letstalkandgetthroughit 10 months
Something about deep cleaning and decluttering my room man!!!! I feel like a different person! I wish I had the energy to keep it always clean and not let it build up! But I'm proud of myself for cleaning
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letstalkandgetthroughit 10 months
Hey guys! Might start using this account again! Feel free to send any questions or things you need help with! Can be mental health related or not!!
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Mental health update!
Haven鈥檛 done mental health Monday in ages!!! Mentally I鈥檇 feel the best I鈥檝e been in a very very very long time! Life just feels good atm! I mean I鈥檓 totally stressing with course work but I鈥檝e learnt how to deal with that positively and have made study plans!
How is everyone doing! My ask will be open so feel free to send me anything
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What is one thing you鈥檝e done in the last few weeks that you are proud of?
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How do i stop wanting to die? I take pills, i go to the therapy, but i still often think that way (for example right now)
Sorry if you sent this a while ago, I keep forgetting to check this blog!
I鈥檓 really sorry you feel that way love, please talk to your therapist! But In the mean time try do things that make you happy!! 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
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Health update
I just got more blood results back and I鈥檓 positive for anti-nuclear antibodies. Which basically means I have an auto immune disease. I鈥檓 being referred to a specialist who wants to do checks for lupus and other diseases. :(
Has anyone who has hypothyroidism also got this?
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Send in your mental health Monday stuff鉂わ笍
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Hope everyone is having a great Sunday! 鉂わ笍
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Today is world suicide prevention day! If you ever need anyone to talk to I鈥檓 here, wether it鈥檚 on this blog or my mental health blog @letstalkandgetthroughit
Please never feel embarrassed about how you are feeling! Opening up is hard and scary but I promise it gets easier when you talk about it! I am not mental health expert but I promise I am always here to listen and to give the best advice I can!
Please take care of yourself and others鉂わ笍
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Send in your mental health Monday stuff鉂わ笍
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2/2 and i am sad, i wanna cry, i wanna die... Sorry for the rant and thanks for listening/reading (Gp anon)
You鈥檝e got to do what makes you happy! If you don鈥檛 want to do this for the rest of your life then stop and take some time to find something that makes you happy!!
Is there a school councillor you can talk to! Also you can message my blog whenever, doesn鈥檛 have to be a Monday 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
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I know it's not monday but... I regret becoming a physician. Sometimes it's great, i like to help people, but its really exhausting for me. I try my best and then I read some article about health care and comments under it and i wanna quit right away. Minutes ago i was scolded by some lady and accused of not giving her proper care last time she visited. And that i should be glad she didnt complain. I checked my entry and i am still sure i did everything i should. But it really eats me. 1/2
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Help! My guy friend likes me and i just dont see him that way. But every time he flirts i dont mean to flirt back but sometimes it happens and i catch myself and i stop so i dont lead him on and i appreciate the attention bc im single and wish i had a cute relationship rn. But just not with this friend and idk what to doooo
Has he told you he likes you? If he has or does please make you you say nicely that you aren鈥檛 interested! Maybe try friendzone him by calling him mate, pal or dude 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
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Send in your mental health Monday stuff
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Daily reminder for myself and everyone else going through similar things
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I feel like shit and my mental health isn鈥檛 in the place to do mental health Monday today. Hope you all understand.
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