lgcara · 3 years
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it girls ✨
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lgcara · 3 years
the gods of fate are truly laughing upon her this year. while 2020 had been amazing for her, 2021 was kicking off not to well. put into a position she felt highly uncomfortable in and under qualified for, she also just had to get roomed up with the one girl in their current line up she couldn’t stand at all. unable to take criticism, an insufferable ego and cocky attitude; ara was about everything that unnerved jieun to no end. 
being paired for this segment with her was just yet another test to her patience and how well she could act it up for the cameras when all she wanted to do was throw a fit and refuse to work under these conditions. like a true little diva in the making.
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ara smiling at her, them seemingly on the same page about at least appearing civil in front of the cameras, jieun purses her lips and furrows her brows, clearly reluctant to stick her hand into a mystery box without knowing what awaits her. “hmmm maybe it’s better to do it at the same time…,” she muses quietly, taking a hesitant step towards the box.
“alright,” ara says, not really wanting to disagree over something so small. that happened enough behind the scenes, and for a new-ish (second reiteration rotation group), she’d much rather not be the antagonist in front of the camera. if anything, she could put her competitive nature against jieun into the guessing game, because there could only be one winner. ara’s eyes exchange a look with the other girl, flickering from the box back to her eyes. what was on her mind? the tension was something that hopefully would not be picked up by the camera, because then they’d certainly get a talking to, no doubt about it.
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do you like me just as much as i like you? ara wonders where their lines got crossed so poorly, but sometimes people just don’t get along. not everyone was always to be two peas in a pd. her thought process halts at the host indicating that the object had been placed into the box. “okay, countdown? three, two, one!” and ara sticks her hand in simultaneously with jieun. “oh my god, is it slimy?!” 
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lgcara · 3 years
control me.
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At this point, Soyoun thinks that a massage would be welcome. After all, her muscles (her feet in particular), have gone numb from all that exercising and dancing they do in practice. However, the consequences of screaming in pain have Soyoun’s eyes bugging out. “Bugs?” she whispers to Ara who seems just as horrified as she feels. On instinct, she takes the younger girl’s hand. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Soyoun replies as she gives Ara’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Let’s just not think of the punishment and hope this massage doesn’t hurt too much.” She gently lets go of Ara’s hand to take a seat on the other massage chair. Soyoun has lost the last shreds of her dignity ages ago, so she supposes there’s nothing else to lose… Besides having to deal with bugs. “Let’s try our best not to scream in pain at the massage. But realistically, the bugs will make me scream more than any pain this massage can bring.” She shudders at the thought of it.  
“i thought massages were supposed to be pleasant.... and....relaxing,” ara sighs, wondering if there is any way she could make it seem convincing that this would be. but if it is meant to induce punishment, there is no way. “have you ever eaten bugs before? i heard they’re a delicacy and very good for you, so maybe that is a perk.” if only there were punishments such as... eating pizza rolls. squeezing soyoun’s hand back, they take their seats next to each other and her eyes glaze over as there are some more words spoken by the host and she prepares herself for what is to come next.
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“oh gosh,” the second the ‘massage’ begins. “okay, this isn’t too bad.” ara says off the bat as her foot is pressed into. maybe it’ll even be good for her previously hurt ankle. yea. you thought. “oh. oh.” ara tries to keep a straight face by chewing her cheek but she can’t tell if it hurts or if it’s pure shock but she is definitely squirming in her seat. what was it they weren’t supposed to do again? no screaming or making sounds? because it’s going to be hard. “how- how are you doing, eonnie?”
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lgcara · 3 years
.・゜this is me trying ゜・
sighing to herself, yue can’t help but to hit her forehead (in the same way children do when they’re playing around) teasingly with the back of her fingers in a snapping motion. “you idiot. come on, let’s go.” she says as she situates herself. yue turns around and offers her back as she comes to a crouching position, her hands at her hips. “i’m strong enough to lift you and me both, so don’t worry about it. Okay?” she says immediately, attempting to be reassuring. after all, years of martial arts had made her build take more than she appeared to take. though she always made sure to not eat too much protein as to not build too much muscle, caring about her feminine looks more than others thought she would. 
“Where at the dorms are you staying? i heard some debut kids were changed, so i don’t want to get it wrong.” it goes without saying, but it’s been a while since they met. with ara’s scheduled packed, and yue having her own training to do in the acting path, it was hard for their world to collide from time to time. “what were you doing anyways, practicing until this late hour? what if something worse happened? who would have come then?” she nagged at her, her mind unable to help itself into the worst case scenarios. “i haven’t heard from you in a while and… I guess you were lucky i was looking at my phone.” she mentioned casually, as if she hadn’t waited for her response, someday… soon.
“you’re so mean!” probably words she should not say to her saviour. but she can’t help it. the words left her mouth before she had any self control to stop herself. “calling me an idiot. i already know that! don’t knock me while i am... literally down,” ara loudly sniffs. she can’t tell if it’s for dramatics anymore, or if it’s solely from the pain. all she knows is that there’s this peculiar behaviour around yue where it seems that she somehow turns even more childish... it’s safety. she feels safe with yue. the yue who has come here out of her way because ara had to be clumsy and get hurt. again. her voice turns meek after the older girl’s reassurance and letting her help her. 
“i’m still in dorm c,” ara sighs lowly as she wraps her arms around yue, letting herself be carried. sniffs. again. she will have to keep it in her mind for the growing list of ‘i owe you’s’ to yue. it seems the list gets longer through the years. “i... lost track of time. i.... need to do better.” she’s falling behind the other girls. her skill levels aren’t quite where some of the trainees have it at. “i need to get better. i don’t even know who i’m trying to prove this to. myself? my dad..? the other girls...?’ she sighs again, not expecting the conversation to turn this way. but the probing questions and the situation of being in physical pain have allowed her to be more vulnerable than usual. “thank you for um, being there for me. i’ve been a flaky person lately, haven’t i? and don’t go saying that i’m flaky all the time. i’ll.. i’ll be hurt.” despite yue not being able to see her with their positions right now, it’s likely that she could hear the pout in her voice.
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lgcara · 3 years
hotter (than day)
“yah, are you any good at handling spiciness?” she asks ichika after they’d been relayed the instructions on what to do. or what not to do, aka react to their food. it’s been awhile since she ate those popular korean fire noodles that got really viral on social media. and she’s pretty sure she remembered crying a little bit from those, so this might end up being trouble for her.  if ichika could handle spicy food, then at least only one of them would get doused in the punishment. why is this show so insistent on ruining her image? it’s all in good fun, they say, so she’s going to try not to be a sore loser- but ara has a sinking feeling that she’s going to fail miserably.
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“we can do this, ganbatte!!” ara says with enthusiasm, but she’s also worried about her stomach that is rather empty right now. how many hours has it been since they woke up and had breakfast? too long. they better be giving them milk afterwards to temper the spiciness down - unless they were just exaggerating. the dish is placed in front of them, and she exchanges a glance with ichika. “is that... mapo tofu?”
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lgcara · 3 years
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the concept itself is easy enough. guess what’s in the box. stick your hand in. take a guess. touch around, squeeze it, it could be alive, it might be a stuffed animal. anything goes. but why does she have to be paired up with jieun? is there not enough girls in the unit? she inaudibly sighs, aware she’s on camera as she and jieun wait for their instructions. standing awkwardly beside her, arms behind her back, she doesn’t look at the other girl, their leader, until necessary. fake it until you make it, they said. at least this sounded and felt easier than the other events that the girls had been put through. ( seriously, spicy noodles!? those heathens... ) 
when the host directs them to finally guess what’s inside the box, she looks at jieun, a small smile on her face. not going to go too ham, otherwise people will wonder why she’s acting so peculiar around jieun. she cannot make their behind the scene awkwardness go in front of the cameras otherwise the company may intervene. “should we do this at the same time, or go one at a time, jieun-ah?” 
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lgcara · 3 years
control me.
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so she doesn’t look that thrilled about being on variety. she’s heard about japanese variety shows. she’s probably going to be in for a wild ride. ara looks to her partner for this specific event. it shouldn’t be too bad, right? “a massage? sounds... easy!” then the host continued talking. and the platter of bugs is shown on the side. “wait, what?”
she holds onto soyoun’s arm in horror, avoiding the sight of the bugs. “oh no, i can’t do this. take me out now. what’s the challenge again? we have to not scream? aish, the punishment itself will freak me out and get me screaming without any effort... are you ready for this?” her voice trembles at the end, as she takes a seat down, already biting down at her bottom lip in nervousness when it hasn’t even begun. there is zero percent of her that wants to participate in this and she wants to run away. her image (what image?) is going to be ruined! 
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lgcara · 3 years
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suffice to say, another rodeo of papa john’s pizza, and ara is not tired of it. might she say, she has an even bigger inkling for enjoying pizza now? some may say that is horrifying, but to her, it makes sense. food on the go, and she’s not exactly eating it every single day, but when she does get the opportunity, why not. to be a genuine consumer of the product and also enjoy it, would show through in her photos and commercials for papa john’s. that’s what she tells herself anyway. but nobody can resist gooey cheese, she nods to herself as she sits in front of the camera, mouth full to pose as if she has just eaten a whole mouthful of pizza. it’s a bit different from the “pretending to eat a slice” pose, but she wants to try something different. that and chewing the food itself is actually a bit distracting. the photographer motions for her to try the next move, and she swallows. tasty. “sorry, give me a second,” she says before ducking down to grab a bottle of water to clear everything up. “okay, ready!” and she has some more conventional poses up her sleeve this time around. it’s a nice break from the usual routine, and the fact that she’s with her girls hanbyul, yura and jiae also helps. it’s nice to be with a comfortable group of friends, especially as some of their paths differ from one another within the company. the opportunity to work directly with some of the girls she started training with would not always remain there so she cherishes the time now. goodness, it’s a pizza commercial, she’s getting all sentimental here. is she growing up little by little? maturity per job and task she’s given? there’s rarely time to think, only work and sleep so... the thought itself comes and leaves as fleetingly as the snaps of the photographer’s camera. 
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lgcara · 3 years
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she had much more fun this season, but that’s because season one eased her into her feelings with handling of children in season two. who knew, kim ara being able to tolerate the babies, when she was a baby herself. granted she wasn’t blessed with a newborn this time around but she’d say matthew was pretty darn close. she was thankful that they had such a sweet babe, for he was well tempered and probably brought more entertainment to the pair, being meng and herself, than they brought to the toddler himself. “i had a great time!” she isn’t even lying. “never in a million years did i think i would be able to say that with full confidence, but matthew was the most darling. i didn’t get to meet the other babies, but i’m curious at what the opinions are!” she only hopes that the next season of whatever show she goes on will bring as much joy as it did this time around. “i wish i could be with matthew again. don’t forget me, okay? don’t forget meng and me, please. we loved all our time with you and know you will grow up to be a beautiful, lovely, person. i have an inkling. a woman’s instinct is usually right.” 
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lgcara · 3 years
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2021.01.23 6pm in KST 2021.01.23 4am in EST
▶️ 네이버TV : tv.naver.com/LGCent ▶️ YouTube : youtube.com/channel/LGCENT
#LEGACYGIRLSJAPAN #레거시소녀JAPAN #STORY_OF_ME #GIRLS_GOTTA_LIVE ⓒ 2021 LEGACY Entertainment. All Rights Reserved
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lgcara · 3 years
-✧- talk to me -✧-
danbi’s rather resigned herself into believing that she’ll never be good at japanese—despite the company choosing her to debut in the county of the language’s origin, she’s (for lack of a better word) given up.
that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still attempt to learn, no, not when she has an official korean debut—and her dignity—on the line here. so she sits up, takes notes, pays attention, and tries to cram as much japanese into brain before they’re ultimately shipped off to tokyo for promotions.
danbi’s been trying her best—believe her, she has—but other languages might as well pose as rocket science to her, and when their teacher breaks in lesson for their individual practice time, the redhead can’t help but sigh at ara’s question. “no. i just don’t understand why it’s so hard. i thought knowing korean would make learning japanese, specifically, easier, not more difficult.”
“maybe ichika can answer all the questions for us...” ara taps her pen idly on her notebook, although the fact that the company hired someone to assist was a blessing. not to be stubborn but she doesn’t even know if she would remember the majority of the words and grammar after their stint in japan. or would it continue on? ara would eventually like to also promote in... korea, to be fair, since she wasn’t in the first session for lgc girls.
"at least the sentence structure is the same... i suppose...” the younger girl trails off, “it’s so daunting to promote in japan. will the fans even be able to understand the words that i am sayin in the recordings? oh my goddddd,” she presses her palm to her eyes, rubbing them out of stress, nevermind if the glitter on her eyelids migrates from the moverments. “i am so nervous1″ her voice raises at the end of her sentence unintentionally. “quick, quiz me. see if i know the vocabulary yet.” every few days, they were given another whole list of words to work off of and memorize, likely words they’d come across in their speech during shows or interviews. interviews. in a different language. pray tell there be a translator. 
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lgcara · 3 years
𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒐𝒘: 𝐊𝐈𝐌 𝐀𝐑𝐀
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“one fact you might not know about me? i have a horrible habit of collecting things. mmm, please do not tell me that it is a bad thing to admit. it’s really bad. i think it started from when i was little with cute stationery sets, and stickers. and notebooks. tell me you don’t also have a lot of empty notebooks piled up somewhere in your home!” it’s something that drove her mother crazy when she cleaned up after her back home. it’s not as bad at the dorms for ara due to the fact that it’s a rather small space in contrast to her room back home. where things could just pile up with little to no effort.
“nowadays, i don’t collect stickers... as much. i also had a horrible habit of collecting plushies. here, look,” ara shows off a picture from her phone, displaying an array of pastel random stuffed animals that she’s collected from childhood. “i don’t even do anything with them. i only have one in the dorm with me, so i am not cluttering things all over the place....”
“and shoes! who doesn’t want to have many pairs of shoes? although i think lately i have been getting better. the worst thing nowadays is lipstick. they sell this many for a reason at the shops, right? etude house with their new collections, don quijote with rows full of different brands, stocked to the highest shelf.” ara sighs dreamily, before pulling out her makeup pouch. “here, i have five right now with me, which is very few considering how many i actually own...” because it’s entirely reasonable to need 3 lipsticks, 1 lip balm, and 1 lip tint on her at all times. “see, the reason why you need this many is because of.... gradient looks. sometimes it’s boring to only have one solid block colour all over, although i heard that might be coming back in trend again. it only looks good on certain people. i am not sure i am one of them. and sometimes the lip products make my lips peel, so that’s why i always carry lip balm on me too. can’t have those dry lips especially while i’m performing or doing photoshoots, right? it looks bad, but more importantly, it actually hurts if it cracks and bleeds. so take care of your skin, which includes your lips, ok?” 
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lgcara · 3 years
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“ah.... how do i begin to describe dream team. it’s a very different experience for me. i have never done anything like this before. it...” ara has to blank out at the fact that she was somehow put on the same team as nathan, which wasn’t the worst as it wasn’t as if they were stuck in pairs or a room for hours on end. in fact, she spent most of her run alone or with jongsuk so... it could have definitely been worse. “i found out that i am more competitive than i thought? i initially went in not too worried about winning, but that’s a lie. i was definitely, 100% lying to my self. because who doesn’t want to win?! i do,” declaration hand in hand as she raises her hand up to say, me me me. ah, who knew she was so intense about this. the look in her eyes says enough, filled with fire, desire, and the drive to win! she doesn’t enjoy being second best. “but it’s good. to.... have a change of pace from the regular routine i have. i am very thankful for the opportunity and the chance to have been apart of team yellow.” 
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lgcara · 3 years
-✧- rendezvous -✧-
it was too easy to tease ara and jongsuk had to hold himself back from taking things too far and getting too comfortable that he’d end up flirting again. keeping himself aware of the tiny microphone attached to his jacket did help keep his mind straight and his head in the game. “there’s nothing wrong with being short. not only can you duck and dart away but you can also get easily into narrow spaces and low hiding places that I would have more trouble getting to, to look for flags,” he points out encouragingly.
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treading forward with her, jongsuk entertains the idea for a second but his ambitious spirit has him hum. “I can see the perks but I’d hate the thought of having lost my tag,” he admits while rubbing the back of his neck. “oh? I see something over there…,” he exclaims, pointing ahead to a pole along their path that seems to have something bound around it.
“okay okay, it’s not ‘the plan’ to get my name tag stolen, i understand.” but she wouldn’t be mad about it either. she understands there are some people who can be very competitive in this game, and yes while she has the drive to win for the team, ara isn’t necessarily the one who would get mad about things going awry. it’s a game. there’s only going to be one winning team as it stands. but she’s not going to announce that to audience on full display. “but if it happens, it happens. and i’ll work on whatever i have to do. i guess we should stop talking about potential ‘what if’s. might be a bad omen.” ara pretends to zip her lips shut.
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“wait, oh, oh.... that could be ours!!!” ara announces a little loudly, before looking around hastily after clapping her mouth quiet. why is she like this? she is not good at the whole ‘discretion’ thing. running up ahead, she peers up at the pole, trying to see if there’s a way of unbinding the knots done to anchor the flag in. “hey, it is ours! good catch, jongsuk,” she says as she tries to unknot the flag. whoever did this wanted them to spend a little bit of time on removing it. “hope this isn’t some trap to ambush us while we get this flag out.” 
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lgcara · 3 years
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(201218) RYUJIN ≛ BOSS
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lgcara · 3 years
-✧- made in you -✧-
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“do you think i should give it to the fans like this?” the idea in itself of making or putting together gifts did not seem appealing at all in the start, but now it was growing on her. also it helps that she isn’t alone as she sits here and writes little notes on the mints that she is giving to them. it’s not much, but she thinks mints can be refreshing in the sea of whatever everyone else is giving. besides, they’re from her and - it’s hard for her to figure out what to give people when she doesn’t know them. yes material goods and gift giving are definitely at peak of her love language list, but to people and from people she knew. 
“what are you going to be doing, arin?”  she puts her pen down and peeks over to where arin is, putting her head on the other girl’s shoulder. personal space is something that is completely foregone between the two, as she blinks upwards at arin. 
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lgcara · 3 years
it’s exciting to be in the recording booth, and with a song that she is going to debut with. the unit is rather large but the fact that they’ve been also separated into two other units for subsequent songs is also exciting. but oh goodness, to have lines, and to have an official recording. that is something she didn’t think she would achieve in this amount of time. hopefully her dad would be proud of her. it’s with his blessing and cooperation that she is here after all. the first time she heard the song, it had a fun and funky beat that ara knew she would enjoy and not get sick of after repeated performances. especially with it being the group’s main single, GIRLS GOTTA LIVE, she knew it would be infinite times that the girls would be subjected to this song. and the concept, and choreography- she was glad it wasn’t some magical girl thing (not that - there’s anything wrong with that, ara didn’t know how well she would fit that sort of concept is all.) the pitch is also at something that she is comfortable with, in her mid-tier register. 
she’s warmed up and has practiced her japanese pronunciation the best she could with the japanese instructor, as well as the lines with their vocal coach so she hopes the recording goes to plan. after one of the other girls’ turns, ara is situated in the booth and smiles before giving thumbs up to the producer. her first few attempts don’t seem to be too bad but the producer does indicate that they want a few of the lines in a different way, which is alright as they provide her with the example and she plays the part of a parrot. when she’s done, and given the OK to come out, she can’t believe that it was already time for her to be waiting until their recording of the next song. they’ll have to record for breakthrough again shortly so this gives ara a bit of time in between to work on her next set of lines. the best thing is this is only the start of their schedule, ara knows she has many more weeks of experiences to encounter with lgc girls japan. 
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