lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
@ danny phantom fandom
are yall like. okay
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
Man okay when I got my wisdom teeth out it was a fucking experience. Before the surgery wasn’t too interesting but as soon as I woke up I saw the nurse next to me and was all like “hey… i think… i died… and now I’m in a parallel universe… and i gotta go back to my house and kill the me from this universe” and he was just kinda like “alright, you do that”. And then the other nurse kept going in and out of the room to get things and I thought there was like 5 of her that kept coming out of the room, and then so when she was wheeling me out in a wheelchair I was like “damn… why are there so many of you… there’s like 5 many of you” and she was just kinda like “alright, you do that”.
Anyway I got to the car and my dad was there and he was like “how ya feeling son” in the dadliest way possible and I was like “MAN I AM PUMPED LETS GET SOME JUICE I’M STARVED” so we drove about 3 blocks to a jamba juice, whereupon I say “I’m good I can do this” and run/drunkstumble 30 feet to the door. I burst in the door like a viking returning from some fucking battle and holler “WHATS UP FUCKS” to everyone in the store, which was thankfully just the 2 people behind the counter, who looked probably as scared/confused as a jamba juice employee could look.
So anyway, as my dad explained the situation I looked up at the jamba juice menu and was utterly fucking lost in it. Like I swear I was looking at this menu board for a year, deciphering this Rosetta stone of fruits. I distinctly remember that I was looking at each item in a smoothie, thinking of how it tasted, then moving on to the next thing and thinking of how that tasted, and how they would taste together. Since most smoothies had 3 or 4 items, this took some thinking. So my dad sees me in this extreme brain blast state of mind and says “hey are you going to order or what”. Keep in mind I’m on the first fucking smoothie on the list here. So I just say “shush man I’m trying to do fruit science”, and then when I realized that this process could take literal years, I just said “yeah give me a smooth regular” which for the uninitiated, isn’t actually a real thing on any menu. Oh, also I asked them if the “boosted” smoothies would give me super powers and then pointed my fingers at them and made “lightning noises”.
So my dad just orders me the first thing on the menu and I go to sit down and stare out the window or some shit and my thoroughly amused dad just looks at me and says “how ya feelin?”. Now at this time I was feeling a lot of things, but most noticeable to me was the gauze in my mouth, so I just look at him and say “there’s these fuckin… tiny sheep in my head” which at the time was the best way I had to convey this feeling. Anyway about that time, the jamba juice guy brings us our drinks and he gives me a small thing of mario kart stickers and I swear I almost cried from the tsunami of emotion that gift made me feel (I still have them).
Anyway the rest of the story is we drove home and I explained this programming project I was working on to my dad in perfect detail somehow and then I came home and went on facebook and posted a comment on my friends status (because I couldn’t find the status update bar) that read: “i just took a lort of painkillers and yelled at everyone in a jambo juice”
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
Reject that reality and substitute our own is my favorite line I use it all the time
Phantom Planet and Livin’ Large are canon, but we can and will reject that reality and substitute our own
Are you with me on this my king?
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
hi this is the last time i’m participating in the Phandom Shitpost Discourse™ and i leave you with this:
people are having fun making these shitposts and they’re not hurting anybody. the inside jokes tend to flood the tag but it looks to be the same group of people who reblog those kinds of things from what i’ve seen (and i can’t be 100% sure about this cause i really haven’t been here that long), and most of it are jokes that disappear within a few weeks. the lexxpocalpyse for example ended last week and we haven’t had any parody blogs since - the new phantom planet blogs don’t count since they’re not actually blogs parodying another person, they’re just (i think some of them, at least) satirical blogs about the “most hated episode.”
personally i prefer the new kind of content (fluff and shitposts and just lighthearted stuff) cause it gave me the motivation to step out of my shell and actually talk to people within the phandom, and it led to me making a lot of good friends. i’ve been in fandoms that were so focused on Good Content™ 24/7 that i could never find the confidence to post my own stuff.
not only that, i know a lot of people don’t like the angst because of anxiety or other mental issues, and while i’ve never been diagnosed with any of that, i prefer the fluff because it’s therapeutic to me and helps calm me down after a long day. it’s why i never really draw angst, and when i do i feel lowkey really awkward lmao.
i can’t speak for the rest of the phandom but for me, the memes have made it easier to have my voice heard. it gives smaller content creators a chance to grow.
obviously there’s a problem with smaller artists not shitposting never really getting their art recognized. there’s still loads of dp content that isn’t shitposts, i think people tend to overlook that, but it’s true a lot of it are by bigger artists.
so how do we fix the problem? how do you get what you want on your blog? how do you reintroduce “traditional” dp content back after all the memes?
reblog and comment, don’t just like, smaller artists’ posts. chances are people are memeing because they know it’s an easy way to get recognized, so if you want to see more “normal” art, you gotta support artists that do it and let them know it’s okay. and if you really can’t find anything, you’re either gonna have to make it yourself or leave the fandom. you have no obligation to be here and if all you’re doing is starting drama instead of actually doing something and showing love to the people you want to see more of, are you even enjoying yourself anymore?
one last thing: 
are y. are y’all fucking serious with. with harassing people?? like??? a few shitposts aren’t that big a deal. there’s been little to no angst. people certainly aren’t forcing anyone to look at something, and i guarantee you we know how to blacklist things.
you have no right to accuse people of being p*dophiles for the few mistakes of a few in the phandom. you have no right to come into someone’s ask and send them death threats. there are jokes, and then there’s real life, and it can be hard to differentiate between the two, i know, but please be mindful of how you word your posts so people understand when you’re joking and when you’re not.
i don’t ever want to hear about someone full on attacking a member of the phandom for having fun. the lexxpocalypse wasn’t one person’s fault, a bunch of people jumped on it and had fun with it. the tidepocalypse started off as just one blog too and if people choose to make more, that’s their choice, and they shouldn’t be condemned for going along with a meme. seriously. 
there have been loads of posts made about reassurances on whether the something-pocalypses are fine with the person being parodied/most involved, and so far no one who has been majorly involved has directly come forward to say stop. and i 100% believe most would stop if told because i’ve talked directly to most of these people and they’re all genuine, funny, and only in it for the meme. those that choose to be an asshat can literally just be blocked. this is the internet for christ’s sake, you can choose what to filter.
tl;dr: support smaller artists. if you don’t like what the phandom makes, make your own content and block the people you don’t want to see. blacklist tags. leave the phandom if you have to. but don’t ever bully someone for something that’s meant to be entirely harmless.
anyway, that’s my Hot Take of the day. don’t message me about this topic again please unless someone’s harassing you about it, in which case i will gladly throw hands with that person.
i’m just here to enjoy the show and the people who love it, too.
(and if this is affecting you in a negative way, whichever side you’re on, please take some time to yourself and recharge. your health is more important than a stupid fandom, okay? <3)
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
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Hello everyone! If you’re like me, you’re acutely aware of the almost absurd amount of talent our little half-dead Phandom has. From the excellent musicians to the superb artists, the impressive cosplayers and fascinating memers, I’m constantly amazed by just how much skill so many of the phans have. 
Of course, let’s not forget my personal group; the fanfiction authors. There’s so many absolutely amazing concept creators and authors amongst us, so I thought, ‘why don’t we make them fight?’ After all, what brings people closer than a fight club?
Nah, I’m kidding. Mostly.
What is Phic Phight?
Phic Phight is an event for Danny Phantom Fanfiction authors that is loosely inspired by Art Fight. In Art Fight, the participants are split into two teams, and score points for their team by drawing the opposing team’s OCs! We’ll be doing something similar. 
Every participant will be able to create up to four prompts based on their fics or fic ideas and will be randomly assigned to either Team Human or Team Ghost. Team Ghost will have access to the prompts the members of Team Human wrote, and Team Human will have the same with Team Ghost’s prompts! You’ll get points with each fic you write, and whichever team has the most points at the end of the month wins!
When is Phic Phight?
Officially, Phic Phight will be from April 1st - 30th, 2019. You have until 11:59 pm PST on March 24 to join. After that, I’ll be in contact with everyone who’s joined with more information on their team, the prompts they’ll be working with, and the final decision on prizes.
How do we get points?
For every 10 words you write of a prompt, you’ll get 1 point. For every Phic you complete, you’ll be granted an additional 5 points. 
We’ll be keeping track of which prompts have had the most Phics, who’s written the most, and which team gets the most points!
What should our prompts look like?
Your prompts should be a short, 1-2 sentence summary of one of your fics or fic concepts. You will be required to submit at least two, but can do up to four if you’d like. 
Don’t worry about duplicates of ideas, but please be sure to include any ships or trigger warnings that apply at the end of your summary. AUs are fine as long as they are widely known, such as the Reverse Trio AU, a coffee shop AU, or an electric core Danny AU.
Due to the controversy surrounded them, prompts where a minor and adult are shipped together are not permitted in this event. Prompts that crossover with another fandom, have a heavy focus on original characters, or AU prompts that rely on intense worldbuilding known only to the author that cannot be simplified to fit the summary limit are also not permitted. If there is a problem with one of your prompts, I’ll let you know and give you a chance to alter it.
I have another question!
We have an FAQ, where I give some more in-depth explanations about the specifics of this event in addition to example prompts. If you’re still confused, feel free to ask me! ^-^
I like it! How do I join?
Fill out this form HERE. I’ll be in contact after the 24th with more information!
We have our own channel on the DP Fanfiction Palace Discord, which you can access by requesting the Phic Phighter role after you join! If you’d like easy quick and easy access to any updates, this is the place to be! The link to it is right HERE!
Have a great day, everyone, and I hope to see you in the Phic Phight! <3
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
Daniel Memes
News Anchor: Danny Phantom, can we ask about how you died?
Danny, a meme loving millennial:
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
danny phantom in a "don't ask me about my disability or my mortality" shirt
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I’ve had this ask for a long time and forgot about it
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
Lime peel and lime juice contains an agent that can make your skin highly photosensitive.  This sensitivity can cause swelling, blisters, sunburn, etc, if an effected part of the skin is exposed to UV light.  
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
You’re not just on the run- Your face is plastered over every TV, smartphone, and newspaper. You’re the most wanted criminal in the country, because you broke the laws of physics.
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
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I forgot to post this piece I made for @goingghostphanzine like several months ago
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
Sure Danny Fenton can turn into a ghost but when I do it I’m “scaring the neighbors” and “tearing this family apart.”
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
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/<\ =3
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
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Bitch lemme help kill lexx
Sad news everyone, I have to kill @lexosaurus for this travesty:
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
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Wtf. There’s so much here. Their eyebrows aren’t transparent. Super Danny looks like a creep. Fun Danny looks like he’s looking at ice cream.
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
Jazz: Danny are you okay? You seem dead on your feet today
Danny: Awfully bold of you to assume I was alive in the first place
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
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but can NICKELODEON CANCEL THIS???????????????
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lexavocodo ¡ 6 years
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i watched bitter reunions (again)
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