lgcnatalie · 3 years
yumi is surprised by the formal greeting from the other. for whatever reason, she’s not quite used to people calling her that even though there’s no shortage of people who do. she’s about to tell her she can just call her yumi or unnie or something but there’s no point, so she just lets it pass as the other continues on.
“yeah! i didn’t expect that we’d get to be here,” she admits with a soft laugh. “good good,” she nods her head. “just happily enjoying the time off that we have to be here and eat up everything from the food table,” she jokes. “it must be nice to get married,” she muses aloud. “well, i mean, you’re still young,” she quickly adds. she herself will be twenty-seven soon. was that something she should start thinking more about? that doesn’t seem right.
while she wasn’t known for being the most social, she wasn’t exactly known for being socially inept, either. in fact, she was sure that she could hold herself around others. but now, that was proven wrong with how awkward she was being around the other. but it’s not her fault she holds the other in such high regards!
she tries her best to make her small laugh seem natural to the other, not at all fake or over-the-top. “yeah, for sure. honestly, having this as a day off from our normal responsibilities is nice.” it’s then the other mentions marriage and as the other is about to excuse herself with her saying that, natalie nods her head in agreement. “you’re right though.” she decides to add onto it, just so it’s not awkward. “i mean, i am still young, so i don’t really need to think about that stuff right away, but it’s nice to just think about it. it’s like... a celebration of a very precious kind of love, which i feel many people could enjoy celebrating.”
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
i survived (so let’s celebrate)-*
“that’s nice to hear! and I’m doing good, too, thank you for asking,” he replies with a smile. hearing how chirpy natalie is, junghwan couldn’t help but grin even brighter. one down side of having a schedule overseas is that at some point, you tend to miss your friends, even if it was only a few days. plus, he really is happy to see natalie again, excited to be telling her how well he did with socializing with the native english speakers overseas without him mentally crashing down from information overload. there’s a sense of pride as a student, if that makes sense.
junghwan moves to sit beside her so they can converse with more ease. “oh, it went very well! the event was amazing, and the cities were as beautiful as they said it would be,” he sighs dreamily, remembering how awesome paris, milan and london had been and how amazing the whole experience had been. he already misses it. he wonders when they’ll be able to come back. “i took lots of photos, as usual,” he grins. traveling is the perfect opportunity to indulge his photography hobby, after all.
“but i also have some good news, for you!” junghwan chirps. “first- here, i got you some souvenir,” he says as he hands over a small paper bag that contains a few ref magnets from all three cities, keychains and a cute looking scarf he saw. “i hope you like them. consider it as a thank you gift as well for those english lessons you gave me,” he grins. “I’m very proud to say i survived those weeks without getting a single nosebleed! i also didn’t run out of english this time!”
the girl couldn’t help but smile as he talked about his time while travelling around the countries, mainly because of the fact that she missed the feeling of being overseas herself. it had been a while since she considered english to be the language she needed to speak on a daily basis. and though she’s grown accustomed to living in korea and being a trainee, she did have those moments where she wished she was experiencing her past life as a normal high school student in new york. 
but enough about the sappiness. she didn’t want to get all mopey about what used to be her “daily life” when she’s grateful that she’s living the way she is now, especially if that included teaching her friends english. “ooh! you took a lot of photos, huh! you should show me when you get the chance. especially of the ones in london. i’ve always wanted to visit there.” that’s enough, tom holland fangirl. god, she needed to not make it be obvious to other people. she’s already doing a little too much with her spiderman bag. 
at the mention of good news, she tilts her head to the side, curious as to what he meant. “for me?” she asks. before she could say anything else, he hands a small paper bag and her eyes widen at the gesture. in all honesty, she didn’t expect to receive anything the moment he came back from his trip. she was just satisfied to know that she was able to help him in any way. “oh my gosh! wow! you really didn’t have to get these for me! thank you so much!” she says with a big grin. she chooses to look into the bag later. right now, she was going to be polite. “well, i’m glad i was able to help! and i’m very proud of you for pulling through to the very end, my faithful student!” she says the last bit a little too proudly, but it’s all in good nature. 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
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(210326) goeun ✩ music bank waiting room
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
throughout the four years that akira had spent in legacy as a trainee, he’d seen lots of people come and go, and befriended some of the people he met along the way. it had been a worry of his when he showed up in south korea knowing absolutely no one that he wouldn’t manage to get along or become friendly with anyone, even once he had learned the language well enough that he could hold conversation, but he’d be lucky to find a few people he got along well with. even when he wasn’t friends with people, akira tended to get along with just about anyone.
the wedding celebrations had allowed for him to move around, chat with a few different people that he hadn’t seen in a long time or had a chance to speak with, which was nice. he assumed he should probably start getting use to not always being able to catch up with friends, especially if type zero did well.
he had been resting for a few moments, glass of water in hand, when he hears someone call out before approaching him, and akira didn’t hesitate to smile once more seeing natalie standing in front of him, making sure to great her happily. “it’s been too long, yes! i have been very busy, but i bet you have as well!” he smiled, giggling. “i’ve been well, busy like you said. mostly just practicing and rehersing, not much else is going on right now.”
it feels refreshing to be able to take advantage of this event to catch up with friends. though she’s a trainee like most of everyone else in the company is, she wasn’t completely oblivious to all the cool events that have been happening along the way. besides the musical that she was forced to take part in, a lot of her groupmates had the japan tour, and, of course, there was the presence of future dreams! to be out of the loop with that, especially with her friend in front of her taking part in it, would essentially be... ridiculous of her! 
at the mention of her being busy, she couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “ah... yeah, i guess you could say that. we had dream high just a few weeks ago and...” she grimaces at the memory of it, remembering how she had to teach herself to act in the matter of a few weeks for it. sure she got to spend a lot of rehearsal bothering yein, but it was still... an experience. 
she shakes her head at the memory. “enough about that, though! more about you! i don’t believe you for a second when you say that nothing much is going on. word around the company says you’re finally going to debut? HELLO?! that’s huge!” she squeals in excitement and jumps in her spot. “i’m so proud of you, sunbae! that’s such a huge deal! i can’t believe i’m friends with a soon-to-be idol!!!” she grins at him. “i’m so happy for you!!”
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
tian has to admit that he’s actually rather nervous about this performance, worried that he’ll have some sort of mishap such as his voice failing him or maybe even forgetting some of the lyrics to the song they had chosen ( despite the fact that they had been practicing the song for the past few weeks leading up to this whole event ). it isn’t until natalie speaks to him that he snaps out of his little trance and turns his attention to her, letting out a small sigh. “i’m nervous actually. i keep worrying about messing up once we’re out there.” he’s speaking the truth, not feeling the need to lie about being perfectly fine when he really isn’t. “like you said, we’ve been practicing for weeks but that was just between us. now there’s people watching and i just….what if my voice gives out on me or i freeze up once we get out there? what about you? are you okay? you look like you may be more prepared than i am really…”
she wasn’t going to deny that the jitters were definitely strong now, especially with the fact that they were going to be performing in front of a lot of people. rarely does natalie ever have a moment in which she feels unprepared for a performance or lose her confidence in performing, but even she is not immune to feeling very nervous of how the performance may go. she had a lot of faith that tian was going to do well. in fact, it isn’t him that she’s fretting over right now. rather, it’s herself. she wants to make sure she does well enough so that people don’t doubt her and her skills as an aspiring idol. she just wants to make sure that she does well enough so that she can get closer to her goal in the end. 
so hearing that tian was also nervous felt comforting. it made her feel less alone in this experience and it feels like a bit of fresh air. even after all this time of training together, there was yet another way for them to be able to bond over their experiences and emotions while being under legacy together. and it does feel comforting to know that she seems like she’s prepared for this because internally, she was prepared to mess up and overthink that little error. but if she doesn’t seem like she’s thinking that, it could only mean a good result to come out of this performance. at least, that’s what she hopes anyway. 
“hey, it’s okay!” she says as an attempt to reassure the other, giving him a pat on the arm to add onto the comfort. she’s not really good with emotions. she needs to be better with dealing with hers before she can help others out with their own, she realizes. but that wasn’t the main point right now. “if it makes you feel better, i was also really nervous, too. right now, i’m already waiting for that one part where i screw up on accident while in the middle of the song so that i can obsess over it even after we get this over with.” she finds herself smiling at how silly that sounds, but she continues on with her point. “but you saying i look prepared makes me feel better because as long as i look like i’m ready, i know i’ll be ready. and seeing that i didn’t even know you were nervous until you told me, it looks like we’re on the same boat! so i can assure you right now that nothing will go wrong... and if it does for either of us, we got each other’s back. right?” 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
a wedding celebration starter for @lgcnatalie
weddings were such beautiful times, especially watching two people in love come together. from when she was a young child, she imagined her own wedding one day to be like something out of a fairy tale, and this celebration ( while not the official thing ) was still beautiful. she had been wandering around, saying hello to people and gushing over how fun and exciting this event was.
a familiar face suddenly came to view as she approached the young female. “natalie!” she exclaimed, waving at the other, a wide smile on her face as she finally reached her. “how are you? isn’t this celebration so fun?” she asked, looking around the room as if she were still in awe at the whole thing ( which she sort of was, but that was beside the point ). “i’m so happy we get to be a part of this.”
it’s been a while since she had attended a wedding celebration. after moving to korea, she didn’t really get any invitations to go out to a wedding celebration of a family friend or a family member. but she was not going to deny that they were definitely fun to attend. besides the hopeless romantic being fueled in her, it also gave her the opportunity to interact with everyone in the agency, even faces she rarely gets to see because of their busy schedules. 
that being said, she didn’t expect to have the seo yumi interact with her. sure, they’ve had interactions every now and then and they’ve been under legacy for quite some time, but it still feels... surreal to even be in the same space as her at the same time. “ah! sunbaenim, hello,” she says with a little bow and polite smile. play it cool, natalie. play it cool. you do not want to look like a loser in front of her. “yeah, i agree! i’m really glad we get to be apart of this, too! wedding parties are always so fun.” oh my god. she sounds so lame. she should be more friendly. “i’m doing great!! how about yourself?” 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
i survived (so let’s celebrate)-*
after the wild and enjoyable ride the fashion week event had been, it’s nice to just relax and enjoy the slow pace this weird phase of ‘after official schedules’ period brings. and it’s even more wonderful with the wedding announcements of ther CEOs and the celebration the company is planning, the hype just didn’t have the time to even start to come down. it’s safe to say he’s still riding the excitement residue these events brings - not that he’s complaining.
one thing he remembers to bring with him this time are some of the souvenirs he bought during the time he’s granted some time to explore the three cities they visited for fashion week. he knows he’s bound to meet his friends in the celebration, after all. but he can’t bring everything, sadly, so he makes a mental note to continue his souvenir deliveries the next days to come. one person he purposefully seeks out is natalie. she had been kind enough to help him improve on his english, and junghwan strongly believes it’s one reason he was able to survive three very foreign cities. she was such a patient tutor and he wanted to thank her properly and show her that he has, in fact, survived.
“sunbae!” junghwan chirps, already grinning when he’s within her hearing range. it’s always weird to be almost always older than most of his friends, but signing in a little later than them makes them his senior. it’s become a habit around natalie, however, not that he minds. she is teaching him english. he gently hands her a fresh drink he had picked up from the food table. “i am back! how are you?”
for @lgcnatalie  side event 011 - celebration
the wedding was essentially a good way to catch up with friends who have had their own schedules whilst being under the company. through the three years she’s been at legacy, she was able to befriend a lot of new faces who she’s gotten to see flourish in the next few years to come. and though there is a little bit of envy towards them being able to accomplish so much before she can, she’s overall glad to see them succeed in life. it’s also enough motivation for her to work just as hard so that she doesn’t miss out on the future that includes “official schedules”... the ones she’d fantasize about while she’s in the bathroom with her hairbrush as a microphone or as a prop for her “future photoshoot”.
she was glad to be able to get back in touch with most of the friends she doesn’t get to see around anymore. but after her and tian’s performance from earlier, plus her doing more socializing than she’s used to doing, her throat was getting a little parched. so whether or not it was intentional or by pure coincidence, when she hears junghwan call out to her and then offering her a cup from the table, she’s more than delighted... that and the fact that he called her sunbae. her head always gets big when people older than her call her that. 
“junghwan-oppa! it’s been a while,” she responds with a smile on her face as she takes the cup. it has been a while. the last time she’s heard from him was before he had some schedules overseas, so it’s nice to see him again after all of that. “i’m good! you came in time. i was getting a little thirsty. thank you for this, by the way,” she says with a chuckle before she takes a sip. “how about you! how’ve you been? with your travelling and all?” 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
just two pals, singing a song @lgctian​
any opportunity to perform was an opportunity that was essentially asking for natalie’s attention. with the want to improve her performance every day so that she’d be able to shine brightly on stage, it’s expected for her to be as excited as she is to perform anything that could show her talent to a crowd of people, including hyuncheol and his bride-to-be. 
she’s fortunate enough to have someone willing to perform with her. though she didn’t mind doing it on her own, she was never one to reject singing with a fellow trainee, especially if he was someone she could call a friend. with the fact that they both got signed around the same time, it was not difficult for them to befriend each other. and with how talented the older was, she found herself ecstatic for their performance. of course, the hooligan in her had decided to suggest “count on me” as their performance song. would “marry me” have been a better option for a wedding? duh. but the fun thing about this song in particular is that it feels more relatable to anyone. plus, some may even agree that a romantic partner is a person’s best friend.
though they couldn’t play a guitar, they had the power of the internet to aid them with their instrumental! as they’re waiting backstage for their turn to go, the girl looks over at her friend with a big smile on her face. “soo..? how are we feeling?” she says to hopefully clear any nervousness that either of them (mostly her) could be feeling. “are you excited? we’ve been practicing this for weeks!” 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
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“introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging; they tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.” 
introverted - sure she likes spending time with her friends and possible friends, however natalie isn’t much of a social butterfly to begin with. though she is extremely comfortable around friends, she usually clings to them when at social gatherings or parties. though she is a little shy, she always tries her best to expand her social circle. but at the same time, she wants to do what’s best for her social battery. so while she does try her best with reaching out to strangers in order to befriend them, it means the world to her if other people do that to her first. 
intuitive - growing up, natalie always found the delivery of a song to be more important than the amount of times a singer does runs or riffs (though she appreciates them a good amount). the reason why is so that she can be able to understand the meaning of a song more, via the lyrics and how the singer or instrument player performs. it’s why she wishes to be an idol as well as a producer in the future. though she is slowly building up on her skills on writing and producing songs, she wants to be able to have people listen to her music and have their own interpretations for it. she always did well in literature class because she was able to look deeper into the text given to her. not to mention, she’s a fan of theories as well when it comes to her favorite shows or movies. 
feeling - she’s always been more of an emotional person than a logical one. in fact, she has more control on her voice and dance than she does on her emotions! (haha) it’s easy for the girl to get carried away when it comes to making decisions that require a logical answer. she won’t deny that she has a short temper, but she also won’t deny that she is also very sentimental. when having to debate with someone, she will make sure that she remains strong and consistent with her argument solely because it is what she believes is right. however, if someone does a kind action while making sure she knows they did it with her in mind, it’ll be difficult for her to contain the waterworks. 
judging - as mentioned before, when having to debate with someone, she will make sure that she remains strong and consistent with her argument solely because it is what she believes is right. one of natalie’s greatest flaws is that she is stubborn, however one of her strengths is that she’s organized. though she is willing to change her ways to be more adaptable and flexible, she likes to make sure she has a plan for her future and anything else she plans to do. because her biggest risk was her auditioning for legacy entertainment and moving from new york to south korea, she wants to make sure that she thinks her life carefully to make sure all that she is doing will be worth it in the end. 
“the committed, security-oriented type. sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. they can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. they typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion.”
though she is growing her social circle and also taking more risks every single day, natalie does have fears rooted on her thoughts on the future that become a hindrance in her present-day life. her ultimate fear is if all her efforts result to failure in the end. she does not regret becoming a trainee at all, however she does have doubts about whether or not she made the right decision of leaving her mother and brother in new york in the possibility that she were to end up going nowhere. it’s why she works hard so that she can prove herself worthy of being an idol, in hopes to prove to herself and others that the sacrifices that she’s made in her life were worth it for her in the end. but even then, she becomes critical of her actions as a result, fearing that if she even messes up one little thing, everything is ruined for her. (this is also why she avoids having to practice her weaknesses, as she does not want to automatically fail at something she is new at). 
“gryffindor primaries care about their gut morality. they want to do the right thing, and they think art of that answer comes from trusting yourself. they can still be thoughtful, careful, and rational, but they have a strong belief in the value of moral compasses. gryffindor secondaries charge. they don’t like to lie or misrepresent themselves.” 
natalie was a huge fan of the harry potter series in her childhood. and though she isn’t much of a fan of the series anymore, she will still remain faithful to her gryffindor title to this day. she had been in the same house since she was a child, as a sign of her determination and self-confidence. what she takes pride in the most about her house, besides the fact that it’s the same house as the three main characters of the harry potter franchise, is that their main values are justice and bravery. and though she is a bit skeptical of taking some risks, she is not afraid to speak her mind and will do all it takes to prove her efforts and hard work. 
“self motivated and ambitious; once you have an idea in your head there is little that can stop you on your road to success. you don’t let yourself get pushed around and you won’t stop until you’ve achieved your goal.”
it’s most likely already obvious that natalie is a hard worker. normally, she would not care for what others think of her. but even in a joking aspect, she never wishes to be considered as lazy because it makes her believe that she isn’t doing enough to accomplish her goals and ambitions. it’s no surprise that being in the industry that she’s in, she’s going to face a lot of competition for the chance to debut. but the moment she got off the plain from new york to seoul, natalie had one goal to accomplish and that was to make sure that all her efforts would not be in vain. she was going to work hard until she was able to show herself to the world and even if it takes years of hardships, she’ll always remind herself to get back on her feet. 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
     “okay fine. but afterwards you have to rehearse this scene. i’ll even read the cues for you.” it’s as much a generous offer ( from her perspective ) as it is that she just knows the other girl will make fun of her, and she wants to be able to make fun of her right back, all in the interest of fairness.
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     many people could look at these two and expect them to be sweet to each other always because of how close they were to each other, but that wasn’t exactly the case all the time. in fact, natalie took any opportunity to be a complete nuisance to yein any chance she could. even if she needed to tone it down a bit, considering they both had to work on their weaknesses to be successful with this musical, that didn’t mean they were going to stop their dynamic of picking on each other. it’s not like natalie wants yein to fail. and she knows it’s not the other way, either. but how could friends be successful if they’re always serious all the time? there’s gotta be some fun in it somewhere. if natalie’s going to suffer with being in a musical, she at least could be a little brat to yein to get some entertainment out of it. 
     she laughs at the loud sigh, as well as the overall annoyed response that the girl gives to her. she’s dramatic, but so was natalie herself. but it doesn’t last, as her smile drops the moment she hears that she has to rehearse a scene. even if she knew it was fair to have yein have the opportunity to clown her for her poor acting, it’s a shame that it had to be a catch for her to be able to make fun of the other. “okayyy... i guess,” she says in defeat. even if she complains about it now, it’s better that yein picks on her about it rather than an acting coach that natalie would be terrified of. "i’ll try not to be much of a brat with your dancing, though. so you better not be annoying with me.” 
    she grabs her phone out of her pocket and quickly tries to pull the song up, skipping to the timestamp for the part that they just learned. “from the top!” she says before clicking the play button. 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
picking on her best friend practicing with @lgcyein
truth be told, she did not want to take part in the musical at all. sure, she was up for opportunities that could help with her experience and journey with becoming an idol. she could sing, dance, and perform in general just fine. in fact, the idea of performing in front of a live audience in front of cameras sounded exciting to her. but of course, with everything good comes with a catch. at the end of the day, this was a musical... and with that being said, she had to act in it. and that girl had no talent in that field, due to her stubborn attitude with not investing her time in something she was not automatically good at. 
but there were many reasons why she was thankful to live the life she’s living now, one of them being her darling friend ahn yein. who would she be without the girl? most likely frustrated out of her mind at the auditions. she was not only someone she could pick on— no wait— rely on. she, unlike natalie herself, was an aspiring actress who happened to not be too fond of singing and dancing. so the both of them being in ensemble together was fate in their eyes. of course, they cause a ruckus with their constant bickering, but at least they were able to help each other improve... somewhat. 
with today’s rehearsals being focused on choreography, she looks at her friend with a a pout before she goes on to whine. “come onnnn, yein!” she sounds like an annoying child begging to their older sibling, but she doesn’t acknowledge it. “just go through the choreo one more time! i’ll play the music for you and everything, if that’ll help. and i won’t make fun of you." that was a lie. natalie knew it was a lie. even yein probably knew that the words coming out of her friend’s mouth were full of shit. “well... i’ll try not to. but i believe in you! you can do this!” 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
celebrating the occasion with @lgcakira !
throughout her time at legacy, natalie’s had the pleasure of meeting a lot of trainees, old and new. while befriending them, she got to experience their growth in the company before they would eventually head towards their destiny of becoming an idol. though she’s impatient and wishes to hurry up her own process so that she could be sure that she had not embarked on this journey for no reason, she watches as her fellow friends and colleagues are able to achieve the goal she wishes to accomplish. and rather than feeling jealous, she feels... inspired. 
okamoto akira was a great example of that.. 
he was one year his senior, so he undoubtedly had more experience and skill than she did. like she did with most of her seniors, she took any opportunity she could to learn from them. that way, she could be able to understand what she needed to improve on and also how to perform the proper way. with this friend in particular, she was not only able to see him grow into the performer he is today but also support him along the way on future dreams. in short, his hard work and dedication essentially made her wish to continue working harder towards her dream. 
usually, she wouldn’t be too big on social gatherings. but when she spots the other, she feels more than happy to walk over to him and share her excitement to him. “sunbae!” she calls out before she approaches him. “it’s been a while since i’ve gotten to talk to you! you’ve been pretty busy, lately,” she says with a big smile, wiggling her eyebrows after she says that. “how’ve you been? what’s up in akira town??” 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
reblogging this to say i now have a plots page over here, in case you guys want to check it out <3 if any of them catch ur interest, feel free to hmu!!! 
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hi there everyone!! i’m clem (pronouns are they/them ooh rhyming legend) and i am the mun behind your soon-to-be favorite bruno mars fan, natalie choi !!! this is my first time here at lgc and i’m super excited to be here bc a lot of people ik are here (i’m a little nervous too bc i’m literally so new to everything rip)!!!! if you’re interested in plotting w her, please like this and i’ll hit you up in the ims!! i also have a discord and twitter if you prefer to plot on there (just ask me them and i’ll give them to u <3). 
Keep reading
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
daeho was glad that the other agreed to dance with him, thought he wasnt sure where her skills was in dacning he was confident in himself to teach others. after all if this didnt go well maybe. he could open up his own dance studio one day. “perfect! this will be a lot of fun” he reassured her. 
a firm shake before he let her hand go he noted her english name “are you from america?” he ask  without thinking too much about it. “oh sorry if that was straight forward but its nice to meet you natalie” the name maybe have been a little difficult for him to pronounce since his english was still in the works but he did his best tnot to butcher it too much. “also I dont talk this much but I had a little too much coffee this more, so cim kind of on a caffeine high at the moment.” for someone who couldnt sleep and loves to drink coffee daeho was not sure when he would crash but he hope that it would be after the workshop.
“I just love dancing.” he chuckle softly “though I feel like im lacking technique I tok the workshop to perfect it.” call him a perfectionist; even if he hated hearing it. “I dance a lot but never had serious lesson or classes until I became a trainee. so I would take any chance to improve.” he smiled feeling a little bad that he was rambling on a lot about himself again. “what about you?” daeho started stretching his arm as they got the chance to know each other.
“what brings you here?”
if she had to be honest, any opportunity to try and make friends was opportunities that natalie needed to take up more often, alongside the ones to try and improve herself as a performer. so in reality, all the workshops offered to her were definitely killing two birds with one stone... even if the reason for the workshops was not in her favor, she could at least try to look at the positives behind it all.
at the sudden question, she smiles widely and nods. “it’s no problem at all. i didn’t think it was straightforward,” she responds. “yeah, i’m from america. i’ve lived in new york for most of my life.” the way she says it with confidence is a little laughable, but she doesn’t seem to mind it that much. “it’s nice to met you, too!” at she watches him explain himself for his... activeness? she couldn’t help but giggle in response towards it. “that’s totally fine! i get it. i’m running on some caffeine as well,” she responds to him. “i’m not usually super social, so i’m glad you came to me first!” 
after hearing him explain his reason for taking the workshop, he asks her for her reason. “oh! well my reason’s kinda similar to yours,” she explains. “i’m more of a singer than i am a dancer, especially when i first started off. i think i’ve definitely gotten better of course, but i also don’t really have much of a technique. so any opportunity to improve on my dancing is a win in my book.” she nods, assuring to herself that what she said made sense. “of course, there’s other workshops for skills i should improve on,” she says, not wanting to think too much about her acting in the moment, “but i thought taking one workshop that i at least have a little grasp on would be good, y’know?” 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
wc: 329 
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she originally did not want to go to this workshop, but there was a little voice inside of her that told her to, as a result of her auditioning for the musical. it’s not like she wanted to, but she didn’t really have much of a choice. she’s just fortunate enough that she was able to at least have a chance as an ensemble member. although she was not too excited about the acting prospect, she will admit that the idea of performing in front of a live audience as well as being recorded for national television did sound exciting. that’s essentially like… the daily life of promoting as an idol!
but, alas, she has to eventually improve on her acting in other to not feel like a sore loser in the cast list. even if she’s going to be a background character, she at least had to act like she was in a high school and not dreading her days in university. not to mention, she didn’t want to act overly fake to the point of embarrassment, even if she isn’t the main star of the stage. 
though she mostly kept to herself during the workshop, she did get to interact with the other people there. they seemed to be a bit more skilled than her in the acting aspect, even if their “bare minimum” was still a few levels above hers. still, she tried her best with learning from them, as well as the special guests. (she’d be lying if she said she didn’t have those few seconds of spacing out by looking at them, though. they were so dreamy.) 
despite the distractions of beautiful actors and idols, she had fun with the workshop. it was funny, considering she thought she’d dread the whole entire thing for being one of the few trainees who little to nothing about acting. but perhaps it was something she just needed to have more of an interest in to perfect. 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
trainee mission 06 with @lgcnatalie​
dancing was daeho first love so for him if he couldn’t have a career anywhere else he would want to continue to dance as long as his feet lets him.  so it was a no brainer that he wanted to attend the dance workshop. daeho wasn’t the perfect dancer so he had hope to gain some more skillsets in this area to be even better. if had to compare himself he wanted to be the korean chris brown when it came to dancing. 
with heavy bags under his eyes, daeho was amazed that he was able to push the limits to his body. the dance was taught and now it was time to split to groups. he looked over and around his shoulder not sure if any of friends were here as well. although that would had been the easy choice daeho decided to go with a new face that he hadn’t seen before. 
“excuse me, would you like my dance partner?” he smiled holding his head out towards the other with a smile. “im daeho by the way,”
natalie came from humble beginnings when it came to dancing. having had no background for it at all when she first came to korea, she originally thought that the idol life was possibly not cut out for her. but rather than giving up easily, she decided to continue working hard at dancing to eventually be idol-worthy whilst improving on her singing. now, she’s able to say that she’s confident in her abilities when it came to it! 
however, that doesn’t mean she’d stop there. besides the fact that the dance workshop looked fun, she joined solely because she wished to improve in areas she needed to. if she was surrounded by people who were known to be excellent dancers, then she’d be able to improve ultimately! it’s best to be hopeful when it comes to that. 
and thank god someone approached her in her dance group. the socially awkward girl could not be able to do that to save her life. “sure! i’d be glad to be your partner,” she says with a smile before taking his hand to shake. “i’m nahyun, but people call me natalie.” she tilts her head to the side before she asks him a question. “what brings you to this workshop??” 
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lgcnatalie · 3 years
april 1st 2021
as your training group starts its first lesson of the day, the coach suddenly tells everyone to gather around. when you’re all listening, they suddenly call your name. “choi natalie…” they don’t sound angry, but they’re not smiling either. are you in trouble? did you do anything wrong? “we heard it’s your birthday… isn’t it?”
before you can react, everyone starts laughing and applauding as a few more staff members enter the room with a cake and a small box. they all sing happy birthday to you, and once the atmosphere calms down again you get handed the box. it contains… letters? “you received a few letters from fans. they also sent this cake. we hope this will brighten your day despite having to come in for training.” 
and right before you all get back to practice, a staff member tells you your gift from the company: a day off to use this upcoming month! you can claim it whenever you want as long as it doesn’t fall on a day with official company or group activities. have fun!
it’s a bit of a curse having the birthday she has, but she doesn’t really acknowledge it as much. for her, time simply passes and unless told a specific date, she doesn’t have much time to notice what day it is most of the time. all she cares about is what day of the week it is and when day, lunchtime, and night was. 
she treats today like any other normal day of training when all of a sudden, talking amongst the other members of her training group before the coach comes in. when they tell the girls to gather around, she’s a little curious about what the occasion or announcement could be. but she keeps silent so that she could be able to hear what it could be... only to hear her name. they don’t seem to show a reaction at first, making her a little concerned about what words would come next. 
is she in trouble? she doesn’t think she did anything bad. she’s tried following most of the rules. did they catch her being annoying to yein and misinterpret it?? hopefully not... 
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at the sudden announcement of her birthday, she blinks at them. “wh-” 
the laughter and applause throws her off guard as she watches staff members come into the room, singing her happy birthday and even handing her a small box. she looks up at the coach and despite the shock of events, she couldn’t help but smile and laugh. “thank you,” she responds to the staff members before bowing her head to everyone. she puts the gifts given to her aside before returning to training. 
she’s excited to read all the letters from the fans (that she still can’t believe she has!!), as well as enjoy the cake and call her mother in the evening to talk all about it. today may be a day of pranks, but she’s glad to know that she is appreciated regardless of her antics. 
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