lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
Don’t we just love the new millennium? With the years increasing so is our technologies. No need to go in a store and make a purchase no we can sit in the comfort of our pjs and bedroom. Well, with new technology so can marketers. they can just sit in the comfort of their pjs and promote their business and also track your browsing habits for items you have searched or place in your shopping cart. Have you every wonder if you search for a “little black dress” on to say google, all of a sudden all your social medias some how start showing you ads for little black dresses. With tracking systems like Facebook Pixel it allows marketers to target your browse so we may potentially be their next customers. 
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
Having your business on social media
Have you ever had the experience of scrolling through Instagram or looking through stories on snap chat and come across video ads for commercials or photographs of ads for companies. This type of social media networking for your company can be effective form of marketing but, can also do harm to your brand and reputation. 
Word of mouth is one of the most popular forms of sharing information and opinions from other influence or judgement’s and behaviour’s. First impressions last forever and if your brand does not appeal to your clientele then you are risking your companies reputation. Also, to mention the financial aspect of having to continuously pour various amounts of funding just into marketing through social media. 
What app providers have done is let you use free social media networks to promote and grow your companies image and brand. Once you get profiles made and a majority of your page set up, they sneak in offers to make your account more elite. They do this buy making you making monthly purchases within the app to unlock certain settings that will help you achieve more followers, likes, comments, views and more importantly exposure. 
“The present studies demonstrate that information about a company’s intentions in designing the product plays an import role in consumers’ evaluations. In particular, consumers are less likely to purchase a green product when they perceive that the company intentionally made the product better for the environment compared to when the same environmental benefit occurred as an unintended side effect.” (Grewal, 2019)
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
Privacy Concerns regarding Social Media
Whether we believe it or not, society has a huge role to play when it comes to our online presents. Our goal is to create a profile on multiple platforms of social media and make them, what the business the business world calls a “polished profile”. The definition of a polished profile is, a persona online that we are truly not. We don’t take the time to realize how many important people in our lives will see these and the impressions we leave upon them. 
Most people do not read the privacy policy and comes to signing up for an app, or signing up for the gym. Either way, we sign onto allowing some of our own privacy to be intruded upon. When we sign up for any social media platform we are accepting the fact that any employer is able to search for you and make a prejudgment about you.
I believe that perfecting or “polishing” our online profiles for the benefit of possibly getting a job is yes good in some ways, but also can cause some chaos in your professional life. If you look like you possess certain skills online that could potentially relate to a career opportunity or some business venture within your company, you could be misleading the consumer, employer and your resume.
“Questions regarding personal privacy are becoming increasingly relevant, and the discussion continuously arises regarding what digital tracks we leave. Intrusive use and manipulation of personal information not only affect people’s behaviour, but also they could have important implications for political and civic society.”
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
Having social media in the workplace, and the consequences you can potentially face. 
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
There are plenty of reason why we need social media to help operate your corporation whether your company have been around for 10 years or 1 day, we still need the life of social media to give a boast in all ways of the business. Personally, I don’t really have to watch the news channels to get the latest news around the world, all I have to do is open my Instagram and I get news regarding politics, stocks, crime to name a few. So, if this tool can provide so many information about what is going on in the world then why not use it? The comment section on any social media website plays a very important role and don’t be alarm when I say it can be GOOD and BADD!!! Yes, bad but what do you do when you get “bad” comments? Well you can just simple ignore or you can use it as a marketing feedback, it’s an opportunity to add and subtract from your business. Now when your customers see that you are taking their “comments” and making changes that will cost more traffic to your brand. You can also get involve with your customers by doing surveys via your social medias, again it is a quick and cost-effective way to market your brand. It’s a great why to network with other businesses and if you might say it’s a way to keep up with the “Jones’s”
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
Should there be policies surrounding social media in the work place?
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Should there be policies surrounding social media in the work place?
“Photo.” Google Search, Google, 2019, www.google.com/search?
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
Do you think Social Media  is the way to go to promote your business?
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
Using social media for your business in this new generation is basic norm, when we think of the world’s population of around over 7 billion and survey shows over 3 billion alone is registered to a social media account. The only thought that should come to mine is which 2 or 3 social platform I should sign my business up on. You must think, it cost nothing to sign up for an account and even if you don’t get a comment under your post maturity of your followers are still seeing your post. When I think about my personal life and how react to things on my own social media. For example, if I see someone wearing something nice and tag the company they both it from I then go ahead and navigate over to that company’s page. Most of the time the company is not an already establish company but by that one person wearing their product and tagging them it allows opportunities for potential new customers. The same thing goes for new music, restaurants, skin care and the list goes on. So, ask yourself why not? Social media for my business. It’s a great budget friendly tool to market your product and get the word across to billions of potential customers. That even goes to say using a third party social media platform  to promote your business is not a bad way to go, the more the merrier they always say.
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
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Data on social Media usage in the workplace. As you can see, social media in the workplace is being use for more personal than professional use. 
“Social Media Stats.” Google Search, Google, 2018, www.google.com/search?q=disadvantages%2Bof%2Bsocial%2Bmedia%2Bin%2Bthe%2Bworkplace&tbm
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
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Should there be policies surrounding social media in the work place?
“Photo.” Google Search, Google, 2019, www.google.com/search?
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
Social Media’s Negative Influence in the Recruitment and Selection Process
Though Social Media is a free platform for employers to screen applicants, it is used for more harm than good without the employer even knowing. Many professions including Human Resource professionals, have to go through a Recruitment and Selection process when hiring employees. 
“The concerns about data protection and access, as well as security are largely missing in the debate on employer screening of social media for employment purposes. For example, to what extent is the information obtained from social media profiles protected to the same degree as their standardized applicant data?”[1]
So how does social media influence the decision of a Human Resource Professional seeking a candidate, other than the obvious answer of shaping their decisions before they even meet the candidate. Also, at what cost does it come at, an ethical one perhaps? 
If an employer seeks out information on an applicant using social media, it can potentially lead to inconsistent information based on the applicant and a bias decision when it comes to hiring. Some individuals choose to keep certain behaviours or details about their personal lives hidden from the world. So when met in person, the perception could be perceived as improper to business standards depending on career path. There are many different social media platforms, different profile information can make it confusing to know what type of behaviors and norms the candidate possesses.  
Another way social media influences the recruitment and selection process is age discrimination. Whether people believe it’s ethical or not, many people do get discriminated based on their age everyday, and it even prevents many individuals from obtaining work. Visual characteristics is enough for an employer to pass you up even for just an interview. 
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lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
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Stats on digital users in the world
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