letters-to-trolberg · 2 years
hi! this is for Tontu--- has it ever gotten crowded in nowhere space? hope u have a good day as well btw! or night, or whatever time it is now.
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It depends on what you mean by 'crowded'. Nowhere Space is made of- well- Empty space. And when the empty space in a house changes, so does the size and shape of its nisse room. Usually by small enough amounts not to be a bother, of course. Unless the house's humans are redecorating.... The short of is, items that fall or are borrowed into a nisse room day-to-day tend to create enough new Nowhere Space to accommodate themselves. In most cases, a nisse room will be roughly as crowded as the house it belongs to. Maybe a little more or less, depending on how efficiently the humans or nisse are at organizing their things.
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Have a good nonspecific time of day yourself!
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letters-to-trolberg · 2 years
Hey, hope I'm not being any trouble, but I wanted to mention that the rules and character list links don't work on mobile :3 please fix?
((I'm not able to recreate this bug on my end... If you still can't access them, please take some screenshots and send them along in an ask or DM- I'll see if I can fix it! -Mod Lion))
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letters-to-trolberg · 2 years
(For the mods) These answers seem to be taking place before Hilda and The Mountain King, where in the series are these letters and answers taking place? /gq
((We don't have a set rule- It's really based on what each mod wants to do with a particular ask! Since MK ends with a timeskip, I imagine a lot of mods might be answering from a point in canon before MK, or after the main events of the movie but before the epilogue. Also this blog moves pretty slowly at times depending on which mods are active and which characters are getting questions, so most if its content is just from pre-MK release :p If you have an ask about the events of MK or something after those, you can always send it and see if someone comes up with a response! -Mod Lion))
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letters-to-trolberg · 2 years
Do you ever question how does a Woff live, being nothing but a ball of fur with a tail?
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Victoria van Gale here- I'll answer this one. It will be a fun little science lesson! You see, woffs really don't need to be much more than a ball of fur and a tail, as any more than that would weigh them down. Most of the woff's actual body is filled with a series of air sacs, or 'flight bladders' as they're called. The air inside is heated using the woff's metabolism, reducing its density. This allows the woff to float much like a hot air balloon, while it uses its tail to steer! In addition, woff fur is one of the softest, warmest furs in the animal kingdom- It helps them conserve their all-important body heat at high altitudes. A woff's lifestyle is also totally adapted to life in the air. In fact, they even eat 'on the wing', as it were, by catching prey mid flight and foraging from sheer cliff faces. Woffs only ever need return to the ground to sleep or lay eggs. I hope you find this answer enlightening!
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letters-to-trolberg · 2 years
From the Grim darkness of the Far Future, there is no Victory. There is However Space Monkeys.
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"Are they willing to sign a truce, then?"
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
dear david say this but are you crush on hilda and how you feel today
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I uh… What are you saying? I don’t understand??
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
To Hilda and friends
Do you guys hold any resentment for those three head witches for you know, trying to give Kaisa the death penalty for an overdue library book?
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Well I’d say it was a bit of an over reaction! Who does something like that for a library book!? In the end I’m glad we didn’t get tossed into the void, but it was a bit scary for us. We don’t hate them… But I don’t think I like them much. Frida says it was all a good “learning experience” and Kaisa says she wishes we could never do that again. Not that we did almost get thrown in again… I swear I didn’t do anything! It- it was Frida! I’m telling you!
Other than that, I think that’s enough jumping into voids for me. For the rest of my life actually.
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
If Hilda took place in the present day, would Hilda be the type of person to tinker with technology?
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I’ve never been a tinkerer with anything, that’s Frida’s job really. You know with all her witchy magic homework and stuff. I do like causing mischief, but messing with gadgets is a little too complicated for me.
And we are in the present time aren’t we? I mean, we have cars and radios and television and phones and stuff. Unless your present time is in the future then? What’s it like in the future? Do trolls wear hats? Is Twig older? Do I get to see a volcano? Are there space monkeys?!
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
Hello Bellkeeper!
Do you have any particular thing you like to do when you get bored like a crossword or sudoku?
Hello anon! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this ask, I was quite busy lately due to the rising troll population around trolberg.
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As for your question, I quite enjoy reading books in my spare time, particularly fantasy novels. They're a great way to pass the time!
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
Alfur and Bartel! Have you ever considered sitting on Twig's horns to get around? They look like you could use them as seats!
"We've done that before, but..."
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Bartell is laughing in the background, riding on Twig's head.
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"He's even faster than the rabbits are!"
Alfur chuckles nervously.
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"I think I'm done with high speed perils for a little while."
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
hey hilda, in a battle royale between everyone in trollburg, who would come out on top? i think david cause he's probably got pent up agression
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Well. That’s a little violent for trollberg. David would run and hide, he’s not one for fighting. Maybe Kaisa? Or Mum? Gerda? Those three act all sweet but you should see what they do when they have kids to protect! You won’t know what hit you!
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
This is for the lovely Johanna! First off, how are you doing today ? Second, do you know where you learned to make those cucumber sandwiches ? If you don't that's completely fine ! It just popped up in my head, so I thought I'd ask c:
Hello! Thank you for asking, I'm doing wonderfully. As for where I learned to make cucumber sandwiches, I guess it's just something I've picked up over the years.
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It's quite a simple recipe, actually! Just spread cream cheese and mayonnaise on bread, then add in sliced cucumber; I usually slice mine quite thick, since my daughter likes that extra crunch!
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
Greetings, Bartell!
Not to pry but you seem very close to Alfur. What is your opinion on him?
"There is a very specific phrase that comes to my mind regarding Alfur."
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"The strong must protect the sweet."
Alfur tries to get a word in.
"I, uh... I think it's 'weak', not 'sweet', Bartell-"
"My version is better."
"....Fair enough."
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
hey alfur, where did you get peppercorn? have you had her for long?
"Everyone seems to be very interested in Peppercorn. I'm glad!
"Well, the mayor's cat had nittens a little over a year ago. Long story short, during the Parents' Night at Hilda's school, they caused quite a bit of trouble. We gathered them up afterwards and drove out to the wilderness to give them back. But one of them just would not leave me be. You can guess who that was." A chuckle.
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"She was very attached to me (both figuratively and quite literally, actually), so the mayor said I could keep her. She's been with me ever since.
"I wonder, what's that phenomena called, again? Imprinting? Either way, I don't regret a thing!"
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
Hello Hilda & Co!
How's the scoop on Alhbert going on? Also, what's the Marra up to nowadays?
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Honestly no clue on the Marra. We haven’t seen them around in quite a while. They stay away from David and Frida at least. Probably off causing nightmares. Darn them.
Ahlberg’s well... He’s a meanie. Destroying nature, hurting trolls, not LISTENING to me, being a jerk. I want to punch him. Mum says no. Bah, oh well. Maybe next time.
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
I know Hilda doesn't really like school, but as she ever considered joining an after school activity or club? Maybe even making her own club.
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Nothing interesting. But I would totally start a sword fighting club! Ha! Wack! Slash! Boom! It would be great! I could fight stuff and fight other people- With swords! Hahaha, now mum won’t worry about my adventures. I can protect myself!
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letters-to-trolberg · 3 years
can I please give peppercorn scritches?
"You absolutely can! She loves attention. Little life of the party, she is. Just be careful."
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