lgcmaylin · 11 days
with the workshop still fresh on everyone's mind, maylin wanted to utilize the end of her summer vacation to lock down on everything she needed to work on until the family concert. her roster was packed, making the dancer cheerful (or as cheerful as maylin can get) to get more experiences underneath her belt. the morning was peaceful as maylin began her stretches, leg extending out into the perfect split when taeha burst into the practice room.
"what the fu-" her eyebrows furrowing together. she took out one earbud, eyeing her friend up and down as if she was crazy enough to do this so early in the morning. "what does it look like I'm doing?" if she was being honest, maylin looked like she was testing out her flexibility and not stretching out her body before practice. swinging her leg to the front, she stood up and extended her arms up over her head with a yawn. "why are you so jolly today?"
「 ❀ 」  ━━ ˗ˏˋ SMILE FOR THE CAMERA !
Taeha bursts into the dance studio with such force that it seems like she’s trying to push the door off its hinges ( not that she’s strong enough to do that, but the energy is definitely there ). "Are you ready to rumbleeeeee!" she calls out in English, one hand keeping balance on the doorframe and the other gripping a hairbrush microphone as she leans backwards dramatically.
When her workshop instructor requested that they work on developing their MC style, this probably wasn’t what she envisioned, but to Taeha it was all part of the learning experience. "In this corner, we have the talented, the gorgeous, the coolest trainee choreographer to grace Legacy halls… Chen Maylin!" She skips into the room, doing her best to mimic applause with the clapping of her brush and a few huffs of breath. "And she's about to..." Taeha trails off with a blink.
"...What are you about to do, again?"
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lgcmaylin · 13 days
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𝖂𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕾𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖘. Wordcount: 412 Gif credit ©
✗ Creative Lessons.
if an opportunity presented itself to maylin with the skills she wanted to focus on the most, she would never hesitate to put it in the forefront of her life. and currently, she is taking a moment to work on her dancing skills and also showing how much she has learned from choreographing your pieces.
maylin was a choreography instructor back home before packing her bags and moving to Korea, starting her new life as a trainee. there weren't many chances she could utilize those skills just yet, but it never stopped the brunette from making up her covers when she had a sliver of free time. this moment was something she didn't want slipping through her fingers as their coaches wanted to see where all the trainees were at in their skill levels but also career goals for when or if they progress high enough to finally debut.
there was no good thing to come from a trick pony in this industry, so she was happy that they were all able to hone in on their skills a bit more. it was no secret that maylin had such a love for dancing, it was one of the many reasons she was even in the company. maylin was more than happy to sit through a couple of lectures if it meant she would be able to use what she learned in whatever dance she created moving forward. all of the activities seemed necessary to her, everything was there to help them improve, and of course - she took it seriously like most things.
well, there was always a reason, a purpose for why the trainees were doing what they were doing. eyes were always on them, no matter how good or bad they were doing in the exercises. it was kind of creepy, to be watched so closely, but maylin knew they were looking for the weakness and strengths of them all. to see if they fit in whatever plans were created behind closed doors. focusing on their workshops and also the family concert that was happening soon was a lot, but there was no point in complaining or whining if the work had to be done regardless. maylin just needed to do her best, always. she needed to stand out, if not in her skills, then her performance levels.
she still has so much to improve on, yet she was trying this new thing where she's much kinder to herself during mistakes.
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lgcmaylin · 20 days
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lgcmaylin · 20 days
her late-night runs started to become sparse. the diet she once held was changing for the better, to keep her body charged more healthily with better meals going in. it was hard to break habits that tasted delicious but carried so much sodium and carbs, it was starting to show in her skin. the brunette truly was never one to do excessive things to her skin, just letting things run their course and hoping for the best.
now that she's become best friends with pimple patches and asking taeha about her skincare routine, maylin would start to glow, even under the bright, white lights of the convenience store. her hair bounced in a high ponytail as she skimmed the aisles for bandages and possibly, a cheat snack. after all, there was nothing wrong with storing up snacks that could be spread out over the months.
with the kuromi bandaids in hand, she turned into the snack aisle and was greeted with a distasteful presence. "gosh… i knew i smelled a rat the moment i came in here." her nose scrunched up, and the glasses she wore slid down her face ever so slightly as she sighed. "don't you have somewhere better to be than the convenience store?" she noticed his absence, which made the dancer happier to stop by over the past few weeks.
Months had passed since Seunghyun had stepped foot into his old safe haven. With his transition out of the Legacy dorms and his rejection of most vices ( well, most of them ), he hadn't needed to return to the tiny convenience store just a few blocks from the main building. Close enough for quick trips between sessions, yet far enough to avoid the watchful eyes of staff. Now, after hours workshops leave him too drained to bear even the short commute with his ever so extroverted chauffeur, making him grateful for this small refuge.
He slips past the dark alley where he used to perch, disappearing against the mural along its edge to people watch while building small piles of cigarette butts. Through the double doors, he's greeted by the cheerful ring of the door chime. Habit draws him towards the front counter, a smirk tugging at his lips at the fear stricken expression on the cashier's face. Thought you'd seen the last of me, hm?
Amused, he pivots to peruse the snack aisle, giving the poor man a few moments of peace. The chime sounds again, and his gaze flickers to the front of the store, catching sight of the customer joining him on their own late night run. "Oh, lovely…" he mutters under his breath, rolling his eyes. "Something wicked this way comes."
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lgcmaylin · 20 days
there was always the fear in her mind that idols would lose a bit of their life once they debuted. that they become little prunes, all the fun sucked out of them as they become robots. among all of this, it is kind of ironic that maylin still wanted to pursue such a career with these faint fears. to see seojin out in a place he probably shouldn't be, was refreshing. not that listening to music in such an underground environment was seen as bad — fans are just crazy in the sense of making up rumors. the cool breeze fanned out her hair as she leaned against a bike railing, twisting and turning her lollipop between her fingers with a click of her tongue. "you say that now until the bags start becoming apparent. then I bet you'll regret those words."
there was a hint of humor in her voice as she spoke with the next remark. "you'd be surprised at how seriously people take the idol life. they no longer act like functional humans or want to do other things outside of being an idol and that's boring." maybe a bit alarming, is what maylin wanted to add, but who was she to judge others on their lifestyle? it just seemed a bit too unfulfilling, so repetitive. "I'm glad you're still the same, not putting on a fancy mask." she teased, putting her sweet treat back in her mouth.
maylin watched people go in and out of the cramped room, conversations muffled in the background. she hummed in response to his words, basically breaking her next to observe the next group that had walked out. she snorted, maybe a bit too loudly at their get-up. "my money is on goth, but who knows, maybe it's a mix of both and our ears will start bleeding." the clink of her silver rings hit the air as she gripped the railings to support her as she leaned back to get a better look. "depending on what sound comes from inside, I might stay out here for a bit longer."
No one would be able to get in the way of Park Seojin and his endless pursuit of music — not even his hectic overseas schedule or comeback preparations. If anything, it has done little to deter him and more to motivate his decision to persist in seeking out this precious sliver of alone time. He holes himself away in one of the live music establishments with the sole intent to lose himself in the discovery of something new or the comfort of familiar tunes. His eyes close as he absorbs the sounds of guitars and raw, unprocessed vocals. The roar of the packed house is enough to bring him back to the moments where he, himself, stood in the same spot.
He was content to continue this rhythm of his until a voice he recognizes chirps out his name. There is a silent hope that it not a new fan that recognizes him, or someone he desperately does not want to see. Fortunately, when he opens one eye, he catches none other than Maylin approaching him. "Yo," he greets blandly, biting back a yawn as he does so.
"Huh? Beauty sleep?" He clicks his tongue and smirks, prefacing the next cheeky remark that leaves his mouth. A palm situates itself underneath his jaw, and his eyes widen. "As if this needs beauty sleep, Maylin." Of course, he says so in jest. He has never quite kicked the habit of this ridiculous over confident, vain 'joke' of his. It is far too amusing to lean into, and even better if he just so happened to earn a laugh. "I was just bored, and I wanna listen to new music. That so wrong? Just cause I debuted doesn't mean I'm imprisoned in the dorm for eternity like Rapunzel or whatever."
He swirls the dwindling glass of lemonade, acting as if it were a glass of smooth scotch or whisky. "If anything, I don't feel like my leash tightened at all," he nods his head in the direction of the next band appearing on the stage. They members are donning rather dramatic makeup and all black outfits. "Whaddya think? Guesses on if they're gonna play melodic death metal or goth?"
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lgcmaylin · 28 days
this was one of maylin's favorite pastimes if anyone ever took an interest in spooky stories. she thrived on them in October, when it felt more appropriate for other people. the only thing that was missing for her was a cup of tea to set the mood, but she was settled with water as her legs scrunched up in the comfortable chair. she shifted her body down a bit, letting herself relax without the worries of a camera on her. pulling the microphone gently to her new position, she listened closely with a hint of a smile on her lips.
"i've always wanted to visit abandoned castles in Europe, the landscape is beautiful but i just know something is lurking in those old hallways," she added in, a fingernail tracing over the designs of her blanket before growing silent again — humming now and then. "I've never heard of someone having this kind of experience in the summer," maylin stated, "if anything, the hot weather would ruin everything for me. i want chilly winds, crispy leaves on the floor that crunch with our movements." she followed up with a laugh. "and paying an entrance fee to go in? i will hold my thoughts until the end… "
there was a side-eye in his direction.
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"Spooky queen Maylin," Seyoon echoed with a laugh. "What a befitting title, because the story I prepared today is related to a castle." He played a little oooh voice in the background for effect. "Well, since we are already on the topic, I guess I can start us off." He sat back, made himself comfortable, and closed his eyes to accurately recall everything that had happened on that fateful day.
This was, of course, a real experience.
"So, this happened when I was sixteen. My friends and I decided to go on a weekend trip to Victoria, a city in Canada. That's where I am from, by the way - friendly, beautiful Canada!" He took a second out of his story to introduce his background. "It was sort of an unplanned thing. My friend's older brother just got a new car and was willing to drive us, and we just wanted to go somewhere since school was finally out. That's right, unlike most of my paranormal encounters, this particular event happened in sunny July." Which made it extra creepy, he thought. "Since we had no exact plans, we decided to just check out random places close by. Apparently, there was an old castle with a relatively cheap entrance fee so I thought cool, let's go there! What do you think about castles, Maylin? Have you been to one?"
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lgcmaylin · 28 days
"you could say i'm partaking in a self-care night too. my nails keep chipping from dancing too hard and i hate it." maylin was never one to truly pay much attention to her nails compared to the other girls. this was the one time she didn't have her nails professionally done, decorated with all kinds of weird designs. "please don't take too much of your eyebrow, i fear you will grow into some kind of blindness and think they are even."
sliding the file on her desk, she blew off any leftover dust. thumb running over her bare nails as she observed her progress. "i say let's stop, take a little break, and reflect on the perfect shape you've created. let's learn when to stop." pushing her glasses up, she leaned closer to the phone, squinting at taeha, who was returning for more.
"i only called to vent about me catching feelings, not to watch you pluck yourself bald." her words carried a hint of amusement, teasing her friend while rolling the nail polish in the palms of her hands.
"Maymay!" Taeha greets in a chipper sing-song voice despite the predicament she's found herself in. Her phone is propped up along the bathroom sink, giving Maylin a partial view of Taeha as she leans into the mirror, a pair of tweezers in hand. "Oh! No, no, no! It's not a bad time at all! Just doing a bit of... self-care!" she nods feverishly, the headband hugging her temples shifting a bit.
A giggle slips from her lips, knowing well enough that it was a treat to even see the younger trainee grace her screen without having to coax with a string of texts and a barrage of voice notes. "No hanging up! I need your opinion!" Taeha leans back into the phone, showing off one of her properly arched brows. "What do you think? I think I've finally broken the left side curse!" She's certainly learned her lesson after the whole razor fiasco of 2023.
"Maybe just a bit more..." she hums, sticking out her tongue as she focuses in on the mirror.
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lgcmaylin · 2 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
it's getting so hot out, needed to cool myself down with ice cream
#lgctrainees #lgcent #chenmaylin
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lgcmaylin · 2 months
maylin wasn't one for pointless small talk, so she needed to stop initiating them when she grew bored. but the silence of the halls, the emptiness of every studio, as she took a break from her practice, was dulling the excitement a bit. college was going to begin again soon, and she would get all the interactions she wanted with people who carried the same interest as her - well, that interest being in art and nothing else. but that didn't matter, at least they had something to chat about.
yuxi and maylin? not so much. the trainee saw something in the other woman, a bit of a reflection of herself maybe. not that she was ever going to compare herself to the woman, but their personalities felt a bit similar which made maylin a bit more comfortable expressing her thoughts without the usual displeasure in topics. "what do they normally say in America? early bird gets the worm, or whatever. you're gaining something others are not by being early." she took advantage of the fact that most people weren't early birds by choice. maylin wasn't either, but her body was too conditioned now. "this is the only way I can peacefully stretch my body and squeeze in a bit of practice before the crowd starts swarming in."
Forcibly exiled — was there any exile that wasn't forced? — from her studio by the cleaning staff for some unexpected cleaning and building checks, Yuxi wandered the halls as she bid her time. There was only so much news she could consume without the headlines bleeding into each other or reviewing lyrics of songs she'd long committed to long term memory.
Not wanting to push her body too much after yesterday's practice, she instead decided to head out and grab a cup of coffee proper when a voice called for her. Turning back, she saw that it was Maylin.
She nodded along to the other's greeting, otherwise refraining from any further comments. Not seeing much of others in recent months? Good: that was by design. "I'm partial to early mornings," she says as an explanation, "certainly a habit that is less popular."
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lgcmaylin · 2 months
it was almost as if this show was made for her.
maylin agreed to be on the podcast simply because she enjoyed spooky stories, or spooky anything for that matter. the brunette was missing Halloween as we speak, and quite over the hot weather that made her feel suffocated every time she stepped out of the dorms. now was the time to get cozy, wrapping herself up in the blanket she brought along with her to tell these stories. said blanket had little ghosts on them, in different moods and activities (a commission piece she ordered for herself).
running a hand through her hair, she looked in seyoon's direction as he began speaking to the audience. her body sat comfortably in the chair with her blanket still tightly around her, legs pulled up to her chest as she allowed the atmosphere to relax her for the best storytelling of her life. the fact that she didn't think to start her spooky podcast is a disappointment in itself, but she'll allow the man to have this one since she wasn't too focused on her image outside of just dancing. giving him a small smile, she turned to speak into the microphone. "hello, everyone. my name is maylin, but you can call me your spooky queen if that's more fitting." she chuckled, "I'm very happy to be here and grateful for the invitation to talk about my favorite things."
unexplainable encounters: episode one with @lgcmaylin
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A part of Seyoon could not believe this was actually happening. Hosting his own podcast - how cool was that? Bet his mother never saw this coming. She probably thought he was going to fry chicken for the rest of his life. Well, take this, vile woman! This podcast shall become Seyoon's start to success, prosperity and erm, overall awesomeness.
"Good evening, everybody!" Seyoon greeted his audience. "Welcome to the first ever episode of Unexplainable Encounters. I am your friendly, although slightly unlucky host, Kim Seyoon." He played some ghostly cheering noises in the background. "The reason I say I am unlucky is because ever since I was young, I have this tendency to run into...strange situations." This felt like a good opportunity to play the sound of thunder. "On this podcast, I will share these stories with all of you. Everything I mention is from my personal experience and let's just say, sometimes reality can be scarier than fiction." Seyoon lowered his voice for this last part for effect.
"I am not here alone! Storytelling is a lot more fun with a friend and every episode, I will have a special guest who will also share their paranormal experience with you!" Seyoon turned enthusiastically towards his first guest. Maylin was such a babe that he almost wished that this was a Youtube video so he could show off her looks. "Maylin, I am so excited to have you for my first episode. Will you introduce yourself to our listeners, please!"
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lgcmaylin · 2 months
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lgcmaylin · 2 months
the feeling of already wanting this meetup to be over burned in maylin's chest. she never had this feeling whenever she did get the chance to spend some time with hyunsoo. there was always anticipation of what the two would get into, and what their next discussion will be. and for once, there was a guilty feeling for how much she didn't want to be here - only wanting to sweep this underneath the rug and pretend like nothing happened in February.
even when nothing did happen. other than a sheer sense of being humbled by silence and exchanged looks.
"no worries, it's only right that i'm the early one these days. that way, I can constantly blame you for holding us up." she poked at him a bit, her usual tone to calm things down a bit. because maylin knew, that he knew exactly what was happening. hyunsoo wasn't dumb, at least, she liked to believe he wasn't. the man in front of her was easy-going, compared to how aloof maylin could come across as. he took her teasing and threw it back at her, and when things came down to it, he listened to maylin's opinions and concerns with her career, with her life.
in all timelines, maylin would continue to fall for him over and over again. though, she hoped in one of those timelines, the smart one would only keep him close as her best friend and never want to overstep.
upon his next comment, maylin didn't hesitate to raise her hand and flip him off before beginning their walk toward the ice cream station. "you never know who's watching… i refuse to show my comfortable side outside of my dorm and the studios of the company." her arms crossed as a warm breeze hit her skin, causing her to exhale softly.
"since you're paying for the ice cream, it makes my job a bit easier today."
Hyunsoo is none the wiser to what may unfold when he agrees to meet Maylin. For all intents and purposes, he considers her a friend — and a good one, at that. Over these months, he's grown more comfortable with her, more willing to open up. Their shared feelings of not fitting in entirely with some of their interests brought out the retelling of high school memories. He allows her a sliver of that information, trusting she would do well to keep things close to her chest. He is unaware if he has gone too far with his friendliness. Unaware that, perhaps, some gestures may put out the wrong message.
Perhaps he should have known better when their meeting became less frequent after that day in February. Hyunsoo is intelligent enough, but there are several blindspots he has yet to verse himself in.
Fresh from his evening workout ( and a much needed shower ), he heads toward the meeting spot with a tired stride in his step. His head hangs from time to time, chin tucked as he tries to suppress those yawns and the heavy feeling in his eyelids. His knuckles rub at the back of them in hopes of appearing a bit more present when he finally sees her. Fingers remove his spectacles briefly to wipe them of a stray hair.
"I'm sorry for the hold up. I met with my personal trainer today and he scolded me for slacking off so much..." An apologetic chuckle escapes him as he runs his appendages through his damp hair. He finally takes the chance to give her a once over, then himself. His getup is far more casual than usual: simple white t-shirt and a pair of running pants. Not many would expect it to be actor Lee Hyunsoo underneath. "Am I too dressed down? I thought we were just going to get ice cream," it is said in jest, of course. So plapable with the subtle smile he offers her way and the next tease that comes after with a raise of his hand. "Don't worry. I will pay for it."
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lgcmaylin · 2 months
this was maylin's karma, it had to be. out of all the wrong she has done in her life, to others, the luck she never really had was starting to run out. maybe she was being dramatic, that this would all blow over eventually.
but there was such a thing as a digital footprint. if, or when, these girls finally debut, this will be pulled up on variety shows - the brunette knew that for a fact. and the media training they all get will work double time to laugh along with the host who finds their struggles to be the most hilarious thing on this planet.
maylin didn't bother to go through the wardrobe, her eyes couldn't burn with all the colors and large pieces of cotton sushi that were being plucked away by the other girls. there will always be uncomfortable moments in her life as a trainee going into the idol world, but this will be number one on her list for a long time. finally snapping out of it, she followed lili into the corner where it felt like a pep talk was about to happen.
"what kind of question is that?" not like maylin even had a choice of picking what kind of fish she wanted to be. how about none? she thought. "I guess… tuna nigiri?"
thank god it’s not the ugly burger outfits she had seen during the briefing. it was the least they could do — hitting rock bottom in terms of stage outfits shouldn’t be a given, not when they were already putting their vocal chords on the line with the atrocitious catallena screech.
( honestly the sound alone had begun to haunt her in her sleep )
she steps towards the selections, cycling through the arrangements with a pursed lip — fingers flipping through the outfits with an discerning eye, noticing that the names had, in fact, been hung alongside the attires. oh, it was as bad as she had feared. 
“i hate to be the bearer of bad news.” she didn’t, it was probably one of her favorite things to do — but this was maylin, and lili couldn’t help but have a soft spot for the girl. so, she chooses to ease her into the burn — if one could call it that. “but — alright,” turning away from where she had spotted their name tags alongside the outfits, she takes maylin by the hand and corners her attentions.
“would you rather be a tuna nigiri or a salmon maki?”
 not that it would matter, but wasn’t it more fun to build the suspense?
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lgcmaylin · 2 months
maylin just knew, deep down, that there was no way in hell that she would be able to make a cake so good - people would struggle to guess if it was real or not. but hey, maybe that was the fun in it all, she thinks.
listening to taeha speak, maylin's eyes began to scan the props placed in front of the girls. she had to pick something easy, easy enough at least. it was time to put her art skills to the true test, but the brunette couldn't promise that her cake would taste amazing. baking was not one of her strong suits, nor was cooking - but that didn't matter anymore.
"oh, now i have to win. imagine trying to get that out of your hair." the trainee laughed a bit, bringing her eyes back to the props to not overthink the fact that they had to dunk their face in whipped cream. "I think I want to go for… this baseball bat. what do you think? can I do it?" even maylin was questioning herself at this very moment.
Taeha can't help the giggle that falls from her lips at Maylin's awe, giving her arm a slight nudge with her elbow. "Not as amazing as what we'll be making in today's challenge!"
She clears her throat and subtly flips through her cards ( under the prop table, just out of camera view ) and scans the scribbled writing. "Have you ever heard of the is it cake challenge? Some cakes are so hyperrealistic, that you can barely tell the difference between the cake and the real thing!" Taeha reaches for the book prop and almost brings it up to take a bite - "Oh, well... This book is real. But that's where we come in!"
"Today, we'll be making cakes to replicate one of the items you see here. Whoever makes the most realistic cake is our winner! And our loser, well..." An intern appears with a cake tin filled to the brim with whipped cream. "They'll be going home a lot sweeter than they came," she adds with a weak chuckle. "Are you ready?! As my guest, why don't you pick your item first?"
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lgcmaylin · 2 months
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𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘. Wordcount: 726 Gif credit ©
✗ A Day in the Life of Maylin.
this was a new challenge for maylin. documenting her life in one day seemed like a lot to think about, and what she can and can't showcase during her filming. though the brunette decided not to overthink it too much, whatever the editors wanted to cut, they could do so without maylin feeling bad about their decision.
6:00 am.
this was when maylin woke up almost every day, the sound of her alarm gently playing in the background as she had already gotten up to set up this camera to catch her waking up. it was clear that while she woke up super early, the trainee wasn't a morning person at all. she sat in her bed for another five minutes, simply sitting and staring into space before getting up to do her daily morning routine. this consisted of flossing, brushing her teeth, washing her face, and putting out very minimal skincare alongside her regular amount of makeup. all of this was done in silence, there were no words to truly be said so early in the morning yet.
moving on to preparing her breakfast, this is when maylin began to speak in a whisper, not wanting to fully wake up the other girls in the dorm. "I'm not having anything special… just some leftover rice, kimchi, and the stew I made last night," she spoke while getting her food together, even making a snack for herself later that had yogurt, granola, and fruits in a container that was placed back in the fridge.
7:00 am.
by now, maylin is seen making her way to the company.
she expressed while walking that she likes to get to the studios earlier, just to squeeze in some alone time to stretch and truly get her mindset prepared for a full day of training. "in the midst of it all, the company is preparing for another family concert." she started, entering the studio's and placing the camera down so she could talk and stretch at the same time. "this would be my fourth… fifth, concert preparation and each year it gets even more exciting than the last." and one of the only times she could fully perform on stage with a crowd. the thought of doing this every year pushed maylin harder to achieve her goal of debuting.
when training began, and not giving much away from the practice session, maylin didn't want to record too much and take her focus away from learning - but she did record a good portion of her dance practice with the other trainees.
while maylin liked to eat alone, she met up with a close friend of hers for lunch, taeha. deciding to eat outside of the company that day, the girls went to a cafe close by. they spent the time they had eating and chatting with one another, catching up on the things they missed during their phone calls. maylin could be seen laughing along with her friend, sharing photos and even small ghost stories that she learned during the week.
6:00 pm.
maylin was now home, eating bibimbap that she picked up on her way back to the dorms. she sat at a desk in the corner of the room, her glasses on as she had placed the camera in front of her. "this is normally how my life is outside of school. if I was back in that routine, you guys would probably see me bouncing around a bit more from the college lifestyle to being a trainee at night." and how she juggle it all, along with her other hobbies? maylin doesn't know. she continued to chat with the camera about how excited she was to learn a new routine and dance with the other girls. she is the happiest performing, and dancing, of course. there would be a small twinkle in her eyes as she spoke.
8:30 pm.
her hair was visibly damp from her shower, now doing her skincare once more before letting her hair air dry as she went back to bed. this time, she turned on a small reading lamp that she installed on her bed. she was journaling in the dark, then reading a book before growing tired. her video ended here, of the young woman indulging in a fantasy book that would keep her up all night if she allowed it to.
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lgcmaylin · 2 months
with summer break slowly ending and maylin is entering her last year as a student, she is using up the free time she has to be in the studios. the brunette saw that others possibly had the same ideas as hers, perfecting their skills until the next big thing happened for the trainees. dfoes she know what that might be? absolutely not. the company has been full of surprises lately, one's maylin could never clock when they were finally released to them. though, it simply never involved her, most of the time.
Mindless thoughts aside, the trainee came in with a small cup of ice cream, a special treat for showing up to her practices earlier than planned - for the whole week. this was an accomplishment, as she could stretch before it got too crowded. taking a scoop, she ate it silently as she roamed the quiet halls. she spotted a familiar figure up ahead, causing the dancer to speedwalk slightly.
"it feels like i haven't seen your face around here in ages," she spoke out, her words directed toward @lgcyuxi. "I guess it would make sense though, since we're on two different planets."
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lgcmaylin · 3 months
we'll be right back.
it almost felt like years since maylin brought herself back down here. a good enough excuse would be that she was too busy. school took up most of her time, along with training, and her apprenticeship. the girl was booked and busy, never finding enough time to simply breathe and enjoy her life. the life that was moving too fast for her liking as they already approached the middle of the year.
listening to new bands and discovering music was always a favorite pastime of maylin's, it always inspired her to keep practicing on the guitar so one day she could use these talents for her career (or maybe to play live music herself, a far dream of hers).
the cool, summer breeze hit her skin as she walked outside for some fresh air. it always got so muggy in there, when it was a lot of people occupying the place to the point where there were no more seats. she didn't know if this band was new or extremely popular, but they did receive good motion from the crowd to the point that it felt like she was at a concert. it was electrifying, to say the least, but also a lot on one's ears after a while. this caused her to take this break in between set changes, wrapping herself up in the black sweater she brought with her just in case it grew cold. as she pulled the hood up on her head, she caught a familiar from the corner of her eye.
"seojin? you were the last person i expected to see down here." if she was being honest, she couldn't remember the last time she fully saw @lgcseojin by himself. after his debut, he was just as busy as maylin. taking out a lollipop, she took off the wrapper and stuffed the trash in her pockets. "shouldn't you be sleeping by now? you know, getting the idol beauty sleep?" putting the treat in her mouth, she finally turned her body in his direction.
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