lgcwenjun · 6 days
wenjun practices back down !
ah, this must be why they told wenjun to brush up on his english. he stares at the lyrics, and visibly gulps. this isn't going to be easy – not at all. as excited as he is for debut, this is a little daunting. he stares at the lyrics, lips parted. he has to do well – he has to prove his worth.
dance is one thing, but wenjun had been specifically called out for his lack of improvement in english. wenjun would like to think that after all his years in legacy, he's been able to pick up on dancing a little faster than the average person. but a whole new language... he'd been struggling enough with korean as it is. but he needs to do well. he has to.
minki's words ring through his mind. “wenjun… if you weren’t good enough for this team, then you wouldn’t be here in the first place.”
right. minki is right. minki had sat down next to him, while he poured his heart out. wenjun can't let minki down, he can't let anyone down. he's already grown so fond of this team, and can't imagine debuting without them.
"again," his coach says, and his voice is daunting. a reminder that wenjun had been picked for the team, so he better prove his worth. "your lack of practice is showing wenjun. you don't want to drag the team down, do you?"
wenjun shakes his head, his grip on the paper tightens. he has to do well – it isn't just for him anymore. he drills himself with pronunciation, yet all at the same time tries to reach the notes. this is do or die for him, and he needs to do well.
"better, but i'm not feeling any emotion from you anymore, wenjun. again."
again. it's all he hears for the next few hours. not enough emotion, not enough, strength, you're pronunciation is off.
again and again and again.
he spends his nights cooped up in the living room, rolling his tongue, a blanket over his head with the flashlight of his phone on. he can't mess this up, he won't.
"it's better this time," his coach says, and wenjun's eyes light up, like he's finally reached something. he smiles, and while it isn't wide, it's the most genuine it's been in weeks since he'd gotten reprimanded. "you've worked hard, haven't you wenjun?"
ah. wenjun might cry, but he tells himself not to. instead he nods his head, sniffles just a little. "i want to do well... for the team. i don't want to be a burden to anyone," he confesses.
"the only way to not be a burden is to continue working hard," his coach advises. wenjun nods, once more. "so let's work hard together for the group, wenjun. from the start again.
"so what are you waiting for?" he begins, this time smiling as he sings.
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lgcwenjun · 13 days
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lgcwenjun · 13 days
wenjun’s never been quite this open with anyone else. and it isn’t as though wenjun’s always been the type of person to hide something – far from that. he simply never thought of his own emotions as important, always too afraid that the weight of it would prove to be burdensome for the other party ( perhaps that was why he used to find himself in relationships with people that clearly had little to no care for him ). if anything, wenjun’s never wanted to be somebody’s burden, would rather fulfil his role as somebody’s friend, a person others could look to for some positivity. 
but as he speaks to minki, he bites on his lower lip, nervous. he feels apologetic almost immediately. had it been selfish of him to open up to minki like this? it wasn’t as though they were strangers, they were friends and had been for a while. and now, they’d be future teammates. a member. that’s exactly what minki will be to him. an apology sits at the tip of his tongue regardless though, something habitual that he can’t quite get rid of. 
yet all at the same time, he wants to hope; wants to know if it’s okay for him to be greedy, to be selfish this one time about his dream. his eyes don’t once leave minki’s and when the older boy tells him that it’s okay, wenjun smiles, his stiff shoulders giving way. it’s okay. 
he listens intently as minki speaks, brings about a new fresh perspective to him. everyone has something to work on – yet all at the same time, wenjun has always felt like he was someone that had the most to work on. a member that could barely speak korean, that toed the line of being good and bad at dancing. constantly wondering if he was a one trick pony. but minki’s words are comforting. is it okay to find comfort in them? wenjun momentarily thinks. probably. they’re teammates after all.
“okay hyung,” he finally says, already feeling lighter. it feels better, less lonely in his head like this. he leans into minki’s touch, smiling. it’s fine, it’ll be alright, wenjun can rely on his teammates. “uhm… could we start with english? i don’t know what’s a good movie though… maybe a kid’s movie so the language is simple…” he furrows his brows, and thinks for a moment. “have you watched big hero 6, hyung? you kind of feel like baymax to me right now!” he says, lifting his head slightly, so that he can have a better look at minki’s face. “you look like him too – ah, in a good way of course!” he quickly adds, 
“and hyung, i think you’d do really well on variety shows. what do you mean there’s nothing interesting about your personality?” he tilts his head, eyebrows furrowing once more. “you’re a really interesting guy, you know? and you have a good personality. you tried to corner me into a wall and threatened me to use my eyedrops! and now you’re here, giving me advice. you don’t have to worry about looking boring on variety shows! your true heart will shine through!”
minki had always been somewhat of a worrywart. he can’t help it though—it was something ingrained in him from the very beginning, what with his younger sibling donning a devil-may-care attitude and putting herself in increasingly worrying situations. it has been heightened to a degree that’s concerning these past few months though, for reasons that minki has yet to address properly ( he doesn’t even know where to begin ). it’s a habit he can’t seem to shake off, but he doesn’t mind it too much. this paranoia of his helped him sense that something is off with wenjun, and he’s able to be here right now, hoping to comfort.
still, he can’t deny the flashbacks that comes with. wenjun’s clearly having troubles related to debuting, filled with self-doubt that can be difficult to combat, especially after a scolding like that. minki knows that the staff are simply looking out for the group’s best interest, but the stress isn’t easy to get rid of.
wenjun continues to speak, and minki stays quiet, listening to every word. he doesn’t interrupt, he knows that wenjun needs to let it all out in this moment, before they can move forward. briefly, he lets his mind wander a little bit—if he had done this with his old friend back then, would it have changed anything? as he looks at wenjun now, pouring his heart out and looking to minki for some sort of guidance, minki hopes so desperately that he won’t have to experience the pain of loss again. he wants to help wenjun—makes sure that wenjun stays, and reaches his dream too.
he smiles at the other boy, reassuring. “of course it’s okay,” minki replies, his voice taking on a softer tone. “wenjun… if you weren’t good enough for this team, then you wouldn’t be here in the first place.” it’s a harsh reality that they have to live with. there are a lot of other trainees in the building, each of them are hand picked for this project—it’s not a random choice.
“everyone has something that they have to work on, don’t they? for you, it’s korean. for someone else, it could be singing or dancing. stage presence, maybe. me? i’m worried about how i’ll interact with our fans—the people who support us. i feel a bit awkward, as a person. nothing particularly interesting about my personality. what about all those variety shows we have to be a part of? i have no idea how i’d fare. but that’s why we learn and continue to improve, right? no one is perfect.”
minki shakes his head, setting his glass down so he can give a pat on wenjun’s shoulder. “you won’t drag us down, okay?” he says this as he looks into wenjun’s eyes, determined. “and we will debut together! if you’re worried about your korean, we can study here and there together. english too. should we start watching exclusively english movies for a while?” he asks, a little more lighthearted. “and, hey, i’d love to practice dance with you. i’m sure it’ll be fun.”
his smile doesn’t let up. “you aren’t alone, wenjun. we’re a team for a reason.”
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lgcwenjun · 20 days
it's probably because minki is older, that wenjun finds himself relying on the older boy as much as he does. that and well, minki's presence itself is comforting in a way that he'd only gotten used to back at home. he's always struggled with opening himself up, too afraid of being a burden ( his own feelings would feel like a burden from time to time ). but they were to be a team, weren't they?
and teammates... they shared their thoughts with each other. their worries and what not. wenjun trusts minki, and so he trusts him enough to seek comfort and advice from the older male.
"sometimes..." he begins, chewing on his lower lip, "i don't think i'm good enough for this team. i'm afraid i might drag everyone down," he confesses, fiddling with the cup of coffee minki had gotten him. wenjun's greatest issue had always been his confidence – or lack of it. he'd gone into legacy faced with dozens of trainees that he'd always felt were more talented than him; those that he'd look up to and admired.
"but i still want to debut with all of you," he continues, "my korean... i'm still struggling with it. i'm not the best dancer, and picking up a new language like english is difficult... but i want to do well," wenjun wants to make the company, and the members proud. despite their short time together as a team, wenjun's grown attached to them.
"is that okay, hyung?" he lifts his eyes up to finally look at minki, a hint of desperation in them, as though looking for minki to say something – anything – that might give him a little bit of hope. because hope is what wenjun feels as though he's lacking as well. "you don't think i'll bring this team down, right?" he nibbles at his bottom lip once more. "i really... with all of you. i want to debut with all of you."
minki isn't a stranger to putting on a brave face and donning a positive facade for the sake of everyone around him. it's a bad habit of his—while he would encourage those he care about to open up and share their feelings in an effort to not shoulder so much on their own, minki hasn't exactly applied the same criteria onto himself. he thinks, now that he'll be debuting as a group, he'll have to work on that soon. he doesn't want to be just co-workers after all—he wants everyone to rely on one another, for the upcoming years.
starting with wenjun. even though wenjun says that he's alright, minki can tell that it's the opposite. he always had been a rather observant person, paying attention to the small details in his surroundings. he knows that wenjun isn't exactly okay—it's understandable, no one would be just fine after a scolding even if it was done with good intentions. he hopes wenjun doesn't take it too heart, but it's a normal reaction to feel hurt.
when wenjun finally opens up a little, minki smiles, handing one of the cups of coffee to the other boy. "here, i got it for you." maybe it'll relax wenjun a bit, enough for this conversation to not be so hard. "of course you can be honest with me, i promise i won't judge you. and this will be just between the two of us, if you need it to be." he speaks softly and slowly, so as to not overwhelm wenjun.
"let's sit?" minki suggests. "don't apologize, you haven't done anything wrong to me," he insists. "feeling scared at a time like this... is normal. debuting is always a rocky journey, isn't it?" he watches wenjun with a watchful and concerned eye. "what's wrong, wenjun?" he asks directly.
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lgcwenjun · 1 month
wenjun is thankful that haneul at the very least looks like he enjoys this place. in truth, he'd been worried – while wenjun was of the belief that no one would ever truly dislike a place like this, he's sure that some would find it oddly boring. but that was just wenjun as a person, someone that enjoyed simplicity, as boring as it may seem.
he smiles at haneul, bright and genuine. "you're welcome!" he beams, watching as haneul touches one of the flowers. wenjun enjoys it too – being in such close vicinity to the flowers. it's calming in a way, and even if only momentarily, helps him find balance back in his life.
"ah!" he turns to haneul, and excitedly his cheeks turn red. "i used to work at a flower store! uhm... i had to quite because of nknd and debuting..." he begins, a little upset that he'd have to give up his part-time gig there. but all to accomplish his true goal of course – to debut. "and the owner told me about this place. she's a really nice lady..." he smiles, happy to be able to share this little place with haneul.
"i wanted to share it with the members," he says, humming slightly under his breath. "i was thinking that it could be a place we can go to, if ... you know, we start feeling a little overwhelmed with debut preparations," which he thinks is true. debut preparations won't be easy, they'll be bombarded with tasks with little to no down time. "maybe even after debut, we can come visit here too, together as a team."
wenjun smiles at the word team, and again he turns to look at haneul. "that still feels funny to say to me," he confesses. "the word team. i still can't believe i'm a part of one sometimes."
Haneul supposes that fate has a funny way of making things work out. He had always dreamed of this: his name and face out in the public eye, a song to his name, and group mates he hopes he can call his lifelong partners-in-crime. Now that he's here, he's looking forward to see where else this dream will take him.
Speaking of his group mates (holy fuck, it still doesn't feel real to think that, let alone say it out loud), he's grateful for how they all seem to get along with each other decently. Sure, some of them have had more chances to bond whereas he is among the last-minute additions, but they have all been friendly and welcoming toward him. Most of their time spent together is done in practice, so it's nice to get to have a chance to get to know these boys outside the practice rooms.
This is why he easily jumps at the chance to get to know Wenjun beyond knowing that he has a beautiful voice and what he has heard about him from their common friends.
Wenjun takes him to a beautiful place, and Haneul can immediately see why he likes it here. He takes in a breath and gently strokes one of the flowers nearby. "It's beautiful," he says with a small smile. "Thank you for bringing me here."
Being who he is, Haneul can't help his curiosity. In all his years of being in the company, he's not sure he's ever found this place. But then again, he has been going back and forth between university and the company building. "How did you find this place, though? In all my exploring of Seoul, I never even knew this place existed!"
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lgcwenjun · 1 month
wenjun had a tendency to worry about others much more than himself. probably to a fault. but seyoon was special to him – when he'd started off at legacy, he'd been rather quiet, afraid to approach anyone. and yet, he'd gotten along well with seyoon, someone who in many ways was the opposite of himself; in a way that wenjun admired as well.
he continued cleaning up the area, ensuring that it was no longer filled with ashes, and that somehow he could get this stench away. wenjun never did quite like the smell of tobacco. he scrunched his nose though, careful not to make it obvious to seyoon.
"you're not trash talking my boyfriend," wenjun replied, no longer denying that yoojoon was, in fact, his boyfriend. but his eyes do flicker up to seyoon, just to make sure he was doing fine. he didn't quite mind seyoon rambling on, if anything he was glad that seyoon was finally opening up.
wenjun raised an eyebrow, turning to seyoon after wiping down the counter. clean, he nodded to himself. "yoojoon isn't perfect, you know," wenjun replied, "i love him with all my heart, but even i know he isn't perfect. nobody is." perhaps the most firm wenjun had been with seyoon all day.
again, he found himself standing in front of seyoon, though this time with his arms crossed. wenjun, who was usually quiet, tender in moments like these, disliked hearing how much self-loath seemed to be oozing out of seyoon's voice. "and you're saying, you're not?" he furrowed his brows. "you're handsome, smart and talented too. kim seyoon are you blind?" he was no longer speaking in a soft-like manner, lips jutting out slightly into a pout.
after a moment, he sighed, gently patting seyoon's cheek once more. "it's okay to feel this way, i... i don't think i'll ever be able to get it – you know, your feelings. but..." he paused for a moment, searching for the right words, "i think it's okay to feel upset about these things. your mother... i'm sorry if this is rude seyoon, but i don't think... she's a nice person... i'm sorry!" he bowed his head slightly, in apology. "it probably isn't my place to say that," he continued. "as long as you don't let those negative feelings consume you. as your friend seyoon, i really hate seeing you like this. i wish there was some way i could help. i'm sorry that all i can do is listen."
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Lemon blossom, eh?
Seyoon did know what those looked like. They were small and white, with a tiny yellow center. Not vibrant, but rather cheerful looking. They also smelled sweet, unlike the fruit they end up bearing.
"Only you could look at me in this state and still think I'm pretty," Seyoon huffed but cracked half a smile in response to the other's efforts. He stayed on the counter for a bit longer after Wenjun drew away, palm pressed to the place on his face where his friend's hand had been, strangely missing the warmth. When he did eventually move, it was to put on some clean shorts. Hooray, he still had one pair left in the closet!
"I don't even know where to start on the last few months." Seyoon watched Wenjun clean up and obediently started digging through the box of snacks. After not eating for a while, his appetite completely died, and nothing seemed appealing, so he simply chose a packet randomly and ripped it open. "Okay, I guess for starters, I am having a fight with Yoojoon and we are not really talking." Seyoon chomped through the contents of the snack bag without really tasting anything. "Wait, does this count as I am trash-talking him in front of his boyfriend? You know what, I don't fucking care. If it counts, then fine. I own it."
However, one thing should be made clear.
"Just know, it's not his fault - it's mine. Not that anyone should be surprised though because, of course, it would be my fault. Could you imagine Yoojoon ever being in the wrong about anything? Mr. Perfect never does shit wrong. He's like, freaking...Edward Cullen without the sparkling under-the-sun and creepy stalker tendencies."
Ooooh, there was the venom. No, Seyoon, tuck it away again.
But Wenjun did ask.
"I just got super jealous. Can't believe someone could be born rich, handsome, smart, and talented. Always so helpful, always so kind. Sweet-mannered and loving. So totally awesome that my mother - the woman who gave birth to me - would rather call him her son."
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lgcwenjun · 1 month
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lgcwenjun · 2 months
being an idol – dreaming of becoming an idol, meant that one would have to constantly upgrade themselves, would have to constantly improve. wenjun knows that, he'd been aware of that weeks into training at legacy. that if he didn't quite have the discipline to continuously try and better himself, to improve on himself, then perhaps this wasn't the path meant for him.
lectures are to be expected, but still, wenjun's heart is soft – easily breakable, it's fragile and it comes at the extent of his own ability to look like nothing's bothering him. he'd expected the lecture. truth be told, wenjun had been fumbling over himself, unable to express his concerns properly without worrying that he might be overloading on someone else.
it's easier, he thinks, to keep his worries to himself. he doesn't want to cause trouble for anyone else on the team, doesn't want to damper anyone's mood.
so he's surprised when minki approaches him, coffee in hand. his ears perk up, and his eyes lift themselves slightly to meet the older boy's. wenjun forces a smile, but it isn't practiced and wenjun's always been a little horrible at hiding himself in times like these.
"i'm alright," he says, and he once again, he forces a laugh, as he plays with the side of the cup. but wenjun hates lying, and even more so when it comes to minki. so instead he sighs and decides to be slightly more honest with himself. he trusts minki, he's glad he's debuting with someone he trusts. "actually... hyung, i'm sorry," he begins, "can i be... honest?" he bites at his lower lip, chewing on it. he doesn't want to overwhelm minki, but doesn't want to lie to a teammate either. "i'm... scared. a little upset with myself," he confesses.
it looks like they are a step closer towards debut.
naturally, the road towards debut isn't anything short of obstacles. if anything, there are more thrown their way, lots of things that they need to improve on. even though minki categorized himself as a rather late addition to the team, he thinks that each member complete one another in a way. it's too early to tell or say, but he's capable of everyone's abilities. he's sure that each one of them will reach their end goal.
even if there's a little bit of scolding here and there, to get them on the right track.
the truth is, minki is worried over @lgcwenjun. well, minki often is—out of everyone he knows, wenjun is one of the friends that minki can't help but fret about. wenjun is gullible after all, easily influenced and dragged around. this time though, it's not because wenjun might be pulled into some shady business or getting scammed. he remembers the stern lecture that was directed wenjun's way.
he approaches the other boy with a smile, cup of coffee in hand, fuel for their packed day ahead. "how are you doing?" minki asks, clear concern laced in his voice. "are you okay?" he doesn't want to push, but he hopes wenjun trusts minki enough to confide in him regardless.
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lgcwenjun · 2 months
when yoojoon had asked him out, wenjun hadn't thought much about it. aside from the fact that he was more than happy to be able to spend time with his boyfriend ( time that he knew, he'd have very little of once debut would hit ) – all he could really look forward to was having a really nice day.
he realizes that they're both somewhat public trainees though, and as much as he adored the few people that seemed to recognize him when he was out ( it was a rarity, but wenjun still appreciated it ), he felt as though he'd much rather spend this time with yoojoon without any eyes looking at them. just as wenjun and yoojoon – boyfriends.
he hadn't expected to be greeted by the sight of the cartier store. cartier? wenjun's mouth finds itself opening, agape. were they meant to go somewhere else? did yoojoon make a wrong turn? he turns to look at his boyfriend, just to be sure – and it seems as though they aren't lost. yoojoon had in fact, meant to bring wenjun here. his boyfriend sounds excited, and wenjun's heart melts at that.
"really...?" is all that he manages to say, as he makes his way to the entrance – yoojoon reminiscent of a knight in shining armour, as the guard opens the door for the duo. wenjun's never been spoiled like this, never.
he turns to look around the store, and almost instinctively, he brings himself close to yoojoon. "yoojoon," he says, voice a little soft through his mask, "w–what are we doing here?" his eyes are wide, and gently he grabs at the hem of his boyfriend's shirt. "i feel like this store is worth my whole family's fortune..." but his heart is thumping loud against his chest, and if it hadn't been for the mask he'd been wearing, he's sure his rosy cheeks would be made apparent.
i promise. feat. @lgcwenjun
They stroll side by side, the suffocating summer heat having slowly softened with the onset of evening, making it more comfortable to navigate the city with masks and caps for privacy;
As somewhat public known people, going on dates can be challenging, but there's something Yoojoon has longed to do for the longest time—a dream he never believed could come true because the idea of Wenjun reciprocating his feelings seemed so far-fetched.
Yet here they are, with shared feelings and an official title, standing before the Cartier store in the heart of Gangnam, which has been expecting Yoojoon's scheduled visit.
Before they enter, Yoojoon halts and turns to Wenjun, his smile hidden by his mask but evident in the way his eyes crinkle at the corners. "Here's my surprise. It’s not... anything grand, but I hope you’ll like it." he says, his voice brimming with excitement and a touch of nervousness.
( Yoojoon hasn't thought much about whether this might seem too flashy or simply too much to Wenjun. But there's no turning back now—the matching bracelets have been ready for a while. )
"After you," Yoojoon says with a gracious bow, like a knight inviting a prince into his castle, gesturing for Wenjun to step inside when the security guard opens the door.
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lgcwenjun · 2 months
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happy 22nd birthday, lai wenjun!
#lgctrainees #lgcent #laiwenjun #lgcbirthday
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lgcwenjun · 2 months
secret place / starter for @lgchxneul
it's a little bit of a blessing, wenjun thinks, that the members of nknd all seem to get along well with one another. debut preparations are fast approaching, and in truth, wenjun is overwhelmed. there's still a lot that he doesn't know, a lot that scares him.
an original song to his name, his face in the public eye – after all, this had been exactly what he'd signed up for, right? the life of an idol, in the entertainment industry. if someone had told wenjun that this would be his path years ago, he would've deemed that as silly. after all, wenjun had never been too confident in himself, or his skills. but things were different now, and this was something he didn't think he would ever want to give up.
despite the busy days, there are times like these where they have pockets of free time. and during these moments, wenjun feels the need to want to go back to a sense of normalcy, even if only temporarily. today, he decides to take haneul with him.
it's a place not too far from the company building, but it's peaceful and it's always been wenjun's go-to spot whenever he'd need to take a moment to think. to pause about life and rewind the moments.
"do you like this place?" he asks haneul, turning to his soon-to-be member. "i don't think i'll be able to go here as often once we debut so... i thought it'd be nice to just enjoy this spot together while we can!"
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lgcwenjun · 2 months
in all honesty, wenjun is rather gullible. everyone that knows him has told him so, and he has no reason not to believe them after all! still, he catches on just slightly to minki's tone and furrows his brows just a little. the man in front of him doesn't seem like he can do much harm – he's a little lanky, and stands just a few centimetres shorter than wenjun himself.
he tilts his head. "oh... he hasn't!" wenjun says, finally realizing that he knows close to nothing as to what this stranger actually wants. "just that... he thinks i have a nice face," wenjun repeats, recounting the words. "he hasn't told me his name either..." he continues. he notices the man in front of them shift his feet, and again, wenjun furrows his brows.
it's almost automatic, as he turns to minki for some sort of comfort. as he watches minki's expression, wenjun comes to a realization. a terrible, terrible realization. he finally knows what this stranger wants. "oh hyung, i'm so sorry..." he says to minki, grabbing the older boy's hand. "i didn't realize – i get it now."
he turns to the man that had approached him, and taking a step forward, wenjun looks at him with a changed glint in his eyes. "sir," he says determined, "i..." he begins, puffing his chest, before bowing. "i am not interested in you!" he apologizes. in wenjun's mind, he's being hit on – it's the only way he can make sense of whatever is going on.
"my apologies! i also promised my friend that we'd be spending the day together...!" he says, genuinely apologetic for not being able to return this man's... feelings ( though quite obviously, the man held no romantic feelings for wenjun. had simply seen him as an easy target to scam ). "i wish you the best of luck in finding someone to love fully with your heart!"
whoever this stranger wenjun is talking to seems fishy. minki usually doesn't want to jump to conclusions so fast, but this is also wenjun—it's better to be safe and sorry. besides, minki is used to being the paranoid one these days. he thinks it's better to be paranoid and overreact than underreact and let a storm hit.
before he's standing next to wenjun, minki had heard bits and pieces of the conversation. several scenarios run through his head. it's possible that this men is just overly friendly, or he has intentions to flirt with wenjun. both cases aren't that bad, but if minki knows the audacity of bad people—there are worse possible situations that could potentially lead to danger. okay, call minki dramatic, but he's right.
he doesn't want to alarm wenjun too much though, doesn't want the other boy to panic over something that may be nothing. still, it's suspicious, this man's attitude isn't exactly sparking confidence. but he doesn't think wenjun should worry and fret ( it might just make things worse too ).
"well, he's right! you do have a nice face, and a kind heart." he smiles at wenjun, sincere with his words. turning back to the man though, his expression returns to being stern once more. "did he tell you what he wants to chat about?" minki questions, already not liking how bold this stranger is being. "did he even tell you his name?" he tries to keep his tone calm to the best of his abilities.
he looks back to wenjun, smiling again. "we can do whatever you want, it's okay! i'll still be here." obviously minki isn't gonna leave wenjun alone with this weird man. "i'd love to hang out with you, of course." he hopes the stranger isn't so persistent, he has a feeling wenjun folds easily.
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lgcwenjun · 3 months
nknd: camera... rolling! ( solo practice )
surprisingly, wenjun still feels a little out of place in front of the camera. despite having been a trainee for years now, and having filmed a few things here and there, being in front of a camera... it's a little odd still – but he tells himself that he has to pull through and do well!
fans ( fans!! ) would like this, they'd like to get to know their idol better. wenjun's sure of it, because as a kid, he'd always enjoyed seeing his idols on stage, sharing parts of their lives with their fans.
he waves to the camera, and he can feel his ears turning a little red. "hello!" he smiles, "ah... i'm still getting used to the camera..." he confesses. but in truth, it doesn't feel as awkward as it had before. maybe because he's alone, and maybe because he's been telling himself to get used to this. "i'll be practicing my singing today... i'm trying really hard to be able to do the team proud. i want my voice to add something to our songs," he says, and he looks away momentarily at the mirror in front of him.
"where should i place the camera...?" he thinks aloud. after a moment, he decides to place it at a table, just so it would capture a good angle.
he starts with doing some warm up, a few vocal runs and – his personal favourite trick – leaning his back against the wall and pushing his stomach in with his own arm, an attempt to make sure that his volume is loud when he's singing. not drowned out by any other sound.
"ah! ah!" he grabs a microphone and begins searching for a song that he's been practicing frequently lately. a song that's vocally challenging enough for him to do well at.
it's an old classic – drunken truth. he's been practicing classic korean songs, in an attempt to be able to reach out to the fans well. he takes in a deep breath, it's a song that starts off rather low. and while wenjun's well aware of the fact that good singers, should be able to hit high notes, he wants to be able to not falter on the low notes as well.
as he sings, he repeats himself a few times. eyebrows furrowing when he's dissatisfied with a part – forgetting the camera soon enough. too engrossed with trying to sound good and right.
"one more time," he says again, repeating the song. despite only singing, he finds himself sweating and taking in deep breaths when he's done with his hour.
he turns to the camera and runs towards it with a smile. "ah...! i hope you all enjoyed watching that! i should've interacted with the camera more but... i got too focused on singing well...!" he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "i hope... when we meet – us and the fans – you'll all be able to enjoy my voice... and sing along to our songs," he smiles.
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lgcwenjun · 3 months
he gets himself ready for the shoot. takes in a deep breath, and despite still being in disbelief over the fact that yes, he's debuting – and yes! he's debuting with wonderful people – he has to film this well. he hopes at the very least, he does the camera angles justice. and it isn't hard to smile, especially not with noeul filming him. he's always enjoyed spending time with his now future teammate.
"hello! i'm lai! wenjun!" he beams, "my name...! it has to do with how my parents hoped for a son that would colour the clouds and rule it!" or something along those lines – wenjun still has trouble fully expressing himself in korean, but he tries his best. he nods his head and shoots the camera a peace sign with a laugh.
"i'm 21! and i'll be turning 22 in a few weeks!" he beams. realizing that his birthday is soon coming, something that he'd never actually given much thought to. especially since becoming a trainee and joining the nknd line-up. "in days? hours? and seconds?" he pauses for a moment and furrows his brows. "that's a little too hard... next time i'll use my calculator!" he really might though, mostly because now he's curious about it himself.
"mm... i like ballads! and bright pop songs! my all time favourite song is wild flower though!" he smiles, and he begins to hum just a little bit of the chorus. he's thankful that noeul's put in so much research for this, unable to hide his excitement by the comparison. "you're the best!" he finds himself saying, laughing as he does so. "thank you!" he laughs, "oh... in the future...? hmm... i'd like... to be known for my voice! and as a good member to my teammates!"
"Ah, that would be nice..." He hums in agreement, pulling away from the camera to brush the fallen strands away from his eyes. He found it endearing that Wenjun was sentimental and clearly attached to the flower field. It was the correct location to shoot his short and showcased how authentic he was as a person, but he wondered if it would one day the flower field would not be too much of a secret since he could see fans flocking to take pictures at their location. "It would be fun if we could use this one day to shoot content, or even just come to hang out together and share our thoughts with each other."
"What do you say? Should we start?" He questions the younger man, mirroring the smile on Wenjun's face as he steps backwards to position him within the frame. He gives Wenjun a brief moment to collect himself, starting to record when he receives the signal. "Shall we know about Wenjun? Is there a meaning behind your name?" He starts off his questioning light and focusing on extracting basic information. He had a several more interesting questions up his sleeve to throw at the younger man. "How old are you? How about in days, hours, and seconds?" He elaborates after the man's response, playful tone evident in his voice. He doesn't expect an answer, but a reaction before he continues to the next question. "Your roots have spread wide to Seoul in search of your dreams, but where do you originate from?"
"If roses and chrysanthemums prefer classical music, what genre of music do you gravitate to?" Perhaps, he had done his research and fell down a rabbit hole, but he wanted to put Wenjun at ease. He thought the introductory questions would suit their location. "You're known for your flower boy visuals, equal parts pretty and handsome, but there is more than meets the eye. What else would you like to be known for in the future?"
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lgcwenjun · 3 months
if there's one thing about wenjun, it's that he's sure, that for the rest of his life, he'd be drawn to flowers. something about their colours, their meanings that transcends language, would always pull him. he smiles at the flowers, makes a note to take a few photos of his own here later on – as safekeeping and a memory of this special day.
"right?" he beams, looking up at noeul. he finds himself always feeling a little more at ease and comfortable when surrounded by flora and fauna. "ah... i'll miss being able to visit these fields when we debut," he admits, cheeks a little red, "but... i think it'd be nice to come with... all the members in the future," he continues, a little embarrassed. would that be too much to ask? but it's a dream nonetheless that wenjun has. a little romantic dream of his own.
wenjun laughs, lighthearted, but he knows the red of his cheeks aren't going down any time soon. "that's interesting too, though!" he adds, "i'm sure our fans are interested to know how the office looks like!" which he genuinely thinks is true. the office – the brain behind nknd. "i hope we get to film more things together next time," wenjun admits after a moment. "it would be fun! with the... whole group! with nknd...!" just saying aloud though, gets his heart thumping quickly.
He felt more responsibility shooting Wenjun's short than when he had shot his own with Byeongkwan. He had prepared several questions beforehand, but it was difficult to not run his ideas by the younger man for his approval. He understood the assignment. Spontaneity was key and the entire point of the short was seeing how the other person would act without much preparation, but he wanted to help Wenjun put his best foot forward, which in hindsight, the man's personality was captivating on it's own. He wasn't doing God's work here.
He knew Wenjun shined on his own and the fans would see his lovely personality even through moments of brief silence. After all, he was a harsh judge of character and Wenjun was a walking neon green flag. Perhaps, he had an unspoken soft spot for vocalist. He is impressed by the location chosen, eyeing the bright colors of the petals ruffling with a wind passing through. He had noticed the difference in the air quality and the comoforting warmth of the rays shining on his face when he stepped out of the car.
He releases a soft whistle, glancing at Wenjun with a bright smile. "I didn't know fields like these existed close to the city." He states with a tilt of his head, gaze following the butterfly gracing them with its presence. "And the sun is out... You know I shot mine in the office." He reveals with a soft airy laugh, stopping when the butterfly lands on Wenjun's shoulder. He turns on the camera, looking at the man through the viewfinder. "It pales in comparison. I feel like I should have asked you for ideas, hm?"
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lgcwenjun · 3 months
go fetch starter for @lgcdason
dason is a little bit like a dog. in a good way! an adorable kind of way. wenjun's never actually kept a pet before though, aside from the occasional fish here and there as a child. but if he ever did have a dog, a golden retriever in particular, he thinks that it'd be somewhat similar to well... dason.
he's young, and despite not being too old himself, there's something refreshing about youth, and being free. so he spends his free time with dason at the park, summer heat slowly starting to make it's presence known.
"oh! my friend lent me this the other day," he says, pulling out a ball. it isn't anything too special, simply just a stress ball to help wenjun out when he's feeling overwhelmed ( which lately, has been more often than he'd like to admit ).
"it's shaped a little bit like a football though. a tiny... miniature sized one! haha!" he smiles, shaking it slightly. without much thought, wenjun throws it, similarly to how he'd throw a football. "oh! we need to get that back, dason!"
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lgcwenjun · 3 months
yichen feels like a natural, and wenjun smiles as he moves his camera around, shifting it to different angles to ensure a fun! and exciting video. their future fans ( his heart tingles a little just thinking about it ), might really enjoy this. and wenjun wants to do them all proud – this would be a good gift for them, maybe something fun to bring up once they're no longer rookies and are years into their debut.
he laughs out loud and nods, following yichen to the next location with a smile. "yichen hyung!" he says out loud, doing another swoop to catch yichen at an attractive angle. "where are you from?" it's probably pretty obvious from his name alone that he isn't from korea, but still, wenjun's pretty sure that the fans might be interested. "and... how tall are you!"
purposefully, wenjun gets down on his knees, curating the camera so that it's an angle where it creates the illusion that yichen is much, much taller than he actually is.
nodding at wenjun's cue to start, yichen picked up a fallen flower from the ground and readied himself. if he wanted his introduction to be memorable, it couldn't be just a simple greeting, especially with a certain group mate's cringe-worthy, 'accidental' walk-in setting the bar.
he brought the flower to his nose, pretending to take a whiff as the camera started rolling. "my name? it's yichen," he said, slowly lowering the flower and smiling into the camera. he wanted to cringe and do a normal retake, but knowing he was joining a group of mostly crackheads, he needed to exude confidence. "xue. yi. chen," he repeated in chinese, then broke into a shy chuckle. "why do i look prettier than the flowers here? maybe because i use skincare products diligently every day."
yichen then moved to his next location, a lamp post. he leaned against it, aiming to look relaxed and at ease. his modeling experience played to his advantage as it made him appear natural as he waited for wenjun to ask the next question.
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