i have been resurrected. 
that’s it.
that’s all.
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time to live and go to class parties :/
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good yard !
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be a nerd or meet the (duolingo) bird
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hi im from the small state of costco
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day i lost count long ago:
still not sure what to make of these new conundrums i find myself in.
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16:19  21 March 2019  Day 2/3
Reality has been altered. Die Katze lief im Schnee.
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Some of y’all have never been percussion and it shows
Some of y’all have never felt the stress of being one of the only two people in your section who actually plays out and it shows
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10:52  19 March 2019  Day 1
All I can remember from my dream last night was Canadians talking about how Canada is actually Cänäda and you need to pronounce it with German phoenetics. Kay-nay-dah.
I can still hear them chanting from my status in the world of awakeness.
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when you want to write a poem but you have no way with words
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actually im kinda scared of tumblr
i cant find my way around
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What’s up, my peeps. This is me. Welcome to my “blog”. 
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