggle at how surprisingly fun the feeling was that they were speaking in a secret code language. “It’d be too sad to just rebuild and move on as though nothing ever happened.”
She finished taking out Maya’s change, closed the drawer, and extended her coin-containing hand towards her.
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[[sorry for my absence these past few days. I started playing Skyrim again on Saturday morning and well...I got addicted. I'm pretty much done with it at this phase so if anyone wants to do a thread/para/chat thing/whatever shoot me a message and we'll work something out.]]
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The Stolen Tablet
Maya knew that returning to Yasogami alone was one of the stupidest things she could've possibly done. As she approached the gate of the destroyed school, she noticed that the guards were gone. Strange. It's only half past two. They should be back from their lunch break by now. I don't intend to wait for them, though. I don't have time. 
She poked her head into the makeshift guard tent and grabbed the key to the gate off of the nearby table. Maya stepped back outside and faced the black iron gate. She crammed the lock into the centre fixture, then slid the gate open. Carefully, she made her way across the destroyed concrete until she found where the tablet had been only 24 hours prior.
"It's gone!" She was shocked. Who would have taken it? Had the SDF removed it for studying? Even she wouldn't have dared touch the ominous black tablet. It practically screamed that it was all wrong. Maya made her way back to the gate and locked it shut, thoughts running through her mind like wildfire. There was something going on with this tablet, and she was going to find out. She was a journalist, after all. She needed to tell her teammates that the tablet was gone. That was her main priority at the moment.
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That's a new one. I don't think my position in the media has ever kept me from information before. I'm pretty sure it's even gained me access to information. I won't push it though. Mitsuru is plenty friendly and I don't want to jeopardise that. Maya thought to herself. "Well, that is a commendable mission statement." Maya conceded. "Protecting the world from Shadows is a noble goal. I must admit that I'm still fond of Team Rocket's mission statement. To protect the world from devastation, to unite all peoples within the nation, to denounce the evils of truth and love, to extend our reach to the stars above!" Maya quipped, referencing a series of games she'd played as a child. I hope she actually gets that reference and doesn't think I'm some sort of unloving moon-obsessed sadist.
Maya graciously accepted the dinner invitation. "I'd be honoured to come along, Ms. Kirijo. I'm not sure I have much more to tell you about the Shadows here in Yasoinaba, unless you want to hear about the JOKER and the Shadows that plagued Sumaru City several years ago?"
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Yes, that would be me.
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I see that Yukari took the liberty to tell you about my background, then I have no further comment. I can’t tell you much about the Operatives, considering your position in the media, but all you have to know that it’s our job to maintain Shadow-related activities to a minimum, or eliminate the threat if possible. Which brings us here. If anything, I’d hate to drag anyone out of the Operatives into this, which is why I am going to order an evacuation and map out this area myself and gauge it of its threat level with my team.
{ the woman shook her head, adjusting the fur overcoat before sighing. whatever appetite she had vanished at the start of this discussion, but she knew she’d have to put something in her system to perform at a level that she’d like. she’s going to have a long few days ahead of her, that’s for sure. }
You’re not a bother. If anything I’d like for you to come with me if that’s possible so you can relay all that you’ve discovered during your stay. Any insight on the matter would be great.
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"You're Mitsuru Kirijo?" Maya looked at the redheaded woman, obviously impressed. She wasn't sure how to speak with her though. Did she act formal? Did she speak like she usually would? She decided to speak with a mix of formal and casual aspects. "I've been looking forward to meeting you! Yukari told me quite a bit about you and the rest of S.E.E.S." Mitsuru seemed to have her priorities in order and Maya could understand why Yukari put her faith and trust in the woman.
"Could you tell me a bit more about the Shadow Operatives? Is this organisation government sanctioned? Will you be able to get an evacuation order so easily?" Maya felt that she was asking too many questions, but she wanted to know as much as she could. It was better for her to ask now rather than when they were in battle. "However, if you need to be somewhere else right now, I'd be happy to talk to you another time. You must be a busy woman!" Maya would completely understand if she needed to leave. The world was at stake, after all.
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You’re welcome, Miss Amano.
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I’m glad that I seemed to have found an ally, then.
{ she figures that her word choice should be vague enough that others who don’t have prior knowledge to the topic wouldn’t understand. still, she is honestly glad. it seemed that the journalist was on their side, after all. }
Let’s start over. My name is Mitsuru Kirijo, and I am the head of an association called the Shadows Operatives. It’s a pleasure to be of acquaintance to another persona user.
{ the empress nods at the hushed advice, her hues flicking over to glance over the small town. }
I was afraid of that. I’ll have to go to the local authorities soon and put in an order.
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Maya put a hand on Yukari's shoulder and then swiftly pulled her into a hug. Normally she wouldn't touch anybody without permission, but Maya could see the worry in the young girl's face and she wanted to quell it. She pulled back and held Yukari at arm's length. "We have to stay positive. The world needs to be saved again, no doubt. Perhaps this will be the last time, maybe it won't be. We have to stay positive no matter what. We're going to find out what's going on and I promise you that we are going to stop it."
She smiled softly and glanced at a clock above Yukari's head. "It's getting late. Why don't you go grab something to eat and then head back to your room? We'll need rest for tomorrow, especially since we don't know what we'll face." Maya hoped that it sounded like a suggestion and not a command. She didn't want to rub Yukari the wrong way, especially with all that was going on.
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[Memento Mori Event] WHOA!
Nodding she replied to Maya’s interview with Akihiko, “That sounds like him alright. He mostly likes to keep to himself about things and he really isn’t good at lying. Truth be told, he can get nervous and embarrassed pretty easily depending on the situation. Though when you can get him to talk, like a nice straight conversation, he’ll be honest and to the point. That’s just the kind of guy Akihiko-Senpai is.” In a way, she was proud to know and be friends with such a person. Laughing she answered to Maya’s comments on Yukari’s teammates, “Never a boring moment with them. Oh, right I guess it might be obvious but I specialize in wind spells but I’m also pretty good with healing spells! So no worries if you get hurt!”
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Although she was pretty hyped up to save the world with her old friends and new friends, Yukari couldn’t help but let her mood drop. “It makes me wonder a bit though…how can the world keep getting into so much trouble after we keep doing all we can to save it? Just what is going on here this time…”
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Maya took the compliment in stride. "Thank you very much. I might work for a local magazine, but I take my work very seriously." She paused for a moment and spoke again. "Personae? I'd say that I know quite a bit about them, seeing as I have one of my own. Artemis has been with me since I was a child, she awakened when I was nearly burnt to a crisp as a child." She couldn't help but remember the fear and panic she'd felt, locked in Alaya Shrine as it burnt around her. She'd repressed the memories up until a few years ago, and she was certain that Artemis had saved her life. Philemon had confirmed it before his destruction.
Maya leaned forward and lowered her voice. She didn't want the people nearby to hear what she was saying. Her voice was grave. "I want to give you a piece of advice. Don't wait to do a mass evacuation, do it now. Shadows have already appeared at Yasogami and they can't be contained for long. You can't risk waiting until it's too late."
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That trait is commendable. If only there were more like yourself.
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—? Yukari? .. I see. 
{ it’s now more than ever does she wonder if her suspicions were correct. it couldn’t have been pure coincidence that the two met before their meeting. so she would have to risk the question— not that it wasn’t already (almost) publicly known, considering the shadows operatives were practically working under the government for this specific type of situations. }
Tell me, what do you know about Personas, Miss Amano?
In any case it is getting rather dangerous here, if things keep spiraling downwards I might have to step in and see if a mass evacuation is possible. The threat is obvious; civilians might get hurt and that is a risk I don’t want to take.
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Maya shook her head. "It was hard to get any information out of Akihiko at all. He seems to keep his personal information close. He ignored half of my questions and very visibly lied on the other half." Maya listened intently, soaking in all the information she could about future teammates. "So a dog that uses fire and dark spells, a robot, an elementary school kid, and a bunch of other people. This is gonna be interesting." She mused, curious to see how they'd divide up their large numbers. She personally wanted to stay with Yukari, seeing as they'd spent so much time together already.
Maya was enjoying Yukari's enthusiasm. "You're right. We can handle this and we are going to save the world! Again." She thought about how many times the world had been saved by Persona users. Too many times. Maya thought. Why couldn't the world be safe from danger for longer than a few years?
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[Memento Mori Event] WHOA!
Yukari couldn’t help but laugh at Maya’s slip of words. “I’m more surprised you were able to get an interview out of him. Though on the subject of his abs, he said he did more training after these two years. I don’t think he really sees any women except Mitsuru-Senpai, but that’s just my own speculation considering they’re always together.” They were both really popular in high school too now that I think about it. But, they always rejected any and all confessions that came their way. ”Yeah, Koro-Chan is a good boy! If I remember right he specialized in Dark and Fire spells, as for Aigis for more information on her you’d have to ask Mitsuru-Senpai.”
She blinked at Maya’s connection with the punk and the textile store that was around here. To be honest, Yukari didn’t even know there was a textile store here. It’s not her fault that she didn’t have the time to be exploring the place! “Hmm, he could be I guess. For some reason, although he acted like a jerk when we first met he seemed to have a softer side to him. He’s probably just not used to expressing his feelings.” The last part she said aloud by accident while she was thinking about their meeting the other day.
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Smiling at Maya’s enthusiasm, she did laugh a bit about the Persona convention. “I’ll try my best, if I can find Mitsuru-Senpai then I’ll have much better luck in trying to contact everyone! If anything we’ll be a lot stronger with even a few more people. It’s the number of shadows that worry me…but I’m sure we’ll all make it through! After all we’ve all saved the world once!” Which was true. Wow, the world sure did need a lot of saving huh?
((Well let’s start Tumblr advertising I guess!!))
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