lgcmedia · 10 months
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after almost three years, LGC GIRLS JAPAN have released a new single on NOVEMBER 21. the new line-up consisting of past future dreams' contestants CHA SORI, NOH AREUM, PARK JAEKYUNG and YANG AERA, as well as new face PARK TAEHA, will be promoting their single, 'FIRE TRUCK' at various TOWER RECORDS locations over the next three days, before embarking on a TOUR that will open on NOVEMBER 25 in KANAGAWA.
furthermore, LEGACY ENTERTAINMENT has confirmed the comeback of their japanese variety show 'LGC CHARMS JAPAN'. the new season will see boy group AGITO and LGC GIRLS JAPAN battle it out to decide which group shall appear on season 3! the first episode of this season is set to air on DECEMBER 5 at 11:30PM on NIPPON TV.
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lgcsori · 11 months
packing lunches
sori had very much been stuck seeing the same people lately, it was either her fellow classmates from school or the team unknown members who had now turned to lgc girls japan members. she’d seen these girls for forever now, future dreams, team unknown, lgc girls japan, soon a tour. she’d grown close to the girls in lgc girls japan, but she did a little bit wish to see other faces too.
sori was surprised when legacy told them to make lunches, but then again, lgc had also before made them do involuntarily volunteer work and work in places like a coffee truck. legacy had many times shown they were more than just a place for practice and debut. 
the female is in the group of salad and plating, as the short-haired looks around, she spots someone, and she’s quick to choose a spot beside the other. “hi sena” she smiles to the other, sori had been thankful for sena during future dreams, but they hadn’t interacted much since. “congrats on your debut! how is it going?”.
GO! @lgcsena
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lgcjaekyung · 1 year
jaekyung was a bright girl. she loved performing, being in motion. needless to say her spirits were through the roof when they had new choreographies and songs to work on. not hesitating to get down into the nitty gritty and learn those steps as fast as her brain and body could process them, the girl wasn't beyond adding a dash of drama and fun to her practice hours.
aside from the fact that she thrived and got energy from the giggles of her teammates, she also simply enjoyed experimenting herself and her expressions when learning a song to see what she could do and what would just seem way over the top. it truly was never her intention or goal to cause serious mischief or hinder the smooth process of a practice session. so when she heard sori's giggles, she was encouraged to keep up her act for this count of eight, only to jump almost out of her skin when she saw the other trip and fall through the mirror.
"shi- are you okay," she immediately inquires, seeing the other on the ground, still laughing. it made her almost laugh as well but she still held her hand out, wanting to be certain first the other was truly alright.
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lgctaeha · 8 months
「 ❀ 」  ━━ ˗ˏˋ SPLATTER !
Taeha learns that there's no use crying over spilled ink... ( Or is there? ) with @lgcxsarang
"Focus.... Focus..." Taeha chants, a calligraphy brush in hand. "Three fingertips, upright, arm at the proper angle - Light and relaxed!" Despite her parroting of the master calligrapher's instructions, Taeha is far from light or relaxed.
Of the trainee's many strengths, handwriting just was not one of them. Unlike her parents who both seemed to have flawless penmanship fit for many a Christmas card, Taeha just wasn't blessed with such a gift ( and neither was her brother for that matter; she never could quite tell what any of the notes he'd stashed away in her care packages said... ). She's not too sure if she'd have much more luck with calligraphy, but she remains hopeful! Perhaps trying her luck with a paintbrush and a solid technique could help her finally produce something beautiful.
...Or maybe she'd just end up with another blotch on her parchment. She glances over at Sarang, wondering how she was fairing with the task. "Wah! Yours looks so pretty!"
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER SCHEDULE ( PART 2 OUT OF 2 ) RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
early morning on AUGUST 28, KIM HYUNCHEOL is already waiting for the girls in the meeting room as they come in. as soon as they are all seated, he begins talking: "with the family concert coming, everybody here is pretty busy, so i won't take too much of your time today." he pauses to read something on his tablet. "we're pretty satisfied with how things are going with the unit at the moment and have decided to move forward with a SINGLE and LIVE PERFORMANCES"
"in front of you, you'll find a file with various lyrics sheets. the first one is the B-SIDE of your future single. the song is titled BZZ BZZ. naturally, we know that your schedule is tight at the moment, so you'll be given vocal lessons for the song until SEPTEMBER 18 when you'll get to the recording booth. dance lessons for the song will begin on OCTOBER 2."
details of the song and lyrics distribution are available HERE.
"as you know, while korean groups promote on music shows, most japanese groups promote through what they call 'lives'. those lives are usually part of a tour that can be standalone or part of handshake events for their new release. as such, additionally to the single's songs, you'll be performing some of the songs you've been rehearsing for the last couple of months. the following sheets in your file are the lyrics for the songs we've so far selected so far"
GIRLS GOTTA LIVE (lgc girls japan)
LOOK AT ME NOW (NEW) (lgc girls japan)
BREAKTHROUGH (lgc girls japan)
"as you can see, this is a rather short setlist. we want each of you to suggest a song, either from a LEGACY'S FEMALE IDOL GROUP or from a JAPANESE FEMALE IDOL GROUP, that you'd like to perform with the rest of the group. be mindful of the other members with your suggestion. you have until OCTOBER 7 to give your song to your dance coach."
if you want a reference of some of the songs that have been released by legacy's girl groups ( minus blazing ), you can click over HERE as reference. as a reminder, it's not all of the songs at the moment but it's a thorough list.
(due to the concurrent ongoing events, the requirements for this mission are shortened)
BZZ BZZ: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another lgc girls japan member about anything related to vocal lessons, dance lessons and recording of bzz bzz for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lgcgirlsjapan for all of the tasks. you have until OCTOBER 7, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ LGC GIRLS JAPAN 003 - BZZ BZZ: +5 ( skill points distribution ), +6 notoriety  [ LINK ] - SONG SUGGESTION: (make sure to explain in a minimum of 100 words why you are suggesting this song) [ LINK ]
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lgcpoints · 6 months
- CHARMS JAPAN 3: +4 rapping, +4 notoriety  [ ❥ ]
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lgcent · 4 years
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MelOn Genie Bugs iTunes & Apple Music Spotify
▶️ 네이버TV : tv.naver.com/LGCent ▶️ YouTube : youtube.com/channel/LGCENT
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lgcjina · 4 years
what’s in the box?
Jina stares intensely at Yeseo who stands in front of her, fingers touching the top of the box, which wasn’t the task at all. She had tried to stick her inside the box multiple times and failed with a series of low pitched squeals. She wasn’t afraid of any particular animal, but certain textures could be off-putting to her or anyone really. “Is it alive?” 
It didn’t hurt to ask despite knowing that the girl couldn’t give her a verbal clue. Perhaps, she could start blinking or wrinkle her nose. Anything to ease her into finally touching whatever was in the box. She inhales deeply, removing her left hand from the top of the box and inserting it into the hole. “Okay, okay.” 
“No, I can’t touch it!” She mumbles and proceeds to embrace the box. The producers held back their laughter while a bunny sat in the box unaware of the cowardly demeanor of the young girl. “One more try...” She inserted her fingers inside the box, carefully touching the bottom of the box until she came in contact with soft fur. 
“A rabbit?” 
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lgcichika · 4 years
stuck on u
ichika and @lgcmeng vs. pool of flour 
It’s hard not to let out a yelp when her feet sink into the cold paste. It gushes and squishes under Ichika’s feet in a way that makes the skin of her back crawl, and unable to help herself, she looks at the camera with a silent cry that is met with laughter from the staff. She hates it, god she hates it so much but there’s nothing Ichika can do except stare in pain between the camera and Meng, one hand coming up to hold onto the other girl’s elbow as the staff explain the purpose of this challenge, and that they have to keep moving, something that catches Ichika’s attention, eyes growing wide and she looks down the pool and struggles a little to shift her legs. They’re supposed to find a family of small dolls in the paste — each representing one of the fourteen group members — duplicates and other items were placed in the paste to trick them, and silently Ichika curses whoever came up with this idea. 
“Do you understand?” She asks Meng in a soft voice, the distain she feels noticeably  absent as she turns to make sure her partner understood what had been conveyed in Japanese. She knew the other had been studying hard, and yet it was hard to forget that she was not only the leader but the older between the two. He question however is interrupted by a whistle to start and Ichika lets out a little squeak of surprise and jerks in surprise, almost trips. “Ah! Okay. Meng-chan, let’s go!”
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lgcsoyoun · 4 years
All Boxed Up
Wherein Soyoun and @lgcichika squeak at each other while figuring out what’s in that box. 
Soyoun had known that they would do questionable things while in Japan. After all, she did her research so that she could be as funny and endearing as possible to the Japanese audiences. Even though she saw this coming, it still sort of surprises her how different Korean and Japanese variety shows are. Regardless, here she is, sticking her hand in this box with something rather... slimy in it. 
“They couldn’t have put a snake in here, could they?” Soyoun says to Ichika in Japanese. What better way to test her skills than to talk to their leader in Japanese. Besides, it will be easier to communicate with the fans in the long run if she gets used to speaking the language again. It was also strange to be working with several new faces after getting used to the familiar faces she had spent time with all year. She hadn’t exactly had time to reach out to the new girls, and she hopes the weird shit they get into helps bring them closer. 
“It’s so cold and slimy...” She reaches upward, trying to get a clue on what it is. She grasps it firmly, only for it to slip away from her hands. “Oh my god! It moved! Ichika, please tell me that was your hand I accidentally grabbed.”
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lgcjaehwa · 4 years
✨   ft  @lgcsoyoun
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This will be such an easy challenge for Jaehwa. Since young, she had trained her spicy level by stealing her brother’s tteokbokki. Up till now, consuming an entire bowl of fire noodles is a piece of cake. What can be more spicy than that? That day, Jaehwa sits in front of the table with plate in front of her. She glances at the item on it, a single chip followed by a serving of black noodles. Instead of pale yellow, the chip is black with red flakes coated on it. The noodles are black as well instead of the usual deep red she had in Korea. She suddenly feels scared and intimidated by the dish. 
The girl glances at Soyoun, “I’ve never seen this before but why am I feeling nervous?” A nervous chuckle escapes her lips before she holds the chip with her index finger and thumb, examining it. Bringing it closer to her mouth, she shoves half of it into her mouth, the sound of crunching breaks the chip into two. While waiting for the burn to kick in, her eyes move back to Soyoun, curious about the older girl’s reaction. 
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lgcara · 4 years
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the concept itself is easy enough. guess what’s in the box. stick your hand in. take a guess. touch around, squeeze it, it could be alive, it might be a stuffed animal. anything goes. but why does she have to be paired up with jieun? is there not enough girls in the unit? she inaudibly sighs, aware she’s on camera as she and jieun wait for their instructions. standing awkwardly beside her, arms behind her back, she doesn’t look at the other girl, their leader, until necessary. fake it until you make it, they said. at least this sounded and felt easier than the other events that the girls had been put through. ( seriously, spicy noodles!? those heathens... ) 
when the host directs them to finally guess what’s inside the box, she looks at jieun, a small smile on her face. not going to go too ham, otherwise people will wonder why she’s acting so peculiar around jieun. she cannot make their behind the scene awkwardness go in front of the cameras otherwise the company may intervene. “should we do this at the same time, or go one at a time, jieun-ah?” 
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lgcsori · 8 months
let's get wrestling
legacy had once forced sori out in a search for a hobby, and she had considered wrestling, but considering was as far as that went. she tried out lots of things in her search for a hobby: painting, calligraphy, boxing, pottery, but wrestling never got the chance to be a hobby she would never return to (because to be honest, sori finds herself too busy for any hobby). but there’d she’d been, a wrestling match, she sure was lucky that dancing so much made her body strong.
the matches were over, but there was still more to come. female wrestlers (actual wrestlers) coming to teach them wrestling moves. she leans over to taeha, whispering to the other “if we were in a match with any of those real wrestlers, how quick do you think we’d lose?”. sori’s body was toned, but their bodies were far more toned than hers. she shrugs “maybe all this wrestling stuff will become useful some day”.
GO! @lgctaeha
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lgcjaekyung · 11 months
jaekyung was excited for the rest of the set list. there was a lot more rap than she anticipated but she truly didn't mind. being dubbed sailor venus was enough to get the girl happy about whatever.
the duet for her and taeha truly was... the essence of vintage jpop in her opinion though and she was absolutely here for it. having learned that she had a slight preference for badass concepts she still would never scrunch her nose at cute or funny songs and this one truly embodied both to the T.
all the more was it simply hard to just not bust out into wild, mad giggles whenever they so much as had to face each other or met eyes in the mirror. jae was certain after this performance was learned, her abs would be looking crisp from all the laughing workout.
"okay- okay. I need a break. I can't breathe anymore, oh gosh-," she utters in between giggles, clutching her stomach with a whine.
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lgctaeha · 8 months
「 ❀ 」  ━━ ˗ˏˋ OMU-WRONG !
In which Taeha is an idiot sandwich onigiri with @lgcxmimi
"This is how it's done in restaurants, right?!" Taeha looks up at the camera man with an awkward chuckle, clutching a small sauté pan in both hands to give her rice mixture a flip. Of the three dishes the girls were assigned to make, she's not quite sure what possessed her to choose omurice - a dish that required a certain level of skill ( or at least some coordination to keep all the ingredients in the pan and not on the floor ).
After a few more moments of struggling, she manages to plate a small bed of rice, well coated in a mystery sauce - ketchup along with some of the provided spices, tossed together haphazardly before frying everything together. "Step one, done! Step two..." The omelette. Taeha had seen enough clips of proper chefs making omurice to know of the technique, whether or not she could execute it was a different matter entirely... She whips up her egg mixture and takes it over to another clean pan, letting it cook a bit before giving it a stir with her chopsticks. So far so good!
"Maybe we could put a bit of a spin on it? Add some more spices?" Taeha reaches for one of the shakers, hoping just to read its label, paying no attention to the loose lid. And there goes a massive dusting of red powder. "Oops..." She glances over at Emi, her victim taste tester for this challenge, with a weak smile. "Heh... Do you like spicy food?"
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lgcmanager · 8 months
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SCHEDULE TYPE: VARIABLE GIG SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: please check your individual WINTER MISSIONS for details on restrictions. Unless stated otherwise, participants are still expected to take part in their CAREER MISSION
early morning on JANUARY 15, KIM HYUNCHEOL is already waiting for the girls in the meeting room as they come in. when everybody has found a place, the man finally speaks: "good morning. i hope you had time to rest since the last concert of your tour and that this has been a good learning experience for you all. this will be our last meeting for this round of promotions of LGC GIRLS JAPAN. to neatly tie up your activities, you will be filming the third season of LGC CHARMS JAPAN"
with the departure of YANG AERA, the group now only has 4 members. the company has therefore decided that this season will have GUEST TRAINEES (criteria: female trainees with a minimum of 50 japanese points):
@lgcxmimi: episode 3 & 4
@lgcxsarang: episode 1 & 2
@lgcasami: episode 5 & 6
the theme of this season is 'WHEN IN JAPAN'. meaning that throughout various episodes, the girls will be experiencing different areas of japanese culture. episodes 1 to 4 will be filmed in korea, while episode 5 to 8 will be filmed in japan. filming schedules will depend on the participants availabilities. usually 2 episodes are filmed in a day, for a total of 4 days of filming or the entire season.
just like during the previous season, each episode will be 20 minutes long and the comedian duo, NON STYLE, will act as the show's hosts. while the filming date are specified, airing dates are to be announced:
EPISODE 1 & 2 [ guest kang sarang ]: show introduction and guest introduction. participants will be tested on various aspect of the japanese language, from writing abilities testing given to children grade 1 through 6, to completing and guessing idioms. at the end of episode 2, a master calligrapher will demonstrate his craft and teach some to the girls.
EPISODE 3 & 4 [ guest hirawa emi ]: guest introduction. the four members will have to cook three japanese dishes (omurice, hambagu and korroke) WITHOUT a recipe. NON STYLE and EMI will act as commentator and dish taster, in the format of MASTERCHEF, and decide of a winner for each dishes. at the end of episode 4, a master at fish filleting will demonstrate the sanmai oroshi technique and teach the basics to the girls
EPISODE 5 & 6 [ guest takanashi asami ]: guest introduction. the girls are blindfolded and taken to a WRESTLING MATCH. after the match, the girls get to meet FEMALE WRESTLERS who demonstrates and teach them several moves. they are then tasked with creating their own wrestling costumes and personas, and finally, participate in a (choreographed) free for all wrestling match against each other.
EPISODE 7 & 8: for the last two episodes, rather than the usual variety format hosted by NON STYLE, the 4 girls are sent to HAKONE KOWAYAKIEN YUNESSUN to enjoy themselves and try exclusive activities such as   their coffee and wine baths and regional dishes.
CHARMS JAPAN 3: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with another participant about anything happening while the cameras are rolling or behind the scenes on the set. completing this will earn you +4 FREE SKILL POINTS and +4 NOTORIETY TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE ! ** can be done twice by members of lgc girls japan, and only once by guests **
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lgcgirlsjapan for all of the tasks. you have until MARCH 30, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ LGC GIRLS JAPAN 005  - CHARMS JAPAN 3: +4 ( skill points distribution ), +4 notoriety  [ LINK ]
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