level6pby · 10 years
Entry #6
Despite the lack of physical changes after the war, there is something different about life on Level 6 now. Our only purpose to live on Level 6 now is our own self-preservation. Just as a tree serves no greater purpose other than to live and grow, we are no longer responsible for security of a nation. In this way it's become an ephemeral utopia with a lifetime of only 250 years. Personally, I'm not sure what I want to spend the remainder of my lifetime on. There has been talk about expanding the food supply somehow to last past the preset 250 years, but this utopia is a great opportunity to live a fulfilling and easy life. Why should we worry about future generations when we've already been given so much by Level 6.   
Casper Malloy
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level6pby · 10 years
Life on Level 6 really hasn't changed. There's still the same people doing the same jobs wearing the same clothes and eating the same food. It's quiet, but no one seems too stricken to the annihilation of most of the world's population. I guess this why we were chosen. For our ability to disconnect with the surface and adapt to life on Level 6 and survive on behalf of the human race.  
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level6pby · 10 years
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"I know that science and technology are not just cornucopias pouring good deeds out into the world. Scientists not only conceived nuclear weapons; they also took political leaders by the lapels, arguing that their nation—whichever it happened to be—had to have one first. Then they arranged to manufacture 60,000 of them. Our technology has produced thalidomide, CFCs, Agent Orange, nerve gas, and industries so powerful they can ruin the climate of the planet. There’s a reason people are nervous about science and technology.”
—Carl Sagan, Why We Need To Understand Science, 1990
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level6pby · 10 years
Mutually Assured Destruction
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level6pby · 10 years
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level6pby · 10 years
Churchill called it ‘the balance of terror’- the central characteristic of the Cold War, which became more widely known as Mutually Assured Destruction. This concept reflected the fact that the two super powers could not engage in each other without the inevitable escalation to a nuclear exchange which would have led to the annihilation of both sides.
Matthew Godwin 
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level6pby · 10 years
Y-125 posted this poem in the lounge in response to those who want to contact Level 7 
"Mutually Assured Destruction," Sherman Alexie
When I was nine, my father sliced his knee With a chainsaw. But he let himself bleed And finished cutting down one more tree Before his boss drove him to EMERGENCY. Late that night, stoned on morphine and beer, My father needed my help to steer His pickup into the woods. “Watch for deer,” My father said. “Those things just appear Like magic.” It was an Indian summer And we drove through warm rain and thunder, Until we found that chainsaw, lying under The fallen pine. Then I watched, with wonder, As my father, shotgun-rich and impulse-poor, Blasted that chainsaw dead. “What was that for?” I asked. “Son,” my father said. “Here’s the score. Once a thing tastes blood, it will come for more.”
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level6pby · 10 years
Entry #5
We've just heard news that the original missile was a misfire. The entire war was initiated due to a technical malfunction. Most of the blame is in PBX Command for launching the 2,000 warheads after a single misfire. PBX Command of course blamed the enemy for launching their arsenal afterwards. Here on Level 6, we've decided to cut off contact with Level 7. The back and forth blame wouldst get anywhere anyways, so we really are better off without them. 
Since there are no missiles left to launch, there are no more missile that we need to shoot down. Our job is done and Level 6's only function is to sustain one of the last populations of humans. Our supply is predicted last 250 years, but our nutritionist and engineers are working on expanding our supply. Since the war has ended, people have much more time for leisure. Most of PBY is gathering in the lounge to discuss government, the programmers have re-purposed military computers for video games and education, and I spend most of my time listening to music and writing in this journal. 
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level6pby · 10 years
Entry #4
The enemy launched offensive missiles against us today. Our automatic missile defense worked in protecting major cities and military installations, but it's caused chaos and rioting on Levels 1, and 2. Everything seems normal on Level 6 though. Our cycle to the surface has been halted of course due to the fallout, but everything else is continuing like normal. PBX command then launched 2,000 nuclear warheads against the enemy to their predetermined locations and laid waste to their entire country. The country of course then launched back against us. Everyone on Level 1 and 2 is dying from radiation poisoning according to the radio reports. We've radioed back but they haven't responded for almost an hour. PBX command then announced that they would launch their entire arsenal. The opposing country launched back that the entire affair lasted less than 3 hours. As far as we know, there are no survivors on the surface. The last humans alive are all underground. 
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level6pby · 10 years
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level6pby · 10 years
Entry #3
Tomorrow will be my last day until I return to the surface. Leaving the 2nd most secure and protected place in world is something to look forward to. Of course I am worried about being trapped on the surface if the bombs are ever launched, but that may never happen. If all goes well, the world will be locked in perpetual nuclear chess forever. Besides, there's nothing that can be done of it now. I hope it's raining on the surface. After 2 weeks on Level 6 I'd enjoy small storm. 
I've always loved the rain. Just the feeling of raindrops against my face has felt therapeutic to me. It makes me think though, about how even if PBY succeeds in defending against nuclear warheads, the radiation from the bombs would still fall everywhere and disperse itself in our weather systems. The rain I ran though was a kid would become toxic. As would the air, the water, and ground. Everything would be covered in lethal amounts of radioactive dust. 
Casper Malloy
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level6pby · 10 years
Level 6 Cartoons and Doodles
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level6pby · 10 years
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level6pby · 10 years
Entry #2
I remember it like it was yesterday. The moment that changed my life. It was announced that we would be stationed on Level 6 in two week intervals. However, all of our surface time would be limited to a camp on the surface. It made sense of course, they can't risk any of us telling anyone outside, or anything happening to us while we're on the surface. Everything on Level 6 made sense, things were done in the best possible way for the best possible reasons.
It was announced on the loudspeaker today that our family and close friends were told that we were all killed suddenly in a freak accident. The speaker ended and there was an uncanny yet calm silence in the room. I was expecting someone to crack and a storm to ensue, but nothing of the sort happened, It was just silent.
I guess our detachment to the surface was a big part of why were were chosen. Our work was technical, but the machinery did most of the work automatically. We were prepared to make repairs to the machinery if it ever did fail of course, but it never did. That brings me to what we actually do. We are Push Button Y Command, in charge of the missile defense system. In this way, we're actually the most important level of all. The safety of the entire country is in our hands. That's what we are told over the loudspeaker at least. I wonder where the loudspeaker is and who is the behind that voice. It's the voice that wakes us up every morning for duty and reminds us to get to bed early. Without the loudspeaker I really would not know what to do. Just today i nearly napped through dinner time when the loudspeaker woke me up. Since I have the early shift I mostly sleep during the day now, not it makes a difference down here. Time of day loses its importance when we have the security of the entire country to deal with. Even our names have lost meaning. I am no longer Casper Malloy on Level 6, but Y-126. We are defined by our function. I think it's to minimize our connection to the surface outside of the camp walls, so we can adjust to Level 6 life better. I'm not sure why I still keep my name in the journal. Everyone else just uses their Level 6 name. 
Maybe I do it to because I am afraid of forgetting what was above ground. In the same way I keep this journal, I keep my name to help keep my sanity. Everyone needs to feel in control of something. My name is one the last traces of my pre-Level 6 life. Even the names on the surface will be different now. Since we're all stuck together on the surface camps we'll probably be told to stick to our Level 6 names. I wonder if anyone else down here keeps a journal. I sure hope I'm the only one here that feels the need to record what happens on Level 6. 
Casper Malloy
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level6pby · 10 years
Our light down here is as strong as is desirable. It is scientifically adjusted to human needs. In some ways it is more perfect than sunlight: we never get gloomy days down here, and we never need sun-glasses. I'm told the temperature too is scientifically regulated - to 68 degrees, I believe. 
This must be the only place in the world where nobody talks about the weather. There isn't any. (1)
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level6pby · 10 years
Entry #1
How I started to write this journal
It occurred to me after my first week on Level 6 to start a memoir about living in PBY Command. That’s Push-Button Y Command for any future humans reading this. Not that I am expecting this to reach anyone. This journal will stay on Level 6 3,000 feet into the Earth’s crust where it is safe in case I am on the surface when it happens. Before I talk about Level 6, I should probably talk about how I got here. 
It was 8.00 AM and the date was March 20. I was sitting at the PB Training camp. I just had my breakfast when I got a call to see my C.O. He never calls so it had to be important. I went to his office immediately where he told me that my request for leave has been postponed for a day or two. This surprised me as not much was happening at training camp. “You’ve been ordered underground”, he said. This meant underground, to the deep military installations of whose existence we trainees were, of course, aware, but which we had never seen. I would be able to gain first hand knowledge of the purpose for my training. After a couple days under, Id receive a substantial pay raise, ascend back to the surface, and be able to take my leave. It sounded like a good deal to me. Not that it would have made a difference. Obedience in a big part of our training. 
I was ordered to an unmarked tactical vehicle outside immediately and given no time to pack my things. This was strange. Why wouldn’t they let me at least pack a toothbrush? “Everything you need will be provided” the C.O. said. I stepped into the car and sat down. There was a divider between the passenger and driver seats. The kind you see in police cars except this was completely blacked out so I could not see his face. I sat down and watched the landscape for hours until I fell asleep to the gentle rocking of the car. There's more i need to write down, but I have an early day tomorrow. I'll just stop this here and continue the rest later. 
Casper Malloy
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level6pby · 10 years
To Whom It May Concern
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