lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Many needed conversations (and one very tired teacher). ((part 2))
When Bakugo arrived your class, everyone went silent. They just started at him.
Deku was the first one to speak, "Kacchan! Is that mean you're-"
"I'm staying." he cut him off, but avoided his gaze. Instead, he shot an angry look for the rest of the class, "what are you all staring at, idiots?"
He went to his desk and threw his bag at his seat.
Ochaco lifted her chin a bit and stepped forward, looking directly at Bakugo. "We know what you've done to Deku." She said. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
He narrowed the distance between them, getting dangerously close. "I say that you should mind your own business, Round Face."
Rage flashed on her face. "That's it. You're going down, Bakugo!" she pushed him.
At least 5 students rushed to diffuse the situation.
"Uraraka, no!" Deku gently restrained her. "Please, it's ok."
Wisely, he avoided her hands, so she couldn't use them to float him away. That didn't stop her from trying. "It's not ok, Deku! He hurt you so much!"
Iida tried to reason with her, "You can get suspended, is it worth it?"
Meanwhile the entire Bakusquad tried to restrain Bakugo, who surprisingly enough wasn't trying to blast them off when struggling to get out of their grip. "Get off me you fuckers!".
When he finally broke free, Ochaco was ready to continue the fight but Bakugo just left the classroom, slamming the door close.
Kirishima hurried after him, "Bakugo, wait!"
Ochaco was furious. She chose to direct that fury first at Iida. "Why haven't you backed me up? I thought we agreed on this."
Iida looked down. "I did, but then I thought about this. Aizawa-Sense watched the same thing we did, and he talked to Bakugo about it. He probably already punished him. And Midoriya didn't want us to attack him either."
"But Deku forgive everyone ! And Aizawa didn't even expel him! And you've seen how he reacted when he arrived, I bet he's not even sorry!"
Deku put a hand on her shoulder, looking at her with a sad smile. "Thank you for wanting to protect me, Uraraka. Before you, I never had a friend who had my back like this. But I don't want you to get hurt because of me, I can protect myself now." he then looked at the door. "And I can handle Kacchan. He's not the same way he was in middle school, I don't want to reopen old wounds."
Ochaco's heart hurt, she bite her lip, "That doesn't mean you have to forgive him."
"I know, and I'm still not sure I do. But I don't want a revenge. I just want… A new beginning. Where both of us just do the best we can to become heroes, the way we used to dream about when we were little. Is that alright?"
She pulled him in for a hug. "Of course it is. I'm sorry, Deku." She buried her her into his shoulder.
He petted her head. "It's alright, Uraraka."
Eijiro run after Bakugo, who quickly stomped away from the classroom.
"Bakugo, wait!"
"Leave me alone, Shitty hair." he hasn't even turned around.
Eijiro caught up with him. "Please, I just want to talk." he touched the angry boy's shoulder and made him face Eijiro.
"Don't want to hear it. I don't care what you, or any of the other extras think!" Bakugo snapped.
"Well, too bad!" Eijiro snapped back. "Because we care about you! You're my friend, Bakugo. And yes, Uraraka shouldn't have started a fight like this but I'm not going to let you to just storm away from your problems."
Eijiro didn't even get to blink before Bakugo grabbed him from the collar of his shirt. "Who the fuck do think you're saying is running away?"
Eijiro didn't even flinch, he looked right into Bakugo's red eyes. "You." he released himself from the grip." Look, the class is pretty hostile to you right now and honestly, I get it. What you did was, pretty messed up, man. And… I've always kind of looked up to you but I have to know… do you even feel bad about it?"
Bakugo scoffed. Then, after a moment, he looked right at him, and looked in a way Eijiro rarely saw before: vulnerable.
"I told him to kill himself, Kirishima." he said, then laughed. It was a dry, desperate sound, Bakugo clenched his hair, looking at Eijiro with a crooked smile. “I should have been expelled. He-he asked them not to. I told him to kill himself and he begged for me to get a second chance. How fucked up is that?”
Eijiro didn’t know what to say to that.
But Bakugo didn’t wait for an answer. “No matter what I did to him, he just wouldn’t give up. No matter how many times I told him that I don’t need his help, that I was stronger than he could ever dream to be and that I didn’t need his pity… ”
He sat down, knees curled up against his chest. “He could have died and it would have been my fault . I pushed him around and Aizawa said it could have been enough for him to actually do that.”
Eijiro sat next to him and put a hand on his shoulder, “Yes, and it’s messed up, but he didn’t . He’s here now, to annoy the crap out of you and offer to help you whether you like it or not.” He tried to send him a comforting smile. “If he asked for you to stay it must means he wants you to have a second chance.”
“But I don’t deserve a second chance.” said Bakugo. And Eijiro knew that if Bakugo was anything, it was fair. He wouldn’t take anything he doesn’t feel like he’s earned.
Eijiro smiled at him. “Then...maybe you can try to deserve it? What has Aizawa-Sensei told you?”
“That I need to go to anger-management lessons.” He said with disdain.
“I dunno, sounds like a good idea, bro. Go to those lessons, apologize to Midoriya, try to be better.”
Bakugo rolled his eyes, “Not that it would help much with the other extras. Why are you even here? Why do you care?”
“Because we’re friends man, even if you don’t want to admit it. And friends look after each other. Even if they make mistakes. And the rest of the class...I think they’ll be a little cold to you for a while but overall it’s Midoriya’s decision whether to forgive you or not. And if he’s ok with you they’ll be too.”
The bell ringed, indicating that they break is over.
Eijiro patted Bakugo’s back, then stood up. “Come on dude, let’s go back.”
Bakugo hasn’t said a thing, but he got up as well.
Toshinori didn’t know what to expect when Aizawa said that they need to talk, but he knew it had to be important.
He also didn’t expect young Midoriya to be there, maybe the boy got himself in troubles again? It was an open secret at this point that he and young Midoriya were practically close, even if people didn’t know why exactly. So maybe Aizawa thought he should know about the boy’s situation. This would also explain the nervous look on the hero student’s face, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.
Toshinori hoped it wasn’t anything too serious but knew that whatever it may be, he would be there to support his boy.
“Hello, Yagi.” greeted Aizawa as he and Midoriya entered the room.
Toshinori shot the two a smile, hoping it could calm the kid’s nerves. “Hello Aizawa, I understand that you wanted to talk to me about something, does it have to do with young Midoriya here?”
“Yes.” he replied shortly, then closed the door behind him.
Aizawa went to sit in front of All Might, gesturing Midoriya join them.
Midoriya burst, talking so quickly it was hard to follow. ”I am so, so sorry All Might! I didn’t mean it, I should have stayed that night, I could have avoided this! I will do everything to fix this, I promise. I failed yo-”
He then got cut off by the teacher besides him, who thankfully made things clearer. “As a result of circumstances outside of anyone’s control, the source of Midoriya’s quirk got revealed to his class and I. This is in no way Midoriya’s fault, but we thought it would be good to let you know.”
Midoriya winced. He was shaking as if he was waiting to be yelled at.
“Oh dear, that is pretty surprising.” said Toshinori. For some unknown reason he was more worried about Midoriya’s state than One For All's secret, for the moment. “May I know what those circumstances were?”
Aizawa replied, drily as always, “This is none of your concern.”
But Toshinori wasn’t going to have it. “Consider the fact that this about my successor and my used-to-be quirk, I think this is very much my concern.” he let a trace of anger reach his tone.
Aizawa sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Then he managed to tell All Might with a completely straight face one of the strangest things he’s heard. Midoriya hasn’t contradicted his speech once, but looked incredibly guilty the entire time.
“I see…” Toshinori said in the end of it, trying to make sense of the entire thing. “So this, DVD, is now in your place?”
“Yes.” Aizawa confirmed.
“And no one has any idea where did it come from?” he made sure.
“And now the entire class knows.” All Might summed up. He started to get why Aizawa looked so tired. “This is unfortunate but I can see that it was just an accident. I don’t blame you, my boy.” To that, young Midoriya exhaled for maybe the first time in the last few minutes.
“Seems like I am going to have a talk with them on how serious this matter is and why it should stay a secret.” he continued.
��I already have. No one will say a word if they want to study here next year as well.” Reassured Aizawa. “But that leads us to the second topic: why have you kept this a secret from the teachers as well?” he gave him a sharp look.
All Might started sweating, “We-well, you see, I thought the less people to know, the better. Principle Nezu and recovery girl know, but only them. I didn’t think it was vital for anyone else to know.”
Aizawa paused. Then, he repeated what Toshinori just said, “You didn’t think. It was vital, for the people in charge of this boy’s hero training to know he only had his quirk from the start of the school year?” The words were so sharp they felt like knives.
Toshinori sweated even more, “I-I, never imagined he would struggle controlling it so much! I thought I could handle mentoring him myself.”
“ugh, you two are far too similar. You are giving him a bad example, Yagi. Don’t you get that this is a far too large responsibility for one person? One kid? Pressuring him to be the ‘next symbol of peace’ when he hasn’t even graduated high school?”
“But I want to be the next symbol of peace!” Midoriya intervened in the conversation for the first time. “I always wanted to save people like All Might, and then I got this chance, so I want to make it worth something. People are scared, I want to give them hope. And All Might has been a really good mentor, I got a lot better since the first time I used One For All and I continue to improve. I can do it.”
Toshinori felt his heart warming when he heard those words. Ever since that first day, he knew there was something about this kid. And he keeps being proven right again and again.
“All Might got one thing right, problem child.” Aizawa said. “Your heart is so big you would have managed to get yourself in dangerous situations to save people regardless of what anyone told you. At least now you have the powers to probably-not-get-killed while you’re there. I am only mad because I could have helped you better if I knew.”
“You also have to consider that young Midoriya could have been blamed of receiving a special treatment if the teachers knew our connection. I knew he wanted to prove his worth by himself.” All Might argued.
“No one here in UA gets or gives special treatment. Had Midoriya not showed a potential to be a hero, I would have kicked him out in the first day.”
All Might grinned in victory. “So you admit it! You admit he has potential!” he pointed at him.
Midoriya turned red, and then redder when Aizawa said, “I have. I thought I made it clear.” Then he added, “Let’s say that from now on, you two are going to tell me everything related to this quirk and any troubles you have with it, is that alright?”
The boy’s head turned to all might with a questioning expression, waiting to get a permission. “I agree if that’s what you think is best, my boy.”
Then, Midoriya turned to Aizawa:” Then I will. Thank you so much, Sensei.”
All Might could see a hint of a smile on the dark haired man’s face, but it was soon erased when he looked at him again. “That’s good, but I am still not done with you, Yagi. Can you please explain to me why you thought it was a good idea to contain a dangerous villain inside a plastic bottle you put in your pocket? Or why your first instinct to finding out a kid is stuck to your leg is trying to get rid of him mid air? ”
Shota reported the events to the principal, who approved all of his decisions after hearing his reasons.
Only one thing was left: What to do with Aldera Junior High.
Of course, what Shota wanted to do was confront them about the information he had but he can’t exactly tell them where he got it from.
Principal Nezu gave him a sinister smile when he raised that problem, seems like at least this problem will be taken care of.
After school, everyone were gathered in the central room. They all looked at Izuku, who stood in front of a board.
“So, I have a few theories on where this DVD came from if you would like to hear them.” he said.
“Please do, I have so many questions.” said Ojiro.
Izuku pointed out to the first point on his list: Time Travel.
“My first theory was that this DVD came here from the future, considered that I have no memory of narrating any of this despite it being my voice. Maybe, a time travel quirk let me send this message to the past, for us to watch together and learn from our experiences.”
“Is that mean you’ll really be the ‘greatest hero’?” asked Ashido while Kacchan scoffed. “As if!” he replied.
Izuku got flustered.”I don’t k-know? Maybe? I mean, I want to hope but I can’t say for sure a-and all of you are pretty amazing as well and-”
“Midoriya. Breath.” Said Jiro.
He took a deep breath and went on.:”However, it doesn’t explain many things. Even if a quirk was used to record my memories somehow, there were scenes where I wasn’t even present, along with the inner voices of other people and some animation effects. Which leads us to the second theory.”
He pointed on the board. “Alternative universe.”
“Isn’t all of that a little too sci-fie?” asked Hagakure.
Kaminari shrugged. “I mean, at least it’s an explanation.”
Yaorazou tucked her hair behind her ear. “While alternative universes are a popular concept in the science fiction genre, the idea came from real science-based theories. The universe is infinite after all, there may be countless of “alternative versions” of us out there. However, no one ever found a proof to those theories.”
“Thank you for explaining this so well, Yaorazou.” said Izuku.
“Wait, so there’s an alternative universe where we’re just a TV show characters? or...actors, or something? That’s mind blowing.” said Sato.
“But if that DVD is from an alternative universe, how did it even arrive here? And why?” asked Uraraka.
Izuku shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe there’s a quirk that can transfer objects from alternative dimensions? That could be so cool. The possibilities are endless.”
“In other words, you have no answer.” Todoroki said flatly.
Izuku started sweating, “No, not really…”
“Wait.” Said Tokoyami. “There’s still my theory.”
“Oh, right.” Izuku pointed at the last sentence on the board: Black Magic.
“Seriously?!” asked Mineta.
“I don’t actually know enough about it, I wrote it because Tokoyami insisted. So I’ll just let him explain from now on.” Izuku sat down, passing the pointer to Dark Shadow who held it in his mouth.
“Black Magic can explain it all: The mysterious DVD that appeared out of nowhere, containing secrets known to few, the TV and remote who got stuck just when we wanted to stop watching. This DVD came to us from an alternative realem-the dark one. It’s purpose is to force us watch our lowest moments and relive them.”
Everyone just stared at him for a while, til Tsuyu noted:”But no one’s forcing us to do anything. We choose to watch that.”
Tokoyami hasn’t lost his cool. “curiosity is both man’s greatest ally and his greatest enemy.”
Then, Kacchan decided he had it. “CAN YOU NERDS STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS STUPID DVD?! Who cares where it came from?! It’s here now and we can either watch it or not.”
Shoji petted his chin. “Actually, we probably should talk about what we should do next. We all agreed to continue to watch the show, but it was without Bakugo and Midoriya. We need to make sure they’re ok with it.”
Everyone’s eyes turned first to Izuku, who got nervous as a result. “I-I mean, I was pretty overwhelmed before but if the show will be about the events since I got into the UA I should be good? Also I don’t really want to be the reason why you won’t get to watch something you like. And if the show is from my perspective you all will get to see how amazing you are, because that’s how I see you.”
“Aww, Deku!” Uraraka hugged him.
Iida smiled at him as well. “We appreciate your permission, Midoriya. I hope you could see how amazing you are as well.”
“What about Bakugo?” asked Todoroki, and everyone’s gaze turned to Kacchan now.
He got up from the couch. “Tch, as if I care what you morons do in your free time. But don’t expect me to watch this nonsense as well. I have better things to do.”
“Then it settled.” said Iida. “We should tell Aizawa our decision.”
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Many needed conversations (and one very tired teacher). ((part 1))
Hizashi Yamada’s used to kids zoning out in his class, but this was ridiculous.
It was the first period and while he can understand that his students may not be morning-people, it was like none of them was present in the classroom.
Some started whispering the moment he turned his back to them, some were just lost in thought, but almost all of them kept sneaking glances into the empty seats of Bakugou and Midoriya.
Apparently, they were asked to stay a bit for today with their homeroom teacher but Hizashi had not idea why.
So after the third time he asked a question about the text they had just read, he decided that was enough.
“Iida, can you please tell me what is up with your class today?” he asked him, since he knew that boy can’t lie to a teacher even to save his life.
“Uh, I, um”, the class president pulled his tie, clearly stressed. Everyone else were staring at them, so now they decided to wake up, huh?
Hizashi felt a little bad about it but kept pushing:”Does this have to do with Bakugou and Midoriya?”
Iida went pale, but didn’t say a word.
Then, Yaoyorozu came to the rescue:”We were told not to tell, Sensei.”
Hizashi looked at every single one of them, most were averting his gaze, but no one broke.
The teacher sighed, then looked at the paper in his hand:”In that case, we are will have to read this text again .” he said tiredly, accepting that he’s not going to get anything done with this class today.
He will just have to ask Shota about it.
Shota Aizawa was tired.
It wasn’t anything new, he was always tired. But just thinking about confronting 4 different people about innormorous secrets he had to find out about from a magical TV show made him want to curl back to bed.
He told Bakugou and Midoriya to stay in the dorms for today, at least til he finish talking to them. Needless to say neither were happy about it, but they didn’t argue.
Midoriya seemed terrified but that wasn’t surprising. What was, was the fact that Bakugou seemed pretty scared as well, though he did a better job hiding it.
He decided to start with Midoriya, since all the things he found out about were directly related to him in one way or another.
Shota asked him if he would rather talk in his office, or if he preferred to do so in his own room.
“I, uh, don’t really want to see anyone now…” admitted the green-haired boy.
His room was it, then.
Midoriya sat on his bed and Aizawa sat in the chair in front of it. The teacher wasn’t even a tad surprised when he found out the room was practically an All Might shrine.
He looked at Midoriya, who looked like he was about to be executed. Shota wondered if there was any way to make this any easier.
When he couldn’t find one, he decided to cut to the chase,: ”Since you left early I should fill you in in what we have seen last night. I still have no explanation how this record of said events exist but I am sure it couldn’t have been your doing and that you would rather to keep it as a secret. We have watched 3 ‘episodes’ in a TV show format narrated by you, which includes the events that led to the entrance exam. Among them we have seen your diagnose as quirkless, the poor treatment you received as a result, your meeting with All Might, and your training under his wings before inheriting his quirk, ‘One For All’.”
Now the problem child looked like he was already executed, his face lost all color and he started muttering uncontrollably, his face hid in his hands,:”I messed up, I messed up I messed up, I failed All Might...I forgot it happened this day, I am going to be kicked out I-”
He gasped for air as Shota’s hand rest on his shoulder,: ”you haven’t messed up and you aren’t going to be expelled.” Midoriya’s eyes widened in shock, “All Might has gave you a responsibility no child should have, then asked you to keep it a secret from everyone else. Even me. Am I wrong?”
“N-no but, I had to keep it a secret! All Might said it can be dangerous for the people who know it a-and I didn’t want people to know our connection and blame me for not earning my place here…” Midoriya stuttered, looking at his lap.
“Problem child, I am your teacher. What is my job as your teacher?” the erasure hero asked.
“T-to teach me…?” he replied, dumbfounded.
“Yes, but also to protect you. As long as you are a UA student you are under my care and I am here to help you to the best of my abilities. But keeping the fact that you have had your quirk for less than a year now and just started to learn how to master it, or that you used to be bullied by Bakugou, the same person I kept teaming you up with in an attempt to get you to finally get along, do you realize how it makes me harder to do my job?”
Midoriya looked guilty but still tried to protest,: “I could do it by myself...I got better control in my quirk and Kacchan isn’t so bad anymore.”
“That’s not the point. Just because you could do it by yourself doesn’t mean you should have. The scars on your arms, your relationship with Bakugou, the one I always thought of as two equal rivals-”
“We are rivals!” Midoriya cut his speech, he was shaking but went on: “I worked so hard for him to see me as his equal instead of a pebble on his road a-and I am not going to give up on that just because I used to ...I used to be…” he couldn’t bring himself to say the last part.
“That’s not what I meant.” said Shota, his tone gentle. “I am not saying you’re not equal rivals now . I am saying that from what I saw, for years he has harassed you while you had no ability to defend yourself. Sometimes with the backup of a group, or of the environment you both grew up in. That wasn’t rivalry, it was bullying.”
Midoriya looked miserable, but he wasn’t denying what Shota said.
“I want you to know that it wasn’t ok. Quirkless or not, no one deserves to go through what you did. Midoriya I…” he took a deep breath: ”I saw the time he suggested you will jump off a roof.”
The boy flinched.
“If I had known that, he would have never made it to UA. We have a very clear policy of zero tolerance for bullying here.”
Midoriya gasped:”No, you can’t expel Kacchan!” he begged.
“We can’t have a hero who thinks this is an acceptable way to treat people, even if he sees them as beneath him. And I know what I’ve seen is probably just a small part of everything he’s done. It wouldn’t be fair for anyone to reward this behavior, especially for you.”
“But he’s changed! He- he was young so he did stupid things because everyone told him it was ok, he didn’t know any better! He worked so hard for it, he’s going to be a great hero one day, don’t you see his potential? If it’s really about me, don’t I get a say in it too?”
Shota paused for a moment, Bakugou definitely has potential, and he hated expelling kids who had potential. However, he couldn’t just let it go so easily. ”Do you really believe he deserves a second chance?”
“Yes.” there was no hesitation in his answer. “The hero course won’t be the same without him. He helps me get better every day.”
He sighed, but knew that if he wants to make this kid start trusting the adults in his life, he should show him he deserves that trust. “I will take that into consideration. However, expelled or not, there will be consequences to his actions, and same for your junior high school. Also, we are going to have a talk in All Might.”
Midoriya went pale again but before he could protest Shota said: “I am going to make it clear that the secret was revealed in circumstances that were out of control and you are not at fault here. I has also made sure the class won’t say a word about it to anyone.”
“They know too…” Midoriya looked like he was about to faint as he realized.
“Yes, and I know it’s not what you wanted, I am sorry you had to have it revealed to us against your will, But I will make sure that there will be no lasting damage from it.”
Shota got up from his chair and started walking to the door, “You can go back to class now, or stay in for today if you want to.” he said but then stopped at the door, saying one more thing before leaving: ”And, Midoriya? I know it’s hard for you but you are going to have to learn to trust me with your problems.”
The boy stared at him after he left, trying to process the conversation he just had.
Katsuki hasn’t really gone to bed that night. He means, he had, but his curiosity got the better of him. A show about them? What was Shitty Hair talking about?
So he stood in the corridor, far enough to not be seen but close enough to hear. He hasn’t heard everything from the TV, but he heard the reactions.
And they gave him anything he needed to know.
A big part of him wanted to blast off all those extras for the way they dared talk about him when he wasn’t there, but a bigger part of him knew he was done for.
He saw Deku’s agitated face from his hiding place when he went back to his dorm, he was small in a way he hasn’t seen him since middle school.
He heard them shouting about the things he did, gasping when the secret of “One For All” was revealed to them. Stupid Deku wasn’t even there to stop them from finding out, some “secret keeper” he was.
But well, neither was Katuski. He was too late when he heard them talking about ‘passing on a quirk’ he figured there was nothing he could do to stop the reveal. He failed All Might. Again.
But Katsuki knew that it was the least of his problems. He wasn’t stupid, he knew things were were different than in middle school. There were already rumors in the news that he was villainous ever since he was kidnapped by the league, so learning he hurt their precious little nerd so much, no one would doubt that anymore.
Then Aizawa-Sensei said he wanted to talk to him and Deku and well, he was ready to pack his things.
He tried not to let anything show when his teacher went inside his room, he didn’t want any of the extras to give him nasty looks before he gets expelled so he rathered it to happen in there and not in the office.
“Bakugou.” Aizawa greeted in his usual dry voice.
Katsuki hasn’t replied.
Aizawa sighed, “I don’t know what do you know about what we watched last night but-”
“I know everything, just get to the point.” Bakugou cut off his speech. No need to drag it out.
Aizawa didn’t react to the interruption, “I know about what happened between you and Midoriya during middle school. This behavior was in no way acceptable and there are will be consequences for that. I spoke to Midoriya before and-”
Katuski couldn’t take it anymore, ”So what the fuck are you gonna do, huh? Expel me? Go ahead.” he averted his look.
This time, the teacher has reacted to the interruption: “Mind your language, I am not planning on expelling you today but that can still change so sit down and let me speak.”
Bakugou blinked.
“Like I said, your behavior was unacceptable and in no way fit of a hero. It’s clear Midoriya has long, lasting damage as a result from your treatment and it’s only by luck and his own choices that nothing far worse happened.”
‘Something far worse’....
Bakugo still remembers his words that day.
‘if you wanna be a hero that badly, there’s a quick way to do it. Believe that you’ll be born with a Quirk in your next life and take a last chance dive off the roof.’
But he never meant it, not really. Deku was just a part of his life. Annoying, surely, but still a part. And if there was one thing consistent about him was that no matter what he did to him, he would always bounce back. Katsuki pushed him away, but he came back.
He started throwing insults years ago, trying to make it clear that they weren’t friends anymore since this stupid kid wouldn’t take a hint, but he was still there, with this dumb smile and hand reached to help him get up every time he fell.
He blasted him with his quirk? Deku just went back to school the next day, like nothing happened.
He told him to jump off a roof? Deku responded by rushing in to a villain while he had no powers and trying to help him yet again.
When Katsuki saw him in the UA entrance after he made it clear he better not stand in his way again, he wasn’t even surprised.
It was just who he is.
So he never really stopped to think about the ‘what if’s.
What if Midoriya had a limit to how much he could take?
What if he had taken his words a bit too seriously?
What if…
Thinking about Deku not being a part of his life anymore, not because he left, but because he just wasn’t anymore…
“I can see you finally start to understand.” The hero said.
“H-he wouldn’t have.” said Katuski, he refused to believe it. “Deku’s stubborn as heck.” He wasn’t happy about it but decided to censor himself for now.
“I know you didn’t think he would actually do it, and thank god, he didn’t. But that doesn’t change the fact that he could have. He had to live in a discriminating society in a school who saw him as invisible, suffering daily harassments from you. Someone he thought of as a friend. Those things leave a mark on you, and not just the physical ones from your quirk. And that, Bakugou, is definitely enough for a person to snap. He could also have chose a different approach, becoming resentful of the hero society and work against it.”
Katsuki laughed: “If you think Deku could have been a villain, you don’t know him at all. The nerd has dreamed of being a hero his entire life.”
“You would be surprised of how many villains started the same way.”
Katsuki sighed, ”I hurt him. I know I that. And I know I shouldn’t have, I’m not making excuses for that crap. So why are you not kicking me out?” he honestly wanted to know.
“If it was just me you would have had your stuff packed already, but it’s not just me here.” He paused for a bit, and then continued, “Midoriya asked me not to. He thinks you deserves a second chance.”
The blonde boy scoffed, “Of course he has…”
“And that boy needs to know he will be listened to here. Too many times he carried something no one should deal with alone, especially not in his age, because he didn’t trust the adults around him to help.”
“One For All…” Katsuki realized, since there was no point hiding it now.
“Yes, that’s one example. But he wants you to stay here so this time I am going to consider his feelings.” he said and just of course Deku saved his ass. It made him mad, how is it that he never gives up? Not even on him, even though he must have known he deserved it.
“But just because you’re not expelled doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences for your actions. You are forbidden from using your quirk anywhere near Midoriya for the next foreseen future, for once. And you are going to take anger management lessons, I will make sure of that. Also, if I’ll hear that you’ve done anything like what you used to again, you’re done here, is that clear?”
“Yes, Sensei.”
“Good. Then this conversation is over, you can go back to your class now.”
Izuku actually did want to stay in for the day. In fact, he also wanted to stay in tomorrow, and for all the days after that.
But he knew he couldn’t avoid it forever.
So he got ready and started walking to class.
They know. They know everything.
They saw him cower beneath Kacchan’s burning hand on his shoulder, they saw him curling against a wall begging for mercy, they saw him being laughed at by everyone else.
They know he was quirkess.
They know his powers are borrowed, powers he struggled so much to make his own but will they see it that way?
Maybe they’ll think he’s a cheater. Just an quirkless imposter who tricked his way into the hero course and tried to act like he belonged there.
His steps were heavy, dreading what will come next.
But Aizawa told him he wouldn’t be expelled, and All Might also wouldn’t let it happen, so it shouldn’t matter what they think, right?
He has been dealing with it since he was 4, he can do it again.
The thought made tears form in the corner of his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away.
‘Maybe it would be different here’
a small voice of hope made its way into his mind.
‘They were pretty understanding before you left.’
Sure but how much have they seen after that? And maybe they were just hiding what they really thought about him because they didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
Izuku opened the classroom’s door 5 minutes before the first period was over...and immediately got jumped on with hugs.
“Midoriya!” They all yelled, smothering him with affection.
“Huh?” he asked underneath the pile, dumbfounded.
They got off of him, which helped him breath better now that his lunges were no longer crushed. Present Mic looked as surprised as Izuku felt.
“You’re ok!” yelled Uraraka.
“You are ok, right?” Iida made sure.
“Um, yes, I-I guess.”
“We know, Midoriya. We know everything.” Said Yaoyorozu, a small and sad smile on her lips.
“That’s very nice.” Said Present Mic, “But can anyone explain to me what’s going on?”
Everyone stared at him for a minute, they all seemed to forget he was still there.
When they haven’t said a word, he sighed. “ Fine. Class dismissed, then.” he said, defeated. The voice hero muttered on his way out,”Some English lesson it was...those kids and their secrets…”
He closed his door behind him.
Then the chatter started again.
“I can’t believe you got your quirk from All Might! It’s so cool!” cried Hagakure.
“Called it.” said Tsuyu,
“And I can’t believe Bakugou has done all of this to you! You should have told us, Deku!” said Uraraka, gripping her fist in his hand with fire burning in her eyes.
“I’m sorry I hide all of this from you...I know you must think I’m pathetic now-”
“Pathetic?! Dude, are you kidding? I’ve never seen anything as manly as you rushing in to save Bakugou that day! And then you cleaned the entire beach!” Kirishima’s eyes brightened and he gave Izuku a strong and enthusiastic handshake, “You’re basically, the definition of heroic.”
“I, what? no!” Izuku protested. “I was just a quirkless fanboy who got lucky enough to catch the attention of All Might, so I’ve done everything I could to deserve it. I’m not anything special.”
“Midoriya. You have been keeping up with the rest of us despite having your quirk for less than a year.” Todoroki deadpanned, “That’s incredible.”
“All Might passed you his power because he recognized you were made of a true hero material. You deserve that power, Midoriya. And you made it your own.” said Iida.
“I…” He started crying, why is he always crying? “I don’t deserve you guys… You know I was quirkless, and you know I kept this and so many things from you, and that’s your reaction?” his voice broke.
“We don’t care that you were quirkless.” Ojiro said gently. “It doesn’t make you any less than who you are.”
“And we know you had to keep All Might’s source of power a secret.” Added Ashido.
“We won’t tell a soul. Nos lèvres sont scellées.” promised Aoyama.
Izuku was now crying harder. As much as he changed those last few months, a small part of him always feared that if the truth will be revealed, his friends won’t look at him the same way. But now that they know, they’ve been nothing but supportive.
“We’re sorry we made you feel like we would look down on you if you told us.” Uraraka looked regretful. “You’ve always been so amazing, Deku. You deserve to know that.”
“No, it’s not your fault. I should have known you were different. You were always there for me, I love you all so much.” Yaoyorozu offered him a tissue box, but not one she made. She knew he tended to cry easily so she always had one with her. This knowledge made him need the tissues even more.
They all hugged him again.
“I’m actually glad you know.” Izuku confessed after calming down for a bit, “It was pretty hard to keep it from you for so long.”
“We’ll do everything we can to help, we promise.” said Shoji.
The chat went on, And Izuku shared some funny stories he had about the 10 months he spent training with All Might, beaming while everyone were listening with interest.
And Then Kacchan opened the door.
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Episode 3: Roaring Muscles (part 3)
The music faded into quiet forest sounds and All Might rode on a scooter along the road, while Midoriya run to keep up with him, carrying a heavy metal wreck on his shoulders.
The picture got blurry as Midoriya started making more and more distressed sounds.
The sounds stopped with a small “bang”.
All Might stopped, then turned around. “Hey, hey what’s wrong?” he asked In disapproval. “There are only three months left!”
Midoriya was laying on his face, the wreck resting next to him.
“And I thought Aizawa Sensei was tough...” Kaminari mumbled. 
“Is that a challenge, Kaminari?” the teacher asked.
“No, Sensei!”
“You won't make it! Wanna give up? Wanna take it easy and rest today?” All Might’s harsh voice asked as Midoriya fruitlessly tried to get himself up from the floor.
All Might’s eyebrows rose and his jaw opened as he realized:”Overwork...?”
Midoriya kept tried to pull himself forward, now by pure will, since he had no energy left in him.
“The "Aim to Pass American Dream Plan" was adjusted with your body in mind to make sure you'd make it in time for the entrance exam... You haven't been sticking to the plan, have you?” All might asked in a solemn manner. “Please save this disaster kid, All Might.” begged Ojiro.
“Midoriya’s soul craves heroism the same way other people crave air and I crave the dark embrace of the night.” mused Tokoyamai, which made everyone to just stare at him for a moment.”
'And I thought I was the melodramatic here...’ thought Aoyama.
“Overdoing it will have the opposite effect!” he scolded, “Don't you want to get in?”
“I do...” said Midoriya’s muffed voice, his face was still on the floor. “But I can't just get in... I have to work a lot more than other people...or I won't be able to catch up...“ he was shaking as he finally managed to get himself up from the floor.
He struggled with every movement but he raised his head up look at All Might:” I want to be like you. I want to become the greatest hero, like you!“
“That’s the same boundless determination that caused him to break his already broken arms in the sports festival...” Todoroki murmured In awe. Midoriya’s previous words ringed in All Might’s ears as he realized just how serious the boy was:”Saving people with a fearless smile. Like you...!” ‘He’s already looking far into the future, huh?’ he mused.
All Might’s muscles expended and he easily picked the dead-looking boy from the floor: “You go-getter fanboy!” He exclaimed affectionately. “I like that! But if that's the case, then you really can't rush things now. But I understand your feelings.Leave it to this old guy to adjust your plan!”
“You’re not old, All Might...” Midoriya protested weakly.
All Might just laughed his cordial laughter.
“I understand Midoriya’s point but it hurts to see him damaging himself like this.” said Iida.
“We might need to keep a better eye on those two, ribbit. They’re far too similar in their lack of self preservation.” Determined Tsuyu.
Scene: Takoba Municipal Beach Park, February 26.
All Might got out of his truck to the empty parking lot, it was dark outside.
‘And then, it was 6 a.m. on the day of the entrance exam.‘ Midoriya’s voice narrated.
He started walking towards the coast...and then he heard a roar.
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Midoriya stood shirtless on the last pile of collected garbage, dripping sweat in front of the rising sun. His exposed body was ripped with muscles and he roared, loud and wild.
“I am going to watch that training montage every time I lose motivation...this is the manliest thing I have ever seen.” Kirishima had stars in his eyes.
 All Might hurried to the coast, looking around in awe: “Hey, hey, hey... He even cleaned outside of where I told him to! Seriously? There's not even a speck of dust left! Seriously?!” The beach was shining brightly in the sunlight, he couldn’t believe his eyes as every piece of sand was clear. Small waves crushed on the coast.
All Might’s theme started playing. 'He finished at the last minute! More than perfectly!’
‘Oh my... Oh my...’
“..goodness!" he grew muscles and said the last part out loud.
“This beach is so beautiful, we should all go there next summer.” said Hagakure.
“It will be so fun!” said Ashido.
“Look how proud All Might is!” said Sero.
“And he has every right to be.” said Yaoyorozu. The class gasped as Midoriya lost his balance from exhaustion and fell down from the tall pile.
All might immediately rushed to catch him, his smile didn’t look any different than usual but you could sense the pride beaming from him as he looked at the boy in his arms: ”good work.”
“All Might... I did it...” Midoriya’s voice was hoarse and a tried smile decorated his lips. “I did it!” he repeated, disbelieving.
“Yeah, you surprised me, you entertainer! Teenagers are amazing!“ All Might let Midoriya down. The green haired boy stumbled into standing, eyes still closed from fatigue.
All Might raised a phone to his face, “Here, take a look.”
On the phone’s screen there was a familiar picture, Midoriya tried to process what he sees:”This is...”
 “It's you, ten months ago.” All Might finished the sentence. The crying boy in the picture looked small and scared, completely different than the one standing in front of his
“So that’s why he took those pictures!” Hagakure realized.
The camera zoomed on Midoriya’s upper part, that was covered with muscles.“You did good. You really did!“
A few classmates looked away, blushing.
"The mirage of it is finally just barely visible, but you have certainly become a suitable vessel!” he spread his arms and the camera’s view shifted to show just how much trash was collected.
“And he finished right on time, too. It’s the same day as the exam.” Shoj noted.
“But he was excused! How did he manage to take the test in that state?” asked Ashido.
Midoriya smiled a wary smile and looked at his shaking hand, “I feel like I'm cheating...”
“Midoriya, my man, this is so not-cheating that if you touch someone who ever cheated at anything a black hole will open from the contrast and suck inside the entire universe.” said Kaminari, which gave him a few odd stares.
“You have been watching too many science fiction movies lately.” determined Jiro.
“I mean, he does have a point. Why would Midoriya feel like he’s cheating after working so hard?” wondered Iida
“You did all this for me... I'm too blessed...” his voice was choked from tears.
All Might laughed and said in his mind:’What're you saying after all this time...It was your own hard work.’
But out loud he just patted the boy’s shoulder and teased:”We'll have to fix those leaky eyes of yours. Now, it's time for the award ceremony, Izuku Midoriya!”
“Yes, sir!“
All Might plunked one of his golden hairs and hold it up, "Something that you receive because you're lucky and something that you are given because you are recognized are different in essence." Take that to heart. This is power that you earned because of your own effort.”
Midoriya stared in awe and tears filled his eyes again, as dramatic music was playing. Then his eyebrows furrowed and his hand closed to a fist. ‘I took the reality that would be surprising even in comics in my hand...‘ he narrated as All Might handed him the shining hair.
“Eat this.”
The dramatic music stopped immediately.
The class snickered.
“Oh Gosh, look at Midoriya’s face!”
“I guess it makes sense, considered that quirks are a part of someone’s DNA. Midoriya will have to get All Might’s DNA somehow.” Yaoyorozu mused.
“But it’s so gross, Yaomomo!” Ashido whined.
“I mean, it’s better then the alternatives, right?” Todoroki shrugged, “It’s not as bad as consuming his spit.”
“Todoroki no...”
“It doesn't really matter what it is as long as you take in my DNA.” All Might explained awkwardly.
Jiro fist bumped Yaoyorozu for getting it right.
"It's too different from what I imagined!” Midoriya yelled.
"Now, there's no time! You'll be late for the exam!” All Might goaded.
“ Come, come, come!“
The camera shifted away from them during that exchange, instead focusing on Midoriya’s familiar red snickers.
“What IS up with those snickers?” asked Kaminari.
“They’re a fashion disaster.” agreed Ayoama.
“I think they’re nice. They’re so... Deku.” concluded Uraraka.
“Um, guys? Are we going to ignore the fact that Midoriya got his quirk on THE DAY OF THE ENTRANCE EXAM?!” asked Sero.
“That’s insane...” Ojiro said.
“Not as insane as running straight to a villain with no quirk and attacking him with your freaking bag.” said Kaminari.
“Or cleaning an entire beach all by yourself...” added Tsuyu
“I think I finally understand why Aizawa as been calling Midoriya ‘problem child’ this entire time.” concluded Hagakure.
Scene: the gates of UA, 08:40.
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a big sign next to the door read:’U.A. High School Entrance Exam Location'
Midoriya made it to the gate, panting from running all the way. ‘I made it...’
He stepped though the big gates, grasping nervously into the strips of his school bag. ‘In the end, I didn't have time to test out the power I received from All Might.’
Midoriya covered his mouth and looked sick he remembered eating the hair, ‘I swallowed the hair, but did I really receive his power...?’ he wondered.
“Outta my way, Deku!” snapped a familiar voice.
“Don't stand in front of me. I'll kill you.“ his eyes were dead-serious.
“ M-Morning. L-Let's both do our best...“ Midoriya flinched back and stuttered. He moved his hands in front of his face randomly like he doesn’t know what to do with them.
“It’s like anger is his only emotion.” Uraraka sighed.
“It makes every time Midoriya flinched when Bakugo was around so painful when you know the context...” Yaoyorozu said.
Bakugo ignored him and kept walking.
Midoriya watched him as he walked away, surprised. 
Around Bakugo the kids whispered:
"Hey, isn't that Bakugo?”
“The one with the sludge villain?”
“Oh, he's the real thing!”
‘Ever since that day, Kacchan didn't do anything to me.‘ Midoriya realized.
“I think maybe it’s his version of an apology...” said Mineta.
Midoriya sighed and relaxed his tensed body, ‘I was just scared of him out of habit!’
he shook his head and took a deep breath. 'I'm different from before!' he turned to look at UA’s golden symbol. “Remember these past ten months! Take the first step..to being a hero!” Midoriya took one step, gaining confident....and then lost his balance and fall onto the floor!
....Only that he never hit it.
Midoriya realized he was being held in the air by a brown haired girl.
Uraraka immediately paused the video.
“It’s me! It’s me!!!!” she shouted.
“You’re on TV, ribbit.” Tsuyu reassured.
“He’s lucky you were there, he already fell on his face many times this episode.” said Jiro.
“I’m glad I met him...” she said.
“Are you alright?” she asked.
Midoriya just realized he was floating and moved his legs in panic.
The girl gently put him down, clapped her hands together and sent him a sweet smile, “It's my Quirk. Sorry for using it without asking first. But it'd be bad luck if you fell, right?” she asked. Midoriya just blinked at her.
“Aren't you nervous?”she added.
Midoriya squeaked and blushed but didn’t say any real words.
“Let's do our best. See ya!" she waved him goodbye.
Midoriya stared at her back for a moment and then realized: ‘I talked to a girl!’ the words "Didn't actually talk" sparkled on the screen.
“Pfffft” Ashido laughed.
“Man and I thought I was hopeless with girls!” said Kaminari.
“’didn’t actually talk’, I love the editing in this show!” said Kirishima.
“You are very cute, Ochako.” said Tsuyu.
Uraraka blushed.
“He was kind of a mess, but it didn’t looks like you noticed.” said Jiro.
“I thought it was just nerves from the exams...”
“I mean, you’re not wrong, he was definitely nervous about the exam.” said Kirishima and then added:”But I think it also has to do with the fact that a cute girl just talked to him.”
Uraraka squeaked and put her head in her knees, ”...it’s not like that.” her words her muffled.
She quickly started the video to avoid any more discussion.
Midoriya shouted with joy.
“You were saying?” asked Kaminari, who just stole the remote.
Yaoyorozu came to the rescue, “I think this also has to do with the fact that you were probably one of the first people to be nice to him.”
“He definitely didn’t receive a lot of kindness...yet offered it freely.” said Todoroki.
Jiro snatched the remote from Kaminari and handed it back to Uraraka, “we will do everything we need to make up for this lack of kindness.” she decided.
 Scene: "U.A. High School Hero Course-Exam Orientation"
Inside the auditorium a line of lights turned on in the sealing. A very big image of the UA symbol was projected on the screen. 
A blonde man in flashy clothes and sunglasses stood in the center of the stage. He spoke up, “welcome to my show today!.
He lifted his arms and shouted in English:” Everybody say "hey"!”
He put his hand next to his ear and waited to hear the crowd...only for no one to say a word.
His hands shook as he tried to wave it off. “What a refined response.”
“Then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam!” he decided.
“Are you ready?” the odd man shouted in English. “Yeah”
The crowd stayed silent once again.
“Poor Present Mic, we could have been a bit more enthusiastic.” said Hagakure.
“No.” said Aizawa, a small rare smile on his lips. “It’s funnier this way.”
Midoriya practically sparkled as he gashed “It's the Voice Hero, Present Mic! Wow...! I listen to him every week on the radio. I'm so moved! All the teachers at U.A. are pro heroes!”
“Shut up.” Bakugo cut him off.
“Those sparkles are almost as shining as mien~” said Aoyama.
“As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this!“ the voice hero continued as the screen behind him changed. The words ‘you are here’ were written in a text box from the bottom of the screen and 7 lines were drawn from it, each to a different English letter from A to G.
“You can bring whatever you want with you. After the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center, okay?”
No response.
“OKAY?!” he asked louder this time.
Bakugo and Midoriya who sat next to each other both looked at cards they had in their hands.
“In other words, they won't let you work with your friends, huh?” Bakugo realized.
Midoriya looked at his card:
‘Exam Ticket’ ‘Examinee No.2234′ ‘Test Location Battle Center B'
Then at Bakugo’s:
‘Exam Ticket’ ‘Examinee No.2233′ ‘Test Location Battle Center A'
“Y-You're right. Even though our examinee numbers are consecutive, we're assigned to different battle centers.” Midoriya replied.
“Don't look. I'll kill you.” Bakugo warned, causing Midoriya to recoil. “Damn, now I can't crush you.” he added while Midoriya looked terrified.
The picture on the screen changed to a block of buildings. Present Mic continued the explanation. “Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty.” Three kinds of robots appeared on the screen tagged ‘1P’, ‘2P’ and ‘3P’.
A small pixelled animation started playing of Present Mic defeating different kinds of robots and earning points, like in a video game, “Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your Quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains. Of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!”
“May I ask a question?” spoke a voice from the crowed.
A spotlight turned on and lighted the person in the crowed as he talked: "On the printout, there are four types of villains. If that is a misprint, then U.A the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes.” The boy was tall and solemn, he pointed at a page in his hands that had 4 kinds of robots.
Uraraka paused. “Iida!!” she beamed.
“From your first moment on your screen it’s clear you’re the class president type.” said Sero.
“W-well” Iida fixed his glasses:”I was pretty nervous, so I made some unflattering assumptions back then.”
 He turned around and pointed at Midoriya;“In addition, you over there with the curly hair-”
 Midoriya pointed at himself, surprised.
“-You've been muttering this whole time. It's distracting! If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately!” his glasses shined.
Midoriya covered his mouth and thought, ‘I'm sorry...’ as a few kids snickered next to him.
“Yeesh, bro.” said Kirishima.
“It was three lines behind you, how did you even hear that?” asked Ashido.
Iida pushed his shirt collar away: ”As I said, I was very nervous that day, looking back I realize my words may have been overly harsh.”
Present Mic pushed his hands down in order to calm down the teens,:”Okay, okay, Examinee Number 7111, that was a great message” he gave him a thumb up.
 Another robot silhouette appeared on the screen. “The fourth type of villain is worth zero points.” Present Mic pointed out, “That guy's an obstacle, so to speak. There's one in every battle center--
 The pixelled animation showed Present Mic walking in the exam-city’s streets as he bumps into a giant robot. His character quickly run away. “An obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either. I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it.”
The tall boy bowed down, “Thank you very much! Please excuse the interruption!” he sat down and the spotlight turned off.
“Now that’s the Iida I know.” said Sato.
“I see... It's like the obstacles you avoid in videos games, huh?” A boy whispered. “The whole thing is like a video game.” replied the boy next to him.
“That's all from me!” summed up Present Mic. “Finally, I'll give you listeners a present--our school motto! The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said "A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes." Go beyond.” he winked and then shouted: “Plus Ultra!” the same words appeared on the large screen.
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Midoriya smiled and looked at his ticket with bright eyes as Present Mic said: “Now, everyone, good luck suffering!”
“He’s such a showman.” murmured Aizawa.
Aoyama nodded, solemnly, “I can only aspire to be at his level.”
Scene: Battle Center B, U.A Hero Course Entrance Exam.
'I-It's time to do it.’ thought Midoriya. He was standing at the end of a large group of other examees behind a very large door that leads into the fake city, waiting for it to open.
Both the browned haired girl and the glasses wearing boy were in his group, they stood there determined. ‘It's time to give everything I got from my training with All Might these past ten months. I will become.....the hero I always dreamed of being!’ Midoriya decided and then slapped himself with both hands to stop himself from shaking.
The episode ended.
Surprisingly enough, the next episode didn’t start immediately. The words “play next” were written on the black screen and under them the familiar ‘start’ triangle button icon.
“Does every episode have to end on a cliffhanger?” Complained Hagakure.
“it’s how they make sure you’ll keep watching.” explained Ojiro.
“I wasn’t in that group...is that mean They won’t show me?” asked Kaminari.
“I was there.” Aoyama sparkled happily.
“Do we even need to watch the rest?” asked Todoroki, “I mean, we all know what happened next.”
“Of course!”
A few classmates answered together.
“I mean, we’re on TV!! It’s a show about us! how can we NOT watch it?” Hagakure asked excitedly.
“I wonder how long this is...” asked Shoji.
“And how did it even get here? how was it even made?” asked Ojiro.
“Black magic, obviously.” Tokoyami said flatly.
“Are we going to watch this entire thing without Midoriya and Bakugo? it doesn’t seem fair...” asked Tsuyu.
“I’m actually not sure how I feel about Bakugo right now...” said Sato.
Then Aizawa got up: ”I think that all of you should go to bed. I assume none of you want to be late to school tomorrow.”
“Of course, Aizawa-Sensei! It is very important for us to get enough sleep to have energy to go through our day! We can watch the other episodes at another time!” Iida agreed.
“But I really wanted to see me...” Hagakure murmured.
“ooh! Next time we should bring snacks!” beamed Ashido and clapped her hands.
“No one is going to believe us when we tell them about this.” said Kaminari.
“You are not going to tell this to anyone.” asked Aizawa.
He went to the DVD player and took out the DVD, that worked now for some reason.
“Since I know you���re all mature and responsible enough to keep secrets, I trust that none of you will say a word about those records or the things you saw today. I will keep this thing for now, but I will bring in next time so you can continue to watch. However, I will be present during the entire time and if I find out any classified information made it’s way into someone it wasn’t supposed to reach, there will be harsh consequences.” his eyes glowed red.
“Have I made myself clear?” he put the DVD inside his pocket.
“Yes, Sensei.” they all answered.
Good, he thought. Aizawa sighed as he walked away from the dorms, tomorrow he’ll have many needed conversations to do.
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Episode  3: Roaring Muscles (part 2)
“Of course he said yes, it was his dream his entire life.” Said Kirishima.
“Isn’t that a big responsibility to give someone? Especially a middle schooler...” said Sato.
“Midoriya has always acted as if it was his responsibility to carry the world’s weight on his shoulders and save everyone, it’s no wonder All Might chose him for this mission.” said Todoroki.
“He’s kind of like All Might himself.” said Shoji.
“You know, I don’t think Deku would have ever given up on being a hero. Even without All Might. He would have found a way.” Said Uraraka.
“I think you are right, Uraraka.” agreed Iida.
Scene: Dagoba Municipal Beach Park.  Two days later - Early morning.
“Ooh, I was there once!” Ashido exclaimed, “apparently it used to be a dump but then someone cleaned it up.”
All Might sat on a big fridge in his muscle form, hugging his knees. The fridge was tied up with roped that were connected to Midoriya, who groaned as he tried to drag it with all of his power, but with no use.
 “Hey, hey, hey! This is such a comfy fridge to sit on!” All Might teased. Midoriya then fell from the ropes and landed on his face.
“Jeez, All Might. Isn’t that a little too much?” asked Hagakure.
“And it doesn’t even look like he had his quirk at this point.” Kaminari addrd.
“If you could move it even a little, it would be a little easier.” All Might tried to give an advice as Midoriya raised his head from the floor, groaning. He turned around to face All Might.
“Well yeah, I mean, you weigh 274 kilograms, right?”
“No, I lost weight, so I'm only 255 kilograms now, in this form.” he replied without a trace of irony, and Midoriya sighed.
“Anyway, why am I dragging trash at the beach park?” the boy asked, looking at the endless piles of trash around them.
All Might laughed. “It's 'cause, you know, you're not a proper vessel.” he took out his phones and took multiple pictures of the sand-covered kid laying on the floor. “ok, that’s just cruel!” Jiro booed.
“Never took All Might to be the mocking type.” said Todoroki.
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“What you're saying now is the opposite of what you said before!” Midoriya jumped as he noticed All Might taking pictures of him, and then screamed.
"I'm talking about your body.” All Might clarified, still taking pictures.
Midoriya stopped screaming and looked at All Might, questioning.
“My Quirk, One For All, is the fullest physical ability  of many people gathered into one.” The hero explained. “An unprepared body cannot inherit it fully.”
“The limbs will come off and the body will explode.” a picture of Midoriya’s limbs ripping away from his body with the sound effect “KABOOM” appeared in order to emphasize.
"The limbs will what?!” Midoriya shook his head to get rid of the image "Then... I'm picking up trash in order to train my body...?” Midoriya made sure.
“Yes!” All Might confirmed, then added:” But that's not all. After some research on  the internet yesterday, I discovered that part of this beach park's coast has been like this for many years.” All Might lightly tapped the fridge, but that had enough power to make a hole in it.
“Yeah... For some reason, because of the currents, objects drift here a lot, and people take advantage of that to hide their illegal dumping... The local residents don't come near here, either.” Midoriya reassured, anywhere he looked, there was just more garbage, you couldn’t see even a bit of sand.
“Heroes these days are all  after the showy stuff. Originally, being a hero meant doing volunteer service.” All Might used one hand to press down on the fridge, crushing it casually while explaining: “Even if people called  that boring or whatever. You can't waver from those roots. You will restore the horizon for this whole section! That is your first step  toward becoming a hero!” the Fridge blew into shards, revealing the view of the beach in the place where it used to be.
 “My first step...?” Midoriya echoed, looking around dumbfounded “Clean... this... All of it...?!”
Ashido made a frustrated noise and put her head in her hands:”There’s no way Midoriya cleaned this entire thing!”
Kaminari lied down:”I think if I’ll find ONE more secret about Midoriya my head will explode.”
“Same, bro.” Said Kirishima, ”Even though, this is manly as hell.”
"Young Midoriya, you want  to go to U.A right?” All Might asked.
“Yes...” He replied quietly and again louder: “Yes!”
“Because it's where you went! So if I'm going to go... I thought... it would definitely have to be U.A...” Midoriya put his hand on his chest, staring dreamily.
“You’re a go-getter fanboy!“ All Might declared, making Midoriya blush, his shirt was a simple T-Shirt with the words “ALL M” written largely on front.
“But I've told you this before.It's not something you  can do without a Quirk. It's sad, but that is what the reality is. And U.A.'s is the hardest hero course to get into. In other words...”
Midoriya finished his sentence: “In the ten months until U.A.'s entrance exam, I have to complete my vessel!”
“He started training only 10 months before the test? man, no wonder he had to do something so big.” said Jiro.
All Might turned to face him again “That's where this comes in!“ he tapped a group of papers he was holding in his hand. “I came up with this "Aim to Pass American Dream Plan"!”
“I am pretty sure none of this is related to America in any way.” said Ojiro.
Sero shrugged: “Every hero has their thing. All Might’s thing is America.”
“It's a training plan to help you finish cleaning up the beach.” The screen showed papers with things such as “meal menu” and “weekend schedule”. “I'll have you follow this in every aspect of your life!” the man declared proudly.
Midoriya flipped through the pages, looking astounded:”Even sleep is included...”
All Might leaned closer to Midoriya and whispered to his ear:” Frankly, this is a super hard schedule. Can you follow it?”
“Of course... “ Midoriya held the papers in his hands like he was holding a treasure map. He grin was a little scary, showing that there was no stopping him now. “I have to work many times harder than anyone else, or else I can't do it!”
All Might nodded approvingly.
upbeat music started playing as the narrator resumed: ‘And so began my ten months of hell.’
“Training montage!” Uraraka gushed.
Midoriya groaned as he tried to pull a far-too-heavy locker cabinet. All Might yelled Orders, now in his skinny form: “Carry that to the park entrance! Put it in the truck!” 
‘Depending on size and shape, the muscles I have to use are completely different! I see... This is...!’ Midoriya talked to himself as he run, carrying a tire in one arms. He looked tried and sweaty, but determined. “Run! Run! Ten months will be over before you know it!” All Might goaded. Midoriya fell down again.
“Let’s become athletic!” All Might shouted and Midoriya got up again and continued to run.
“Wow...he was really out of shape back then.” said Sato.
“He indeed changed a lot.” Iida agree.
Scene: "Aldera Junior High"
A teacher read from his notes as Midoriya sat in the class, looking excused. “Let's see... With the  appearance of superpowers, the Building Standards Act was revised, and the Minister of Land-”
Midoriya zoned out,’ This is tough... Ten months of this, huh?’
The camera shifted to show a new page in his notebook titled:"Proposed Independent Training Menu"
“And that’s how Midoriya’s addiction to working out has began, such a lovely story.” said Kaminari.
“Midoriya, you can’t keep overworking yourself! You’ll get hurt!” Yaoyorozu  scolded.
‘it'll be hard if I don't finish by a week before the exam...’ he started filling the blank page.
‘Which means, there are 294 days left... Taking into consideration a sufficient recovery period  if I rest for two days in between, that gives me...’ Midoriya tapped a finger on his mouth as got lost in his thoughts, the background changed as the word ‘mutter’ appeared over and over. ‘..about 5 days of real training even if I'm efficient... I can get in about five hours of training morning and night, so that's 490 hours...’ Midoriya didn’t notice that he was talking out loud, making his classmates look back at him, looking both surprised and amused.
“Oh no, he’s doing that again...” said Mineta.
"Also, that beach cleanup doesn't work out any specific parts of the body, if I don't work out my whole body equally, then there's no way I'll make it. Bodybuilding to create a body able to adapt to any situation... Literally intensive training to become a hero... All Might can't stay and watch me the whole time...’
Even the teacher stopped his lecture and just stared with an open jaw at the boy who was completely in his own world. 
‘ All Might can't stay and watch me the whole time... If I don't do as much efficient independent training as I can, there's no way I can catch up the way I am now... Anyway, I'll have to cut-’
The teacher lengthened his arm and hit his head, waking him up from the trance. “Midoriya, hey!” The teacher said.
The green-haired boy gasped and covered his mouth. He looked up to see his classmates and teacher smiling mockingly.
“Did your encounter with the villain make you go crazy?” the teacher teased. The classmates around Midoriya snickered. “it's presumptuous to think of getting into U.A. like that.“ The man rebuked .
“That was just low...” said Jiro.
“It’s shameful of a teacher to bully his own student.” agreed Iida, then earned a few gasped, since he never condemned an authority figure before.
‘Plus, I have to study for the entrance exam.’ Midoriya remembered.
The students were gossiping and chuckling, all but Bakugo who sat there annoyed.
Scene:  Dagoba Municipal Beach Park
The upbeat music resumed, as well as the montage. Small moments flashed at the screen:
Midoriya pushing two wheels on top of each other, each as big as he is, All Might gesturing him to hurry up.
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Midoriya panting as he run while the sun was setting.
Midoriya showing his mom the new dishes All Might gave him, asking her to make them for dinner.
“That’s Midoriya’s mom? she put on some weig-” Mineta couldn’t finish the sentence because an elbow was pushed to his ribs.
Midoriya eating the food.
“That dish is actually great for gaining muscle mass.” Ojiro noted.
Midoriya staying up late, sitting in front of the computer and writing in his notebook.
“Go to sleep, Deku!” cried Uraraka.
Midoriya pushing a large safe. It’s hard but he’s making progress.
All Might pointing on a paragraph in one of the papers, a serious expression on his face.
Midoriya being almost crushed by large weights, All Might rushing in to help.
Midoriya dripping sweat, doing push-ups.
Midoriya sleeping with his eyes open in class, his hand writing by itself.
Midoriya eating his dish voraciously, then asking for more, his mother blinking in surprise.
Midoriya going for a run during the evening.
Midoriya panting and dripping sweat then puking on the sand. All Might shaking his head and spreading his arms.
Midoriya’s feet dragging into the sand, as he fruitlessly tries to push away a rusting truck in the heavy rain. All Might signing.
“All Might this is a freaking truck.” said Sero.
Midoriya swimming in the sea back and forth, being observed by All Might in a swimming suit in his muscle form. The beach is clean enough at this point so you can see a few girls with hearts in their eyes approaching the hero.
Midoriya lifting weights, Midoriya loading another wreck onto the same truck, that is now clean and working again.
Midoriya writing in class as his other hand squeezes a training device underneath the table.
“That’s what I call ‘plus ultra’! have you ever seen in your life something this manly?” Kirishima beamed.
“Kirishima, that’s called ‘overworking’. It’s not healthy!” Ojiro said.
“He does seem to push himself very hard...” said Iida with concern.
Midoriya being crushed under All Might’s weight as he carries him along the coast.
“I have a feeling that if Recovery Girl had seen it, All Might would be dead right now.” said Kaminari.
“Don’t worry, she doesn’t have do.” Aizawa deadpanned.
The music ended and the screen went black.
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Episode 3: Roaring Muscles (part 1)
‘The number one hero, All Might.’ The episode began with narrating. ‘Age unknown, Quirk unidentified. He dashed onto the scene of the hero world and received unwavering popularity based on his ability.’ different news articles and merchandise of All Might appeared on the screen.
‘Ever since he appeared, the once critically high rate of crimes committed by villains decreased year after year.’ a diagram titled: "National Police Agency Investigation Number of Crimes Committed by Villains" accompanied the explanation.
“Midoriya, we already know that.” Hagakure complained tiredly.
“Who is he explaining this for, anyway? if there’s someone who doesn’t know about All Might they must be living under a rock.” Kaminari asked.
“He does make a pretty good narrator though, they should cast him in the next documentary about All Might’s life.” said Kirishima.
‘and his existence itself became a deterrent. He became the Symbol of Peace in both name and reality.’ a little kid looked at the shining statue of All Might with bright eyes.
‘and that man said to me-’
“You can become a hero.“ said All Might’s voice.
Tears dropped on the floor as Midoriya remembered all the people in his life who told him that he has no chance, that he should give up. he clenched his chest and couldn’t stop sobbing.
‘I’m sorry Izuku!’ his mother’s words that stayed in his head for years popped up again.
‘I wanted someone to tell me that. And then, the person I most admired said those words to me. Can anything be more shocking than this? More than this...?
“You are worthy to inherent my power.” All Might spread his arms with his palms raised to the sky.
Everyone spoke in the same time “Wait ,wait, hold on-”
“Come again?”
“Did he just say ‘inherent my power’?”
“how does that make sense-”
“That makes complete sense.” the chatter stopped after Tsuyu’s words.
“Think about it, ribbit. Midoriya’s quirk hurt him many times, as if he wasn’t used to it. Despite that, he made immense progress this year alone. Of course, it surly has to do with the things he learned here in UA but if he had it since he was four like the rest of us you would expect him to have at least some control over that in the beginning of the year. Also, All Might and Midoriya spent more time together than a student and a teacher normally would and seemed familiar with each other since the beginning. Add that to Midoriya’s timid personality that comes in direct contrast with his strength and the conclusion is obvious.”
Everyone just stared at her for a moment, not saying a word.
“I am only disappointed at myself for not connecting the dots earlier.” the froggy girl added after a second of thought.
“But Tsu, since when people can pass on quirks?” asked Uraraka.
“And how did Midoriya used his quirk while All Might was still active?” added Iida.
“And if-” started Ashido but then got cut off as Aoyama got up.
“Ça suffit!” He cried. “If you’ll continue to speculate like this, you’ll spoil the entire show! As unusual as this record is, it’s still on movie night! And it will take all the glamour out if you can just guess every detail.” 
“Weirdly enough...Aoyama has a point.” said Yaoyorozu.
“Merci, Yaoyorozu.”
Midoriya’s sobbing stopped and he slowly raised his head, looking as confused as the class was. He tilted his head slightly and made a confused noise.
The theme song began.
“Oh, come on! don’t switch to the theme song! we need answers!” booed Kaminari.
“I thought you were happy seeing yourself on the screen.” Noted Tokoyami.
“Inherit your power?” asked Midoriya, his nose and eyes are still stuffed from crying.
All Might laughed, and this laughter sounded very different from his trademark laughter.
“What's with that face?” he asked.
 Then, he took a few steps towards the kneeling boy. “It's just a suggestion. The real show starts after this.” He raised his finger. “Listen, young man. You need to decide-”
And then pointed right at him, spitting blood. “whether or not you will accept my power!”
“his gestures are very theatrical, even outside of his usual persona.” Tokoyami noted.
“All Might is All Might with or without his muscles.” said Ojiro.
'Wh-What is All Might saying...?’ wondered Midoriya, still not processing the offer, as All Might wiped his mouth.
“I'm talking about my power, young man.“ he answered his un-asked question.
“Lol, is he a telepath?” asked Kaminari.
“No, Midoriya is just the type of person who wears his heart on his sleeve.” replied Yaoyorozu.
“Which again raises the question of ‘how the heck did he keep all those secrets all this time’?” asked Sero.
“The tabloids called it "superhuman strength" and a "boost," and I constantly dodged the question during interviews with a funny joke. Because the Symbol of Peace, All Might, had to be a natural-born hero.” Confessed the hero, now serious again.
“But young man, I will tell you the truth.” He rest his hands behind his head and then spread them, looking up. He was surrounded white light.
The class leaned forward, their thirst for answers burning.
“‘My Quirk was passed on to me like a sacred torch.” a vision of himself in his hero outfit appeared behind him.
Midoriya stared at him with wild eyes, looking as if his entire world view just shattered:”It was passed on to you...?”
“That's right. And next, it is your turn.”
“Poor Midoriya, that’s a lot to take in.” Said Hagakure.
‘Poor?! He’s not poor!” Mineta protested. “He’s lucky! do you know what I would be willing to give for what he was just offered?! With that kind of power, I will have a full harem!” fire burned in his eyes.
“Well, fortunately, you didn’t receive this offer.” Uraraka said dryly.
“W-Wait! Wait a minute!” Midoriya moved his hands in confusion.
image of a blog titled 'Summary of what's known  about All Might's Quirk’ appeared on the screen.
‘It's true that your Quirk is something hotly debated as one of the world's greatest mysteries. So much so that not a day goes by when I don't see someone talking about it online.”
The image changed to Midoriya standing in front of a colorful background, pointing to his head with his eyes spinning. “But, well, I don't really understand what you mean by inheriting or passing on a Quirk...” The word ‘mutter’ appeared over and over the more he talked, covering the entire screen, his voice becoming more and more distant: ”I've never heard of  anything like that before, and it's never even been conjectured in the debate. Why is that? Is it because since the dawn of history, a Quirk like that was never confirmed? In the first place, it's...”
“OMG that’s exactly what it feels like every time he does that!” Uraraka gushed.
“You always start with denial, huh?” All Might deadpanned.
“Nonsense!” He yelled and the muttering stopped.
 “I may hide a lot of things, but I don't lie! The power to transfer power... That is the Quirk I inherited!”
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He put his hand in front of him, facing up. It light up as if he was holding a star in his palm. “I was crowned with "One For All"!
 "One For All"...” Midoriya repeated, astounded. 
“That's right.” All Might confirmed.
“One person cultivates the power and passes it on to another person, who also cultivates it and passes it on.” The screen showed a colorful light ray shooting in space and then bumping into a dot of light in a different color, which then shoots to a different dot, over and over.
Then, the screen shows All Might again, holding the imaginary light that glows in all the colors. It is the crystallization of power that spins together the voices of those who need help” The light turned off and All Might closed his hand to a fist. “with a courageous heart.”
“Why are you... Why are you giving me something so great?” asked Midoriya.
“I have been looking for a successor. And then, I thought it would be all right for you to inherit it. You are just a Quirkless hero fanboy, but you were more heroic than anyone else back there!”
Midoriya gasped, then started crying again.
“Never mind! Well, it's up to you, though.” All Might slammed his own head. “What'll you do?” he asked.
‘ He said so much to encourage me, and even told me his secret...Is there...? Of course there isn't...’ Midoriya quickly wiped away his tears and stood up
 ‘There's no reason for me to turn him down!’ he reached the conclusion.
 “I'll do it!” the boy replied with a determined expression.
 “An immediate reply. That's what I thought you'd say!” All Might approved.
 ‘But it was no easy task to receive his power.’ Midoriya narrated.
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
What It Takes To Be A Hero (part 3)
Cops separated the crowed and the scene. One of the people there asked:”Woah, what's that?! Could he be a big-shot villain?”
The woman next to him gasped:”She's here! The rookie hero, Mt. Lady!”
The people cheered as the giant heroine made her way to the area but then stopped as she figured she’s to big to get inside. “W-Wait... I need there to be at least two lanes!”
Kamuri Woods grabbed as many people as he could in each of his arms and run away from the fire:”I'm not good with explosions! I'll leave it to someone else for today!”
Backdraft shot water in an attempt to put of the fire:”Thanks for that. I have my hands full fighting the fire. The fire truck's not here yet?” he asked. When no one came, he checked how the other heroes are doing:”How are things over there?”
“He's sticky and hard to grab,and a child with a strong Quirk is struggling against him.Thanks to that, it's a minefield.” Death Arms reported.
“It's hard to do anything against this triple play!” added one of the other heroes at the scene.
They had to dodge as Sludge villain attacked once again. “Crap!”
“It’s no use!”
“There's no one who can take care of this at the scene right now! All we can do is wait for someone with a more suitable Quirk!”
“Let's hold back the damage until then!”
“Don't worry, I'm sure someone will be here soon! I feel bad for that child, but he'll just have to bear it a little longer.”
“Damn it!” Death Arms cursed. “If only I had enough power to blow this guy away!”
“Poor Bakugo...” said Yaoyorozu and Jiro wordlessly took her hand.
“Hey, doesn't it look kinda bad?” Noted a person in the crowed.
“Yeah, no shit.” said Sero and Iida sighed knowing he can’t censor everyone all the time.
“You can do it, heroes!” another one cheered.
All Might stood behind them, still panting from his sprint, and took a look at the situation.
All Might gasped as he remembered Midoriya clinging to his leg. “It was back then! I was too distracted by my time limit! I was too distracted by my time limit! Pathetic...” he grasped his shirt where he had his scar. “Pathetic...”
The scene changed to Midoriya walking in the streets looking at his notebook. It was open in the page of Kamui woods. a sketch of the hero covered one page as notes were written in the one next to it such as ‘best at holding back damage’ and ‘so cool!”
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Then, the words of his classmates came back to him.
‘He still can't face reality, even though he's already a third year in junior high.’
Midoriya flipped the page to the one with Mt. Lady. Some of the notes with her were ‘Gigantification! 20 m?!’ ‘Canyon Cannon” Next to her drawing you could see the words 'Huge!’ and ‘Sexy’.
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“Ah-ha!” Mineta exclaimed. “I knew it! I knew I wasn’t the only one here who can appreciate when a woman is sexy. But when I do it you call me a pervert, well, who’s the pervert now?!”
The girls groaned.
Momo said, Tiredly:”Mineta, there is a difference between noting that a woman is sexy and the things you do.”
Hagakure added “The day where Midoriya tries to look below our skirts you can talk, alright?”
‘It's time for you to think seriously about your future.’
Another flip, this one is All Might’s autograph.
'You also have to consider what's realistic.'
Midoriya closed the notebook. On the cover is says ‘Hero Analysis for the Future’.
‘Even a top pro said it.’ he said to himself, his eyes filled with tears.
He sniffed. ‘Don't cry! You knew, didn't you?’
“Aww....” said Uraraka.
“Midoriya...” said Ojiro.
“The reality. You knew. That's why you were trying so desperately. You were averting your eyes, not looking at reality.” Then something exploded.
Midoriya looked up and turned to the direction where the sound came from, ‘Is this where the explosion earlier was...? His expression was sad and tried. ‘Hang on, does that mean I came out of habit without noticing?’ he wondered. 
He crossed the road, trying to get a look at the scene despite his inner voice’s protests. ‘Stop it. It'll just feel meaningless right now.’
Then he noticed the sludge villain.
“Why's that guy here?! Did it get away from All Might?!”
“Did he drop it? If he did...Then it’s my fault!” the realization hit.
One guy in the crowed asked:”Why aren't the heroes doing anything?”
“They can't.” The man next to him replied. “Apparently the villain caught a junior high schooler. It's been like that for a while.”
‘Caught...? It's been like that for a while? How can they bear that suffocation? I thought I'd die after a few seconds.’ Midoriya covered his mouth and shook at the reminder:’wow...!’ “Anyway, wasn't that villain the one All Might was chasing earlier?” someone asked.
“All Might? No way! He's here?“
“I think I saw him earlier.”
“Then what's All Might doing?!”
All Might stood helplessly behind them, clenching his wound. “Pathetic...”
“It's my fault...!“ Midoriya shook. “He can't do anything! All we can do is wait for someone with a more suitable quirk! Do your best! I'm sorry! I’m so sorry!”
“This show is depressing...” said Hagakure. 
“Help will arrive soon... Someone... A hero... will soon...”
Both Midoriya and All Might waited helplessly, All Might cursing himself over and over while Midoriya is wallowing in self blame. No one knew what to do, how to help.
And then Bakugo struggled just enough to move his head and open his eyes. Looking straight at Midoriya. His big red eyes were filled with horror and helplessness.
Midroiya gasped.
The notebook dropped on the floor.
And before anyone could blink the boy lunged straight to the monster.
"NO WAY! Oh crap, sorry Sensei but- it was HIM!!!” Kirishima stood up. “The boy who rushed to help Bakugo was MIDORIYA!”
“No way!” yelled Kaminari.
“No one said that in the news!” said Ashido.
“And after being bullied by him for so long...” said Shoji.
“And he didn’t even have a quirk.” added Todoroki
All Might and the heroes in the scene gasped.
Death Arms reached his arm:”Idiot! Stop! Stop!”
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“That brat...” “Deku...” Bakugo and the sludge villain both noticed.
“Does this boy have a death wish?!” Asked Sero.
“You’re asking as if you just met him.” said Todoroki. “Why did I run out? what am I doing? Why?!” Midoriya asked himself.
“Those are some very good questions, Midoriya.” Said Jiro.
“Die in an explosion!” the villain shouted and shot explosions at him.
“Jokes on you, Midoriya spent most of his life dodging explosions.” Said Kaminari.
“That’s pretty sad, Kaminari.” Said Tsuyu.
“I am using humor to cope.”
“It’s not even your trauma!” Ashido argued.
“I am a very empathetic person, alright?!”
‘What do I do? What do I do at a time like this?’ he was freaking out.
“Nice to know I’m not the only one who’s screaming internally in crazy situations...” said Sato.
Then the scene flashed to the image of Midoriya’s notebook, specifically, to the page with Kamuri Woods. ‘Pre-emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison: Quickly stretch out arms (vines)’
‘page 25!’
“Don’t tell me he has them memorized.” said Sato.
“Come on man, it’s Midoriya.” Sero replied.
Midoriya threw his bag that hit directly in the villain’s eye, making his grasp on Bakugo slip long enough for him to cough and pant.
“Kacchan!” Midoriya screamed and clawed at the slime in at attempt to free his classmate.
“Why are you here?!” he yelled at him. “Way to show gratitude, Bakugo.” said Uraraka.
“My legs moved on their own! I don’t know why, though!”
“Midoriya’s behavior is a mystery even to himself...” said Tokoyami.
"I think there were various reasons.” current-Midoriya narrated.
As he run, voices from echoed around him.
‘You should probably give it up.’
‘It's my fault...’
‘how can you even stand in the same ring as me?’
‘unless I try...’
‘it’s been my goal...’
‘I’ll do my best!’
‘He saves everyone with a smile...’
The screen went dark. Midoriya narrated. ‘but at that moment...’
Midoriya looked at Bakugo and said in tears:”You looked like you were asking for help...”
All Might gasped. ‘Pathetic...pathetic...’ he said over and over as he suddenly grew bigger and stronger.
“Don't get in my way!” the villain whipped towards him while all the heroes rushed forward to save the boy. “He'll die in vain! Is he suicidal?!”
Something blew and a smoke covered the area.
Midoriya shielded his head and readied himself to the blow... and then opened his eyes as he realized it never came.
“I really am pathetic.”
Midoriya gasped as he saw All Might holding away the villain when the smoke  dispersed. “All Might...’
“Even though I admonished you, I wasn't putting what I said into practice!” the hero replied. By sheer force, he ripped his arms away from the sludge that tried to yank them in.
Midoriya looked at all might with bright eyes as the man shouted: “Pros are always risking their lives!” blood dripped from his mouth.
“All Might!” the villain cried and swung at him. All Might swung his own fist and yelled:”Detroit Smash!’
A wind blew, strong enough to make the villain fall apart and put away all the fires. All Might held the two kids with one arms so they won’t be blown away by the wind.
When the wind quieted, Everyone were staring at All Might who was steaming and panting.
For a moment, no one said a thing.
Then a person in the crowed noticed something,”huh?”
“Rain?” a woman asked as drops started falling from the sky.
“Don't tell me it's from the wind pressure just now?”
Midoriya and Bakugo lied on the floor, looking at the cloudy sky above them.
“He made clouds...?” Death Arm wondered as All Might wiped the blood from his mouth corner. “So All Might have been fighting like this for years...when he was in this state...” said Todoroki.
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“And Midoriya was the only one who knew.’’ Said Iida.
“Not just Midoriya,” said Aizawa. “Ever since he started teaching at UA, the entire teacher faculty knew as well, along with a few chosen people.”
“Why has he kept that a secret?” asked Hagakure.
“This ridiculous man made himself a goal of being the symbol of peace. Perfect, Untouchable, Invulnerable. If he revealed that weakness, the symbol would be tainted and villains and criminals undoboutly will take advantage on this situation.”
All Might got up and his theme music started playing. The moment of shock has passed as everyone cheered. “With just his right fist, he changed the weather!”
“That’s amazing!”
“That’s All Might for you!”
No one noticed as his foot stumbled a little before he raised his fist in his familiar victory pose, smiling.
Current-Midoriya narrated: ‘,After this, heroes collected he scattered sludge,,and safely delivered it to the police.’
“Jeez, there's a limit to how rash you can be!” scolded Death-Arms. 
“Oh, you have no idea.” Uraraka giggled.
“There was absolutely no reason for you to put yourself in danger!”
'I got majorly scolded by the heroes, but Kacchan was praised.’
“This is so unfair...” Sero grumbled.
"That was amazing toughness! And that Quirk! Once you're a pro, please come to my agency! You'll definitely be an excellent sidekick!” Bakugo listened to the praise but wasn’t seemed pleased.
After the mess was cleaned, the scene changed to a sad Midoriya walking slowly home. The narrator said: 'I wanted to apologize to All Might, but he was still getting interviewed...I'll try sending him a message on his website when I get home.’
He stopped as he heard a familiar voice. He turned around.
“Kacchan...?” He asked as the blonde boy run to his direction.
“I hope he’s here to say thank you and sorry.” said Sato.
“The day Bakugo says either of those things will be the day I will eat my fancy hat collection.” replied Kaminari.
“Why do you have a fancy hat collection again?” Asked Jiro.
“I am allowed to have hobbies, Jiro!”
Bakugo panted for a few seconds, then clenched his fists and said, “I never asked for help! and you didn’t help me! Got it?!”
“Oh, come on!” Sato booed.
“Told you.” Kaminari said.
“I was fine by myself. ,You're a Quirkless failure playing without a full deck! Don't think you can look down on me! Are you trying to make me owe you?”
Uraraka facepalmed,:”why is he like this.”
Tsuyu concluded:”Bakugo seems to have troubles with showing any form of vulnerability, by accepting help from anyone, especially Midoriya, he thinks he’s showing weakness.”
“Don't look down on me! You damn nerd!” Bakugo yelled an then stomped away.
“It seems like you’re right, Mon amie, I wonder what made Bakugo adopt this world view?” said Aoyama.
Midoriya watched him leave, confused. ‘"Toughness"...’ he thought.
He sighed and then smiled sadly. ‘,It's just as Kacchan said. It's not like I accomplished anything, or changed anything. But, I'm glad.’ ”Midoriya is a good person.” Koda said quietly. “I am glad he’s in UA.”
‘Now I can think of a realistic future...’ he turned around and started walking again when someone shouted.
Midoriya screamed as All Might passed him quickly and blocked his way.
“A-All Might?! Why are you here? You were surrounded by reporters until just now...” The hero laughed and posed, “Getting away from them was a piece of cake. Why?” he asked, then answered his own question. “Because I am All Migh-” The speech got cut off as All Might spitted blood and turned back into his skinny form, making Midoriya scream yet again.
After coughing and wiping his mouth, All Might started again, his television personality gone with his muscles:” Young man. I come with thanks, a correction, and a suggestion. If you hadn't been there...If you hadn't told me about your life...,I would've turned into a guy in a bodysuit who was all talk. Thank you.” “That can't be...”Midoriya protested. “It was my fault in the first place.I got in the way of your work,and I said all those impertinent things even though I'm Quirkless...”
“That's right. It was because it was none other than the timid, Quirkless you at the scene that I was able to act.” Midoriya’s mouth opened in shock as he took in the pro’s words. “Top heroes have stories about them from their school days. Most of their stories have one thing in common: Their bodies moved before they had a chance to think.” Midoriya’s eyes brighten.
His face twisted, his hands moved to his chest and his knees trumbled.
‘For some reason,I remembered my mother's words.’ Said the narrator.
‘I'm sorry, Izuku! I'm sorry. I'm sorry!’ Midoriya bited his lips and cried as he remembered.
“That was true for you, too, wasn't it?” Asked All Might.
Midoriya broke, sobbing, ”Yeah...”
‘That's not it, Mom. Back then, what I wanted you to say...The words I wanted to hear were...’
The boy kneeled down, face covered in tears.
All Might watched him with a serious face, as wind dramatically blew his hair in front of the setting sun.
He then said the words Midoriya wanted to hear so badly: “You can become a hero.”
Midoriya cried even harder.
Dramatic music played.
‘Dreams can become reality.’
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'By the way, I forgot to mention that this is the story of how I became the greatest hero’ The episode ended.
“The greatest hero?” asked Shoji.
Uraraka shrugged, ”I can believe that.”
“This explains so much but I somehow have even more questions than before!” Said Ashido.
“Do you think any of this really happened?” asked Sero.
“I don’t know if it will be weirder if it’s real or if it isn’t.” said Hagakure.
“So that’s why All Might and Midoriya are so close.” said Todoroki.
“That was...so freaking manly” said Kirishima as he wiped his tears.
“Who knew a show about Midoriya can be so good?” asked Mineta.
“When it’s all ends I will have to lay down and question everything for a while.” Said Jiro and the rest made sounds of agreement.
The next episode was about to start and no one even thought to suggest not to watch it.
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
What It Takes To Be A Hero (part 2)
Uraraka crossed her arms and grumbled:”I almost feel like he deserved what was coming for him...”
Kirishima asked her: ”I know Bakugo was a huge jerk but isn’t that a bit too harsh?”
Uraraka shrugged:”I said almost.”
Scene: on top of the building.
Midoriya screamed. “Y-Y-You're deflating...!” He looked around him to find where All Might have gone to. “Wait, up until now... Huh?!” “Fake? A fake?! You're so skinny!”
“Oh, Midoriya.” Ojiro shook his head and smiled fondly.
“Ok to be fair it is pretty hard to believe.”
“I am All Might...” said the thin man and then spitted some blood. “No way!” Midoriya screamed again.
“Wait, hold on. I don’t get it.” said Sato. “We know that All Might lost his powers was was forced to retire after Kamino Ward. We also know that he looked this way before when he wasn’t a hero, since we saw him walking around school in this form even before. But spitting blood? that can’t be normal. And it looks like he wasn’t in control on when to turn back, either. Something is wrong here.”
“You sound a lot like Midoriya now, ribbit.” said Tsu.
“Oh, am I?” he asked sheepishly. “Sorry...”
“No, you had some good points. I guess the only thing we can do now is keep watching and hope we can get some answers.” said Yaoyorozu.
“You know how the guys at the pool are constantly flexing and posturing? it’s like that.” all might explained and a vision with his metaphor accompanied the explanation.
“No way!” “I think Midoriya is having an existential crises.” said Shoji.
“I mean, same.” said Ojiro. “I-it can’t be! All Might is fearless...He saves everyone with a smile.. He's the greatest...“
”That’s indeed an existential crises.” said Tokoyami. “Turn down your hero worship a bit, buddy.” said Kaminari.
“I guess that shows us that truly no one’s perfect.” Tsu Concluded. All Might sighed. “A fearless smile, huh?” he sat down.
Midoriya recoiled and the camera shifted, showing a big, ugly injury scare under All Might’s shirt.
The class gasped and flinched as well. “Ouch!” “No way!” “Aw...that must be hurt-” “Now that you've seen me like this, young man, make sure you don't write about it online, even accidentally. It's an injury I got from an enemy's attack five years ago. Half of my respiratory organs were destroyed, and I lost my whole stomach. ,I've become emaciated from repeated surgeries and the aftereffects. Right now, I can only work as a hero for about three hours a day.”
“wow...” said Koda.
“I had no idea...” said Hagakure
“None of us had.” noted Todoroki.
“Midoriya had.” Kaminari corrected.
“That’s horrible.” said Uraraka.
"That can't be...” Midoriya was horrified. “Five years ago... Was that when you fought Toxic Chainsaw?” he asked.
“You’re well informed.” All Might raised his fist. “But a punk like that couldn't defeat me. This fight was not made public to the world. I asked for it not to be made public.” The camera showed the people underneath them, walking and living their lives without fear. “I will save people with a smile! The Symbol of Peace cannot be daunted by evil.” He stared at his hand and clenched it. “ “I smile to show the pressure of heroes, and to trick the fear inside of me.”
Midoriya gasped. All Might looked right at him. “Pros are always risking their lives. I cannot simply say, ‘you can become a hero even without power.’“
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Midoriya froze in shock.
“I see.” he said, heartbroken.
“Ok that was cruel.” said Kaminari.
“Poor Deku...that was his dream! how could All Might say that?”
“I can’t believe it.” said Eraserhead. “This man has finally done the cruel but necessary thing to do.”
“Sensei, with all due respect, Midoriya is clearly heroic-” Iida tried to protest
“Iida, do you know why I expel as many students as I do?”
“Because...they don’t have potential?”
“Because being a hero is dangerous. The people out there, they get hurt, some get killed. It’s not a game, it’s not a movie where everyone get what they deserve. You kids, of everyone should know that best. As much as I tried to protect you you had to face more than most people at your age had to. Having a dream is not enough, having passion and compassion, while necessary, can’t make you a hero alone. You have to have something that will help you survive out there. Would you rather All Might to tell him that he can be a hero, to get him all worked up and ready only for him to get killed in his first day in the field?”
No one answered. It was hard to accept but they couldn’t argue with the lecture. Still, they couldn’t help but think about how many people there were out there like Midoriya, who with the right powers can do great things, if only they had the chance.
“If you want to help others, then you could also become a police officer. They're often teased because they get villains delivered to their doorstep, but that is also a fine occupation.” All Might walked away and paused at the roof’s door.
“It's not bad to dream. But you also have to consider what's realistic, young man.” All Might closed the door behind him, leaving Midoriya on his own on the top of the roof. “This show should be named “Izuku Midoriya and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.” said Sero. “Yeah, if I wasn’t going to hug him before, I definitely am now.” said H agakure.
“Midoriya wouldn't want our pity.” said Todoroki.
“Yeah but, come on man, you have to admit that this is rough.” Kirishima tried to reason.
“No, Todoroki is right. Deku did get in eventually! we don’t know how, or how he got a quirk, but he had to deal with hardships his entire life and he never gave up. Not on his dreams, not on his friends and not on anyone he tried to save. He didn’t just sat there and felt sorry for himself so neither should we!” said Uraraka.
“Well said, Uraraka.” complimented Iida.
“Yeah! going through all of this and still making it this far? that’s so manly.” agreed Kirishima.
In the stairs room, All Might reached to his pocket, “Now, I need to quickly get this guy...” But he found nothing. He looked through the window to see smoke. “Don’t tell me...”
“So containing a villain in a bottle in your pocket wasn’t the best idea! who could have seen that coming?” Asked Jiro.
On the roof, Midoriya heard an explosion and saw the smoke rising from somewhere in the city. “A villain! What a hero will go to the scene?” he run to the scene but then stopped in his tracks as All Might’s harsh words echoed in his mind.
“I cannot simply say, ‘you can become a hero even without power.’“
The enthusiasm left his body as he started walking away, accepting his fate.
All Might run as fast as he could, looking at the crime scene behind a crowed of people.
The shopping center burned as people run away screaming. Three heroes immediately arrived at the scene, one of them was Death Arms. They looked helplessly as in the middle of the flames, the sludge villain stood, covering something.
The camera focused to show Bakugo helplessly trapped in the villain’s slimy body.
“A child was taken hostage?!”  Death arms asked, then pounded his fists. “You cowered!” he cried as he run through the villain.
The hero leaped and punched, but gasped as his fist just sunk into the slime “what is this? I can’t grab hold!’
The villain pushed him away, making him crush on a wall.
“Death arms!” the two other heroes run to him.
“Crap!” one of them cursed as he avoided a slimy jab crushing the place he stood a second ago.
The villain chuckled:”Don’t come near me!”
Bakugo struggled as hard as he could and got his mouth free from the villain:”I won't let sewage like this swallow me!” explosions shot in his body. “You little-”
The ground shook as explosions covered the entire area.
“Still think Bakugo deserved that?” asked Kirishima.
“Oh, come on, I said almost!” Uraraka protested. “Besides, he was such a huge jerk to Midoriya, I can’t just ignore that!”
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“What power! I’ve hit the Jackpot” the villain gushed. “With this Quirk and power, I can get revenge on that guy!”
“’That guy’? as if there’s anyone who doesn’t know All Might...” said Sato.
“While Bakugo’s power is strong, his fighting spirit is his best quality. Not many of us could struggle for this long.” said Tokoyami.
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Episode 2: What It Takes To Be A Hero (part 1)
The episode started with flashbacks to little Midoriya watching All Might’s video, then at the doctor’s office.
‘even if it’s true.’ he thought to himself.
More flashbacks to Bakugo and the other classmates mocking him in middle school"
“Yeah we already saw this” said Kaminari.
‘Even if that’s what they all think’ 
flashback of his mother hugging him and tearfully apologizes.
“No, that’s not it. That’s not it, Mom.” he narrated.
'I...even so, I’
“Even if I don’t have a quirk, can I still become a hero?” Midoriya asked.
Dramatic music played in the backfround.
The hero stopped in his track.
“Can even someone without a Quirk be like you?”
He turned around to look at Midoriya.
Midoriya closed his eyes like he’s waiting for a blow.
“Without a quirk?” All Might asked, and then gasped. He shook and groaned as he started to blow off steam.
“Oh no, holy shit, godammit...” he cursed.
Midoriya went on and didn’t seem to notice the steaming hero. “It might’ve been because I don’t have a quirk, but I’m always made fun of... maybe that’s why... I don’t know... but I think saving people is super cool.”
“He’s so pure...” said Ojiro.
“But what’s going on with All Might?” asked Aoyama.
“Saving hero with a fearless smile. I want to be the greatest hero, like you!” Midoriya raised his head to look at All Might, as the steams dissipated to reveal a skeletal figure standing in the place where the muscled hero once was.
Uraraka paused the video and the kids gasped.
“Wait...he knew?!” asked Mina.
“I’m having a breakdown, what else hasn’t Midoriya told us?!” Asked Sero.
“What has he told us?! is his name even really Midoriya?!”
Eraserhead got up. “You are yelling too much it’s giving me a headache, if I have to silence you one more time movie night is over and I will find a way to take away this DVD for good.”
Everyone sat down quietly,  Uraraka started the episode again.
Midoriya screamed loud enough the entire city must have heard him. The theme song played.
“This is still so so cool...” Kaminari clenched his fist.
“I wonder when they’ll finally show us.” said Hagakure.
“If this show follows Midoriya, I assume it will be when he makes it into the UA?” said Yaoyorozu.
Scene: somewhere in the city.
Next to a tattoo shop, the Sludge Villain woke up inside the bottle. “Urgh, where am I? What happened?”
“Shit.” Jiro cursed.
“Language!” Iida scolded.
“Pfft, you can scold me when you can get Bakugo to watch his language.”
“Oh yeah! That bastard... If it wasn't for him, I'd be out of town already.“ said the villain as the events of before came back to him.
“Technically, if it wasn’t for Midoriya All Might probably might have managed to avoid this tragedy and get this villain to the police.” said Tokoyami.
“That shouldn’t matter. That was a bad place for containing him in the first place and All Might shouldn’t have been so careless. He admitted himself that his mistake has caused the problem child to get involved in this fight in the first place.” Said Aizawa. The class really felt bad for All Might knowing the scolding he will hear tomorrow.
Nearby, Bakugo and his two friends walked back from school. “Hey, Katsuki, aren't you and Midoriya childhood friends?” asked one of the kids “You went a little overboard today.” added the other.
“Pfft, now you remember to step in?” Mocked Uraraka. “Where were you before?” Iida put his arm around her shoulder to comfort her.
“It's his fault for getting in my way.” replied Bakugo and kicked the bottle that laid in front of him, the cap flew away from it, letting the content spill on the ground.
“Oh no...” said Koda.
“Don't let it get to you.” Bakugo’s friend tried to comfort him. Bakugo remembered Midoriya’s words in the class 'It's just that it's been my goal ever since I was little. And well, I won’t know unless I try...’
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Bakugo blew the can in his hand. “He’s an idiot dreaming like a child. Just watching him pisses me off!” “Anyone else thinks that maybe giving the boy with anger issues the power to explode everything in sight was not the best idea?” Kaminari asked.
“Then, why don't we go to the arcade for a change of pace?” asked one of his friends. “You’ll come too, right, Katuski?”
“Yeah” he agreed. “Then let’s go to the one in front of the station, there’s a lot of prey there.” offered the second friend. Meanwhile the camera showed the sludge moving towards the unsuspecting teens. “You’re terrible.” the first told him.
“Prey?! Did he mean girls?” asked Ashido.
“Boys are the worst.” Said Jiro.
“What?! If we get caught, it'll end up on my record!” Bakugo yelled.
“So that’s what bothers him about this suggestion, ribbit.” said Tsuyu.
His friends took one step back and pointed behind Bakugo as the sludge grew taller with every second. “Hey!” “Hey look
He turned around. “An invisible cloak with a great quirk!” the villain said and Bakugo’s eyes widened in horror.
Title sequence-  Episode 2: What It Takes To Be A Hero
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Episode 1: Izuku Midoriya: Origin (part 6)
Scene: out of school, in front of a tunnel.
“You decided back then, didn’t you? That’s right. Don’t worry about what other people think! Hold your head up high and plunge forward!” Midoriya thought to himself.
He walked into the tunnel, fist in the air, making his best impression of All might’s laugh.
“Midoriya would die of embarrassment if he knew we saw this...he can never know.” Said Uraraka.
The rest nodded.
He looked behind, frozen in shock when he saw sludge rising from the sewers and forming a figure.
“A villain?!”
“But that’s not what happened- the sludge villain attacked Bakugo, not Midoriya!” Cried Kirishima.
“A medium-sized invisibility cloak...” said the villain.
Midoriya screamed and run but didn’t make it too far before the villain leaped on him, making the notebook drop at the sideways.
The sludge covered Midoriya, forcibly entering his mouth, muffling his screams.
“Don’t worry. I’m just going to take over your body. Calm down. It’ll only hurt for about 45 seconds. You’ll feel better soon.” Sludge filled his mouth and his nose, tears filled his panicked eyes.
“I can’t watch!” cried Uraraka.
“That’s horrifying.” said Todoroki.
Koda hided his head in Shoji’s chest, who put a protective hand on his back.
Dark Shadow came out and started hissing.
“It’s alright, it’s alright, dark shadow! it’s not real!” Tokoyami tried to calm him down.
Yaoyorozu made a flashlight and aimed it directly at him, causing him to hiss louder but back off.
“Thank you, Yaoyorozu.” He sighed. “I am used to horror movies but not when they’re staring my classmates...”
“I can’t...breathe...” Midoriya cried, he tried to claw at the villain.
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“You can’t grab me. I’m fluid! Thanks for your help. You’re my hero. I didn’t think that had come to this city.” “My body... There’s no strength...” the hand that tried to fight against the sludge dropped down. “I’m dying…. Am I dying? I’m dying…. Somebody...Somebody...!” his vission was blurred from tears and lack of air, focusing on his notebook that was open in the page of his hero costume design. “No...!”  His eyes closed.
The sewer lid flies at the sludge villain. He turned around and squeaked in fear.
“It’s all right now, young man. I am here!” All Might’s theme started playing.
All Might dodged the villain’s attack, his eternal smile still on his lips.
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“Texas Smash!” All Might shouted as he punched the villain, one of his hands still holding his grocery bag.
The Slugde villain flied in the strong wind that was resulted from the punch. “ Wind pressure…?!” he fell apart, leaving the gentle boy behind him.
Midoriya slowly opened his eyes to see the hero. “ All...Migh...” was all he could say before fainting again.
The screen went black.
The camera showed Midoriya laying on the floor as All Might slapped his cheek rapidly “Hey! Hey! He-” he stopped as Midoriya started to wake up “Oh, good!”
“He could have been more gentle with him...” Koda spoke for the first time. Midoriya woke up and saw see All staring at him.
He screamed and scooted back.
“That’s a one timid kid.” said Sero.
“And now we know why...” said Hagakure.
“I’m glad you’re okay! Sorry ‘bout getting you caught up in my villain fighting. I don’t usually make mistakes like this, but I was in high spirits on my day off in a new place.” He laughed his trademark laughter. Midoriya looked as if he was sure he’s dreaming.
“But, you were a big help. Thanks!” He held up bottle containing Sludge Villain “I captured him safely!”
“IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL ‘SAFELY’?!” yelled Ashido.
“I assume that’s the best thing he had to contain him at the time...” said Iida, looking concerned.
“I have been watching this ridiculous thing for about 20 minutes and already have 3 different people to scold.” deadpan Aizawa.
“The number one hero...All Might…. H-He’s the real thing…. He looks completely different in person!”
“He looks exactly the same in person...” said Todoroki.
“Deku never told us he met All Might before the UA!” said Uraraka.
“Yeah, seems like he hasn’t told us many things.” said Ojiro.
“We all have things we would rather keep to ourselves, we can’t fault Midoriya for that.” Said Tsuyu.
“Oh, right! An a-autograph! Where should I-- In that notebook--” He grabbed his notebook and opened it, to see a very big All Might’s autograph covering two pages.
“He already did!” Midoriya bowed profusely to All Might.
“Th-Thank you very much! It’ll be an heirloom! A family treasure!”
A few kids giggled. All Might gave him a thumbs up. “Okay!” He patted at the bottle kept in his pocket. “Well, I need to take this guy to the police. See you again on the other side of the screen!”
“Come on! in his POCKET?!” Kaminari protested.
“Yeah, even Kaminari knows it’s a bad idea!” agreed Jiro.
“Yeah-Hey!” he turned to her, angry as the kids around him laughed.
“Wait, already?” Asked Midoriya as All Might stretched and prepared himself to jump.
“Pros are constantly fighting enemies and time.”
“Wait...There are still...things I want to ask...”
“Well then,” The hero shoot high into the air. “I’m counting on your continued support!”
“It’s nice that they met again eventually, ribbit. Said Tsuyu with a finger on her cheek.
Sero chuckled: ”That is if any of this really happened. Are we sure this is not some kind of a collective dream?”
“I am not sure at anything at this point.” said Mineta.
“Wait.” said All Might.
The camera showed Midoriya hanging to his leg.
“OH MY GOD!” shouted Hagakure, a few others gasped.
“Midoriya! that was far too reckless!” scolded Iida.
Aizawa facepalmed. “I swear, this problem child will be the death of me one day.”
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Let go of me! Your fanaticism is too much!” He tried to get Midoriya off him. “ARE YOU CRAZY?! HE WILL DIE!” shouted Uraraka.
“If I...let go now...I’ll...I’ll die…!”
All Might stopped trying to get Midoriya off of him. “That’s true.”
Aizawa’s face was still hidden in his hands. “Those absolute morons.”
“I...have...a lot of things...I want to ask you directly!” Midoriya tried to say as his face hit the strong wind, his eyes and mouth corner stretched backwards.
“I did not need to see that.” said Mineta.
“Okay, okay! I get it, so close your eyes and mouth!’
Midoriya did as he was told and then hided his face in All Might’s leg.
All Might grabbed ahold of Midoriya, coughed and said to himself as a small amount of blood flies from his teeth “Shit.”
“Wait, blood?” asked Shoji.
They landed harshly on a top of a building.
Midoriya shook as his hair was messy from the strong wind, he looked like he was about to throw up.
‘T-that was scary...” he wispered.
“That’s what you get from clinging into a pro hero right when he’s about to jump...” said Todoroki.
“Good grief. If you talk to the people downstairs, I’m sure they’ll let you down. I seriously am outta time, so I really must go.”
“Wait! Um...” Midoriya reached his hand.
“No! I will not wait!”
Midoriya takes his hand back when he remembers the doctor telling him to give up, his mother apologizing and hugging him as they both cry and Bakugo telling him he can’t do anything since he’s quirkless.
“That might be true... But even so, I...”  he said in his mind and clenched his fists.
“Even if I don’t have a Quirk, can I become a hero?” The boy called after All Might.
The hero stopped in his track. 
“Can even someone without a Quirk be like you?”
He turned around to look at Midoriya.
Midoriya closed his eyes like he’s waiting for a blow.
Current-Midoriya narrated: “My meeting with All Might…. This miracle…. At the time, I couldn’t even imagine how much it would change my fate.”
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The ending theme played.
“Wait...that’s it?” asked Kirishima.
“But...what did he answer?” asked Yaoyorozu.
“All Might loves Midoriya, he must have said yes...” said Uraraka.
“But he was quirkless...there was never a quirkless hero.” said Iida.
"The second episode is starting,” noted Tokoyami.
The classmates looked at each other, they knew it was wrong but they have already seen this much and they can’t exactly turn the TV off anyway. So they kept on watching.
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Episode 1: Izuku Midoriya: Origin (part 5)
scene: flashback- Midoriya’s house.
4 years old Midoriya run into the kitchen holding an action figure of All Might.
“Mom! Mom, the computer!”
“Awww!” the girls cooed.
“Petit Midoriya was adorable...That is to say, Midoriya is also pretty adorable now.” said Aoyama.
“Again?” a green haired woman asked amusingly as small Midoriya jumped in place.
“Is that Mrs Midoriya? They look so much alike.” said Ojiro.
The camera switched into what seemed to be Midoriya’s room, covered in posters of All Might.
The kid moved restlessly in his chair as his mother found the video.
“Jeez, you’ve probably added ten thousand views just by yourself, Izuku. It’s too scary for me. I can’t watch it.”
The kid smiled a smile too big for his face, his eyes shined as the video started.
“Too cute. Ribbit.”
Current-Midoriya narrated: “That was an old video. A disaster that happened a long time ago. The video of a hero that debuted right after that.”
Terrified people stood behind burning ruins. A man shouted into the camera “ Can you see that? He’s already saved a hundred people! That’s crazy! It hasn’t even been ten minutes! That’s crazy!”
Kid-Midoriya looked excitedly as a man rose from the ruins, carrying at least 10 people and laughing heroically.
“He’s laughing!” cried the civilian.
Kid-Midoriya  gasped, looking so happy he might burst.
“It’s fine now, why? because I am here!” said the hero with a big smile.
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Dramatic wind blew Kid-Midoriya’s hair when his smile somehow grew even bigger.
“Ugh, my heart. Remind me to beg Mrs. Midoriya for baby pictures when this ends, ok?” asked Ashido.
“He’s so cool! Once I get my Quirk, I wanna be like him, too! HAHAHAHAHA!”
His mother’s smile at the door changed to a worried expression.
Scene: Flashback- a doctor’s office.
“You should probably give it up.” Said the doctor.
Kid-Midoriya gasped in shock, dropping his All Might figure.
“That’s...is something wrong with him after all? Most of the other kindergarteners’ Quirks have already manifested... He’s the only one...” Mrs. Midoriya rest her hand on her son’s shoulder.
“Excuse me, but you’re fourth generation, right ma’am? May I ask about your Quirk?”
“Yes, of course. I can pull small objects to me.” She pulled All Might’s figurine to herself slowly using her Quirk “My husband can breathe fire.”
“Normally, by age four, he would have manifested one of those Quirks, or some combination of the two. In the past, when the superpowers first started showing up, the results of an early research study were published. It became common practise to see if the pinky toe was missing a joint or not. When parts of the body aren’t used, they’re deemed unnecessary. People who didn’t have the joint were thought to be a newly evolved form.”
The camera showed Midoriya’s foot x-ray.
“You can see by looking at this x-ray that Izuku has two joints. It’s unusual to see that these days, but that means he has no Quirk.”
“But how?!” asked Sato.
“Midoriya said those events really happened but that’s impossible...” said Todoroki.
Scene: Flashback. Midoriya’s house.
Soft music played in the background as Kid-Midoriya watched the video again in his dark room. “Mom…. He saves everyone with a smile, no matter what trouble they’re in…. He’s such a cool hero...” he said in a small voice.
Kid-Midoriya turned around in his chair to face his mom, she sniffed and her eyes were filled with tears when she saw her son’s own tearful eyes.
“Can I...be a hero, too?” he pointed at the screen.
“I can’t this is too sad!” said Ashido and covered her eyes.
“Oh, Midoriya...” said Yaoyorozo.
“All this time and we had no idea-” said Iida.
Mrs Midoriya walked slowly towards her son and hugged him, collapsing onto her knees. “I’m sorry, Izuku! I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”
They both cried.
“What a depressing story...” said Mineta.
“But it didn’t end like that, ribbit. Midoriya is here at UA, after all.” said Tsuyu.
“No, that’s not it. That’s not it, Mom. What I wanted you to say back then was…” Current-Midoriya nattered.
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Episode 1: Izuku Midoriya: Origin (part 4)
12:02 somewhere in the same city.
A woman screamed, a man run from a store and yelled:”Thief! someone!” A humanoid Sludge-monster run quickly, money bills falling from his stolen bag.”Catch me if you can!”
“Hey I know who’s that!” cried Kirishima.
“The sludge villain incident...” said Yaoyorozu .
“Huh? There’s no hero around.” “Normally someone would come right away.” “This guy’s taking advantage of the chaos from this morning.” There are tons of people around who don’t know what to do with their Quirks.” “There's no end to them.” A conversation between 2 civilians occurred while in the background you could see a familiar skinny figure walking out of a grocery store. The figure grew larger and more muscular.
“All Might!” Kaminari exclaimed.
Jiro hitted his head gently:”Yeah, we know it’s all Might, now shut up and let us watch.”
“There is an end.” The figured said and stepped into the sunlight. The three civilians immediately turned around. “Why?” The sludge villain looked behind, eyes widened. “Because I’m here!”
Scene: Classroom, end of the school day.
“The incident this morning is all over the headlines! I wanna hurry up and go home so I can write it down in my notebook.” Midoriya was about to put the notebook at his bag, only for it to be snatched from his hands.
“We’re not done talking yet, Deku.” Said Bakugo.
“Katsuki, what’s that?” asked a kid who came from behind.
“Huh? “Hero Analysis for the Future?” his friend read out loud the title.
They both laughed.
“I-It’s fine, isn’t it? Give it back!”
“That’s just painful to watch...” said Shoji.
Bakugo exploded the notebook and Midoriya screamed.
“That’s mean...” he stammered. Bakugo threw it out the window.
“Bakugo I swear to god-” Jiro threatened.
“So that’s why your notebook was so burned?” Asked Uraraka.
“Guys, seriously, it’s fine.” Midoriya tried to clam his friends but with no use.
“Most top first-string heroes have stories about them from their school days. I want the shine of being able to be called the only student to make it into U.A. from this mediocre city junior high school. I mean, I’m a perfectionist.”  Explained Bakugo. Midoriya was shaking. “He’s so petty...” commented a kid.
“Seriously, that’s his reason?” Asked Ojiro.
“Petty indeed...” Tsuyu remarked. Bakugo put his half-quirk-activated hand on Midoriya's shoulder. “So anyway, don’t apply to U.A., nerd.”
“He’s lucky he’s not here now or else I would have punched his face.” Uraraka was boiling.
“If he didn’t think Midoriya could even make it, why bother threatening him?!” added Iida.
“Um...can I go?” Midoriya asked weakly, he looked sick.
“Of course you can go, Deku!”
“Do you want us to join you?” asked Todoroki.
“We’re sorry we put on this DVD, we had no idea.” apologized Yaoyorozu.
“It’s fine I just-I have to go.” He left the room.
“Poor Midoriya...” said Hagakure.
“Yeah, man. I can’t imagine going through this, then having to watch this again with your entire class...” Said Kirishima.
“Do you think we should go after him?” asked Tsuyu.
“I think it’s best we leave him alone for now, we can talk to him about it tomorrow.” said Todoroki.
Bakugo and the two boys were on their way out of the class. One of them said on his way out:”Come on, you could at least say something back.” “Don’t say that. He’s pathetic. He still can’t face reality.” answered his friend.
“Shut up!” Yelled Uraraka and threw a pillow on the screen.
“Uraraka!” Iida scolded.
“what? It was a weak throw...”
At the door, Bakugo sneered: If you wanna be a hero that badly, there’s a quick way to do it. Believe that you’ll be born with a Quirk in your next life and take a last chance dive off the roof!”
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“BACKUGO YOU’RE A DEAD MAN, DO YOU HEAR ME?!” Uraraka got up and was about to run to his dorm but was hold in place by Iida.
“Girls aren’t allowed to go to the boys’ dorms!” He declared and then added quietly, only for her to hear: “Aizawa’s here, tomorrow we’ll get him together after school, ok?” She nodded fiercely.
“Well, I’m a boy.” Todoroki said in his usual apathetic voice.
“Enough.” Aizawa’s capture weapon made everyone go back to their  sits. “The matter with Bakugo will be taken care off by myself.”
Midoriya faced Bakugo and was seemed like he was about to say something.
“What?” Bakugo made explosions with his hands. 
Midoriya’s confidence faded.
Scene: outside of school.
“Idiot! If I really jumped, that would mean you instigated a suicide! Think before you speak!”
“Do you think he really-” Ashido was terrified.
“No way...” murmured Sero.
Midoriya stopped walking as he saw his notebook with fish surrounding it.
“That’s not fish food, stupid. That’s my notebook...” He grabbed the notebook from the fish.
“Stupid... Stupid bastard...” Midoriya looked at the notebook as the scene faded into a flashback. next
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Episode 1: Izuku Midoriya: Origin (part 3)
“Midoriya pulled out his notebook and mumbled to himself:” Gigantification, huh? She looks like she’ll be popular, and it’s an amazing Quirk, but thinking about the damage to the city that’ll go hand in hand with that, its use might be limited? No, but whether or not she can control the size…. “
“Hey Deku, for how long have you been writing those notebooks?” Asked Uraraka.
“Umm, ever since I wanted to  be a hero, which was in kindergarten... At first it was just drawings and then I learned how to write.”
“That’s so cool, Deku!”
“Umm, thanks, Uraraka.”
“Hey wait, you’re taking notes? You wanna be a hero? That’s great! You can do it!” said the person who stood next to Midoriya during the villain attack. Midoriya lighted to those words like a light bulb. “Yes! I’ll do my best!”
Title sequense-Episode 1: Midoriya Izuku, origins.
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Everyone looked at Midoriya again, who squeaked and tried to dissapear into his seat.
Scene: Aldera Junior High “Hey, that was your school, right Midoriya?” Asked Iida.
Midoriya nodded.
A class of middle schoolers sat at their desks and listened to their teacher lecturing. If you looked well enough you could see Midoriya’s head resting on his desk at the third line. “Since you’re all third years, it’s time for you to think seriously about your future. I’ll pass out handouts for your future plans now, but...you’re all...pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?” He tossed the papers he held in his arms.
“Is everything in your life this dramatic, Midoriya?” asked Jiro.
“Well, It’s a fact that you have to have drama for a good show, n'est-ce pas?” Asked Aoyama.
“Yes!” The entire class sans Bakugou and Midoriya cheered and activated their quirks. “Yes, yes, you all have wonderful Quirks! But using your powers at school is against the rules!” the teacher tried to calm the eager teens down. “Teach! Don’t lump us all in the same group. I’m not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!” said Bakugo. leaning with his legs on the desk and his arms behind his head.
“Was he always this arrogant?” asked Shoji.
“Where IS he, anyway?” asked Sero.
“In his room, I tried to call him back here but he didn’t want to come.” answered Kirishima.
“That was uncalled for, Katsuki!" his classmates raged. “You all should shut up like the extras you are!”
“How does he have any friends?” asked Sato.
“He can actually be pretty nice in his own way, once you learn to see past...well, that. Right Kirishima?” asked Ashido.
“Totally, those days his remarks are all bark and no bite.”
“Are you two aware that if Bakugo was here you would be dead now, right?” asked Kaminari.
"Oh, if I remember correctly, you want to go to U.A. High, right, Bakugo?” Asked the teacher. “U.A.? That national school?!” “It was in the top 0.2% this year, you know!” “Their acceptance rate’s always really low, too!” Middle-Schooler-Midoriya, the same as his counterpart in real life, covered his head and tried to make himself smaller.
That’s exactly why you guys are just extras!” Bakugo stood at his desk. “I aced the mock test! I’m the only one at this school who could possibly get into U.A. I’ll definitely surpass All Might and become the top hero! My name’ll be inscribed on the list of top earners!”
“While his attitude is disgraceful, his passion is certainly inspiring...and he did get in UA eventually.” Iida said, thoughtfully.
“But he wasn’t the only one, Midoriya did as well.” added Todoroki.
“Why did he think he’s the only one who could get in?” Asked Uraraka.
Sero chuckled:”Because it’s Bakugo.”
“Oh yeah, Midoriya wanted to go to U.A., too, right?” Asked the teacher. He raised his head from his desk slowly, still looks like he’s wishing like the ground can swallow him whole. The students stared at him quietly for a second before bursting into laughter, causing him to flinch in fear. “Huh? Midoriya? No way!” “You can’t get into the hero course just by studying!” “Th-They got rid of that rule! There’s just no precedent….” He tried to protest.
“Hey, what’s so funny about that?!” asked Uraraka.
“Their reaction is indeed very odd... Espically considered that Midoriya did get in...” said Tokoyami.
Bakugo went to his desk and exploded it, causing him to fall on the floor.
“Hey, Deku! You’re below the rejects! You’re Quirkless! How can you even stand in the same ring as me?”
“Uraraka, pause the video.” ordered Aizawa.
“I can’t! it doesn’t-” her words cut off when surprisingly she did pause the video.
Aizawa got up and walked to Midoriya, who from the way he looked at him you could have thought he was looking at a dangerous villain instead of his teacher.
“Midoriya. You claim to have no idea where this footage came from but that’s not what I’m asking. I want to know if what happened here happened in real life as well.”
Everyone were silent as Midoriya looked around, trying to find ways to escape the situation but with no use.
“I-I, well, it’s not that it didn’t happen but it wasn’t, it’s not-”
“Midoriya. Yes or no?”
“Yes.” he admitted, looking at the floor.
“I see, I will have to have a conversation with Bakugo and your middle school teachers tomorrow.
That seemed to break the green-haired boy from his freeze. “No! please don’t, Sensei! it was a long time ago! Things changed, Bakugo did.”
“That’s no excuse. I can’t excuse any student of mine of this kind of behavior. Has he ever got punished for his actions? By any of your teachers?”
“Well, not really but-”
“Then it’s settles. I will have a talk with both.”
“Please, Sensei, I don’t want to cause any troubles!”
“It’s not troubles. It’s my job. No matter what happened between you two, his actions were not the actions of a hero.”
“I will not continue this conversation.”
A moment has passed where Midoriya accepted his fate in defeat. Then, the video started again.
“No, wait, Kacchan! It’s not like I’m trying to compete with you or anything!” He scooted back against the wall. “Believe me! It’s just that it’s been my goal ever since I was little. And well...I won’t know unless I try...” His voice was shaking.
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“Whaddya mean, unless you try?! Are you taking the test for fun?! What the hell can you do? You’re Quirkless!” Bakugo shouted, the view changed to see him and the class around him as ominous shades, all surronding and mocking Midoriya.
“Is that why you were so scared when we first met?” Uraraka asked quietly.
“Yeah bro, you were pretty stressed for like, the first month” said Kirishima.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, ribbit.” added Tsuyu. “You could have told us, we’re your friends.”
“Yeah... I know. I just wanted to leave all of that behind me.”
“It’s ok, Midoriya. We don’t have to talk about that again if you don’t want to.” said Jiro.
“But we’re here for you, if you ever need us.” said iida.
Midoriya teared up a bit. “Thanks guys.”
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Episode 1: Izuku Midoriya: Origin (part 2)
“That’s actually pretty Incredible.” said Shoji as they all watched the theme song.
“SUPER incredible!! Man, I didn’t know we look this cool when we fight!” Kaminari clunched his fists.
“But how?!” Ojiro asked again, holding his hair.
Kirishima sprinted out of the common area and knocked on Bakugo’s door. There was no replay. He knocked again “come on, bro! you gotta see it! it’s a TV show about US!”
He heard a grumble in respond. Kirishima sighed:”ok man, I’ll call you when they’ll show you do something badass, alright?”. No answer.
Kirishima came back to the common area. “So, what did I miss?”
“Not much, TV-Midoriya was explaining about quirks and heroes origins. Our Midoriya is still passed out from shock.” said Sero.
“What, don’t everyone already know that?” Kirishima asked.
Sero shrugged, “I don’t know man, we don’t understand anything of what’s going on either.”
“the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight. That profession is….” The villain was causing harvoc in the middle of a crowd of civilians. He ripped a large portion of an electricity pillar that was about to crush a bunch of standbys but then...
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“Oh, it’s Death Arms!” Said one of the civilians. “He carries out justice through his great physical strength--The Punching Hero!” added another. A line made of water separated the crowed from the scene. “Everyone, this is dangerous. Stay back, stay back!” the hero warned. “The rescue specialist, Backdraft, is here, too!”
“That’s a lot of exposition, people don’t normally talk like this.” Noted Jiro.
But man, turning into a monster’s an amazing Quirk. What did he do?” someone asked his friend, Midoriya was in the back, trying to get a view of the scene as well but was too short to see anything well. “He stole someone’s bag and went out of control when he was cornered.Some amateur. Stole someones' bag and then got himself cornered.” “A Quirk like that, and he’s a bag snatcher?”
Midoriya tried to pass through the crowed to get a better view of the battle as another hero joined the scene, cheered by an excited group of fangirls:”You can do it, Kamui! “
For the first time since if all begun, Eraserhead commented:”This is exactly why celebrity-hero culture is so dangerous. Those people are here, risking their lives for a show.”
“Get away!” the villain yelled at Kamui who jumped to stop him. Midoriya finally found a place in the crowed where he can see. “Who’s fighting?” he asked, excited. The wooden hero swung away from the villian’s jab, using his talented arm as a vine. “Kamui Woods! The young and talented rising star!” he answered his own question. The man next to him smiled, “You were the one asking, but you gave a perfect commentary, kid. You’re a fanboy, aren’t you?” he pointed at him. “Uh, well...” he blushed.
Tsuyu chuckled “once a fanboy always a fanboy. Ribbit.”
“Huh?” asked Midoriya who finally woke up after fainting. He watched the TV along with everyone else, but looked more like he was staring through it instead of processing what’s going on on the screen.
The camera followed the fight between Kamui and the giant villian, filming in angles and quality you can only see on movies. “Illegal use of powers during rush hour and robbery resulting in bodily injury. You are the incarnation of evil.” Kamui declared.”
Jiro giggled:”Dramatic, much?”
“It really does feel like a movie.” Uraraka said, and then hugged Midoriya who sat next to her:”with Deku as the main protagonist!” the boy looked like he was ready to faint again.
“Yeah why IS Midoriya the main character?” asked Kaminari.
“I think it’s clear none of us have the answers to any of our questions about this dark mystery and that asking them again will not help. All we can do is watch.” Said Tokoyami.
“Besides, Midoriya would make a great protagonist...” murmured Todoroki.
Kamui’s arm grew and expended, shifted into different branches. “Oh, here it comes!” cheered Midoriya. “Show us something flashy, Tree-man!” the man next to him joined. “Pre-emptive…” the boy started. “ ...Binding….” continued Kamuri “...Lacquered Chain Prison!” they finished together. The brunches grew from his arm and lunged to the villain, about to imprison him but then- “Canyon Cannon!” a giant woman kicked him right before the brunched reached their target. The villian fall from the force of the hit. The camera showed the shocked faces of Midoriya and the civilian, and then the confused heroes. “Huh?” Kamuri asked no one in particular, his vines still ready to attack.
The giant lady landed gracefully and held her arm to the villain she just knocked over, offering him to get up. Lines of paparazzi appeared taking pictures of the new heroine. “Today is the day of my debut! My name is Mt. Lady. A pleasure to make your ass-quaintance.”
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A few of the girls groaned as Mineta looked like he was ready to jump at the TV, hearts in his eyes. “I thought you hated her.” Kaminari asked, amused.
“She’s a demon but she’s a hot one...” Mineta answered, drooling.
“You are impossible.” Yaoyorozu murmured, her forhead rested on her hand.
Even more paparazzi appeared, and everyone cheered for the newest hero. “Sh-she got the credit.” said Kamuri, still shocked. “Along with the superpowers came an explosive increase in crime. As the country was stuck in the slow progress in drastic law reforms, courageous people started performing heroic acts from out of comic books. Guarding against superpowers and defending against evil. Heroes were soon accepted by the public, and it was established as an official position. Based on their performance, they are paid by the government and gain renown among the masses.”
“In a system where being flashy and popular determinate your worth, it’s easy to forget the purpose that should be the top priority of every single hero: protect civilians. It’s one of the reasons why you learn “hero ethics”. So once you go pros, you won’t let anything distract you from it.” Said Aizawa.
“Yes Sensei.” they all answered, but Mineta murmured ‘why does everything have to be a lesson...?’
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
Episode 1: Izuku Midoriya: Origin (part 1)
As Uraraka entered the DVD into the player and came back to her sit. No one knows where it came from, but they all wanted to know what might be recorded on it. It was Mr. Aizawa’s turn to watch over them and he got dragged by his eager student into movie night. It’s not so bad, he will probably just fall asleep in the middle of it.
“Everybody’s ready?” Uraraka asked as her class made confirming noises. She pressed play.
....and paused after 3 seconds.
“Deku?!” she turned to the boy next to her, along with the others.
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Because on the screen there was a little kid who was clearly Midoriya, crying.
Everyone talked together, asking the poor boy some very good questions such as why is he on the DVD, where is it even from and why was he crying.
“I-I don’t know! I have never seen this before!” he leaned his head in his arms, truly panicked.
“That’s enough!” Iida got up to shut the chatter after seeing the distress of his friend. “If Midoriya says he doesn’t know what this is all about then he doesn’t. We will probably get our answers if we continue watching. That is, if this is ok with you, Midoriya.” He put his hand on his shoulder.
“I...I guess?” he answered with a small voice. It would be a lie if he wasn’t as curious as the others.
Uraraka gave him one last look to make sure he was ok with this before pressing play again.
“That's mean, Kacchan. Can’t you see he’s crying? If you keep going, I-I-I’ll never forgive you! “ Little Midoriya shouted, standing in front of another crying kid.
Midoriya’s blood froze. He knew exactly when this event happened.
The camera’s angle changed to show three little kids, the one in the center was undoubtedly Bakugou. “Even though you’re Quirkless...you’re pretending to be a hero, Deku?” Little bakugou said with a smile as he and his friends both prepared their quirks.
Uraraka paused again. “Quirkless?!” asked Kaminari.
“But Midoriya isn’t quirkless...” said Ashido.
“Dude, why were you so mean to him?! That’s so unmanly.” Kirishima asked Bakugou.
Bakugou got up. “Tch, what is this stupid movie?!” He went to Midoriya and hold him by the collar of his shirt. “Admit it, Deku. You planted this DVD here!”
Midoriya raised is hands in front of his face, frozen completely. As many dangerous situation as he’s been into, Uraraka never saw him as scared as in that moment. “I swear I didn’t, Kacchan! I don’t know how it got here or who filmed this!”
Aizawa immediately separated them. “Enough. Learn to behave yourself or I’ll send all of you into your rooms and movie night will be cancelled.” He’s definitely not being payed enough for this.
“I’m out of here.” Said Bakugou. “Call me when you morons choose a movie that doesn’t have Deku in it.” He started to go.
“Yeah, maybe it’s not the best idea to watch that?” asked Uraraka, looking at Midoriya who still looks like he just saw a ghost.
“Whatever happened there it’s clearly a matter between Midoriya and Backugou and we shouldn’t pry.” Said Yaoyorozu.
“But we can’t just let it be! Bakugou has clearly bullied Midoriya.” declared Sero.
“And what’s the whole “quirkless” thing?” asked Hagakure.
“Like Yaoyorozu said, as concerned we are about our friend, that doesn’t give us the right to pry in his past against his will. We can ask him about it later and let him decide if and what he wants to tell us.” Said Iida.
The rest weren’t happy about it but had to agree.
Uraraka tried to turn off the TV but instead... the video started again?
small Midoriya recoils back as small Bakugo and his friends lunge at him. Cuts to sun shining and small Midoriya is seen laying on the ground on his back.
“Uraraka!” called iida.
“I-it wasn’t me! I tried to turn it off, I swear!” She handed him the remote as he tried to turn it off himself but it was no use.
Currant Midoriya’s voice narratored:” All men are not created equal. This was the reality I learned about society at the young age of four. And that was my first and last setback.” The view of a beaten up toddler Midoriya switched into an older version of him, probably at middle school, running in the streets.
“Ok so we can’t turn it off, we can’t get the DVD out and we can’t unplug the TV.” Yaoyorozu summed up the situation with a hand on her chin as Midoriya’s friends all hugged him.
“Then what are we suppused to do?” Asked Jiro.
“It seems like the only solution we have right now is watching?” she said, defeated.
“Maybe it’s someone’s quirk?” wondered Todoroki and even the possibility of a new mysterious quirk wasn’t enough to stop Midoriya’s moping.
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Midoriya runs to a scene with a Giant Villain “That’s a huge villain!”
A theme song began. Midoriya fall on his back completely red as his character on TV tried to reach All Might. His friends croweded around him and waved on his face to make sure he was enough air they would have missed the next part if it wasn’t for Sato. “Guys look! It’s us!”
The screen filled with colorful pictures of the different classmates, each posing next to their name written in English letters, as an electric guitar playing in the background.
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“That was SO COOL!”
“It’s a show? about us?”
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lets-watch-mha · 4 years
So before we start
The characters that will react will be class A1 and Aizawa, however, if enough people wants a specific character to join them, please let me know. This will be like a live blog fanfiction with every post as a different episode.
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