lhyuhwa · 4 years
hello!! figured i should roll this out while i’m still awake but this is my girl nam yuhwa who just came back fresh from the philippines for real reasons that no one knows of (yet), would looove to get some plots rolling so keep reading and give this post a like and i’ll slide thru
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oldest of the pious nams and by extension the older sister of @yuheelh​ by a year and then some, if u wanna know about the family history and how they prayed their way to the top read this
anything but! the filial daughter! hence that good ole black sheep status established 2019 and onwards wootwoot
growing up she’d been the more stubborn/opinionated/sharp/”difficult” child of the two anyways so this was bound to happen at some point in hindsight
wouldn’t say she’s on a moral high horse and doesn’t try to be (because what charity or acts of good will has she done! absolutely none!), but there’s always been something inherently strange about how their parents have always been hellbent on using religion to justify some really bizarre takes/mindsets/behaviors behind closed doors. pretty much an environment where it felt like you were walking on egg shells all the time
add to that the general underlying misogyny and everything uncomfortable that comes with church culture and generally conservative families which can really fuck with your outlook
that being said it’s not a surprise either when they didn’t tolerate her questioning how they ran their household and their devoutness and that ultimately strained their relationship permanently from thereon forth...most def has strayed away from her sister as well
would be sooo nice to say that she’s thick skinned enough to just be like idgaf but the reality is is that kind of rejection and blatant manipulation/gaslighting hurts when it comes from your own parents shitty as they may be so she deals with it her own way by tw: drug abuse self medicating because god knows these people probably don’t believe in proper therapy 
gets busted at the end of her 2nd year of college (thanks sis) and they send her abroad for rehab and thus she lost a year of schooling...technically she’s supposed to be a senior only she’s stuck in her 3rd year instead lol
parents said that she was off on some mission trip instead and she hasn’t bothered to dispute or confirm that big fat lie so take that as you will 
most definitely not living in the family home but in an apartment of her own, only it’s constantly checked in on by her mother with a roommate she most definitely did not pick out by herself but is forced to go down there once a week for dinner and attend church with them 
somehow still spiritual/believes wholeheartedly in god in spite of her parents being the way they are but hey whatever makes u tick right
just wants to graduate and chain smoke like a bitter loner in peace bc she’s tired and resentful of everyone and everything
idk had a bit of camille preaker in mind in terms of ~vibe but maybe not as emotionally vulnerable if that makes sense
some plots
roommate: you’re the goody two shoes scholarship student under the nam family’s foundation and as part of the stipend you get to live in a nice apartment with their druggie older daughter that they need to surveil (: 
childhood friends: general circle of religiously inclined family friends, only it’s very likely that yuhwa’s become incredibly distant over the years 
exes/almosts: the usual slow burn stuff from way back when as appropriate 
people who insist on tagging along with whatever she does for some odd reason
just for fun a thread based off this titktok because its funny 
anything that would work best for our charas! lets brainstorm
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lhyuhwa · 4 years
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lhyuhwa · 4 years
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