lhmiyeon · 4 years
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
𝖎. fall
[ ... ]
a nurse passes by; il calls her attention. she jumps at the sight of him, gives him a quick judgey once over, then plasters a warm smile onto her face. ‘what is it dear?’ she asks. he says, ‘that doctor i was talking to, young girl with silky brown hair and poreless skin, is she coming back here?’ 
the nurse’s stare turns cautious, intimidated by the glint of the light against the metal in his tongue maybe, though she tries to hide it. ‘dr. ahn should be back in a moment with news about your friend,’ she says curtly, before shuffling away. 
‘thank you,’ il calls after her though she doesn’t care for it. he sits back in his chair and intertwines his fingers, sets them upon his lap as if he has lounged here his whole life. he settles in and waits, ever patient.
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          life always has a perfectly dreadful way of coming full circle━or rather, as miyeon likes to put it, the universe has a perfectly dreadful way of throwing a curveball full of shit right in your face. maybe this is a stroke of bad luck, karma in the worst form, or maybe it’s kismet. maybe there are actually astral influences at work here and it was just always written in the stars, that fate would one day lead the both of them to this inescapable moment of running into each other at the worst possible time.
          what were the goddamned odds, right? that in the small town of gosan, they’ve only ever seen each other in passing ever since il’s return. and yet here they are, forced to confront each other and at her workplace, no less. but she’s going to face up to it, rise up to the challenge, whatever. ahn miyeon decides that this is her showing the professionalism she’s always been told she lacks in.
          and what better way is there to show that your bedside manners aren’t as terrible as everyone says than to have a decent, professional conversation with the ex-boyfriend you stabbed in the back, right? right.
          so she finally turns the corner, and there he sits━time seems to stand still for a short while, as she watches him do that thing he always does when he’s nervous. he’s twiddling his thumbs. she used to laugh at him for it. now she finds herself doing that too, when she has to tell someone that their family member’s gone. for just a second miyeon indulges herself in wondering just what it is that’s making him so nervous. the smell of death in the air? that’s what usually sets people off in hospitals. maybe he’s worried about his friend. or could he be ill at ease after seeing her?
          well, she is ill at ease and this close to freaking out, that’s for sure. but whether it’s guilt or something else, something deeper, she doesn’t know. what she does know, with certainty, is that she owes him an apology.
          and she swears it’s on the tip of her tongue, this close to rolling off it, the words “i’m sorry” like a flash flood just waiting to surge forward. the urge dissipates just as abruptly as it emerged when he turns his head and catches sight of her, and she’s forced to actually take the few steps forward to close the gap between them. it gets so much harder when he’s actually looking at her.
          “that was a lot of blood, wasn’t it? it’s... long time no see. i meant, uh━it’s good to see you.” so much for being professional. she’s this close to scoffing at her lack of ability to form a coherent sentence, or even hold il’s gaze. “your friend is doing well, we patched him up just fine, but he has to stay a few days for recovery. we’ll keep an eye on him, so don’t worry.”
          does she ask how he’s doing? does she talk about how long it’s been since the last time they met? that’s what people do, right? but the attendings always say to be succinct when speaking to a patient’s loved ones, and miyeon decides that’s a pretty good excuse for her to leave it━so she does just that.
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
– love in color
2017, high school @lhmiyeon
[ ... ]
he sighs and pushes the tablet away, reaching out for his backpack so he can find something. “here,” he tells her, sliding a chocolate bar over her desk. “i got it for you.” maybe it’s a thing friends do, but yohan knows he doesn’t like miyeon just as a friend and he hates himself for it. “do you think you can do park’s chemistry homework?” he asks her. “he wants it on monday and i still have two more physics and three maths homeworks to do.” yohan takes off his glasses, closing his eyes for a second. “our next break can’t come sooner.”
            miyeon remembers reading on one of those unreliable-looking articles that it takes sixty-six days for a new behavior to become automatic. it’s most likely pseudoscience, but she’s putting her faith in it━because she swears that’s the only reason why coming to this classroom an hour after the last bell rings, after everyone else in the school clears out, has become almost instinctive to her over the past few months. it’s the only logical reasoning, and not at all because hanging out with yohan like this━just the two of them passing these languid late afternoons together in an empty classroom━is now the best part of all her days.
          “what, no way! i’m early, you’re just...earlier.” she sticks her tongue out at him and playfully pushes his shoulder as she takes a seat next to him, the impish act serving the purpose of distracting both herself and her companion from the fact that what she just said is a lie━she is late, and it’s only because she stood outside the classroom peeking at him through the window and trying to convince herself that this all means nothing to her, then getting overwhelmed ( by how breathtaking his side profile is and how she shouldn’t be feeling like this. ) and walking away only to come right back just a minute later, but yohan doesn’t need to know that.
          he doesn’t need to know how hard she had to search for courage to even step into this classroom because these days, she finds herself staring at yohan a little longer━and a lot more than necessary. she’s starting to notice the twinkle in his eyes he gets whenever he’s about to break into a smile, and even the way he chews on his bottom lip when he’s trying to work out one of those particularly complex algebra question. ( which he always ends up solving anyway. he’s unstoppable, that guy. ) and, god, these days, she wishes and wishes that all the little things she now remembers about yohan stop etching themselves onto her heart. the fear isn’t that nothing survives; it’s that something does.
          there’s a reckoning coming, lingering in the backdrop, and she knows it. they’re standing on a thin thread ready to snap at any second, still maintaining a delicate balance for now, but they’re bound to self-destruct someday. it’s something that miyeon has been vaguely conscious of for a while now, but she chooses to ignore it. the presentiment of a calamity lying dormant, just waiting for them to make one wrong move, always creeps up on her along with the adoration and warmth piling up in the pit of her guts whenever yohan so much as looks her way. ( the stolen glances when they pass each other in the hallways are the worst━makes her stomach go all topsy-turvy. )
          but she makes a deliberate choice every day she spends with yohan, to disregard the impending cataclysm in exchange for a few more moments of whatever this is, with him. it’s selfish━she knows, but the problem is that she can’t seem to stop wanting more and more and more. maybe she doesn’t want to. maybe she doesn’t ever want to stop feeling the fluttering in her chest when he slides the chocolate bar over to her without looking straight at her, or the warmth spreading in her chest and the genuine, comfortable smile that blossoms on her lips as she, too, bashfully averts her gaze when she realises it’s her favourite brand of chocolate. he remembers.
          for just a passing second she considers letting it slip, but the impulse to point it out is too strong, and it wins. “you remembered this is my favourite!” the glint of adoration and delight in her eyes is impossible to miss as she looks over to yohan, meeting his gaze. “thank you.” a wave of something washes over her ( is it gratitude? fondness? she doesn’t really know, but there’s just something. ) and her voice comes out softer this time she speaks, in almost a whisper. the moment hangs in the air, the thin thread threatening to break once more, a well of suppressed emotions threatening to spill over.
          she won’t let it. she can’t break the frangible bubble she’s wrapped him and all the feelings that come along with him up in, so she breaks the temporary silence with another playful quip. “what would i do without you?” though it’s really just her genuine feelings disguised as jest, and she hopes yohan doesn’t pick up on it. “y’know, i wonder what it’s like to not have a functional brain. like all these little rich kids. must be nice.” with a sigh, she leans over, reaching out to take park’s chemistry homework from yohan’s table. “how did you even breathe before me?” she flips open the homework, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth disapprovingly before starting to read through it.
          “soooo━you gonna be hanging out with anyone over the break?” she carefully asks, stealing a glance at him from the corner of her eye, an attempt to mask her curiosity over his plans for the upcoming break with a casual question. ( it is absolutely not because she can’t stop wondering if they’ll be hanging out together over the break, or if he’s even considered asking her to hang out. )
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
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The Great 1.02
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
*  /  leave a light on.
tw: eating disorder, body dysmorphia 
[ ... ]
so, she pushes herself out of bed, turns off the sad playlist she’s listening on repeat for the last few hours, turns on the lights. the least she can do is alleviate miyeon’s concerns – because as much as she puts on a façade of good nature, aeri’s known miyeon for almost all her life and she can hear the worry underpinning her voice. “hi!” she forces a peppy response. “well, thank god they let you out before then! cause i’m pretty sure a hospital bed wouldn’t be as comfortable as mine.”
that’s when she notices the bag of food in miyeon’s hands and the smell wafting in the air and god, aeri feels nauseous.
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          if anyone had asked miyeon ten years ago whether she sees herself ever being a caretaker for anyone at all, she would most definitely scoff in their faces. she’s never been one of those people who are nurturing by nature, who wear their caretaker personality like a badge of honor and flaunt it by attending to the needs of everyone and anyone that happens to be around them. ( not that she has anything against people like that, she just doesn’t understand how they live like that. doesn’t it get tiring? )
          ironically enough, now she’s taking care of people for a living. even then, when she gives it more thought, miyeon still can’t single out just what it is that makes her adore the job━is it the part where she saves lives and heals them and all that heart-warming blather, or the part where she gets a kick out of feeling like the supreme being in an operating room? ( it’s what she likes to call a surgeon’s high. like a runner’s high, but surgical. ) maybe it’s both. whatever it is, even though it’s a tad paradoxical for an aspiring neurosurgeon, unconditionally caring for other people just isn’t one of those things that come to miyeon effortlessly.
          unless you’re won aeri. ( or her father, but that’s really more of a duty than anything. )
          if this had been anyone else, miyeon likely wouldn’t give much of a damn about them. but at this point, she swears aeri’s emotions are almost linked to her own. and when she feels aeri spiraling, the dread starts to eat away at her, too. maybe even just as much as it does with her. and she knows how the shadows in the depths of aeri's mind reach their gangly arms out to tighten their grip around her neck every now and then. she knows how, on days like these, all the scales are tipped against aeri and it leaves her incapacitated.
          not powerless though━never powerless. and reminding aeri of that is what miyeon’s here to do.
          “a rock would be more comfortable than a hospital bed. no, wait━i mean, our hospital has excellent patient care! we take pride in ensuring the comfort of our patients.” miyeon deadpans with an eye-roll, but the wisecrack has her smiling again not long after, a wisp of a laugh floating past her lips to fill up the air around them when she trudges over to aeri and pulls her into a tight embrace. the hug lingers for a short while longer, before she pulls away to go get cutlery and set the table. ( though not before giving her best friend a comforting squeeze, or at least what she hopes will be one. )
          she plops herself down in a seat at the dining table, turning to aeri with an expectant gaze. “so━i clearly over-estimated myself, but everything at this newly opened restaurant near the hospital looked so good! i just had to get one of everything, but i’m obviously not going to finish this on my own. come sit and eat with me?”
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
*  /  hide out.
(  tw: mentions of abuse, alcoholism, blood.  )
         it’s strange, how the word home has so many connotations to it. a home is warmth and comfort and apprehension and fury. sometimes it’s all at once, and that’s not too bad, but sometimes you get only either the good or the bad━the warmth or the fury. on most days her house represents comfort for her, a space to shut her eyes and take a break at. and she counts her blessings for it, she does. on the good days and even the ones that aren’t so good yet not all that terrible still, miyeon is thankful she even has a house to return to, that she gets four walls and a roof over her head for shelter and she’s not stuck facing the white walls in a hospital like her patients are. ( or eternal darkness in some cases. ) 
          but today is not a day like that. today there’s no warmth, or comfort.
          she remembers when her father said her mother’s name for the first time after she left━a little over six months had passed. he yelled it out, clear and loud. it cut through the silence their house usually sits in. he didn’t call for her just once, or twice. he said her name, over and over again, every note permeating the air with indignation and anguish. she remembers that, for a split second, she thought maybe her father really did love her mother, just in a way neither of them could understand. because why else would he still be drunkenly calling out for her so many months later?
          but then it came. he bumbled down the stairs, miyeon goes over to help him up, and everything afterwards is a blur to her now. all she remembers is that he called her jeon sunyoung, through gritted teeth, and he stared right into her eyes with piercing dark orbs that burned with a rage she didn’t yet understand. until his blows landed on her. she remembers he never stopped repeating her mother’s name━jeon sunyoung, jeon sunyoung, jeon sunyoung, you bitch. she tucked him into bed that night. the next day he had already wiped it all clean from his memory.
          it’s an unceasing cycle. every now and again, her father goes overboard with the drinks. ( he already does on most days, but on days like these, it's worse. ) then he mistakes her for her mother, and he takes it too far. today is a day like that. fury.
          it’s happened enough times for her to know what to do now. she blocks his hits with ease, then she gets out of the damned house. just like her mother did━except she goes back. only after she’s sure that he’s fallen asleep though. all she can do for now is to sit around in the park nearby and waste her time throwing stones into the river. ( stone skipping has become one of her talents. ) there’s a cut on her face that’s still bleeding from today’s confrontation, but she’ll just have to deal with that later.
          at least it’s quiet here at this time, in the evening when everyone else is heading home for dinner. or━it usually is. the temporary peace she gets from the stillness of the park faces an abrupt interruption, when she hears a cough come from nearby. her head snaps up in surprise, but she lowers it again once she remembers she’s trying to hide a cut on her face.  “if this is your spot or something and you want me to go, just know i’m not doing that.” she watches another stone leave her hand and skip across the river, still not turning to look at the other person. ahn miyeon at her worst is brusque, guarded, unapproachable, and maybe even a little uncivil. ( just a little. )
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          &&.  ━━  (  @lhmoonbin  )
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
          when ko kyungmi calls you in the middle of the night saying that she kinda got arrested, what do you do? you run out of your house without even changing out of your pajamas, of course. it’s also an oversized t-shirt miyeon stole in one of those mornings after, from someone whose name is but long forgotten, but what can she say? it makes her look grunge━she just had to have it. miyeon hightails it right to the precinct kyungmi says she’s at, never mind that she’s way past the speed limit and on her way to a police station. all that’s on her mind is kyungmi has somehow landed herself in trouble ( having fun without her! ) and she has to get there, stat. she pulls over in a parking lot outside the station and ruffles her hair up just a tad to perfect the distressed look before she dashes through the doors with an anxious expression set upon her countenance, eyes purposefully darting around hastily.
          good thing miyeon has many talents up her sleeves, and acting is easily one of them. when her gaze lands on the officer tending to kyungmi, she rushes right to his table without once looking over at kyungmi. “officer, please help me! i think someone broke into my house━i’m not sure, but it looked ransacked when i got home and everything is messed up! it’s just five minutes away from here! oh━i have so. many. valuable things in that house, i can’t lose them!” she exclaims, deliberately loud, and throws her hands up in frustration, taking the officer’s attention away such that she can edge herself between kyungmi and the officer. now that kyungmi is safely out of his view, miyeon leans forward over the table to fully block the officer’s line of sight, just to be safe, while he’s trying to calm her down. “no, you don’t understand! i need to get somewhere there with me right now! what if whoever did that is still hiding in there? oh, the thought makes me shudder!” she rambles on and on with a trembling voice, even making a dramatic show out of shuddering.
          there are a lot of things you can get away with when you have a pretty face. lucky for miyeon, her face might just be the only worthwhile contribution her parents have made to her life, and she’ll be damned if she doesn’t capitalize on it a little sometimes. “and━whoa. my god, do people tell you that you have really dreamy eyes? because you do! i’ve, like, never seen brown eyes that are this brown. they’re just soooo mesmerizing, i think i could stare at them all day long!” she’s obviously lying through her teeth, but she does it with such unwarranted confidence, staring straight into his eyes and flashing him the brightest smile she can offer, all while reaching a hand behind her back, gesturing at kyungmi to leave now.
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begging @lhmiyeon for help
kyungmi had fucked up. normally when the girl decided to break the law she did so like any smart person would, discreetly. she’d been having a rough day and called a mutual friend in search of something to help her relax. she hadn’t thought twice about being careful, seeing as this was a person that she’d bought from before. the only thing she wanted to do was get her stuff and go home. she should’ve known not to complete the transaction outside, but she was feeling confident that day. it’s not like they caught her before. kyungmi had been seconds away from getting away scot-free when an officer approached the two. the dealer, who kyungmi now hated with a passion, dropped the drugs and took off leaving her to deal with the consequences.
she’d been in the precinct for hours, while the officers tried to figure out what to do with her. technically she hadn’t bought the drugs yet nor hand she taken any. at the very most they could argue about her intent and try to get a charge to stick based on that. for the main part, she ignored them until she got permission to make a phone call. she couldn’t call her parents since they’d skin her alive for being arrested again. so instead she called someone she knew she could trust, miyeon. as soon as the phone was picked up kyungmi became a blubbering mess. “unnie! i kinda got arrested and i really need your help. my parents absolutely can’t know about this. i don’t know what to do. please help me.”
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
*  /  the wimpy chronicles.
          thank the fucking heavens for coffee.
          chugging a cup chock-full of caffeine has never been miyeon’s first choice for a pick-me-up━knocking back tequila shots does the job far better. but even with her distinct lack of prudence, she has just enough impulse control to put herself on abstention when she’s on call, because all she needs is one drink. and then there certainly won’t be enough impulse control, which she has just the most minimal amount of, left in her to stop and soon enough she will be in over her head. as brilliant as she is ( at least she thinks she is ), surely the hospital wouldn’t allow a drunken resident anywhere near their patients, and she actually enjoys her work enough to have it take some priority over day drinking.
          all that is to say, she has a complex relationship with the café a street away from the hospital and today, she had to begrudgingly drag herself to it just so her eyes don’t snap shut on their own when she has her hands inside of someone’s body later on, so she feels plenty of complex emotions about it. ( or she’s just being dramatic like always. ) it gets even more complex when she takes a seat at the counter and, out of the corner of her eye, she spots a familiar face in the seat right beside hers. she can’t put a name to the face yet, but that doesn’t stop her from starting a conversation. “you━i know your face.” an unsettling silence falls, and a few beats pass with miyeon narrowing her eyes at the person next to her, the cogs in her mind churning as it begins to sift through all the identities that could possibly belong to this face.
          is he one of those hypochondriacs who keep frequenting the er like it’s their second home? not likely━he doesn’t seem the type. but, she does have that same vexed feeling she gets when she sees those faces appear in the hospital and it’s nagging at her, so she doesn’t let up. a few more seconds pass and there isn’t so much as a morsel of shame in her unrelenting gaze, even though staring down a complete stranger is exactly the kind of thing that should embarrass somebody. not ahn miyeon though. a vague name floats in the depths of her mind, and her fingers drum an impatient beat against the tabletop as she makes feeble attempts to grasp at it.
          then, all at once, the syllables come to her. she snaps her fingers in realization━her eyes are wide open now. the name that emerges draws a sharp gasp from miyeon, and she slams a palm against the table, just for that element of shock. what a surprise. “ah━i know!” the corner of her lips tugs into a slight, crooked smile. then it vanishes in a quarter of a second. “you’re the genius mind behind basement syndrome, aren’t you?”
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          &&.  ━━  (  @lhsoseol  )
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
*  /  leave a light on.
          two days and just slightly over seven hours━that’s the exact amount of time that has elapsed since aeri last responded to her texts and missed calls. ( and miyeon swears she has called at least fifty times, if not a hundred. ) it’s not actually the least bit unusual, something like this has happened more times than miyeon would like, but it never stops being alarming. twenty-six years growing up right by the side of her next door neighbor hasn’t been in vain, it’s helped her grow intimately attuned to her best friend’s every whim.
          that’s how miyeon knows that aeri is in trouble, right now; she can feel it. literally━the unpleasant stirring in her guts, some sixth sense that has grown to be unduly familiar ever since they were in high school, tells her all she needs to know. this foreboding hunch that brews within the pits of her stomach whenever something is wrong with aeri has always been without error. it’s like miyeon’s very own painfully accurate won aeri radar, and it has been going off incessantly for days now.
          she would have made the trip over to aeri’s house much earlier, had it not been for how cases kept coming in and she wound up living in the hospital for practically the whole week, only having enough time to make a trip back home once so she could pick up some clothes and take a short nap. the very unwelcome feeling hasn’t stopped gnawing away at her, only growing stronger with every muted tick-tock the watch on her wrist makes. ( she can’t actually hear it, but it’s in her head nonetheless━tick, tock, tick, tock. ) every second passing by has her growing more worried, more anxious.
          when her shift finally ends and she’s done with her rounds, miyeon takes a second to make sure there are finally no more emergent cases she has to attend to before she makes a run for it, hotfooting it out of the hospital and to her car. if there is an almighty presence somewhere up in the heavens, then he must really hate her, because she keeps getting emergent cases whenever she’s ready to leave. she doesn’t want to stay in the hospital for a second longer, just in case that happens again. she can’t.
          one, one, zero, four━those are the numbers miyeon hastily punches into the digital lock on aeri’s door, her other hand gripping tightly on to packets of food. there’s one packet of each dish on the menu from the restaurant she'd stopped by on her way before coming. she had a feeling she would need it. all of it. “aeri?” miyeon calls out, kicking her shoes off while she pushes open the door. the sight of things haphazardly strewn around the floor greets her first, confirming her premonition, and her heart sinks. it always does. her heart sinks, and she puts on a smile, almost out of instinct. wide and filled with warmth, it’s a smile reserved for aeri and aeri alone. “i just finished like, a forty hour shift or something, and my god, am i ready to crash! a little longer and i would be the one in a hospital bed.” she keeps her tone light, a tinge of jest in it, ever mindful not to let the worry show.
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          &&.  ━━  (  @aerilh​  )
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
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hellooooo everybody! ✨ i’m dawn, 21+ and i go by she/her pronouns. this is gosan’s very own self-indulgent pessimist ( think eleanor shellstrop from the good place ) ahn miyeon from the class of 2020! her secret is #12; her parents were divorced and abusive but they put up a front because of her politician dad. i’m buzzing with excitement to be here, and already can’t wait to meet ( & hopefully write ) with all of you so i’ll cut to the chase. sparknotes edition of miyeon is below the cut and here are her pages ━ about & biography & plots. if you would like to plot, drop a like and i will come to you very soon! i also have d*scord, so just lmk if you prefer that. 🥰
( tw: mentions of alcoholism, abuse )
only child to ahn byungsik, a former politician that headed a conservative party & jeon sunyoung, who was a fashion designer turned housewife!
her childhood was always filled with strict rules, and she was always taught to put on an act. her family always had to appear perfect in the public eye, because politician and all that.
as a child, most likely was known around gosan for being a golden girl! she pushed herself really hard to excel at everything she did, from the extracurricular classes her father signed her up for ( ballet, swimming & piano. ) to her academics.
the only extracurricular activity she couldn’t do well in was taekwondo! she stopped at green belt, because it got too hard after that.
after high school started, her father stopped the classes so she could focus on her studies. and she continued doing very well at school! was probably always one of the top five students in the year.
her family was always far from the perfect act they put on, though. her father’s controlling tendencies caused the love between her parents to fall apart, ever since she was around the age of three.
her father started to constantly cheat on her mother and, over the years, also slowly developed a habit of drinking.
but they all put up with it, until they couldn’t ━ when he starts beating miyeon’s mother up whenever he was drunk.
eventually her mother couldn’t take it anymore, so she just up and left one night, and got a divorce with miyeon’s father.
her mother hasn’t gotten in touch ever since then, but the story they told everyone was that she was setting up a cosmetic business in america.
of course the truth eventually came out through alise, and that happened in miyeon’s last year of high school!
that’s when miyeon’s father gets kicked off his political party, so she has been the sole breadwinner of her family since then.
they scraped by with a combination of the wealth they've accumulated / saved throughout the years + money she earned from some part time jobs throughout university.
that was tough times, especially since her father spends so much on alcohol, but it’s also how miyeon learnt to become more independent.
the scandal likely came as a shock to most people, especially since both miyeon and her father always seemed so put together! afterwards people probably gave miyeon a lot of pity looks.
which, let me tell you, she would have hated so! so! much! if you were one of those who took pity on her in whatever form, she probably has snapped at you. ( i’m sorry for who she is... )
her father is seen as a reject in the gosan community after the scandal, and is still an alcoholic up until this day. occasionally he still hits miyeon when he's really drunk and mistakes her for her mother, but she’s dealing with it!
she also attended yonsei university for med school on an academic scholarship, but continued living in gosan because her father has no one else to take care of him, so she would have still been seen around town during those years! ( daily commute would have been a bitch though. )
she doesn’t resent her father as much as one would think. maybe she did at first, but now she resents her mother more for just leaving them like that. and after all, they only have each other left now so if she doesn’t stick with him, then who will?
funnily enough, while she does hate alise for stirring up so much shit in the community, she stopped being angry at the scandal alise caused for her family after she realised it’s actually the best thing that could happen to her.
she got a sense of being set free after the scandal and felt like she could finally be herself without her father looming over her with all his rules!
which is why she’s loosened up so much since then, she basically did a 180 degree flip from the person she was up until the last year of high school.
now she’s more impulsive and carefree, so most of the time she just does what she wants! probably seen as almost fearless, because she’s all about living in the here-and-now?
but she is also pessimistic in the sense that, she doesn’t really believe in the good things life has to offer ━ happiness, love, marriage, fairytale happy endings, they all just feel like a sham to her. ( someone come show her it’s okay to believe! )
she would likely be seen as someone that’s kind of self-absorbed, because sometimes it would feel like she makes decisions without care for other people.
radiates mad chaotic good energy ━ miyeon stubbornly follows what she believes in, but for the most part she doesn’t mean any harm. ( unless she wants to. )
she is currently a first-year neurosurgery resident at gangnam severance hospital which is tied to her university, yonsei, with a reputation for making reckless decisions and for not being too keen on bedside manners, but she is good at her job!
her “ reckless ” decisions are mostly just bold course of treatments that no one else really dares to undertake, but she wouldn’t take it on if she wasn’t confident enough in herself.
though that’s not great because neurosurgery requires care, but she likes to think of herself as one of those badass surgeons taking the path where no one else goes lmao someone please come tell her she’s not that special!
essentially, she is your typical spontaneous sagittarius! a little sarcastic, a lot free-spirited, mostly never really serious and always up for adventure with anyone.
i am hoping to see her grow so much more through her rls with all your beautiful muses, so hit me w/ everything ━ the fluff, the angst, and all the drama! ♡
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer - “The Gift” (2001)
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
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lhmiyeon · 4 years
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