obeymemc-marcie · 3 years
I-I'm sorry, I guess I didn't think this through...
*she starts playing with her hair, shifting her weight from foot to foot, biting her lip*
If you hate it, I can go change, I just know you don't like it when I'm late... Oh Asmo pushed me out of his room and locked the door so I kinda came, running over so no one would see me...
H-hey Levi, I'm here for our gaming session! I'm sorry I'm here a little late, I ah, got held up...
O-Oh Marcie, hey! Glad you came. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?
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obeymemc-marcie · 3 years
Levi!!! I'm sorry I know this looks weird, I tried telling Asmo no but he wouldn't listen to me. I wanted to surprise you and he insisted this would be perfect 🥺 but I totally understand if you hate it or it's too much...
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H-hey Levi, I'm here for our gaming session! I'm sorry I'm here a little late, I ah, got held up...
O-Oh Marcie, hey! Glad you came. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?
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obeymemc-marcie · 3 years
I always try to stock up on potions that increase carrying capacity for some duration of time! Speaking of hard choices, would you rather play Pokemon Sun and Moon with me or Sword and Shield?
That is, if you'd like to play with me? I had some free time if you're avail...
Hiya Levi, here's a poem for you!
Roses are red.
Gaming is fun.
You are carrying too much to be able to run.
(It's a reference to Skyrim lahxhskdbd)
-Marcie 💜
I remember carrying the remains of three dragons which was okay at first, but when I caught a butterfly it was too heavy apparently-
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obeymemc-marcie · 3 years
Trying to figure out which enchanted weapons to drop just to hold onto all the dragon bones and dragon scales. Then, when leveling up, trying to decide between health for increased HP or stamina for increased carrying capacity.
Life is full of tough choices lol.
Speaking of choices! What are you playing today?
Hiya Levi, here's a poem for you!
Roses are red.
Gaming is fun.
You are carrying too much to be able to run.
(It's a reference to Skyrim lahxhskdbd)
-Marcie 💜
I remember carrying the remains of three dragons which was okay at first, but when I caught a butterfly it was too heavy apparently-
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obeymemc-marcie · 3 years
I'm so glad, and you're way too awesome to ignore! I'm excited that you're here now.
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Hi Levi! Welcome to tumblr (*^ω^*) how do you like it so far?
Marcie! Hey!
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It's great so far, everyone has been so nice to me which surprised me a lot tbh! I thought people would ignore me like usual, guess not lmao
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
Special Guest Appearance
(That's the title of this one)
Warnings: NSFW, Dom!Levi, a smidge of tail action, MC uses she/her pronouns with female genetalia, slight masturbation, mentions of demon in heat, let me know if I need to add more! 💜
"Hey there Deviltube, L3 here and welcome back to another video. We're going to pick up where we left off here playing Skyrim. If you remember we were-"
Marcie mouthed the words with a practiced ease as she lip-synced his signature intro, dangling her legs outside the rim of his tub bed. Her eyes roved over her own device as she played through the same quest he was currently livestreaming. He had told her before that he didn't mind if she'd made an appearance during one of his streams, but she knew this was his passion and didn't want to distract him from it. Besides, playing along with him always made her feel giddy, gave her a sense of happiness she couldn't explain.
Today, however was a little different. After his last livestream, Marcie had pulled up a walkthrough to read ahead through the next quest. She still wanted to play it through with him but this time, she wanted to make an appearance during his livestream.
It had been almost a full month since his last heat and now that he had Marcie, well it was a little easier for him to get through it, but Marcie also knew he dreaded the heat cycle. It made him insatiable and dark, rough and driven by lust and the pure primal instinct to mate. Marcie couldn't help the bolt of pleasure that danced along her spine, pooling in her lower abdomen remembering how he had been with her. She licked her lips, fighting back a moan, as she felt the ghost of his tail coiled around her throat, his cocks penetrating both of her holes at the same time. Her blue eyes fixated on her screen, set in determination and she squeezed her thighs together just slightly, already feeling her arousal dampen her panties. Today would be an interesting livestream indeed.
"What do you guys think, should I fast travel to the Greybeards or run there?" Levi panned his camera to the area surrounding him and his eyes caught some bandits in the distance, "or should I go kill those guys and steal their horse?" He paused for a moment to rummage through his character's inventory as the comments flowed in, all his viewers casting their votes.
That's when his nose picked up a scent, light at first but unmistakable as it whirled around his senses, embracing him. The scent of sweet oranges and subtle notes of peppermint mellowed out by eucalyptus and tied together with lemongrass; it was the ambrosial scent of his human's arousal.
Orange eyes could see her legs swaying over the edge of his tub in their peripheral vision, he caught the movement as her legs moved closer together and get smell became more potent.
Levi snapped out of his trance when he felt his mouth begin to salivate and turned his attention back to the game. He saw a prominent blush spreading out across the bridge of good nose, painting his cheeks and a light pink in his livestream camera feed. The pupils of his eyes narrowed into slits but only so briefly he thought he'd imagine it. Shaking his head, he faked a few coughs and cleared his throat, hoping it would dispel the blush and felt a stirring in the back of his mind.
"H-hey," his voice cracked and he cleared his throat again, reaching out to take a swig of his energy drink. "Guess I'm going to go steal a horse," his laugh was forced but he quickly found himself delving back into the game.
Marcie was biting her hand trying not to laugh. Watching his face, his real time reactions in the corner of the steam, oh he was going to punish her for what she had planned. She smiled, practically humming in anticipation. Bandits had not spawned in her game so she led her character over to where his would be on his playthrough and paused to wait for him. Making as little sound as possible, Marcie pulled her shirt up and over her head and placed it on the blankets next to her. Levi engaged in combat with the bandits and took the opportunity to pull her legs down and tug off her jeans as well, leaving her with just her bra and underwear on.
The full scent of her arousal washed over him, no longer held back by the denim. He paused his game mid fight to catch his breath. Comments poured in, some asking if he was a noob for chickening out of a fight, some asking if he was okay because he looked feverish. His eyes cut back over to the tub and noticed her legs were not hanging over the rim anymore. Listening for a moment for any indication she was doing something indecent in his bed, Marcie noticed Levi was looking her direction on the livestream and held up her hand, giving him a thumbs-up signaling she was okay. Hesitating, he turned back to his game, face felt like it was on fire. The red stuck out against his normally pale face.
"Sorry about that," Levi saw he was sporting a small pout and changed his expression to a small smile, sheepishly looking into the camera, "I guess I'm not feeling too well today but I still plan on carrying out the rest of this mission." Talking helped him shift his mindset back into gaming mode and soon he was making his way to the Throat of the World on horseback.
A few hours had passed, Marcie found herself lost in the game as well until she'd heard the words she'd been waiting for. While reading the walkthrough, she memorized the key phrase for when she would act out her plan. Levi had a knack for letting the cutscenes play all the way through, soaking in the dialogue and cinematography like a long-awaited movie.
The voices droned on as she saved her game and put her console to sleep. Peeking her head above the top of the tub, her lips spread in a conniving smile; the mischievous kitty about to eat herself a canary. Readjusting her breasts to plump them up in her bra, she crawled out of the tub and slunk down. His attention was solely focused on the monitor, watching the Nordic heroes battling against Alduin's forces, eyes sparkling as he watched the scene unfold. She almost felt guilty for what she was about to do. Almost.
Marcie crept and crouched to hide behind the file cabinet under his desk, successfully concealing herself. Her nerves fluttered, she debated giving up and returning to the tub. But then she felt the ghost of his claws running down her thighs as his tongue, his forked tongue, made her see stars between her legs. Her breathing shuddered as she steeled her resolve and crept closer, crawling on her hands and knees under his desk.
Levi had been entranced by the cutscene. The graphics, the cinematography, the dialogue, the lore, it all fascinated him. The rich lore of the Elder Scrolls and here was the moment he saw the three heroes go against Alduin and witness how the World Eater was cast forward into time.
He almost missed the spike in Marcie's arousal. The scent was stronger this time, he choked back a whine. His leg started to bounce in frustration as he felt his own arousal start to stir. Levi bit his lip as he felt his pants tighten around him, he could feel another part of him start to wake up as well, after having slumbered for almost a month. His grip tightened on the controller as he shifted in his seat, spreading his legs wider to add a little more friction and pressure to his semi-hardening erection.
Marcie could feel the smile that stretched across her face, smug and victorious. She could fell herself start to drool and she inched closer. He was reacting to her. Reaching her hand down to her own apex, Marcie ran her fingers through her folds biting back a sigh and played with her clit and watched the tent in his pants twitch and rise.
Levi sucked in a breath, releasing his lip, a vein pulsated along his neck as he grit his teeth together. She was teasing him now. She had to have known what affect she had on him. The screen blacked out as it shifted to a loading screen. Taking the moment to roll his chair back, Levi arched his body, turning to look into the tub bed. He felt his heart stop when it was empty. He clearly still smelled her, but where-
She smiled innocently as they made eye contact, raising her hand to her mouth and sucked on the fingers that were previously rubbing against her folds. Marcie groped her breast before pointing up, indicating his game had finished loading.
Levi's mouth was gaping, his face was burning red, his erection straining against his pants. His eyes slowly followed where she was pointing and he scrambled to pull himself back to his desk and turned off the camera.
"S-sorry everyone," he gulped, ignoring all the comments flowing in, "uh, technical d-difficulties," Levi cleared his throat, "let's p-pick up where we left off." Marcie snickered silently as he tried to keep his composure and placed her hands on his knees, gently squeezing his thighs. Levi shifted into his demon form instantaneously and Marcie licked her lips as his tail cracked against the tile floor.
This was supposed to be the moment in the game where he was to fight Alduin. He had spent days level crunching so he could be prepared. Oh, he was going to punish her. Levi smiled deviously and paused the game.
"I swear, some people in this house are really inconsiderate, I'm sorry, I have to go yell at Mammon again," his tail was thrashing around behind him making crashing noises to accompany the lie. Muting the microphone, Levi rolled his chair back slowly and leaned forward to grip Marcie's chin and pulled her up to meet his face, a wicked grin spreading over his lips. Marcie gulped and licked her lips in anticipation.
"You're going to sit in my lap, and I'm going to edge you until I've decided you've had enough." She nodded enthusiastically and he shook his head, and let out a deep laugh "You underestimate my power."
In normal circumstances, she would have snorted at the reference but with her current state of arousal and the way he was devouring her almost-naked form with his eyes, his words sent shivers down her spine.
Levi rolled his chair back and Marcie climbed out from under his desk. He raised his hips and commanded her to take off his pants.
"You should be wet enough to take all of me, right kohai?"
Marcie bit her lip and twirled a stand of her hair around her finger, saying, "but you're so big senpai, I don't know if my tight pussy will be able to take all of you, but maybe if you fucked my throat first?" Her lower lip jutted out in a pout and he groaned, the arm rests cracking under his grip.
Levi released a dark chuckle, cocked his head to the side, and smiled sadistically. "You haven't earned that right. You know where the lube is, go get it." She pouted but obliged, pulling open one of the drawers and took out the bottle.
"Good girl now hand it over," he outstretched his hand and Marcie whined. He was denying her of touching him, he tutted in response as she held it out to him. "You should have thought about that earlier. You have to earn the right to touch me," Levi coated his erection with enough lube and tossed the bottle onto the floor. "Now, turn around and come sit on my lap."
"Yes senpai," Marcie did as she was told, sticking her ass out further than necessary before lowering herself down, releasing a shuddering moan as his size stretched her out. The lube made it easier for him to slide in but she was still met with resistance and struggled with his size, riding him shallowly to coax her muscles to loosen up.
Levi growled, his tail cracking against the floor as he felt her walls squeeze him. It had been awhile since they were last intimate, and he could tell with the way her heat constricted around him. Leaning forward, a claw traced the fabric of her bra before twisting, slicing right through the fabric. His hand reached around and groped her plump breast as she had done earlier, his other hand moving down her body.
His fingers ghosted over her skin, feeling the flesh ripple and twitch under his delicate touch. He bit into her shoulder as his hand reached her apex, his fingers rolling themselves over her sensitive nub and lapped his tongue against the love bite.
"What's wrong Marcelline," he palmed her breast, toying with her nipple and teased the skin on her other shoulder, "I thought you wanted this yet you're struggling. Try to keep quiet as you take the rest of me or I'll have no choice but to shove my tail down your throat." The tip of the appendage slithered around her thigh before coming up to flick against her clit as emphasis. Panting and biting her lip, Marcie continued rolling her hips in slow and shallow thrusts, moving as much as he'd allow. His nails dug into her hip painfully if she moved too much.
Rolling them back to the computer, Levi switched out his headphones, opting for a single earbud so he could hear her and the game, and moved his mic to the other side, away from Marcie but still able to talk into it. He'd have to read the comments later, but he lost a few viewers.
'I bet if I turned the camera back on, the viewer count would skyrocket.' Levi mulled over the thought but she threw her head back onto his shoulder as she fully seated herself on his lap and he could see her face; eyes clouded in lust, breasts rolling around to match her panting, cheeks burning bright red, mouth hanging open, was that drool? No, only he was allowed to see her like this. No one else deserved to lay eyes on his precious Marcie.
Levi gave her breast one last squeeze before returning his hand to the keyboard. "Not a single peep. If you make a noise or try to move, I will only play longer." He kissed her shoulder, "you understand kohai?" He smiled as she nodded.
Shout-out to @kawaiizard for helping me beta read this 😭 I appreciate you 💜
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
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$2,215,000 Grimm, just like you asked. I'll be waiting 💜
❤️ @obaememc
(Here is your receipt. Please send a message after the stream to claim your reward🧡)
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
November asks
Cinnamon - How old are you?
Vanilla - Where do you live?
Coffee - Have you ever lived in a different country?
Scarf - Do you like cold weather?
Candles - do you have a bedtime routine?
Blankets- how tidy is your room?
Fireworks- what is your favourite colour?
Tea- Are you in school or some form od education?
Caramel - what's your comfort film or films?
Bonfire- what is the name of the last playlist you made?
Apples - Do you enjoy reading?
Pumpkin - denim or leather jackets?
Pie- of you could have any food right now what would you have?
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
They’re super simple to make but the best thing about simple recipes is finding ways to add your own special twist. I like to add a layer of shredded cheese between the crescent dough and the sausage when I’m rolling them up so there’s a nice, gooey layer in the middle. Some people say you shouldn’t mess with the classics but where’s the fun in cooking if it’s all done the same way, right? Right!
*She clasped her hands in front of her and hummed. Marcie had already been thinking about inviting the brother to help her or at least to keep her company in the kitchen while she’d prep the snacks. She nodded accepting his offer.*
That would actually be a really cute idea, if I somehow managed to wrangle your brothers into the kitchen. It would probably work best if I brought them into the kitchen one at a time. It’d be less crowded and would keep them from fighting.
And it’s not that I don’t trust you! That’s not it at all! You’d be free to stay in the kitchen the entire time I’m cooking, I know how you’re always looking for new recipes and new things to make so it wouldn’t
What's your favorite sport to play? Or, if you could play sports professionally, what would you play?
|| @obaememc ||
Favorite sport? I like football! 
Ah- But I also like some baseball.. and soccer. 
*he scratches the back of his head, looking conflicted*
If it’s a sport that I would want to play professionally, I think i’d like to try football. With my height and my size, I think I can perform well. 
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
*She couldn't help but laugh at his confusion, she could see the gears turning the more he thought about it. Of course he wouldn't know what those were, she should have explained better. But, to be fair, his reaction was cute.*
Don't worry, we don't actually eat little pigs in blankets!! Or logs...or ants, yeah I see why you were confused.
The "pigs in blankets" are mini sausages wrapped in croissant dough! And for the "ants on a log," the ants are actually raisins and the logs are celery sticks with peanut butter to keep the ants in place.
They're fun little finger foods, snacks you eat with your hands. If you're looking forward to game day, half the reason is to get your grub on and eat as many snacks as you can.
*She sighed and smiled fondly from the memory before nodding, her eyes shining with determination.
I'd love to be able to do something like that you all of you, I would just have to start making tyr food the day before to make sure there'd be enough for everyone. I wouldn't expect everyone to pay attention to the game, just being near each other would be enough.
What's your favorite sport to play? Or, if you could play sports professionally, what would you play?
|| @obaememc ||
Favorite sport? I like football! 
Ah- But I also like some baseball.. and soccer. 
*he scratches the back of his head, looking conflicted*
If it’s a sport that I would want to play professionally, I think i’d like to try football. With my height and my size, I think I can perform well. 
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
Most excellent! Let me know if you find one!
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Hiya Mammon! So, here's the sitch, I know you're capable of finding certain.....items that are hard to come by. I need you to trust me here okay? Okay! I'll spot you whatever Grimm it costs and a bonus finder's fee if you go out and fetch me a hydrodynamic spatula with port and starboard attachments and, most importantly, a turbo drive.
Ya had me at Grimm.
I will update you with my findings.
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
I'd imagine you'd be pretty amazing at a bunch of different sports with your height and build. It's like the sports world is your oyster!
Ooohhh I haven't seen a football game in a hot minute! My family would sit around the tv every Sunday night with a bunch of food and snacks rooting for our home team.
We should do that!! I mean, if we're able to watch a football game that is, and I can make all the food! Bean dip, guacamole and salsa, pinwheels, chicken wings, taquitos, and little pigs in blankets, and ants on logs, it'll be so much fun!!!
What's your favorite sport to play? Or, if you could play sports professionally, what would you play?
|| @obaememc ||
Favorite sport? I like football! 
Ah- But I also like some baseball.. and soccer. 
*he scratches the back of his head, looking conflicted*
If it’s a sport that I would want to play professionally, I think i’d like to try football. With my height and my size, I think I can perform well. 
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
❣️                             SOFT   INTERACTIONS  !
send  one  of  these  in  to  see  my  muse’s  reaction  (  add “ +reverse”  for  my  muse  to  do  the  action  to  yours ) .
[ crawl ]  for  your  muse  to  crawl  into  bed  with  mine .
[ flower ]  for  your  muse  to  offer  my  muse  their  favourite  flower .
[ slow dance ]  for  your  muse  to  ask  my  muse  to  slow  dance .
[ gift ]  for  your  muse  to  surprise  my muse  with  a  gift  ( & bonus if you add what the fit is ) .
[ homemade gift ]  for  your  muse  to  make  my  muse  a  gift    ( & bonus if you add what the fit is ) .
[ serenade ]  for  your  muse  to  sing  to  my  muse .
[ embrace ]  for  your  muse  to  pull  my  muse  into  a  tight  embrace .
[ caress ]  for  your  muse  to  gently  run  their  hand  down  my  muse’s  face .
[ caught ]  for  your  muse  to  catch  my  muse  wearing  their  shirt .
[ love letter ]  for  your  muse  to  give  my  muse  a  love  letter  they  wrote  for  them
[ boop ]  for  your  muse  to  boop  my  muse  on  the  nose .
[ date? ]  for  your  muse  to  ask  my  muse  to  go  on  a  date .
[ confess ]  for  your  muse  to  confess  their  feelings  to  my  muse .
[ sleepy ]  for  your  muse  to  slowly  fall  alseep  on  my  muse’s  lap .
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
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OC Commissions of Marcie with her favorite brother! I can't get over how much I love these dorks and the artist who made these 💜💜💜 she's great to work with, super nice, she is my senpai 😭 she's open for commissions, her OC work is flawless! Also, she does do both traditional and digital but she prefers to work more with traditional art
Or you can buy her a coffee or commission her for art on Ko-fi
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
This just made me realize. Dating Levi and having to give up sushi.
What's their favorite lunch menu?
Beel: Everything! Mostly crackers, cookies and cakes also burgers!!
Belphie: Pasta
Satan: Mac and cheese I guess. Asmo did you steal my glasses again? I can’t see.
Asmo: 030 *hides Satan’s glasses* I guess...salad
Levi: Just whatever is fine JUST NO FISH
Lucifer: Anything is fine
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
Of course I had to do this:
Belphie, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmo, and probably Satan: FUCK OFF SHITHEAD MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE
Lucifer: y'all hear sumn?
MC: oh frick!
Beel: too busy eating
My parents: y’all hear sumn?
Me: oh frick!
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obeymemc-marcie · 4 years
You're amazing and I love you 💜💜💜💜
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First time submitting a headcannon request 💜💜💜 I love your headcannons by the way!!!
How about the brothers reacting to finding out MC doubles as a vigilante in the human world! Their powers consist of gadgets, hacking, and martial arts (like Batman but not rich)
Brothers reacting to Mc who doubles as a vigilante in the human world
* He found out through your resume before you started RAD. He wasn’t sure about your background as a vigilante so he waited for an opportunity to ask you.
* Eventually you tell him about your abilities in hacking, martial arts and using gadgets to help support your missions. He was interested but as time went on Lucifer was extremely worried about your wellbeing in the human world.
* He couldn’t understand why would you do this kind of work. The only thing is he wants you to be safe and just rely on him as your lover.
* Mammon was so impressed and shocked about it. He asked you questions and how it worked exactly. “So you do it to help people? Why not use it to get lots of money?” “It’s not right Mammon plus I’m doing this for justice”
* The more he thought about it, he got very worried you’ll get caught by the wrong people. He becomes highly worried and actually makes you promise him you’ll be safe in the human world
* Levi knows about your work but he couldn’t believe that the real life vigilante was you. He asked a lot of questions and even asked to be your partner in your goal
* You had to sit him down and tell him that you didn’t want anyone getting involved with what you do. “But why?” “My job is consist of danger I love you Levi and I want to keep you safe”
* Levi read all about your missions and realized how the cops think you’re corrupt and it was be a matter of time before the came and take you away the last thing he wants is anyone taking his Henry away.
* He was pretty angry finding out after all he really loves you and only wants you to stay safe. He literally holds you in his arms to tell you to stop your work. “I can’t do that Satan I help those in need” “what about you?! Who’s going to help you when you get caught?!”
* Poor Satan’s emotions were spiraling out of control. The last thing he wanted was you to be in danger in the human world. Sure you are considered a hero for what you do but knowing people they will harm you. He holds you tightly asking you to please don’t leave.
* He was extremely confused. Why exactly are you a vigilante? You had to sit him down to explain why you do this with so much passion. “Honey I know you want to help people in need but who’s going to help you if you get caught?”
* Asmo was very worried and very concerned about your work. “Will you promise to use our pact so I can help you out of danger?” “I will”
* He thought a vigilante was a food item and asked what it was until you explained to him. Beel was a little scared for you and was worried you’ll get caught one of these days but corrupt cops.
* Poor Beel was really upset and begged you not to go through this path since he cares a lot about you. When you couldn’t promise him, Beel hugged you tightly and cried knowing if you get caught you’ll be hurt.
* Belphie didn’t understand at first since he woke up from a nap but when he saw you on your laptop hacking into a huge company. “What are you doing?” “I’m doing a mission this CEO of the company has been stealing money from employees and I want to help them.”
* Belphie saw you were currently on the payroll system giving each employee their money back. You were taking it from the CEO’s personal funds. He shut your laptop and looked at you seriously. “You’re going to get in trouble the more you help these humans” “you forget Belphie I am human and I’m going to help the weak.” You took your laptop and went back to your room leaving Belphie concerned for your safety.
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