levi-supreme · 18 hours
Birthday morning
Characters: Diluc x gender neutral!reader
Genre: None (modern and canon works fine)
Warnings: SFW, fluff, established relationship (Diluc and reader are married)
A/N: Happy birthday to my OG genshin husband <333 finally writing for genshin after playing this game for 4 freaking years LOL I am finally doing it!!! I hope you all like it as I slowly get back to the writing grind too <3
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As the earth slowly woke up to the warm rays of the sun, the light shown through the windows, gently illuminating the bedroom and caressing the features of the man stirring beside you. 
You watched his chest rise and fall slowly, you felt the hot air escape from his lips as he breathed. You gazed at his sleeping form, wondering what he was dreaming of, and if you were in it. You raised your hand and stroked away an unruly strand of flaming red hair about to tickle his eyelashes, and you continued watching him, wondering how lucky you were to have him beside you like this. 
“For how long were you going to watch me?” a smooth velvet voice rumbled and you jumped in shock, not expecting him to wake up so soon, and clearly not expecting him to be aware of your stares. You didn’t know how long you had been staring at him too. Diluc let out a chuckle and snuggled deeper into the pillow, lacing an arm lazily across your waist to pull you closer. 
“For how long were you awake?” you teased in return, smiling as you saw the corners of his lips twitch ever so slightly. You let out a warm breath and snuggled closer to him, placing your palm on his chest to feel his steady heartbeat. 
“From the moment I felt you moving beside me.” your husband opened an eye slightly to look at you before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. “It’s still early, sleep a little more.” it was indeed a lazy and slow morning, and as much as you wanted to continue lazing in bed with him, you knew you had to get up. 
“Can’t do that, love, I have to start preparing your birthday feast,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “you can sleep a little more though, you had a late night yesterday.” Pushing yourself up, you interlocked your fingers and stretched a little. Your husband lazily grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his embrace.
“Stay in bed with me a little longer,” he nuzzled against your neck, his ruby eyes staring deep into yours. “I can’t sleep well without you.” you looked at his sleepy face and bit your lip, hiding the urge to giggle. 
“Fine,” you relented, “but just five minutes, okay? There’s lots to do. I have to marinate the meat and prepare the drinks,” you turned away from him and faced the ceiling, mentally ticking off all the errands you had to do, “oh, I also have to pick up your birthday flowers. I have to pick up your coat, and I also have to meet Kaeya to take”—
—he decided to keep you quiet. 
“Shhh, you’re too noisy,” Diluc muttered against your lips, giving you another kiss before you could retort. “Just forget about the celebration for a while and stay here with me.” 
“Fine, fine, birthday boy.” you laughed and felt your husband pull you snugly against his chest once more. You remained in his embrace, counting the light freckles across his pretty face. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“You wouldn’t have married me if you didn’t love me.” 
You had a cheeky response at the tip of your tongue, but you held those words back once you saw Diluc going back to sleep with a smile. You decided you weren’t going to tease him today, especially since it was his birthday. Kissing him softly on the lips, you whispered, “I love you, Diluc,” before slowly wiggling out of his embrace and quietly pushing yourself off the bed to get your day started. 
“I love you, more…” a faint reply came as you saw your husband shifting around, finally hugging your pillow tightly before letting out a satisfied sigh. You kissed him on the forehead before leaving the bedroom, thinking to yourself that you were indeed the luckiest person alive to be married to him.
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levi-supreme · 19 hours
Slytherin!Levi Headcanons
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Character: Levi
Genre: Wizarding World!au, with some canon divergence
Warnings: SFW. Brief mentions of other characters
A/N: Say hello to D-13 before Levi's birthday! I love Harry Potter and I am an extremely HUGE Potterhead, so of course I'll be doing something like this for Levi. Enjoy these headcanons of Levi as a student in Hogwarts.
Disclaimer: Please note that the veterans have varying ages in Canonverse. But for the sake of these headcanons, their ages will range from 15 - 17 years old and they will be in their fifth to seventh year in Hogwarts.
Also, school starts on 1 September in Hogwarts and therefore, Levi starts his first year at Hogwarts when he was 12 years old instead of 11, just like Hermione Granger.
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Name: Levi Ackerman
Birthday: 25 December 1987
Blood status: Pure-blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Allegiance: Ackerman Family
Pet: Barking owl
Wand wood: Blackthorn
Wand core: Dragon heartstring
Wand length and flexibility: Twelve and a half inch, solid
Patronus: Black stallion
Favourite subjects: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts
Least liked subjects: Divination, History of Magic
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Levi Ackerman was born on 25 December 1987, few years after the First Wizarding War. Levi was the only son of Kuchel Ackerman, and nephew of Kenny Ackerman.
The Ackerman family is one of the most respected Pure Blood families in the Wizarding World. Despite being a Pure Blood family, they did not swear allegiance to Lord Voldemort and did not follow the Pure-blood Supremacy where many of the other families did, even during the height of the Wizarding War.
Unlike the Black family who were known for striking off 'blood traitors' from their family tree, the Ackerman family did not follow such traditions and practices, and embraced diversity in their family. Levi was taught by his family that all individuals are equal, and regardless of blood status, anyone worthy of a wand was worthy to wield magic.
Growing up, Levi was alone most of the time but he had a happy childhood. He didn't have any siblings, as such his playmates were his toys and occasionally his other cousins and the children of his mother's friends.
Levi's favourite hobby was reading. The Ackermans have a huge library with many books on wizarding history, the Dark Arts, magical creatures, charms, potions, duelling and the like. Levi loved reading and spending time in the library. Uncle Kenny secretly taught him how to engage in fist fights on top of wizard duelling, something that Kuchel was not happy about.
Levi was 12 and about to start his first year at Hogwarts when the Second Wizarding War began in 1998. When school began on 1 September, Levi was sorted into Slytherin, just like majority of his relatives. Even though he was young, Levi hated how everyone associated Slytherin with nothing but the Dark Arts, and the misconceptions everyone had of Slytherin. Levi was determined to change people's minds.
Levi was a hardworking student and liked by his professors and peers. Although he was aloof, sarcastic, and crude with his words, Levi treated everyone as equals. Many who were in Hogwarts long enough felt that the young Levi Ackerman strangely resembled and reminded them of Tom Riddle, before he was known to others as Lord Voldemort. The main difference between them was that Levi didn't dabble into the Dark Arts like Tom Riddle did.
Levi hardly got into trouble and rarely got detention. With his good grades and good behaviour, Levi was naturally made Prefect in his fifth year in Hogwarts along with fellow Slytherin Nanaba.
Levi also did well for his O.W.Ls, achieving 'Acceptable' in History of Magic, Divination and Astronomy. Levi also got 'Exceeds Expectations' in Transfiguration, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology. Levi achieved an 'Outstanding' for his Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts. Levi went on to pursue Charms, Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions and Herbology in his N.E.W.T level.
Levi was initially at loggerheads with Head Boy Erwin Smith from Ravenclaw. Like him, Erwin was a pure-blood and hailed from a family with rich wizarding history. Erwin excelled in academics, he was the House Captain and Seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team, and also performed his Prefect duties very well. Levi hated how pompous Erwin was sometimes and he found Erwin to be a little of a showoff. However, he came to admire Erwin's intelligence and leadership, and formed an unlikely friendship with him. Levi liked Erwin as a study buddy, and they frequently engaged in friendly wizard duels. They enjoyed exchanging books from their family library.
Erwin also introduced Hange Zoe, a fellow Ravenclaw in Levi's year, to him. Hange was loud but very knowledgeable, and Levi found himself seeing Hange as a friendly rival. Levi and Hange would study in the library together and vet each other's homework. Hange's favourite subject was Care of Magical Creatues and idolised Newt Scamander, writer of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
Another person Levi formed a friendship with was Mike Zacharias, a half-blood from Gryffindor. Levi found him to be an oddball and didn't liked him. Mike was quiet and had a weird habit of sniffing people which Levi found it disgusting. But during one of their night patrolling along the schools grounds, Levi witnessed how Mike dealt with two brats who were breaking school rules. Mike also once told Levi that he smelt good, which Levi took as a compliment. Levi realised that despite his quiet and withdrawn behaviour, Mike had a good heart, and his opinion of him changed. Mike introduced Levi to basketball and muggle contraptions like the Gameboy and the computer, and once a week during their holidays, Levi has a sleepover at Mike's where he experiences his friend's muggle lifestyle.
Upon his graduation from Hogwarts in 2004, Levi did not immediately seek a job as his mother had fallen ill. It was only in 2007 after his mother recovered when he chose to seek a job. With only one goal in mind, Levi chose to work as an Auror like his good friend Mike who went on with Auror training since graduation.
By then, Erwin was an Auror working directly under Harry Potter who was the Head of the Auror Office. Erwin has recommended Levi to Harry and he immediately took a liking to him. Levi passed all interviews and tests with flying colours and with a recommendation letter from the Head himself, Levi started working as a junior auror. Coincidentally, he was placed in the same team as Mike, who had Erwin as his supervisor. The two men were glad to see Levi again, and pleased to know they had a talented individual like Levi on their team.
The Wizarding World was still facing its aftermath from the Second Wizarding War, and there were still loyal supporters of Lord Voldemort on the run. Levi was determined to eradicate these roots of evil and swore his allegiance to the new reformed Ministry to abolish old wizarding laws and biases of the past.
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Tagging: @ack3rlady @hashaneeee @levi-lover @hauntedhousecat @leviswhorewifex @venusackerman @notgoodforlife @starstruckkittensweets @axoxtxhxh @roralore @imkumichan @kristinecharmm @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @michiboo @sweet-assh0le @hannie2kay @deludedimagines @ack3rlevi @ackermandick @lavenderdaisyhoney
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levi-supreme · 22 hours
Birthday morning
Characters: Diluc x gender neutral!reader
Genre: None (modern and canon works fine)
Warnings: SFW, fluff, established relationship (Diluc and reader are married)
A/N: Happy birthday to my OG genshin husband <333 finally writing for genshin after playing this game for 4 freaking years LOL I am finally doing it!!! I hope you all like it as I slowly get back to the writing grind too <3
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As the earth slowly woke up to the warm rays of the sun, the light shown through the windows, gently illuminating the bedroom and caressing the features of the man stirring beside you. 
You watched his chest rise and fall slowly, you felt the hot air escape from his lips as he breathed. You gazed at his sleeping form, wondering what he was dreaming of, and if you were in it. You raised your hand and stroked away an unruly strand of flaming red hair about to tickle his eyelashes, and you continued watching him, wondering how lucky you were to have him beside you like this. 
“For how long were you going to watch me?” a smooth velvet voice rumbled and you jumped in shock, not expecting him to wake up so soon, and clearly not expecting him to be aware of your stares. You didn’t know how long you had been staring at him too. Diluc let out a chuckle and snuggled deeper into the pillow, lacing an arm lazily across your waist to pull you closer. 
“For how long were you awake?” you teased in return, smiling as you saw the corners of his lips twitch ever so slightly. You let out a warm breath and snuggled closer to him, placing your palm on his chest to feel his steady heartbeat. 
“From the moment I felt you moving beside me.” your husband opened an eye slightly to look at you before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. “It’s still early, sleep a little more.” it was indeed a lazy and slow morning, and as much as you wanted to continue lazing in bed with him, you knew you had to get up. 
“Can’t do that, love, I have to start preparing your birthday feast,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “you can sleep a little more though, you had a late night yesterday.” Pushing yourself up, you interlocked your fingers and stretched a little. Your husband lazily grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his embrace.
“Stay in bed with me a little longer,” he nuzzled against your neck, his ruby eyes staring deep into yours. “I can’t sleep well without you.” you looked at his sleepy face and bit your lip, hiding the urge to giggle. 
“Fine,” you relented, “but just five minutes, okay? There’s lots to do. I have to marinate the meat and prepare the drinks,” you turned away from him and faced the ceiling, mentally ticking off all the errands you had to do, “oh, I also have to pick up your birthday flowers. I have to pick up your coat, and I also have to meet Kaeya to take”—
—he decided to keep you quiet. 
“Shhh, you’re too noisy,” Diluc muttered against your lips, giving you another kiss before you could retort. “Just forget about the celebration for a while and stay here with me.” 
“Fine, fine, birthday boy.” you laughed and felt your husband pull you snugly against his chest once more. You remained in his embrace, counting the light freckles across his pretty face. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“You wouldn’t have married me if you didn’t love me.” 
You had a cheeky response at the tip of your tongue, but you held those words back once you saw Diluc going back to sleep with a smile. You decided you weren’t going to tease him today, especially since it was his birthday. Kissing him softly on the lips, you whispered, “I love you, Diluc,” before slowly wiggling out of his embrace and quietly pushing yourself off the bed to get your day started. 
“I love you, more…” a faint reply came as you saw your husband shifting around, finally hugging your pillow tightly before letting out a satisfied sigh. You kissed him on the forehead before leaving the bedroom, thinking to yourself that you were indeed the luckiest person alive to be married to him.
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levi-supreme · 24 hours
Birthday morning
Characters: Diluc x gender neutral!reader
Genre: None (modern and canon works fine)
Warnings: SFW, fluff, established relationship (Diluc and reader are married)
A/N: Happy birthday to my OG genshin husband <333 finally writing for genshin after playing this game for 4 freaking years LOL I am finally doing it!!! I hope you all like it as I slowly get back to the writing grind too <3
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As the earth slowly woke up to the warm rays of the sun, the light shown through the windows, gently illuminating the bedroom and caressing the features of the man stirring beside you. 
You watched his chest rise and fall slowly, you felt the hot air escape from his lips as he breathed. You gazed at his sleeping form, wondering what he was dreaming of, and if you were in it. You raised your hand and stroked away an unruly strand of flaming red hair about to tickle his eyelashes, and you continued watching him, wondering how lucky you were to have him beside you like this. 
“For how long were you going to watch me?” a smooth velvet voice rumbled and you jumped in shock, not expecting him to wake up so soon, and clearly not expecting him to be aware of your stares. You didn’t know how long you had been staring at him too. Diluc let out a chuckle and snuggled deeper into the pillow, lacing an arm lazily across your waist to pull you closer. 
“For how long were you awake?” you teased in return, smiling as you saw the corners of his lips twitch ever so slightly. You let out a warm breath and snuggled closer to him, placing your palm on his chest to feel his steady heartbeat. 
“From the moment I felt you moving beside me.” your husband opened an eye slightly to look at you before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. “It’s still early, sleep a little more.” it was indeed a lazy and slow morning, and as much as you wanted to continue lazing in bed with him, you knew you had to get up. 
“Can’t do that, love, I have to start preparing your birthday feast,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “you can sleep a little more though, you had a late night yesterday.” Pushing yourself up, you interlocked your fingers and stretched a little. Your husband lazily grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his embrace.
“Stay in bed with me a little longer,” he nuzzled against your neck, his ruby eyes staring deep into yours. “I can’t sleep well without you.” you looked at his sleepy face and bit your lip, hiding the urge to giggle. 
“Fine,” you relented, “but just five minutes, okay? There’s lots to do. I have to marinate the meat and prepare the drinks,” you turned away from him and faced the ceiling, mentally ticking off all the errands you had to do, “oh, I also have to pick up your birthday flowers. I have to pick up your coat, and I also have to meet Kaeya to take”—
—he decided to keep you quiet. 
“Shhh, you’re too noisy,” Diluc muttered against your lips, giving you another kiss before you could retort. “Just forget about the celebration for a while and stay here with me.” 
“Fine, fine, birthday boy.” you laughed and felt your husband pull you snugly against his chest once more. You remained in his embrace, counting the light freckles across his pretty face. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“You wouldn’t have married me if you didn’t love me.” 
You had a cheeky response at the tip of your tongue, but you held those words back once you saw Diluc going back to sleep with a smile. You decided you weren’t going to tease him today, especially since it was his birthday. Kissing him softly on the lips, you whispered, “I love you, Diluc,” before slowly wiggling out of his embrace and quietly pushing yourself off the bed to get your day started. 
“I love you, more…” a faint reply came as you saw your husband shifting around, finally hugging your pillow tightly before letting out a satisfied sigh. You kissed him on the forehead before leaving the bedroom, thinking to yourself that you were indeed the luckiest person alive to be married to him.
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levi-supreme · 1 day
Birthday morning
Characters: Diluc x gender neutral!reader
Genre: None (modern and canon works fine)
Warnings: SFW, fluff, established relationship (Diluc and reader are married)
A/N: Happy birthday to my OG genshin husband <333 finally writing for genshin after playing this game for 4 freaking years LOL I am finally doing it!!! I hope you all like it as I slowly get back to the writing grind too <3
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As the earth slowly woke up to the warm rays of the sun, the light shown through the windows, gently illuminating the bedroom and caressing the features of the man stirring beside you. 
You watched his chest rise and fall slowly, you felt the hot air escape from his lips as he breathed. You gazed at his sleeping form, wondering what he was dreaming of, and if you were in it. You raised your hand and stroked away an unruly strand of flaming red hair about to tickle his eyelashes, and you continued watching him, wondering how lucky you were to have him beside you like this. 
“For how long were you going to watch me?” a smooth velvet voice rumbled and you jumped in shock, not expecting him to wake up so soon, and clearly not expecting him to be aware of your stares. You didn’t know how long you had been staring at him too. Diluc let out a chuckle and snuggled deeper into the pillow, lacing an arm lazily across your waist to pull you closer. 
“For how long were you awake?” you teased in return, smiling as you saw the corners of his lips twitch ever so slightly. You let out a warm breath and snuggled closer to him, placing your palm on his chest to feel his steady heartbeat. 
“From the moment I felt you moving beside me.” your husband opened an eye slightly to look at you before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. “It’s still early, sleep a little more.” it was indeed a lazy and slow morning, and as much as you wanted to continue lazing in bed with him, you knew you had to get up. 
“Can’t do that, love, I have to start preparing your birthday feast,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “you can sleep a little more though, you had a late night yesterday.” Pushing yourself up, you interlocked your fingers and stretched a little. Your husband lazily grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his embrace.
“Stay in bed with me a little longer,” he nuzzled against your neck, his ruby eyes staring deep into yours. “I can’t sleep well without you.” you looked at his sleepy face and bit your lip, hiding the urge to giggle. 
“Fine,” you relented, “but just five minutes, okay? There’s lots to do. I have to marinate the meat and prepare the drinks,” you turned away from him and faced the ceiling, mentally ticking off all the errands you had to do, “oh, I also have to pick up your birthday flowers. I have to pick up your coat, and I also have to meet Kaeya to take”—
—he decided to keep you quiet. 
“Shhh, you’re too noisy,” Diluc muttered against your lips, giving you another kiss before you could retort. “Just forget about the celebration for a while and stay here with me.” 
“Fine, fine, birthday boy.” you laughed and felt your husband pull you snugly against his chest once more. You remained in his embrace, counting the light freckles across his pretty face. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“You wouldn’t have married me if you didn’t love me.” 
You had a cheeky response at the tip of your tongue, but you held those words back once you saw Diluc going back to sleep with a smile. You decided you weren’t going to tease him today, especially since it was his birthday. Kissing him softly on the lips, you whispered, “I love you, Diluc,” before slowly wiggling out of his embrace and quietly pushing yourself off the bed to get your day started. 
“I love you, more…” a faint reply came as you saw your husband shifting around, finally hugging your pillow tightly before letting out a satisfied sigh. You kissed him on the forehead before leaving the bedroom, thinking to yourself that you were indeed the luckiest person alive to be married to him.
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levi-supreme · 1 day
Birthday morning
Characters: Diluc x gender neutral!reader
Genre: None (modern and canon works fine)
Warnings: SFW, fluff, established relationship (Diluc and reader are married)
A/N: Happy birthday to my OG genshin husband <333 finally writing for genshin after playing this game for 4 freaking years LOL I am finally doing it!!! I hope you all like it as I slowly get back to the writing grind too <3
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As the earth slowly woke up to the warm rays of the sun, the light shown through the windows, gently illuminating the bedroom and caressing the features of the man stirring beside you. 
You watched his chest rise and fall slowly, you felt the hot air escape from his lips as he breathed. You gazed at his sleeping form, wondering what he was dreaming of, and if you were in it. You raised your hand and stroked away an unruly strand of flaming red hair about to tickle his eyelashes, and you continued watching him, wondering how lucky you were to have him beside you like this. 
“For how long were you going to watch me?” a smooth velvet voice rumbled and you jumped in shock, not expecting him to wake up so soon, and clearly not expecting him to be aware of your stares. You didn’t know how long you had been staring at him too. Diluc let out a chuckle and snuggled deeper into the pillow, lacing an arm lazily across your waist to pull you closer. 
“For how long were you awake?” you teased in return, smiling as you saw the corners of his lips twitch ever so slightly. You let out a warm breath and snuggled closer to him, placing your palm on his chest to feel his steady heartbeat. 
“From the moment I felt you moving beside me.” your husband opened an eye slightly to look at you before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. “It’s still early, sleep a little more.” it was indeed a lazy and slow morning, and as much as you wanted to continue lazing in bed with him, you knew you had to get up. 
“Can’t do that, love, I have to start preparing your birthday feast,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “you can sleep a little more though, you had a late night yesterday.” Pushing yourself up, you interlocked your fingers and stretched a little. Your husband lazily grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his embrace.
“Stay in bed with me a little longer,” he nuzzled against your neck, his ruby eyes staring deep into yours. “I can’t sleep well without you.” you looked at his sleepy face and bit your lip, hiding the urge to giggle. 
“Fine,” you relented, “but just five minutes, okay? There’s lots to do. I have to marinate the meat and prepare the drinks,” you turned away from him and faced the ceiling, mentally ticking off all the errands you had to do, “oh, I also have to pick up your birthday flowers. I have to pick up your coat, and I also have to meet Kaeya to take”—
—he decided to keep you quiet. 
“Shhh, you’re too noisy,” Diluc muttered against your lips, giving you another kiss before you could retort. “Just forget about the celebration for a while and stay here with me.” 
“Fine, fine, birthday boy.” you laughed and felt your husband pull you snugly against his chest once more. You remained in his embrace, counting the light freckles across his pretty face. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“You wouldn’t have married me if you didn’t love me.” 
You had a cheeky response at the tip of your tongue, but you held those words back once you saw Diluc going back to sleep with a smile. You decided you weren’t going to tease him today, especially since it was his birthday. Kissing him softly on the lips, you whispered, “I love you, Diluc,” before slowly wiggling out of his embrace and quietly pushing yourself off the bed to get your day started. 
“I love you, more…” a faint reply came as you saw your husband shifting around, finally hugging your pillow tightly before letting out a satisfied sigh. You kissed him on the forehead before leaving the bedroom, thinking to yourself that you were indeed the luckiest person alive to be married to him.
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levi-supreme · 1 day
Birthday morning
Characters: Diluc x gender neutral!reader
Genre: None (modern and canon works fine)
Warnings: SFW, fluff, established relationship (Diluc and reader are married)
A/N: Happy birthday to my OG genshin husband <333 finally writing for genshin after playing this game for 4 freaking years LOL I am finally doing it!!! I hope you all like it as I slowly get back to the writing grind too <3
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As the earth slowly woke up to the warm rays of the sun, the light shown through the windows, gently illuminating the bedroom and caressing the features of the man stirring beside you. 
You watched his chest rise and fall slowly, you felt the hot air escape from his lips as he breathed. You gazed at his sleeping form, wondering what he was dreaming of, and if you were in it. You raised your hand and stroked away an unruly strand of flaming red hair about to tickle his eyelashes, and you continued watching him, wondering how lucky you were to have him beside you like this. 
“For how long were you going to watch me?” a smooth velvet voice rumbled and you jumped in shock, not expecting him to wake up so soon, and clearly not expecting him to be aware of your stares. You didn’t know how long you had been staring at him too. Diluc let out a chuckle and snuggled deeper into the pillow, lacing an arm lazily across your waist to pull you closer. 
“For how long were you awake?” you teased in return, smiling as you saw the corners of his lips twitch ever so slightly. You let out a warm breath and snuggled closer to him, placing your palm on his chest to feel his steady heartbeat. 
“From the moment I felt you moving beside me.” your husband opened an eye slightly to look at you before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. “It’s still early, sleep a little more.” it was indeed a lazy and slow morning, and as much as you wanted to continue lazing in bed with him, you knew you had to get up. 
“Can’t do that, love, I have to start preparing your birthday feast,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “you can sleep a little more though, you had a late night yesterday.” Pushing yourself up, you interlocked your fingers and stretched a little. Your husband lazily grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his embrace.
“Stay in bed with me a little longer,” he nuzzled against your neck, his ruby eyes staring deep into yours. “I can’t sleep well without you.” you looked at his sleepy face and bit your lip, hiding the urge to giggle. 
“Fine,” you relented, “but just five minutes, okay? There’s lots to do. I have to marinate the meat and prepare the drinks,” you turned away from him and faced the ceiling, mentally ticking off all the errands you had to do, “oh, I also have to pick up your birthday flowers. I have to pick up your coat, and I also have to meet Kaeya to take”—
—he decided to keep you quiet. 
“Shhh, you’re too noisy,” Diluc muttered against your lips, giving you another kiss before you could retort. “Just forget about the celebration for a while and stay here with me.” 
“Fine, fine, birthday boy.” you laughed and felt your husband pull you snugly against his chest once more. You remained in his embrace, counting the light freckles across his pretty face. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“You wouldn’t have married me if you didn’t love me.” 
You had a cheeky response at the tip of your tongue, but you held those words back once you saw Diluc going back to sleep with a smile. You decided you weren’t going to tease him today, especially since it was his birthday. Kissing him softly on the lips, you whispered, “I love you, Diluc,” before slowly wiggling out of his embrace and quietly pushing yourself off the bed to get your day started. 
“I love you, more…” a faint reply came as you saw your husband shifting around, finally hugging your pillow tightly before letting out a satisfied sigh. You kissed him on the forehead before leaving the bedroom, thinking to yourself that you were indeed the luckiest person alive to be married to him.
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levi-supreme · 1 day
Birthday morning
Characters: Diluc x gender neutral!reader
Genre: None (modern and canon works fine)
Warnings: SFW, fluff, established relationship (Diluc and reader are married)
A/N: Happy birthday to my OG genshin husband <333 finally writing for genshin after playing this game for 4 freaking years LOL I am finally doing it!!! I hope you all like it as I slowly get back to the writing grind too <3
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As the earth slowly woke up to the warm rays of the sun, the light shown through the windows, gently illuminating the bedroom and caressing the features of the man stirring beside you. 
You watched his chest rise and fall slowly, you felt the hot air escape from his lips as he breathed. You gazed at his sleeping form, wondering what he was dreaming of, and if you were in it. You raised your hand and stroked away an unruly strand of flaming red hair about to tickle his eyelashes, and you continued watching him, wondering how lucky you were to have him beside you like this. 
“For how long were you going to watch me?” a smooth velvet voice rumbled and you jumped in shock, not expecting him to wake up so soon, and clearly not expecting him to be aware of your stares. You didn’t know how long you had been staring at him too. Diluc let out a chuckle and snuggled deeper into the pillow, lacing an arm lazily across your waist to pull you closer. 
“For how long were you awake?” you teased in return, smiling as you saw the corners of his lips twitch ever so slightly. You let out a warm breath and snuggled closer to him, placing your palm on his chest to feel his steady heartbeat. 
“From the moment I felt you moving beside me.” your husband opened an eye slightly to look at you before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. “It’s still early, sleep a little more.” it was indeed a lazy and slow morning, and as much as you wanted to continue lazing in bed with him, you knew you had to get up. 
“Can’t do that, love, I have to start preparing your birthday feast,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “you can sleep a little more though, you had a late night yesterday.” Pushing yourself up, you interlocked your fingers and stretched a little. Your husband lazily grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his embrace.
“Stay in bed with me a little longer,” he nuzzled against your neck, his ruby eyes staring deep into yours. “I can’t sleep well without you.” you looked at his sleepy face and bit your lip, hiding the urge to giggle. 
“Fine,” you relented, “but just five minutes, okay? There’s lots to do. I have to marinate the meat and prepare the drinks,” you turned away from him and faced the ceiling, mentally ticking off all the errands you had to do, “oh, I also have to pick up your birthday flowers. I have to pick up your coat, and I also have to meet Kaeya to take”—
—he decided to keep you quiet. 
“Shhh, you’re too noisy,” Diluc muttered against your lips, giving you another kiss before you could retort. “Just forget about the celebration for a while and stay here with me.” 
“Fine, fine, birthday boy.” you laughed and felt your husband pull you snugly against his chest once more. You remained in his embrace, counting the light freckles across his pretty face. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“You wouldn’t have married me if you didn’t love me.” 
You had a cheeky response at the tip of your tongue, but you held those words back once you saw Diluc going back to sleep with a smile. You decided you weren’t going to tease him today, especially since it was his birthday. Kissing him softly on the lips, you whispered, “I love you, Diluc,” before slowly wiggling out of his embrace and quietly pushing yourself off the bed to get your day started. 
“I love you, more…” a faint reply came as you saw your husband shifting around, finally hugging your pillow tightly before letting out a satisfied sigh. You kissed him on the forehead before leaving the bedroom, thinking to yourself that you were indeed the luckiest person alive to be married to him.
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levi-supreme · 1 day
Imagines, Scenarios, Drabbles
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Last edited: 30 April 2024
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levi-supreme · 1 day
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗 𝙸𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
NSFW works will be marked with a ‘★’, MINORS DNI WITH MY NSFW WORKS
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levi-supreme · 2 days
A - Z Headcanons of Levi Ackerman
Characters: Levi
Genre: Modern!au with tiny references to the snk canon if you can see it
Warnings: Some mentions of sex
A/N: Edited this in but yeah!! Just wanted to say thank you! [12/07/21] Made edits again lol so please enjoy!
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levi-supreme · 3 days
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Levi + Despair
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levi-supreme · 4 days
Rei! Congrats! Imma need to do 2 date a boyfriends for both my loves. It was so hard choosing which date though! I kept going back and fourth!
Earl grey and macron please!
Cat cafe maybe? Don't want to overstep ignore if needed lol
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Characters: Levi x fem!reader
Prompts: Levi [Earl Grey] and café date [macaron]
A/N: Eliza!! Thank you so much! Oh visiting a cat café with Levi is just too cute for words. I hope you like this!!! Also, I've never been to a cat café before so... some inaccuracies may be found haha.
Finally, I'm just using random names that popped into my head so enjoy!!
Rei’s 600 Follower Event: Date-A-Boyfriend (Open until 31 March)
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Parking the car, Levi and you exited hand in hand and walked towards a quaint little shophouse. A cute door sign in the shape of a cat's head hung on the door and you excitedly pushed it open, stepping into the cat café.
"Hi! How many of you are here today?" A young girl seemingly in her late teens approached you and Levi, handing the both of you the menu. She had a nametag in the shape of a cat pinned to her brown apron. You took a look and noticed her name was Phoebe.
"Just us. It's our first time here," you pulled Levi closer, looking through the menu together. The menu had quite a good variety of drinks and desserts. There was a fish bone next to some of the names and on the bottom was the words 'chef's recommended' printed next to the fish bone.
"Oh since it's your first time, I recommend that you try something under our chef's recommendations! If you're a fan of sweets, then go for the strawberry parfait, or the sparkling honey yuzu! If not, the soy matcha latte and our no-bake cheesecake go really well together too." Levi and you decided to go with what Phoebe introduced, and she took a small bottle of hand sanitiser, pumping a bit on both your hands.
"Before letting you two through the fence, we have a few house rules! Firstly, remember to always wash and sanitise your hands before and after petting the cats. Also, remember not to pull their tails, or disturb them if they're sleeping. Thirdly, please refrain from speaking loudly, and please do not switch on your flash light when taking photographs!" Both you and Levi nodded.
"Next, remember to never let the cats eat out of your plate. We have a few cheeky ones here who might try to beg you to feed them, but please do not give in! Most importantly, all of our cats here are rescue cats, and some might still be a little hostile to humans. So please be gentle and patient with them. Any questions?" Phoebe looked at the both of you who shook your heads.
Levi took out his card and paid $50 for the both of you and some snacks for feeding the cats. Once done, Phoebe lifted the ledge and opened the wooden fence, handing you a small information booklet about the different cats before letting you and Levi in.
There were comfy beanbags, low tables, scratching posts for the cats, and a large variety of toys. There were about seven cats prancing around the large area, some interacting with patrons, others having fun on their own. A mackerel ginger tabby looked at you and Levi from the corner near a bean bag before cautiously coming closer. The cat then circled around your ankle, rubbing against your shin.
"Oh, this one's called Caramel," you checked the guide, realising it's a male tabby. "And he likes me." You bent downwards, scratching Caramel's chin. Caramel gave a small purr in delight and you smiled at Levi.
"It says here that Caramel as a sister called Toffee..." You pointed at the guide and Levi looked around the café, trying to spot a tortoiseshell tabby. Levi tapped your arm after a while, pointing to a table across the room.
"Is that her?"
The both of you spotted a mischievous cat trying to nick food off a small table. Remembering what Phoebe said about not letting the cats eat human food, you briskly walked over to the small table and tried to shoo the feline away. She hissed and walked away.
Settling down at another table, another staff brought over your food. A few of the cats were sleeping by the corner. There was a grey tabby cat who kept walking around Levi's ankles, headbutting him.
"Tch, don't disturb me when I'm eating," Levi frowned at the cat while taking a sip of tea. The cat continued circling around Levi's foot, letting out a soft purr.
"Fine, here," Levi tore open the bag of cat treats and placed it in his palm, bending down to offer his palm to the grey tabby. You checked the guide for the cat's name and whispered 'his name is Rain' to Levi. Sensing there was a treat, Rain went over to Levi's palm before sniffing it, eating the treat and letting out another meow.
"He's cute," Levi chuckled as Rain yawned, sleeping next to Levi's foot after a while. Levi took another sip of tea before quietly pushing back the chair, sitting down on the ground while gently stroking Rain's fur. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, you quickly snapped a photo of Levi smiling.
As you finished your food, you took a rainbow-coloured cat charmer and tried to get the attention of some of the cats around you. Waving the colourful string, some cats crawled closer to you wanting to play. You recognised Caramel and Toffee, and Toffee started grabbing the end of the colourful string. Giggling, you waved it a little more vigorously, until Toffee caught the end with her paw on the ground.
Levi seemed to take a liking to Rain, and sat on the floor next to Rain while you took a squishy toy and played with another cat once Toffee was bored with the cat charmer. You fed some other cats some treats too and had a lot of fun cuddling them, taking many lovely photos of the cats, as well as of yourself and Levi. Before you knew it, the two-hour time limit was up and Levi and you had to leave.
"You like this place?" You asked Levi as you excited the café and walked to Levi's car. Levi thought of Rain and gave you a small smile.
"Yeah, it was nice," unlocking the car, Levi got in and started the ignition. Adjusting his rear mirror, Levi looked at you before driving out of the parking lot to your next destination.
"Thanks for suggesting this place, angel. It was a different kind of fun." You beamed, pleased that Levi enjoyed himself.
"Oh, there's more of such cat cafés, you know. We can spend each weekend slowly exploring them..."
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The only cat breeds I know are probably British Shorthair, Russian Blue, Munchkins, Tabby cats and uh, that's about it. Majority of the cats are taken from Neko Atsume (or the kitty cat collection game XD). Also, I have zero cat knowledge so I am very sorry if these are inaccurate q_q
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Tagging: @levi-lover @ack3rlady @hashaneeee @roralore @imkumichan @kristinecharmm @notgoodforlife @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @sweet-assh0le @hannie2kay @ack3rlevi @levislovingwife @galactict3a @hauntedhousecat @sckerman @thesimpsstuff @ackermandick @greenfurret @jayteacups @nelapanela94 @postwarlevi @levisbrat25
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Rei’s 600 Follower Event: Date-A-Boyfriend (Open until 31 March)
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levi-supreme · 5 days
Rei's Birthday Event: Food Play with Levi (Not SFW)
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Characters: Levi x fem!reader
Genre: Modern!au
Warnings: Smut, minors and ageless blogs dni. Food play (strawberries and chocolate). Mentions of some chocolate brand. Slight gagging. Some crying and begging from reader. Unprotected sex. Dom!Levi (mhmmm).
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: Thank you to the anon who sent in this request! I had so much fun writing this and I hope it was up to your expectations!
Also, I've never uh, played with chocolate or food this way so, take it with a pinch of salt okay, it's all fiction!!!!
Read the original ask here.
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"Babe, do you want to have some chocolate?" You tapped Levi's arm halfway through a movie. "I'm craving something sweet." You were feeling a little peaky, and you wanted to have something to chew on. Levi gave you a small tch before pausing the movie, going to the kitchen. You tagged behind him, taking a seat on the high chair along the mini bar counter.
Levi told you to take out the strawberries from the fridge to wash them while he took out some bars of dark chocolate from the kitchen cabinets. Pouring water into a small pot, Levi turned on the stove.
"Ooohh, chocolate coated strawberries?" You marvelled, washing the red fruits and drying them on a kitchen serviette. "You're pampering me."
"Only the best for my princess," Levi smirked, chopping the dark chocolate into smaller pieces. Once the water started to boil, Levi placed a large bowl over the surface, putting the chocolates inside and letting it melt. Occasionally stirring to prevent it from burning, Levi poured the melted chocolate into a ceramic bowl.
You excitedly took a bowl and placed all the strawberries inside, casually taking some Mars bars along with you while Levi took the bowl of hot melted chocolate. Going back to the couch, you quickly dipped a strawberry into the chocolate. Once the surface of the strawberry was coated with melted chocolate, you immediately took a bite, ignoring the melted chocolate smeared on the corner of your lip. Levi let out another tch before leaning closer to you.
"You're supposed to wait for it to dry and harden, you dumb baby," Levi wiped the chocolate away with his thumb, dipping a strawberry in the chocolate and putting it back on another plate for the chocolate to harden.
"I don't care, I'm craving for it now." You stuck out your tongue at Levi, taking another bite of the chocolate coated strawberry in your hand. You licked your fingers clean and took another strawberry, dipping it into the chocolate again and eating it before the chocolate hardened. Once more, chocolate got smeared onto your lips. Levi's eyes never left you, watching your every move.
He watched how you stuck out your tongue, licking your fingers clean of chocolate and he wished you were licking his fingers instead. A weird feeling twisted his gut, a fire started to burn.
He watched that same tongue of yours lick your lips and cleaned the smeared chocolate away. Levi shifted uncomfortably on the couch, feeling the urgent need to ravish you increase. Levi could feel his cock twitch slightly, silently cursing at how every little thing you did made his body react like this.
He watched you eat another chocolate coated strawberry, watching you hum in happiness as you tasted the mix of sweet, sour, and bitter. Levi wished that you were humming in happiness to something else in your mouth instead.
Levi saw your lips smeared with chocolate again, and he could no longer hold it in.
"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" Levi frowned, shifting closer to you, trying to hide his semi hard-on with the pillow on the couch.
"Do what?"
"I told you, you're supposed to wait for the chocolate to dry and harden."
"I don't want to, no time to wait." You retorted defiantly, dipping another strawberry into the chocolate and biting it again, getting more chocolate smeared on your lips. Levi watched you with beady eyes.
"Don't make me do it," Levi inched his face closer to you.
"Do what?"
Without warning, Levi crashed his lips on yours, sucking every hint of chocolate away, licking your lips clean. You gasped when you felt Levi bite your lower lip, letting his tongue invade your mouth to meet with yours.
You could feel the chocolate coated strawberry in your hand melting, making your fingers slightly sticky. Levi broke the kiss and kept his eyes on you, pulling your hand with the strawberry towards him. He made sure you were watching him while he ate the strawberry and licked your fingers clean.
"L-Levi," you stuttered, feeling like he was scrutinising your every move. Levi licked your fingers so slowly, savouring the taste of chocolate on his tongue and the sweetness of the strawberry. Your mouth hung lose, you couldn't react.
"I told you to stop, didn't I?" Levi frowned again, tightening his grip on your wrist.
"No, L-Levi, I—" without warning, Levi pushed you down on the couch and trapped you between his body, kissing you with a sense of urgency you've never seen before. His knees securely kept your hips in place while he ravished your lips. Pinning your hands above your head with just one hand, Levi had full control of you as he swiftly removed your flimsy shirt, tossing it to the corner of the living room.
"Tch, no bra on?" Levi smirked, looking down at your bare torso, observing your heaving chest. You wanted to say something, but Levi stuffed two strawberries into your mouth. Your eyes widened and you tried to spit the strawberries out, but Levi squeezed your cheeks.
"Doesn't matter. Saves me the trouble of removing that stupid thing." With his grip still firmly on your wrists, Levi reached over to the table, taking the bowl of melted chocolate.
"Now, are you going to be a good girl and listen to me?" You tried answering but the strawberries in your mouth muffled your voice. Instead, you nodded, nervousness and excitement pooling in your belly as you wondered what would Levi do to you next. Levi kissed your forehead as he brought the bowl over to you, making you hold it above your head still. Levi then took another strawberry and dipped it in the chocolate.
"Since you didn't want to listen to me just now, you shall not have the fortune of enjoying these," Levi then took out the chocolate-coated strawberry, and instead of putting it in his mouth, Levi used it to draw circles on your breast, leaving a trail of sticky chocolate all over. You whimpered, the melted chocolate felt so ticklish on your body, the foreign sensation making your stomach lurch. Once more, Levi dipped the same strawberry into the chocolate and circled it around your areola this time before taking a bite of the sweet strawberry, letting out a hum of pleasure and ignoring your little groans.
"Mmm. Sweet," Levi licked his fingers clean, bending towards your chocolate-covered breast. Without warning, Levi stuck out his tongue and lapped at the trail of chocolate around your breast. A gasp escaped your lips before you knew it, muffled by the strawberries again. Circling his tongue around your soft mound, Levi took his time before licking his way towards your nipple, replacing the trail of chocolate with his saliva instead. Once his tongue found your hardened bud, Levi licked and sucked the chocolate on your areola clean, leaving nothing behind. Your muffled cries became a little louder, the flame in your core slowly lighting up. Looking up at you, Levi wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"That's sweeter."
Levi took another strawberry and dipped it in the bowl of chocolate once more, repeating the same action on your other breast. This time round, Levi held the chocolate-coated strawberry right above your breast, watching the chocolate drip down like candlewax. You squirmed uncontrollably under his touch. Levi's knees were pinning your hips down on the couch and you kept trying to rub your thighs together in hope of dissipating the wetness gathering around your core. Your jaw hurt from keeping those damned strawberries in your mouth. Maybe you should just be defiant and eat them, but you knew better than to piss Levi off.
Your eyes were on Levi, watching him watch the chocolate drip down on your body, watching him lick his lips in excitement, watching his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed his saliva, watching the bulge in his pants getting more and more obvious by the minute. You groaned again, trying to get Levi's attention. You wanted these stupid fruits out of your mouth, you wanted to moan Levi's name out loud. Yet, the more you squirmed around to get Levi's attention, the more he ignored you.
Watching the chocolate harden slightly on your nipple, Levi took his time, slowly licking around your nipple before sucking it harshly, earning another muffled cry from you. Even after the chocolate had been licked clean, Levi continued sucking and toying with your sensitive nipple, making you squirm around again. The more Levi sucked on your nipple, the louder your moans were.
You could feel tears dotting your lash line. Your arms were starting to ache from holding the bowl, your jaw losing sensation and slacking from keeping the strawberries in place. A trail of drool dribbled down your jaw and you let out a choked sob. Levi looked up at you from your nipple. Eating the chocolate-coated strawberry in his hand, he removed the strawberries in your mouth, throwing them onto a plate.
"L-Levi, pl-please," you cried, opening and closing your jaw to ease the ache. "S-stop the teasing."
"Oh? But I haven't even enjoyed myself yet." Levi removed the bowl from your grip, dipping another strawberry inside. He immediately took it out and started drawing all over your torso, coating your breasts with gooey chocolate once more. Closing his eyes, Levi hummed with delight with every slow lick of his tongue, the agonising pace driving you insane. You could feel the tears escape your eyes as Levi gave you kitten licks across your chocolate-covered body, feeling ticklish and aroused at the same time.
"Please, b-babe, stop the teasing and j-just fuck me already." You cried again as you grabbed the couch cover, feeling Levi lick around your clavicle. Ignoring the chocolate on your breasts, Levi licked his way lower and lower down your torso before removing your bottom layers, his face splitting in a grin upon seeing your wet folds.
"Look at yourself, so wet already when all I did was to lick your body." Levi teased while he ate the strawberry before grabbing another one.
"Levi, oh my god, p-please, let me c—" "Not until I had my fun, baby." Levi wiped your tears with his thumb and he pressed the tip of the strawberry against your clit, drawing a filthy moan from you. You whined again as Levi continued rubbing the tip of the strawberry on your clit while simultaneously sucking on your chocolate-coated nipple. You couldn't control the dirty sounds escaping your mouth, the feeling of Levi's tongue on your nipple and the strawberry rubbing your clit was sending you on an overdrive. Everything felt so good, your nipples felt extra sensitive after Levi played with them using his tongue and the melted chocolate, the strawberry felt so ticklish against your clit.
You fisted your fingers in Levi's hair, your hips unknowingly gyrating against the strawberry in Levi's hand. It felt too good, you needed and wanted more. Feeling Levi's tongue just wasn't enough. Moans and pants of pleasure never stopped escaping from your lips. Just then, Levi released himself from your nipple and grabbed the bowl full of chocolate again. But this time, instead of dipping the strawberry, Levi poured the chocolate over your sternum, watching it flow down your body until he licked it back up with his tongue. Levi hated being messy, but it seemed like he was making an exception for you today.
Levi continued to tease you with his tongue, licking on every inch of skin covered by the chocolate. The strawberry in Levi's hand was already squashed, and with sticky fingers, Levi reached over to the plate and took the last strawberry, rubbing it against your clit once more. Moaning and panting like it was your last, your toes started to curl as you felt your orgasm starting to build up its momentum. Giving your other breast the attention, Levi sucked on your chocolate-covered nipple hard and circled your areola using his tongue, drawing another incessant moan from you.
"L-Levi, fuck! I'm go-going to—" you stuttered, feeling your incoming orgasm approaching. You grinded against the strawberry harder while Levi understood your body's plea. He sucked on your nipple harder and massaged your other breast, helping you chase after your high. Within seconds, you let out a long pant as your body shook violently, your fingers gripping on to Levi's hair firmly. While you were still drowning in bliss, Levi sunk lower down to your folds and gave them a lick, collecting your juices. Crawling back up to you, Levi made sure you were watching him before he ate the strawberry he used to press on your clit, the sourness from the fruit combining with the taste of your slick. Levi couldn't take it any longer, his cock was aching and begging to be released from its constraints. Levi impatiently removed his pants and boxers, giving his cock a few tugs.
"And now, baby, I will give you want you want." Levi threw your legs over his shoulders and plunged deep into you without warning. You let out another cry, feeling yourself filled to the brim with how deep Levi was in. Levi pulled out slightly before thrusting back in again, going hard and fast without mercy.
"You like that, huh? Like it when I go hard on you like this?" Levi uttered between his gasps for breath, bending forward to lean his forehead against yours. Your body was limp and out of your control, your jaw hung wide open as incoherent words left your mouth, spewing words that makes no sense. Levi shut you up with a harsh kiss, teeth clashing against yours in a heated fight as his tongue danced with yours, his cock continuing to abuse your sweet spot.
"Uh, b-babe. Oh yes, yes. Fuck! Yes! Le—" Gripping Levi's biceps hard, you could feel your orgasm coming again the more Levi hit that sweet spot of yours. Levi grunted, thrusting inside you even faster than before. Your back arched in preparation and the coil in your belly snapped, your fingers dug into Levi's biceps as you let out another long cry, your walls milking Levi's cock dry as Levi let out a string of profanities, his hips ceasing all movement at he remained buried deep in you, coating your walls with his cum.
Panting desperately for breath, you could feel Levi slowly pulling his flaccid cock out and he grabbed your discarded shirt, putting it under your pelvis and let your mixed juices stain the fabric. You giggled after recovering your breathing.
"I'm never looking at strawberries and chocolate the same way again, babe." Levi stood up and cleaned his fingers with some tissue before cleaning your sticky fingers.
"Are you going to listen to what I say the next time?" Levi smirked, knowing that you were going to be defiant and say 'no'.
"No." You retorted, throwing your dirty shirt into the laundry basket. "Come on, babe. Let's go shower. I'm feeling sticky and disgusting." You grabbed Levi's sticky hands with yours, dragging him into the shower, and secretly hoping that Levi would punish you again for saying 'no' to him earlier.
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A word of caution: Please do your proper research before engaging in food play!!! Yes it does sound enticing to play with food but please PLEASE ALWAYS BE CAREFUL.
SALKFHA;SHFJHLDF I think I would never look at chocolates and strawberries the same again lol.
Also pop quiz time: How many strawberries appeared in this fic? XD Leave your answer in the comments below!! :p
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levi-supreme · 6 days
Updated my tag list to include some new fandoms I will be branching into hehe. Please feel free to fill it up if you like to be tagged in my writings!! 💚
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Last edited: 18 December 2023
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levi-supreme · 6 days
I suck so bad at giving my fics and writings titles oh my god I need help
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levi-supreme · 6 days
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Hi, i’m now back from London. I’ve colored this sketch by @roredwarrior for warming up, i feel like i didn’t draw for ages #進撃の巨人 #リヴァイアッカーマン #leviackerman #shingekinokyojin #attackontitan https://www.instagram.com/p/BphsObVhUGS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k8y4m3r9w5nu
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