levi-smitherey · 10 months
I’m an aspiring fantasy creator. Thoughts on this concept?
First off, I think it’s important to clarify that I am not an author, but I want to be a director. The project I’m about to outline is one of my passion projects. I plan on making a 7 total movie fantasy franchise, and calling it “A Series of Kingdoms”.
The main thing that separates this franchise from most other fantasy stuff is how I deal with the various races portrayed in the world. If you were to think of depictions of elves, most likely you would think of forest dwelling mythical archers with long blonde hair, and ears nearly resembling daggers. In the world of my franchise, those kinds of classic depictions are actual similar to real world political cartoons, like how the US depicted the Japanese during (and after) WWII, or how Germany depicted Jewish people around the same time. So, while yes, elves do have slightly longer and pointed ears, they are not as long as seen in those depictions. You can also extend this to Orcs as well. They have stronger green/red undertones in their skin, but it gets exaggerated to be pure green/red. Generally stronger/more square jawlines, and slightly wider noses, but it’s exaggerated to be massive underbites with pig noses and tusks. You get the idea. The Fairies get associated with an in-universe bug called a pixie, and tend to have greater magical affinity. And the humans? Basically, just imagine how modern political cartoons depict the super rich. Fat, egotistical, angry, needy, destructive, etc…
Now that you’ve read that, is it at least an interesting concept to build off of? I have an actual story laid out, but this post is getting really long. If y’all wanna know what’s going on with that, just let me know.
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levi-smitherey · 10 months
New to Tumblr… How TF does this site work?
Genuinely, I have no idea lol. Could one of y’all guide me to some “this is how we act here” post or something? Thanks in advance!
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