lgchanie · 2 days
Hanbin moved quietly at the back of the group. His fingers traced the strings of his lyre, but it was no less comforting in the damp environment.
He raised an eyebrow, half-amused, half-wary. "Worms’ breath? That’s a new one," though his focus sharpened the moment he caught sight of Chaekyung's face going pale. His muscles tensed, instinctively pulling the lyre free. “Only thing I know is they're supposed to not have eyes... You all don't think they can still sense us, right?" he replied, stepping up beside Chaekyung.
The creature writhed closer and closer, its wet, slick body making a sickening squelch against the ground. Hanbin shot her and Kyota a sidelong glance. “You know, we could turn the other way and run for our lives, but it's dealer's choice,” he asked, his voice low but steady, his mind suddenly thinking about how he wouldn't get a chance to sing his song.
With the unanimous agreement (that was a first) on her plans, Kyoka skips ahead and leads the way along the sloping tunnels on the trails of the worm. It's a bit disgusting actually, but at least they haven't run into any worm poop yet. She quickly turns her mind to other thoughts to not jinx it.
The tunnel walls gradually turn reddish in hue as their group continues to travel down the path, following her bouncing orb of qi. "The dirt, it has a lot of iron," she suddenly says to @lgcchaekyung, "and iron rusts easily. So the closer we are to the exit the redder it should be." Metal being her primary affinity, her qi is a lot more sensitive to those changes.
"See? The exit should be right ahea-" she stops. In front of her, the worm, now immobile, blocking the exit. Behind her, another incoming worm. Drat.
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lgchanie · 3 days
“No, I mean, of course,” Hanbin’s laugh escaped before he could stop it. But the laughter quickly faded when Seyoon's hands cupped his cheeks, the unexpected touch making Hanbin’s heart beat really fast. His breath hitched, the warmth from Seyoon’s palms spreading through his face.
Hanbin became even more flustered, “Of course you're very handsome!” Hanbin admitted, his voice softer now, almost shy. “But I only meant… well, never mind.” He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, betraying him. His lips quirked into a playful smile, trying to regain control of the situation. “I’m glad you saved me. How should I repay you?” he added, punctuating the words with a teasing wink.
“I’m looking for a midnight flower,” he said, his tone becoming mock-formal, leaned in slightly. “Pretty rare and poisonous, but I’ve heard it blooms in a clearing bathed in moonlight.” The whole situation was ridiculous but in the best possible way.
And then, the best part. “Aw! He’s so cute! It's nice to meet you, too, Mr. Squirrel.” Hanbin exclaimed, delight spreading in his eyes seeing adorable squirrel. “You’ve been together for fifteen whole years?” He was practically gushing now, his excitement bubbling over, his focus now entirely on the furry companion. “That’s amazing! Quite a lot of history, huh?”
In that moment, Hanbin made up his mind—he absolutely had to befriend Mr.Squirrel. And, Seyoon too, of course.
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Whoa, running. Seyoon was surprised he didn't trip, considering how much his mind was swimming. Around him, all of the colors were beginning to blend together into one magnificent canvas of splendidness. It was quite a sight and made him laugh.
"I don't look good?" He echoed, lips pursed in disappointment. "Are you sure? My mother's always told me I am very handsome and will make an excellent cultivation partner for somebody one day." Then again, she gave birth to him and was thus potentially biased. Perhaps he ought to not take her word for it.
"Nice to meet you, Hanbin." Seyoon grinned, reaching over and cupping the other's plump cheeks. "You are too sweet looking for such a stiff bow. Loosen up, loosen up, let's be friends!" Such a fine texture. Petting Hanbin's face was like kneading rice flour dough for New Year's cakes. "What are you looking for? I can help you. My grandfather is an alchemist and he taught me a lot about plants. I just...need to take care of this first." He pointed at himself.
Now, to find the herb that would counter the one he had wrongfully consumed earlier...From what Seyoon could recall from the books, it should have a red flower on top and bear a light bitter taste. He looked down, searching around his proximity, only to be interrupted by a tiny critter's chattering.
"Oh, thank you." He gave the squirrel a light pat on the head as it crawled onto his shoulder with a sprig of red-flowered herbs between its teeth. "Hanbin, this is my companion, Mr. Squirrel." Seyoon took the herbs it offered and shoved them into his mouth with no hesitation because he completely trusted the judgment of this creature. Far more than he trusted himself, at any rate. "He's been traveling with me for the past fifteen years."
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lgchanie · 13 days
The sight of Sojin strikes Hanbin with a sharp pang that borders on fear. Not the kind born out of danger, but the kind that comes when you're terrified of losing someone. Here Sojin stands, and Hanbin's world grinds to a halt. His face—calm, serene, like still waters. For a moment, Hanbin takes a step toward him, then hesitates, feeling the heat rise in his pink cheeks. What can he possibly say?
The question lingers in the air between them: is he certain about his plans, about them being together? Hanbin finally lifts his gaze, his eyes wide, almost pleading like a fawn’s. "I was beginning to worry you wouldn’t meet me at our rendezvous point," he admits softly.
And it’s true. He had been worried, his chest tight. Not for himself—he was ready for the consequences, whatever that might be. But Sojin, Sojin still seems to carry his family’s legacy to Hanbin. He thinks the royal crest on his chest is his badge of honor...
"…Of course, I'm certain of us," he whispers back at last. "But I need your trust to carry this out." His steps are tentative at first, a cautious approach as if Sojin might vanish like a wisp of smoke. He moves closer, until he stands before Sojin, still as a statue.
Once within reach, Hanbin slowly wraps one arm around Sojin's waist, trailing upward to the curve of his back. The other hand rises to cup Sojin’s face. He always does this; it's a habit, a small ritual he holds dear—taking Sojin’s face in his hands, a way to look directly into his eyes.
His thumb brushes gently over the burn mark etched into Sojin’s skin, a scar others may look in fear or ill-will, but Hanbin has grown to love. "I need you," Hanbin breathes, his voice trembling.
🥷🏼 —
Sojin strides through the shadows, his heart a battlefield of duty and desire. The weight of his family's expectations presses down on him, like armor that no longer fits. His steps are silent, deliberate, and his body moves with the fluid grace of a trained warrior. He wears the traditional attire of his lineage: a dark, form-fitting tunic with gold accents, and a royal crest pinned to his chest—the same one he wishes he could tear off.
He spots Hanbin by the gates, and his breath catches. There he stands, resplendent, even in the stillness of night. The long kimono, the way it drapes over him, the flicker of moonlight on his bare skin—it stirs something in Sojin that no battlefield ever could.
For a moment, Sojin hesitates. He feels the familiar pull of his father's expectations. The arranged marriage, the life set before him. And yet, the sight of Hanbin, waiting, vulnerable yet strong, draws him in like a moth to flame. The risk, the consequences—they all seem to fade when faced with this man.
Sojin walks closer, his face a mask of calm, though inside he is anything but. He catches sight of the vial in Hanbin’s hand, and his heart skips a beat. The plan. He knows Hanbin would do anything for their love, even if it meant defying fate itself.
"Hanbin," he whispers, his voice barely audible. "Are you certain of this? Of us?" His gaze drops to the lyre, the unspoken words trapped between them. Sojin's fingers twitch with the urge to reach out, to pull Hanbin close and feel the warmth of his body, but he remains still, waiting, as always—on the edge of duty and the brink of love.
The silence between them is a song, unheard but understood. The next move is everything.
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lgchanie · 19 days
Hanbin blinked rapidly, reeling from the sudden tackle. Something about being saved made him blush and stay all wide-eyed. "Music? What do you mean?" So, he hadn’t been alone after all. Except he could’ve done without the evil vines. The stranger spun him around but Hanbin's eyes flicked to the creeping vines, noting their slow but relentless approach.
"It’s a pleasure to meet you, Seyoon," Hanbin said, voice steady despite how wild the last few seconds were. His brows raised slightly as Seyoon casually launched a fireball, the flames forcing the vines to curl back. "Yes, from Enchanted Waves." Something about this cultivator seemed off. Was he drunk?
"Running might be a good idea," Hanbin agreed, a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips as he caught sight of Seyoon's own. His smile was disarmingly charming—handsome, even—and in any other situation... "But we better be quick about it, or they'll come for us even harder.
Let’s go!" Hanbin shouted, grabbing Seyoon's hand and pulling on him. He darted towards the end of the clearing, weaving around thorny undergrowth and narrowly avoiding snapping vines that whipped out like snakes. They needed to find cover, and fast. Once they're relatively far away and safe, he took a better look at Seyoon. "That was a close call... Are you okay? You don't look too good... Sorry, you got caught under my voice back there. I was trying to be safe, you know?"
Hanbin hadn’t noticed he was still holding Seyoon’s hand until the heat lingered a moment too long. He quickly released his grip and took a small step back, clearing his throat. "My name is Min Hanbin. I'm a performer," he said, offering his signature curt bow.
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The poisoned garden didn't look all that dangerous. Some of the flowers were beautiful and the herbs growing at the entrance had a delightful sweet scent.
Seyoon had grown bold from his volcano cave adventure and decided to brave the poison garden solo. If he could face a bunch of massive ill-tempered worms and walk out relatively unscathed, then surely he could handle some plants.
He plucked a sprig of green-purpleish something and gave it a sniff. It certainly looked like the type that grew in his grandfather's yard and smelled like it. Eh, he shall take his chances. What was the worst thing that could happen, right? So Seyoon happily chomped away and was pleased when he felt strength return to his exhausted limbs.
"Now, where is that mushroom..." Seyoon may or may not have yoinked a special mushroom that his grandfather had been carefully growing for the past 45 years. That mushroom may or may not have been made into a stew and fed to a random guy that he'd only met approximately two weeks ago. Yeah. While grandfather did not fault him as he was trying to save a life, Seyoon still felt guilty and wanted to make it up to the old man.
He heard singing. What a voice! Seyoon dug out a few more herbs and placed those in his basket before walking over to investigate the source of the song. He felt a bit funny as he walked, sort of warm and joyful. Maybe that herb he consumed earlier wasn't quite the same as the one that grew in his grandfather's yard after all. At least it didn't make him feel sick, just light and kind of want to dance.
So dance he did, until the song he was cheerfully swaying to came to an abrupt stop. "Bad vines," Seyoon mumbled, leaping over to tackle the singer away from the attack. "Don't stop the music." He spun his fellow cultivator around, making the other join him in this intoxicated dance. "Hello friend! Enchanted waves, I am guessing?" He greeted, shooting off a ball of flame at the vines before a second round of attacks could be launched against them. "I am Seyoon. From Fiery Fist." He flashed a brilliant smile. "Do you think we should, like, try to...run?" Or maybe they could finish this dance first. Seyoon wasn't sure. Thanks to the herb he ate, his mind wasn't quite working at full capacity.
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lgchanie · 22 days
Hanbin offered little protest to Kyoka's idea; his mind was elsewhere. His gaze was fixed on the worm ahead, and a fragment of a poem about worms drifted into his thoughts. A smile tugged at his lips as he felt the urge to be the trio's bard, ready to serenade them with soft hums and half-remembered sing-song scripts.
He glanced at Kyoka, at Chaekyung, then back at the giant worm tail, and quipped with a playful grin, "I fully trust your ball of qi. It's rather cute, too." He joined the two at a later time, too, and his boyish manners didn't let him refuse.
౨ৎ wormageddon with @lgcchaekyung and @lgchanie
It's weird, but Kyoka swears there's something achingly familiar about these tunnels. Honestly, they aren't even that bad. She's always liked damp environments and dark rooms anyways, so it's all very cozy to her, much to the incredulity of the two strangers who have now been upgraded to the status of companions. It's not until she spots the tail of one of those giant worms that it clicks. Under her breath she says, reverently and wonderingly, "I was a worm in my past life."
She tentatively call for a small ball of qi, letting it hover in the air and feeling a tug towards one of the tunnels, pushes a stream of it in that direction as she trails further and further behind. "I know the way out," Kyoka pipes, trying to make her voice heard over the other two. "It's that way."
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lgchanie · 24 days
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 —
written for 𝐛𝐚𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐧 ( @lgcsoji ) ♡
He waits...
Hanbin waits by the garden gates, heart pounding. The weight of his risky plan pressing down on him. Hanbin knows the odds are very slim, yet he clings to this fleeting hope—a chance to bridge worlds with love.
Sojin, son of the powerful general, has been promised to another in an arranged marriage. Harboring a secret love is getting harder and harder for Hanbin to stomach. Their love is so forbidden, and the consequences of discovery would be so dire, he’s desperate for a way out. Hanbin is determined to find a way for them to be together.
No matter, he stands tall. His posture resolute. He wore his usual attire of a long, light blue kimono that cascades over his shoulders like the gentle waves of his home sea. The garment is adorned with the small emblem of a three-headed dragon on the back, a symbol of his family's honor. A pair of grey pants peeks out from beneath the kimono, and a red sash wraps firmly around his waist, holding the ensemble together. The kimono hangs loosely on his shoulder and if he moves too much, the fabric parts to reveal his bare chest.
In one hand, he clutches his lyre, its strings cool against his palm. And the other he holds the vial containing a love potion. His fingers twitch, eager to move or play a melody that might express the words his lips cannot—words of love, of longing, of fear.
He listens intently, every sense heightened, every muscle tensed. The night is quiet, too quiet, and Hanbin knows that this silence could be the prelude to either their grand escape or their doom…
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lgchanie · 27 days
✉️ so excited to write this au! currently, he'll be traveling with @lgckyoka & @lgcchaekyung through worm cave, serving as a bard of sorts, but i'm sure there'll be plenty of detours along this adventure. like ♡ this post if you'd like to plot or reply below with your favorite mortal combat character for a random starter!
the crown noble of the min clan, han-bin, is one of three children born to the leader's first wife. his affinity to the ocean is the weakest among his siblings, starkly contrasting their strong capabilities. he bears the physical and emotional marks of his struggles—bruises from sparring with his elder brother, the golden child of the clan. even his younger sister, the princess, outshines him by becoming the youngest assassin of her era. he is meek, loving, but spoiled.
during a visit to a mingling event between courts, he encounters a traveling band of wild performers, and their world captivates him. curious like a cat, he decides to audition next midday. it's then his latent affinity wakes up—the art of illusion through his voice. this siren song, he calls, is a gift passed by the first who held it themselves. embracing this newfound path and ability, he hones his skills, mastering stunts and dances that enhance the mesmerizing allure of his performances.
and so, hanbin embarks on a journey across the sects, encountering diverse people and exploring entirely different worlds beyond the enchanted seas he knows as home. his voice became one of the many centerpieces of grand spectacles, allowing him to thrive under the glow of attention. he grows touch vain, a bit arrogant, treating other nobles and guards as mere playthings should they want even a slice of his world.
hanbin is cunningly resourceful, known for his affinity to work with informants to quickly gather intel—for a price, of course. at royal events, he appears as a bubbly, unassuming figure who easily blends into the background. many might see him as a useful tool, but hanbin doesn't view his actions as mere transactions. He knows exactly what he's worth and the power he holds by the click of his tongue.
he's venturing into the divine realm for purely selfish reasons, lured by tales of riches he's heard on his travels. beyond wealth, he's also eager to establish new connections that could benefit him if he manages to return to the enchanted waves sect in one piece. despite his ambitions, he's no fighter—he can barely conjure a water bubble to save his life.
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lgchanie · 1 month
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒍 —
written for 𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧 ( @seyoonlgc ) ♡
Oh, what lengths fair Hanbin would go to for love. Skip through dangerous gardens, dodging thorny vines that clawed at his skin, just to pluck a single venomous rose that blooms precisely at dawn for a love potion? It seemed he was about to find out.
This entire expedition had been his sister's making, of course; Hanbin would have much preferred to remain within the comforting confines of the enchanted sect, performing for the royal halls.
But here he was, stepping into the heart of a deadly garden that hissed at him; malevolent life was surely present. Hanbin had prepared as best he could—rubbing anti-poison potions into his skin until it tingled and swallowing serums to combat the toxic air that clung to every leaf and petal. The effects would wear off soon, so he had to move quickly. Yet, despite the sense of urgency, Hanbin found himself distracted, lost in thought, a soft tune slipping from his lips. The melody danced in the air, only to be echoed back by the wind in a haunting reply.
He froze, every sense on high alert as he strained to listen. The trees rustled ominously, and he could only pray it was a mere animal scurrying away into the undergrowth. But something felt wrong, an eerie tension thrumming through the garden and his heart.
"Hm..." Hanbin murmured, his mind racing. He could feel eyes on him, an invisible presence lurking just out of his sight. He pondered his options quickly. With a deep breath, he decided to simply sing, letting his voice weave through the air like a spider spinning a delicate web. His voice was no ordinary voice—it was a lure, an enchanting trap, an illusion of its own. Each note vibrated with magic, carrying further into the garden, meant to enthrall and confuse whoever—or whatever—was following him.
He wasn't a fighter; his strength lay in his wits and his voice. If the enchantment worked, it might buy him the precious seconds he needed to make his escape. But the air grew heavier with each passing moment, and Hanbin knew he was playing a dangerous game, balancing on the razor's edge between safety and disaster. "She's my star, she's my night, she's my dream, she's my eyes..."
He continued his singing, looking from side to side, until thick vibes sprouted from the ground and hurtled at him!
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lgchanie · 1 month
The instant Sojin's idea crossed his mind, Hanbin's fingers itched to scroll through forums and hunt for any buzz about a new, hot restaurant in the area. He was aiming for something with a five-star rating, maybe even an in-house Michelin chef—exactly the kind of place that would light up Sojin’s eyes. A classic guy like him needed a classy time-out, after all.
"A little celebration, you say?" Hanbin cooed, leaning in closer, a playful glint dancing in his eyes. "I'm definitely down. Your dives never disappoint. Plus, this gives me all the more reason to unpack and get your place together quicker."
Even before he spoke, Hanbin could feel his energy fueling his already buzzing enthusiasm. "Give me an hour and a half, maybe less, and half of these boxes will be gone."
So, yes, Hanbin was in his element; he loved cleaning, and order. Driven by some need to get everything just right. The anticipation of the evening ahead picked up his pace, too.
And with each item unpacked, he got to admire the layout of Sojin’s suite more—high ceilings, eclectic countertops, and a sleek, smooth stairway. The space was breathtaking, making Hanbin feel both small and oddly at home. The way everything seemed to flow effortlessly from one room to the next—it all captivated him. He could already picture it, fully furnished and glowing with warmth, ready for a cozy night in with his boyfriend...
His thoughts raced ahead of him, painting vivid images of what could be. Was he getting ahead of himself? Probably, romanticizing things a tiny bit. But could anyone blame him?
The idea of being with someone like Sojin—an actor from an affluent family—was a dream that sounded almost too good to be true. It echoed in his mind, a sweet, tantalizing thought that he couldn’t help but indulge in now.
Hanbin shook his head, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he refocused on the task at hand. There was still work to be done. And though his thoughts kept drifting back, by hour two, he was coming around the corner to meet Sojin with a Cheshire smile. "Kitchen is done, I broke apart the empty boxes and put them in the recycling," Hanbin said, wiping his hands on a dish towel?. "What's next? Or are should I start getting ready for our night out?"
🐻 —
Sojin grinned at Hanbin's playful request. "Shirtless, huh? Only if you promise to throw in some applause," he teased, giving Hanbin a wink. As he continued to place the books on the shelf, he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at Hanbin's genuine interest in his family's history. It was one of the many things that made Hanbin so special—his knack for making even the simplest stories feel significant.
When Hanbin touched his arm and agreed with his sentiment, Sojin felt goosebumps along his skin. The simple gesture, the quiet acknowledgment, and the way Hanbin made every moment feel like a treasure were what he adored most.
"You know, Bunny, you're the best part of this whole unpacking ordeal," he said, his tone light and affectionate. "I mean, who else would make cardboard boxes and bubble wrap seem almost fun?"
Sojin watched Hanbin turn back to the dishes, admiring his focused expression. It was in these everyday moments, filled with shared tasks and easy conversation, that their bond felt strongest. He valued how they could turn even the most mundane activities into something special just by being together.
Picking up another book, Sojin shot Hanbin a playful glance. "Once we're done here, how about we reward ourselves with a little celebration? There's a new restaurant downtown I've been eyeing. We could check it out and see if their food lives up to the hype. What do you think?"
Feeling a rush of affection for the life they were creating, Sojin knew that with Hanbin by his side, every day was an adventure waiting to happen.
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lgchanie · 1 month
"Jeongnyeon," he repeats, mentally noting the name to remember later. He quickly hops out of his chair and makes his way over to where Kyota is, his curiosity piqued. He listens intently, eyes wide and focused like a cat.
"What's it about? The old-fashioned types are the best! I mean, the classics just feel more authentic." His enthusiasm is genuine. When it comes to comics he sticks to easy BL storylines, the kind where he can predict the ending after just a few pages.
But he's never opposed of other genres and topics as long as it's a good a read. He trusts Kyota there; something about her screamed 'theatre' to him and he likes that.
"Maybe it's time to branch out." He flashes a wide smile. "Either way, I'll have to give it a read once you're finished. I fear my regular dives are becoming too predictable, and there's something so cool about traditional genres."
Look, she's not exactly a whatstheword, a voracious reader. An enthusiast of comics, yes, but the type that's fast and easy to read. Kyoka reads to escape reality and have fun, not to have headaches from overthinking. She knows what she likes, and she sticks it: fashion, magical girl, theater.
With theater being all she grew up with, it's no surprise that she finds the theater setting in Jeongnyeon so familiar. The time period, it almost reminds her of her grandma's stories about her own girlhood, minus the traveling of course.
Her eye are already well glued onto the third volume by the time Hanbin comes around. Kyoka peeks over the pages and beckons him over. She points at the book now in her lap, grinning.
"Jeongnyeon. It's a bit old-fashioned," at that she crinkles her nose, "but... somehow it reminds me of home. I'm learning a lot about changgeuk through it. It's... cool, learning about Korean culture from the past this way."
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lgchanie · 1 month
Hanbin’s eyes lit up like lanterns looking at Sojin, and he seemed soaked it all in, that much Hanbin knew. Even while driving, Sojin was cool and steady, like a calm river, while Hanbin’s mind flitted about like a butterfly. “Very curious. But I like surprises,” Hanbin murmured at the end, his tone soft, like he's giving away a secret. The car seemed to glide effortlessly down the road, as if he was floating. He didn't have to check, he trusted Sojin.
Sojin was always the more expressive of the two, his golden retriever with a heart too big to keep secrets. Hanbin could practically see the excitement bubbling on Sojin’s face, dying to reveal the rendezvous name. It was contagious, lighting a spark in Hanbin’s chest as he wracked his brain for clues.
“Have we been there before? Wait, that was my last hint, wasn’t it?” Hanbin chuckled, leaning back against the car seat. That nervousness melted away sharing in Sojin’s laughter. “Well, I’ll find out soon enough.”
"Anywhere with you is worth the wait. Thanks for taking the time to see me." Their romance had to be low-key in public, so they usually kept things indoors. That made it even more thrilling whenever they decided to explore the city together. Things were becoming serious for the two, and there was no room for carelessness.
🐻 —
Sojin's smirk widened, a glint dancing in his eyes. He leaned closer, "Always know just what to say? Well, someone has to keep you on your toes," he teased, his voice laced playfully.
He finished the monologue with a quick flourish, the intensity of trying his best heightened by Hanbin's presence. Turning to face him, Sojin's expression softened slightly, but the teasing sparkle remained. "You know, with you around, I might actually become a renowned actor," he quipped, winking.
Hanbin continued getting ready, and Sojin's gaze roamed appreciatively over his outfit. "Looking sharp, as always," he commented. "But I guess I can give you a little hint about our destination."
Sojin leaned in, "It's somewhere special, just for us. A place where we can let loose and enjoy each other's company without any interruptions." He pulled back, his eyes gleaming. "But that's all you're getting for now. You'll see when we get there."
With a quick movement, Sojin grabbed his Nike cap and slipped it on, casting a final playful glance at Hanbin. "Come on, let's get out of here. And don't over-obsess about the shoes—you always look perfect to me," he said with a wink, tugging Hanbin's hand so they can leave the loft.
in the car —
Sojin steered his coupe through the evening traffic, his hand casually shifting between the clutch and Hanbin's knee. "Still curious about where we're headed?" he asked, his tone teasing as he switched gears. He glanced over at Hanbin, enjoying the anticipation in his eyes.
"Patience," Sojin said with a smirk, his fingers drumming lightly on the steering wheel. "All good things come to those who wait." He turned up the radio, a soft tune filling the car as they continued their journey.
After a few moments, Sojin glanced at Hanbin again, his eyes twinkling with mischief, clearly wanting to overshare. "Okay, one more hint," he said, leaning closer at a traffic stop. "It's a place where we can have some fun and make some memories."
He pulled back, laughing softly at the look of curiosity and excitement on Hanbin's face. "But that's really all you're getting. Trust me, it'll be worth the wait."
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lgchanie · 2 months
𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 —
written for 𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐚 ( @lgckyoka) ♡
Flipping through manhwas he picked up, Hanbin scowls, his eyes scanning the pages but not really absorbing the story. He sighs, tossing the book aside onto a growing stack of rejects. Time is so scarce these days, he can't afford to waste it on anything less than captivating.
"Are you having any luck?" Hanbin's voice breaks through the silence. He looks up from where he's slumped in the plush armchair, surrounded by bookshelves towering over them.
Kyoka's presence is a rare comfort. He hasn't seen her much lately, and the guilt gnawed at him. Browsing through books together feels like a small but meaningful way to make amends.
"It's not often I have someone to come with me," he admits, a smile tugging at his lips. Pushing himself up, he strolls over to her side, determined to make the most of this time. "Any recommendations? I could use some help finding something worthwhile."
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lgchanie · 2 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
it's hot today
#lgctrainees #lgcent #minhanbin
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lgchanie · 2 months
Watching Sojin and that playful spark in his eyes, Hanbin felt a swell of pride that warmed him from the inside out. He admired the way Sojin committed himself to everything he did, and to see how far he's come from the trainee he met.
"You’ve been practicing in secret, huh? I should have known. You're always picking something new up to explore," Hanbin said, his smile widening, admiring him. "Classic literature looks good on you."
And Hanbin also noticed the subtle change in Sojin's demeanor, his posture straightening, the playfulness now tempered with a steely resolve. When Sojin paused and glanced back at him with that teasing grin, he wanted to match his energy, always. It's why as of late, just looking at Sojin made him think of his own path and strides to "making it".
"Having me here, huh? Well, I'll try not to let the pressure get to me," he stepped closer, feeling warmer closer to him. "But seriously, Sojin, you don’t need a secret weapon. You’ve got everything you need right here." He tapped lightly on Sojin's chest, right over his heart, feeling the steady beat beneath his fingers.
Hanbin took a moment to consider Sojin's question, going back to busying himself by checking what to wear for the night. "When I look at you now, I see someone who's ready to take on the world," he said softly, turning to look at him, voice matching Sojin's low, intimate tone. "You've got the passion, the drive, and the talent. You're more than ready for this, Sojin. You've always had it in you."
Sojin resumed and the room was once again filled with the power of his voice. Hanbin's heart raced, and he could feel the hairs on his arms stand on end, but he had to get ready! And what was he going to wear?
"You’re incredible, Sojin," Hanbin whispered when Sojin finished, now ready to go in his tight-fitting polo slash denim jeans combo. He reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Sojin's shoulder. "Just remember, you've got me in your corner, always." His words were a promise, a silent vow to stand by his side.
Hanbin stood on his tippy toes to seal it with a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. "Are you finally going to tell me where we're headed? I'm undecided on what shoes to wear without a destination in mind..." He batted his eyes up at Sojin, dimples on full display, hoping it would earn him an answer.
🐻 —
Sojin smirked softly, a hint of mischief traveling up to his eyes, listening to Hanbin. He still appreciated how Hanbin could see right through him, cutting through the layers of his guarded exterior. "Thanks. Coming from you, that really hits home. I'm impressed you know it's Shakespeare monologue."
He placed a hand over Hanbin's, feeling the familiar warmth seep into his skin. "Let's just say it's something I've set my sights on. I've been sneaking in practice whenever I can," he said, a sly smile tugging at his lips.
Sojin turned back to the mirror, his gaze sharpening as he took in his reflection. This time, there was a playful glint in his eyes, a silent promise of the surprises he still held in store. He took a deep breath, ready to dive back into the monologue, but then paused, looking at Hanbin with a teasing grin.
"You know," he said, his voice low and intimate, "having you here… it makes all the difference. I feel like I can really push myself, maybe even show off a little. You're my secret weapon, Hanbin."
He smiled, a mix of determination and flirtation lighting up his face. "Alright, I've got a question for you," he continued, his tone becoming more serious. "What do you see when you look at me now? Do you think I'm ready for this?"
Sojin began the monologue again with even more intensity and passion. The words flowed effortlessly, each line resonating with the depth of emotion cultivated in Shakespeare's excerpt.
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lgchanie · 2 months
"I can't wait for that concert," he replied, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "I mean, a private concert just for me? Sounds like the perfect reward. Could you be shirtless for this event, too?"
He moved closer to Sojin, watching him place the books on the shelf with such care. Hanbin marveled at the attention Sojin gave to each leather-bound novel, his movements so gentle despite his big teddy frame. "Your family fascinates me, that's all," Hanbin said, his voice full of genuine interest. "And of course I agree, the stories we're making together are the most intriguing of all."
He paused, reaching out to touch Sojin's arm lightly, taking in his affectionate glance and feeling a those warm bubbles in his chest. He lingered on Sojin's words about Hanbin's company making his home special and gave him a simple, "Hm. You're right, Sojin," since he reached cloud nine in that moment.
Hanbin leaned into Sojin's touch as he brushed the hair from his face, closing his eyes briefly to savor the moment. "I'll let you know when I'm hungry," he said softly, savoring the kiss before Sojin returned to his task. Hanbin's fingers lingered on Sojin's for a moment, reluctant to let go.
He turned back to the dishes, but his thoughts remained on Sojin. Hanbin couldn't help but feel a deep gratitude for the life they were building together. He unwrapped another dish, taking glances over at Sojin. Hanbin felt a rush of affection and knew that, with Sojin by his side, every moment would be a special one.
🐻 — Sojin watched Hanbin with a soft smile, "Oh, you'll definitely hear me play someday," he promised, not helping his eyes from brightening up, with a hint of mystery, of course. "Perhaps once we get this place all set up, I'll give you a private concert. Consider it a reward for all your hard work."
Turning his attention to the box in front of him, labeled 'Books,' Sojin chuckled at Hanbin's words. "You're right about the history part. My family does have quite a collection of stories, some more… captivating than others." He pulled out a few old, leather-bound novels, placing them carefully on a nearby shelf. "But I think the most intriguing stories will be the ones I'm making so far; we're making. What do you think?"
Sojin glanced over at Hanbin, who was diligently unwrapping the dishes and felt a surge of affection. Hanbin made him appreciate their relationship even more, day by day, and he could never get tired of his company. He was getting more opportunities, and more responsibilities from Legacy, and he needed a sunny-eyed smile to come home to.
"Ya' know, Bunny," he said, pausing in his task to look closely at Hanbin. "I never thought unpacking could have its own kind of magic. Maybe it's not about the place but the company that makes it special."
He walked over to Hanbin, his touch gentle as he brushed a stray strand of hair from his face. "Let me know when you're getting hungry, okay? We could take a break and grab something to eat." He pressed his lips to Hanbin's before returning to his box, a content smirk playing on his lips.
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lgchanie · 2 months
Hanbin has to hold back a groan, feeling absolutely defeated from juggling both lives, but he knows he has to. Completing his education is the bargain he made with his parents years ago; not a bargain, 'his obligation,' his dad would say.
"It's an uphill journey, but I want to do my best in my studies and as a hopeful idol-to-be." he lets out a small chuckle, though there's a crack in his usual sunny smile.
At least that's the truth. He's doing the best he can for his family. He's part of the second generation, new money, and how their family name will be known depends on Hanbin and his siblings. His brother is well-off, the golden boy, practicing medicine, while Hanbin is pretty sure his younger sister will become a steadfast lawyer or a jet-setting socialite. It's hard to tell. Yet, Hanbin somehow still feels it's all up to him—like it's all or nothing.
"Look, I'm the same. I can spark up a conversation with just about anyone." Hanbin looks towards the street ahead at Gyuri, and sure enough, he can see the Legacy Building coming into view. "I swear we've just started talking!"
He quickens his pace slightly, matching Gyuri’s stride, and glances over at her, hoping his attempt at humor hides the weight of his thoughts. The breeze carries a sense of urgency as they approach their destination, but Hanbin finds comfort in Gyuri’s presence, even if just for a fleeting moment.
"that's really sweet of you to say— thank you," gyuri muses, gaze softening a bit as she continues to walk, eyes set on the path before them. there was something sincere about the words hanbin spoke, his tone seemingly honest in a way gyuri might've otherwise felt suspicion towards had she been in the newfound company of anyone else. it's strange how at ease she feels after a mere handful of minutes. "i'll be rooting for you, too. i know it can't be the easiest trying to balance the trainee life while also being in school."
having forgone taking a more traditional education route once she'd finished high school, choosing to pour her efforts solely into her career for the time being, gyuri wonders if there'll ever be a time when she'll want to enroll. maybe one day, when she can afford to take more of a backseat from the entertainment world.
"i'm not one to keep to myself, if i'm being honest. you could probably already tell, but i enjoy making conversation with others if the chance arises." her smile simmers into something calm. "time seems to fly when you're in good company— i mean, we're already pretty close to the legacy building now, right?"
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lgchanie · 2 months
Hanbin laughed, shaking his head, his eyes sparkling, remembering fond times back home. "Sneaky and scared, huh? Maybe a little, but it was all in good fun," he said, giving her a playful nudge with his elbow. "The thrill of it made everything more exciting for the two of us. We were like a pair of Siamese cats, our mom used to say, always in sync and full of energy."
Hanbin listened attentively, the topic of fashion being a personal favorite of his, and it was interesting to know more about Maylin' her 'personal brand' as Hanbin liked to say. He nodded thoughtfully, raising his eyebrows in appreciation. "I understand what you mean. It’s a lot like dancing," he said, "You get to add your own flair on top of the basics. Personally, though, your personal brand always stands out, Maylin. Best dressed and unforgettable."
His features were framed by a giddy smile glancing over once more at the venue's entrance. Then his eyes lit up as Maylin hooked her arm through his.
"Of course I'm ready!" Hanbin exclaimed, his enthusiasm never ending. "Let’s make tonight unforgettable, too!" He tugged her arm lightly. "Again, don't leave me if you see a cute guy." He teased.
The band playing tonight was the Jan Bonet Trio from overseas, and their indie rock melodies filtered the air after Hanbin opened the door to the concert hall. The rhythm grabbed hold of him instantly. The energy inside was infectious; concert-goers were dancing and waving their hands in the air, hardly anyone was sitting down or up against a wall.
Without hesitation, Hanbin took Maylin's hand, threading through the throng of people easily. They weaved past swaying bodies and dodged enthusiastic dancers, and Hanbin's excitement grew with every step. He led the way with a determined grin, and his grip on Maylin's hand was firm but, reassuring of course.
The music grew louder, each note more intoxicating than the last. He wanted to find the perfect spot near the front where they could see the band but not too close either. Hanbin finally let go once he did and simply joined the crowd, swaying, his face beaming up with a smile. He loved to dance for the company, but he also loved to vibe and just... be with music.
hanbin never struck the brunette as one to be sneaky, if anything, she had always assumed that her friend was too good - not wanting to break any rules. this is why maylin felt drawn to him in a way, while she wasn't this big of a bad influence, she did like that he was willing to try things once with her. there was a good enough balance of safety and fun, that kept this dancer entertained in their friendship. "so you guys were sneaky and scared? such a bad combination." she teased, fixing the last few strands of hair and turning away from the mirror fully with a hand on her hip.
"i appreciate the compliment. themes are important in most areas, and I like following those rules while adding my twist. that's the best way to handle fashion, at least my fashion." she shrugged, not knowing too much about that world but she did know what worked for her. "I'm used to bringing you to places, this is a nice change of pace for us." there was some excitement that burst through her body language as she looked around the room and eagerly at those who passed them.
a light chuckle was given, hooking her arm with her friend. "i don’t know if you want me to set this place on fire, but I am ready to show off a little bit and enjoy our night."
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