seyoonlgc · 2 months
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Hello, beautiful people! As seen on the manager post, Seyoon was approved for a pre-recorded podcast. More information about the podcast can be found below the cut, but here is a brief summary to catch your attention: Seyoon & his guest of the episode will be telling each other about some of the paranormal encounters they had in the past.
Is your character desperate for fall? Is Hallowe'en their favorite holiday? Have they got great ghost stories that they are dying to share? If so, I NEED YOU.
Four storytellers are needed for this podcast and I would happily write with every single one of my guests. This would be a great opportunity for our characters to get to know each other and bond over some light heebie-jeebies! There'll even be snacks - Seyoonie will fry up some ugly onion rings just for you.
Podcast concept:
need to cool down during the summer? how about listening to some spooky stories that'll surely send chills down your spine? kim seyoon's had some interesting paranormal encounters in the past and he's ready to share them in hopes of entertaining the masses. in each episode, seyoon will prepare a story to tell as the host and ask his guest to do the same. the story should sound like it's based on a real-life experience, told from the storyteller's perspective. for example, the music box my aunt bought me keeps on playing on its own at midnight, but only on rainy nights... (~'o')~
in general, the podcast is meant to give its audience a light scare, not to keep them up at night. the stories should be intriguing and thought-provoking, not overly graphic. the storytelling format is relaxed like two friends chatting in front of a warm fireplace at night. it is okay to interrupt the storytelling with questions and reactions because that adds to the casual vibe. during the storytelling, to add to the ambiance, seyoon may play sound effects like thunder, rain, ghostly wails, etc.
Gig Duration: July - September
Guest info: trainees and any MODELS, ACTORS, or IDOLS with less than 200 notoriety can participate. Please REPLY to this post and I'll hit you up for plotting. I'll do all the starters!
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cherrylgc · 11 months
WACC S2, EP1: "what a teacher says"
cherry was not one to put herself down, she was positive, optimistic, but sometimes it was difficult staying the same happy cherry she always was. it was her old therapist who had let her know of her speech disorder, cherry didn’t let it bother her too much, it was just a part of her charm she’d tell herself, but sometimes she couldn’t help but wonder if she’d be more likeable, less annoying without it. when cherry submitted the idea for her podcast she was scared it would be too obvious she had a speech disorder, but through the first season, she learned to love it a little more, it made her unique, and she honestly felt like it made her show more interesting.
now a second season was coming around, and cherry was ready and happy to talk in front of the microphone again.
“hello…” she holds a pause “and welcome…” another pause “to what a childish cheory! season two everyone! the lovely host from season one has returned, no other than me, kim cherry of course! who as i always say, cherish you all! thanks so much for tuning into this week’s episode! i’ll be explaining the show in just a second, after the first season two guest has introduced himself!”.
written for... @lgcxjasper
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lgcmanager · 2 months
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LGC STUDIOS ( Q3 2024: PART 2 )
a few weeks ago, we gave the trainees a chance to host their own youtube show/podcast. today, we will announce the show that will be aired this term!
batter up!, a pre-recorded youtube show hosted by PARK TAEHA ( @lgctaeha )
unexplainable encounters, a pre-recorded podcast hosted by KIM SEYOON ( @seyoonlgc )
we will give them the pleasure to introduce their shows themselves. due to the limited slots we have plus everyone’s schedules, only one new show was accepted for this term!
listed below is a reminder of certain rules from the original post for both hosts and guests.
management of the calendar and guests will be up to you; however, keep the main updated quickly for us to post your content on the lgcmedia account (submit the names of your FOUR guests as soon as possible).
to assure fairness for next term, there are no waiting list allowed. furthermore, we discourage any prior plot calls off dash to ensure fairness and inclusivity towards everyone who might be interested in participating.
duration of the gig is from JULY to SEPTEMBER. this could be extended if your muse is interested and if requirements are met.
there will be 4 EPISODES of 50 MINUTES EACH.
for YOUTUBE SHOWS, you may write up to THREE 4 replies thread ( 2 posts per each mun ) to collect +3 MCING/HOSTING, +3 VARIETY, and +3 NOTORIETY per THREAD SUBMITTED (maximum points you can get from this is +9 MCING/HOSTING, +9 VARIETY, and +9 NOTORIETY). for PODCASTS, you may write up to THREE threads of FOUR replies minimum each to collect +4 MCING/HOSTING, +4 VARIETY, and +4 NOTORIETY per THREAD SUBMITTED (maximum points you can get from this is +12 MCING/HOSTING,+12 VARIETY, and +12 NOTORIETY).
exception to the rule above is TAEHA who can only write up to TWO 4 replies thread ( 2 posts per each mun ) to collect +3 MCING/HOSTING, +3 VARIETY, and +3 NOTORIETY per THREAD SUBMITTED (maximum points you can get from this is +6 MCING/HOSTING, +6 VARIETY, and +6 NOTORIETY).
to be eligible to keep your show another trimester, you must complete at least TWO threads.
trainees and any MODELS, ACTORS, or IDOLS with less than 200 notoriety can participate as a guest.
if there is more than one show ongoing — since open slots are limited (4 per show) — your muse may only guest on one show OR podcast during a trimester. they cannot be in both to allow other people to participate as well.
to avoid overwhelming hosts, they aren’t obligated to thread with their FOUR guests and may only collect points for THREE threads.
hosts CANNOT guest on another show or podcast.
a muse cannot guest two seasons in a row on the same show. there’s a one trimester cooldown period before a muse can return to a show. they may guest on other ongoing show.
GUESTS WITHOUT THREADS will be rewarded 1 hosting, 1 variety and 1 notoriety.
GUESTS WITH THREADS will be rewarded 2 hosting, 2 variety, 2 notoriety.
( IMPORTANT NOTE: for hosts, please send your points once. as a reminder, the content of the posts must be what will be AIRED during the episodes!  )
you have until SEPTEMBER 14, 2024 11:59PM EDT to finish your threads and submit your form to the points blog. for the YOUTUBE SHOWS, all posts must use the hashtag lgc:youtubeshow, while for PODCASTS, all posts must use the hashtag lgc:podcasts.
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lgcjaekyung · 2 years
after the sausage fest happening on her podcast so far, jaekyung was more than happy to switch things up with inviting a girl onto her show instead. when coming up with the concept she truly hadn’t expected so many to be interested to guest on her show but it did make her insanely happy and want to make her guests feel as comfortable as possible.
“well, well, well,” she begins with her usual intro, a grin already directed towards amelia, who she truly was talking to for the first time here. “it is i, your kyungchi-nim back with the third episode of dungeon noob discussions! oh my- can you guys believe this is already the halfway mark? time truly flies when you’re having fun, let me tell you! but without further ado! let me introduce you my guest for today’s episode! zheng amelia! lets give her a hand, wuey!”
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lgcpoints · 17 days
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seyoonlgc · 2 months
unexplainable encounters: episode three with @lgcjunkyu
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There were a tiny bit of technical difficulties, but fortunately, they caught it early. Everything should be repaired and ready to go by the scheduled starting time.
Seyoon laid his head on the table, waiting for the IT people to work their magic as he traced cloud patterns lazily on the back of Junkyu's hand out of boredom. "Want some watermelon juice?" He gestured with his chin at the half-empty pitcher. Not icy cold anymore at this point, but still a refreshing beverage nonetheless. However, if Seyoon had his way, they should go out and get something better after this podcast-
Oh, he just got a thumbs up, guess they were finally good to go!
Seyoon dropped Junkyu's hand and sat up straight, then began his intro with a bright smile. "Good evening, thanks for tuning into Unexplainable Encounters. I am your host, Kim Seyoon. Today, I am joined by a friend. I'll get him to introduce himself to everyone now."
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seyoonlgc · 2 months
unexplainable encounters: episode one with @lgcmaylin
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A part of Seyoon could not believe this was actually happening. Hosting his own podcast - how cool was that? Bet his mother never saw this coming. She probably thought he was going to fry chicken for the rest of his life. Well, take this, vile woman! This podcast shall become Seyoon's start to success, prosperity and erm, overall awesomeness.
"Good evening, everybody!" Seyoon greeted his audience. "Welcome to the first ever episode of Unexplainable Encounters. I am your friendly, although slightly unlucky host, Kim Seyoon." He played some ghostly cheering noises in the background. "The reason I say I am unlucky is because ever since I was young, I have this tendency to run into...strange situations." This felt like a good opportunity to play the sound of thunder. "On this podcast, I will share these stories with all of you. Everything I mention is from my personal experience and let's just say, sometimes reality can be scarier than fiction." Seyoon lowered his voice for this last part for effect.
"I am not here alone! Storytelling is a lot more fun with a friend and every episode, I will have a special guest who will also share their paranormal experience with you!" Seyoon turned enthusiastically towards his first guest. Maylin was such a babe that he almost wished that this was a Youtube video so he could show off her looks. "Maylin, I am so excited to have you for my first episode. Will you introduce yourself to our listeners, please!"
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seyoonlgc · 2 months
unexplainable encounters: episode four with @shxlgc
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He swatted at Seunghyun.
Seyoon had no excuse - the attack was utterly unprovoked and he did it simply because he wanted to. It was a compulsion, he supposed, a natural desire for violence between close friends that must be satisfied.
He got into a defensive position with hands stretched out and ready to protect himself in case of retaliation, but suspected he might be safe because the show was just about to start.
"Hello everyone, I am Kim Seyoon and it's the final episode of Unexplainable Encounters." He had to remove one of his hands from the defensive stance to play a little awww soundtrack from the laptop. "Time sure goes by fast when you are having fun. Don't be too sad, though, because I saved one of my most interesting encounters for today and I am sure it will get everyone thinking."
"From what I know, our guest for this episode is a bit of a skeptic." He wiggled his eyebrows at Seunghyun. "Perhaps we will change his mind by the end of this episode. Do you want to introduce yourself to our audience, my friend?"
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seyoonlgc · 2 months
unexplainable encounters: episode two with @lgcgyuri
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Hooray for the second episode! Seyoon curled his hair for the occasion, even though this was a podcast and nobody could actually see him. He supposed it was the thought that counted and if nothing else, he was getting a tiny boost of confidence.
Which he needed, because the guest on the show today was someone he had a bit of...animosity with.
See, Gyuri was such a pretty girl and normally, Seyoon would not have issues with her type. If anything, he should be extra friendly and loving, just to be on her good side. With them, Seyoon supposed the hate was more one-sided...from the other party. For some reason, Gyuri seemed to dislike him even though he couldn't recall them ever even having a conversation.
"Welcome back to Unexplainable Encounters. Hope everyone is ready because I have a super creepy story to share tonight." He jabbed at the laptop to play some spooky ghost wails. "First of all, though, let's meet our guest! Please introduce yourself, Gyuri. I am so happy to have you."
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cherrylgc · 11 months
WACC S2, EP2: "my sister told me!"
it had saddened cherry how quickly her shows had ended, she was always so excited for her shows to begin, but they were over before she could blink. cherry was positive though, and the shows ending so quickly was because she was having fun, enjoying it. cherry had thought hard whether she wanted a second season of her podcast or to have a new show, but at last she’d decided on a second season, she liked sitting in front of the microphone, and she still had some ideas for the show left.
it felt like the second season had begun so quickly, and the first episode was already over, quickly episode two had come around. “dadadadada” the female sings a quick melody before beginning to speak. “episode two of season two has arrived! hello everybody, you’re about to listen to what a childish cheory with your host kim cherry who cherish you all, for episode two i’ve got a lovely guest joining me, please introduce yourself!”.
written for... @lgcgyuri
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cherrylgc · 11 months
WACC S2, EP4: "lying to yourself"
cherry had been in a big dilemma whether she wanted a second season of ‘what a childish cheory’ or to try and come up with a new idea. cherry had lots of ideas for shows, a long list and she liked every one of them. so many shows she wanted to do at once, but she was aware that was impossible. at last, after much thought, cherry decided on a second season of her podcast, with a little twist to it. the blonde had been excited, and she still couldn’t quite believe the show was all coming to an ending, it happened so fast.
“hello everyone, this is episode four of the oh so amazing podcast ‘what a child cheory!’, with your amazing host kim cherry who cherish you all. yup, i said episode four, meaning this is the last episode, thank you to everyone who watched any or all of the episodes! a bit emotional it’s already come to an end, but to cheer me up for today, i have my lovely lovely guest joining me, please introduce yourself!”.
written for... @lgchyunhee
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lgcmanager · 6 months
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LGC STUDIOS ( Q2 2024 )
SCHEDULE TYPE: BI-WEEKLY GIG SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
thanks to BAE SIWOO and SEO HANEUL’s radio show and the influence it has with the public, LEGACY decided to have their own building called LGC STUDIOS ( similar to dive studios ). all the vlive shows that were once filmed in the small practice rooms have been expanded, allowing hosts to have their own show in a bigger space. furthermore, as more celebrities dive in to the world of podcasting so has the company too! this means that there will be additional rooms for people to film and record their podcast shows.
for Q2 2024, LEGACY has brought back the youtube shows and podcasts for trainees ( excluding muses participating in NKND ) to partake in. for the muses who have done CASTING CALL 016, we strongly advise to please wait until APRIL 14 to decide whether to sign-up for this event. as mentioned previously, all of the youtube shows and podcasts have different requirements so please read through the bottom portion before pitching to us any ideas you may have!
to host a show and pitch an idea:
a trainee must have at least +50 VARIETY and +70 KOREAN. please keep in mind their skills while pitching an idea — someone who has 50 variety points but 0 hosting points will be best suited for a game show or something similar to it.
you may not team up with another muse, but remember that there will be a guest on every episode.
management of the calendar and guests will be up to you; however, keep the main updated quickly for us to post when the episodes air on our lgcmedia sheet!
duration of the gig is from APRIL to JUNE. this could be extended if your muse is interested and if requirements are met.
before pitching an idea, please note that this is a long term commitment ( 3 months minimum ) and will require you to write multiple threads during this period of time.
since the show is biweekly, there will be 4 episodes ( each episode is 50 minutes ).
you may write up to three ( 3 ) threads of four ( 4 ) replies minimum each to collect +3 MCING/HOSTING, +3 VARIETY, and +3 NOTORIETY per episode (for a maximum total of +9 MCING/HOSTING, +9 VARIETY, and +9 NOTORIETY).
to be eligible to keep your show another season, you must complete the writing requirements for at least 2 THREADS.
to be a guest on a show:
for those who aren’t interested in having a regular show or simply don’t have the minimum skills required, it will still be possible for your muses to participate! once shows are announced, hosts will be tasked to post a call for guests.
trainees and any MODELS, ACTORS, or IDOLS with less than 200 notoriety at the time of this post can participate as a guest. if the MODEL or ACTOR with less than 200 notoriety has a personal channel currently, they can still participate as a guest on a youtube show.
if there is more than one show ongoing — since open slots are limited ( 4 per show ) — your muse may only guest on one show OR podcast during a trimester. they cannot be in both to allow other people to participate as well.
for the time being, hosts cannot guest on another show or podcast.
to avoid overwhelming hosts, they aren’t obligated to thread with their four ( 4 ) guests and may only collect points for two ( 2 ) threads.
guests without threads will be rewarded +1 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
guests with threads will be rewarded +2 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
a muse cannot guest two seasons in a row on the same show.
to host a show and pitch an idea:
a trainee must have at least +50 MCING/HOSTING and +80 KOREAN. because podcasts are more of a talk show, the concept idea should be related to that.
you may not team up with another muse, but remember that there will be a guest on every episode.
management of the calendar and guests will be up to you; however, keep the main updated quickly for us to post when the episodes air on our lgcmedia sheet!
duration of the gig is from APRIL to JUNE. this could be extended if your muse is interested and if requirements are met.
before pitching an idea, please note that this is a long term commitment ( 3 months minimum ) and will require you to write multiple threads during this period of time.
since the podcast is biweekly, there will be 4 episodes ( each episode is 50 minutes ).
you may write up to three ( 3 ) threads of four ( 4 ) replies minimum each to collect +4 MCING/HOSTING, +4 VARIETY, and +4 NOTORIETY per episode (for a maximum total of +12 MCING/HOSTING, +12 VARIETY, and +12 NOTORIETY).
to be eligible to keep your show another season, you must complete the writing requirements for at least 2 THREADS.
to be a guest on a podcast:
for those who aren’t interested in having a regular podcast or simply don’t have the minimum skills required, it will still be possible for your muses to participate! once shows are announced, hosts will be tasked to post a call for guests.
trainees and any MODELS, ACTORS, or IDOLS with less than 200 notoriety can participate as a guest. if the MODEL or ACTOR with less than 200 notoriety has a personal channel currently, they can still participate as a guest on a podcast.
if there is more than one show ongoing — since open slots are limited ( 4 per podcast ) — your muse may only guest on one show OR podcast during a trimester. they cannot be in both to allow other people to participate as well.
for the time being, hosts cannot guest on another show or podcast.
to avoid overwhelming hosts, they aren’t obligated to thread with their four ( 4 ) guests and may only collect points for two ( 2 ) threads.
guests without threads will be rewarded +1 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
guests with threads will be rewarded +2 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
a muse cannot guest two seasons in a row on the same show. 
if you are interested in hosting a youtube show or podcast, fill out the form below and send it to lgcmanager before APRIL 20, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT.
- muse name: - youtube show or podcast: ( list which one you’re interested in. make sure that your muse meets the point reqs for this ) - show title: - concept: ( must be at least 50 words. please explain in depth the show/podcast idea you have in mind. if there are any areas that might need clarification, we’ll notify you about it )
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cherrylgc · 1 year
WACC Ep4: “wish it was real”
        the show already coming to an end felt crazy to cherry. it felt like yesterday she submitted an idea for her first youtube show, and her first youtube show had ended in the blink of an eye, and so had her first podcast. 
cherry didn’t particularly have anything she was really good at, but speaking was something she was good at, hosting a podcast seemed so simple, perhaps anyone could do it, but this almost felt like the true calling for cherry. she’d enjoyed her youtube show, and too had she enjoyed this podcast, it was only sad it was already coming to an end. she was already playing with ideas in her mind, should she request a second season of the show? should she begin finding new show ideas once again? her friends were saying they enjoyed the podcast, and there was a slight argument in her friend group whether which of her shows were best. she’d asked her dad too which he found best, but he’d replied with that they were both good.
last episode, really? already?
“welcome everyone to your favourite time, also known as the time ‘what a childish cheory’ airs, i’m kim cherry, who cherish you all, and today i have a very interesting guest joining me” she sends a smile to saem, gesturing him to introduce himself. she then continues, “to begin with, this is sadly the last episode of the show, it all ended far quicker than i’d expected, as this is the last episode, i have a request to saem”. “saem? you know when you as a child fake cried? can i ask you to give me your best fake cry?”.
written for... @lgcsaem
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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LGC STUDIOS ( Q3 2023 )
SCHEDULE TYPE: BI-WEEKLY GIG SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
thanks to BAE SIWOO and SEO HANEUL’s radio show and the influence it has with the public, LEGACY decided to have their own building called LGC STUDIOS ( similar to dive studios ). all the vlive shows that were once filmed in the small practice rooms have been expanded, allowing hosts to have their own show in a bigger space. furthermore, as more celebrities dive in to the world of podcasting so has the company too! this means that there will be additional rooms for people to film and record their podcast shows.
for Q3 2023, LEGACY has brought back the youtube shows and podcasts for trainees ( excluding LGC GIRLS JAPAN ) to partake in. as mentioned previously, all of the youtube shows and podcasts have different requirements so please read through the bottom portion before pitching to us any ideas you may have!
for Q1 2023, the one(s) listed below are eligible for renewal:
ABRACADABRA, ALAKAZAM! ( HOST: HAN HYUNHEE / @lgchyunhee ) - second season​
LEGACY HALL BATTLE ( HOST: HAN NOEUL / @lgcxnoeul ) - third season
NORAEBATTLE ( HOST: PARK SEOJIN / @lgcseojin ) - second season
OUR INCHERRYSTING HISTORY ( HOST: KIM CHERRY / @cherrylgc ) - second season
the shows eligible for renewal was based on whether the post requirements were completed in Q1 2023 along with the muse’s schedules. 
if you would like to renew your show or podcast for another season, fill out the form below and send it to lgcmanager before JULY 15, 2023 at 11:59PM EST.
muse name: I would like to renew my youtube show/podcast for another season.
( important note: each youtube show and podcast can be renewed up to TWO times [ so three seasons in total ] to allow other people to host their own shows. )
if you DO NOT want to renew your show but would like to host a new show or podcast, follow the same process and fill out the show pitch form down below. do note that if you choose to go with this route, you will have the same chance as everyone else to have their show accepted. this also means that there’s a possibility that your show or podcast may be declined due to various reasons.
to host a show and pitch an idea:
a trainee must have at least +50 VARIETY and +70 KOREAN. please keep in mind their skills while pitching an idea — someone who has 50 variety points but 0 hosting points will be best suited for a game show or something similar to it.
you may not team up with another muse, but remember that there will be a guest on every episode.
management of the calendar and guests will be up to you; however, keep the main updated quickly for us to post when the episodes air on our lgcmedia sheet!
duration of the gig is from JULY to SEPTEMBER. this could be extended if your muse is interested and if requirements are met.
before pitching an idea, please note that this is a long term commitment ( 3 months minimum ) and will require you to write multiple threads during this period of time.
since the show is biweekly, there will be 4 episodes ( each episode is 50 minutes ).
you may write up to three ( 3 ) threads of four ( 4 ) replies minimum each to collect +3 MCING/HOSTING, +3 VARIETY, and +3 NOTORIETY per episode (for a maximum total of +9 MCING/HOSTING, +9 VARIETY, and +9 NOTORIETY).
to be eligible to keep your show another season, you must complete the writing requirements for at least 2 THREADS.
to be a guest on a show:
for those who aren’t interested in having a regular show or simply don’t have the minimum skills required, it will still be possible for your muses to participate! once shows are announced, hosts will be tasked to post a call for guests.
trainees and any MODELS, ACTORS, or IDOLS with less than 200 notoriety can participate as a guest. if the MODEL or ACTOR with less than 200 notoriety has a personal channel currently, they can still participate as a guest on a youtube show.
if there is more than one show ongoing — since open slots are limited ( 4 per show ) — your muse may only guest on one show OR podcast during a trimester. they cannot be in both to allow other people to participate as well.
for the time being, hosts cannot guest on another show or podcast.
to avoid overwhelming hosts, they aren’t obligated to thread with their four ( 4 ) guests and may only collect points for two ( 2 ) threads.
guests without threads will be rewarded +1 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
guests with threads will be rewarded +2 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
a muse cannot guest two seasons in a row on the same show. in the past we usually allow a one trimester cooldown before a muse can return to a show, but because there was a gap in between Q1 and Q3, muses who were guests previously in Q1 CANNOT be guests in the same show for Q3.  they may guest on other ongoing show.
to host a show and pitch an idea:
a trainee must have at least +50 MCING/HOSTING and +80 KOREAN. because podcasts are more of a talk show, the concept idea should be related to that.
you may not team up with another muse, but remember that there will be a guest on every episode.
management of the calendar and guests will be up to you; however, keep the main updated quickly for us to post when the episodes air on our lgcmedia sheet!
duration of the gig is from JULY to SEPTEMBER. this could be extended if your muse is interested and if requirements are met.
before pitching an idea, please note that this is a long term commitment ( 3 months minimum ) and will require you to write multiple threads during this period of time.
since the podcast is biweekly, there will be 4 episodes ( each episode is 50 minutes ).
you may write up to three ( 3 ) threads of four ( 4 ) replies minimum each to collect +4 MCING/HOSTING, +4 VARIETY, and +4 NOTORIETY per episode (for a maximum total of +12 MCING/HOSTING, +12 VARIETY, and +12 NOTORIETY).
to be eligible to keep your show another season, you must complete the writing requirements for at least 2 THREADS.
to be a guest on a podcast:
for those who aren’t interested in having a regular podcast or simply don’t have the minimum skills required, it will still be possible for your muses to participate! once shows are announced, hosts will be tasked to post a call for guests.
trainees and any MODELS, ACTORS, or IDOLS with less than 200 notoriety can participate as a guest. if the MODEL or ACTOR with less than 200 notoriety has a personal channel currently, they can still participate as a guest on a podcast.
if there is more than one show ongoing — since open slots are limited ( 4 per podcast ) — your muse may only guest on one show OR podcast during a trimester. they cannot be in both to allow other people to participate as well.
for the time being, hosts cannot guest on another show or podcast.
to avoid overwhelming hosts, they aren’t obligated to thread with their four ( 4 ) guests and may only collect points for two ( 2 ) threads.
guests without threads will be rewarded +1 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
guests with threads will be rewarded +2 MCING/HOSTING, +1 VARIETY, +1 NOTORIETY.
a muse cannot guest two seasons in a row on the same show. there’s a one trimester cooldown period before a muse can return to a show. in the past we usually allow a one trimester cooldown before a muse can return to a show, but because there was a gap in between Q1 and Q3, muses who were guests previously in Q1 CANNOT be guests in the same show for Q3.  they may guest on other ongoing show.
if you are interested in hosting a youtube show or podcast, fill out the form below and send it to lgcmanager before JULY 15, 2023 at 11:59PM EST.
- muse name: - youtube show or podcast: ( list which one you’re interested in. make sure that your muse meets the point reqs for this ) - show title: - concept: ( must be at least 50 words. please explain in depth the show/podcast idea you have in mind. if there are any areas that might need clarification, we’ll notify you about it )
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cherrylgc · 11 months
WACC S2, EP3: "i heard from a friend"
cherry had found a love for being in front of cameras after joining legacy style and babysitting services. around came the opportunity to have your own vlive show, cherry wasn’t skilled enough in variety nor hosting to have her own show, but she’d managed to guest on someone else’s show, and a few months later she got her own show. cherry had loved her show ‘our incherrysting history’ youtube show much, but when the time came where she should choose if she’d have another season, she decided on something new, a podcast, ‘what a childish cheory!’, a podcast which now has a second season.
everything felt like it’d gone so quickly, cherry finding out her love for being in front of the tv, so suddenly having her own show, her own podcast, and her first ever ‘second season’ of her own show. episode three had already come around.
“hello everybody, episode three of the oh so lovely show also called ‘what a childish cheory!’ this is your host, the one and only kim cherry who cherish you all, to join me today, i’ve brought someone special… please introduce yourself!”.
written for... @lgcoliver
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lgcmanager · 11 months
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LGC STUDIOS ( Q4 2023: PART 2 )
a few weeks ago, we gave the trainees a chance to host their own youtube show/podcast. today, we will announce the shows that will be aired this term!
master scout: follow the rookie!, a pre-recorded youtube show hosted by HAN NOEUL ( @lgcxnoeul )
noraebattle, a pre-recorded youtube show hosted by PARK SEOJIN ( @lgcseojin ) - third and final season
what a childish cheory!, a pre-recorded podcast hosted by KIM CHERRY ( @cherrylgc ) - second season
we will give them the pleasure to introduce their shows themselves. due to the limited slots we have plus everyone’s schedules, only one new show was accepted for this term!
listed below is a reminder of certain rules from the original post for both hosts and guests.
management of the calendar and guests will be up to you; however, keep the main updated quickly for us to post your content on the lgcmedia account (submit the names of your FOUR guests as soon as possible).
to assure fairness for next term, there are no waiting list allowed. furthermore, we discourage any prior plot calls off dash to ensure fairness and inclusivity towards everyone who might be interested in participating.
duration of the gig is from OCTOBER to DECEMBER. this could be extended if your muse is interested and if requirements are met.
there will be 4 EPISODES of 50 MINUTES EACH.
for YOUTUBE SHOWS, you may write up to THREE threads of FOUR replies minimum each to collect +3 MCING/HOSTING, +3 VARIETY, and +3 NOTORIETY per THREAD SUBMITTED (maximum points you can get from this is +9 MCING/HOSTING, +9 VARIETY, and +9 NOTORIETY). for PODCASTS, you may write up to THREE threads of FOUR replies minimum each to collect +4 MCING/HOSTING, +4 VARIETY, and +4 NOTORIETY per THREAD SUBMITTED (maximum points you can get from this is +12 MCING/HOSTING,+12 VARIETY, and +12 NOTORIETY).
to be eligible to keep your show another trimester, you must complete at least TWO threads.
trainees and any MODELS, ACTORS, or IDOLS with less than 200 notoriety can participate as a guest. trainees who are a part of LGC GIRLS JAPAN are not eligible to participate.
if there is more than one show ongoing — since open slots are limited (4 per show) — your muse may only guest on one show OR podcast during a trimester. they cannot be in both to allow other people to participate as well.
to avoid overwhelming hosts, they aren’t obligated to thread with their FOUR guests and may only collect points for THREE threads.
hosts CANNOT guest on another show or podcast.
a muse cannot guest two seasons in a row on the same show. there’s a one trimester cooldown period before a muse can return to a show. they may guest on other ongoing show.
GUESTS WITHOUT THREADS will be rewarded 1 hosting, 1 variety and 1 notoriety.
GUESTS WITH THREADS will be rewarded 2 hosting, 2 variety, 2 notoriety.
( IMPORTANT NOTE: for hosts, please send your points once. as a reminder, the content of the posts must be what will be AIRED during the episodes!  )
you have until JANUARY 6, 2024 11:59PM EST to finish your threads and submit your form to the points blog. for the YOUTUBE SHOWS, all posts must use the hashtag lgc:youtubeshow, while for PODCASTS, all posts must use the hashtag lgc:podcasts.
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