lialoveglow 2 years
After losing a bunch of weight recently, baby said I look almost unrecognizable. I'm so relieved to hear that 馃槍
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lialoveglow 3 years
Wow its been so long since I've posted on this blog. I just read some past entries and am so glad I documented my happenings. So much has changed since then. We finally put up plastic coverings in the sunroom windows, set up baby's work area in the gym, covered the gym windows, made personal investments for work, organized the office, the babies got a good system going on and a big bed, so many blessings from God along the way. My body isn't in as much pain but that was a real stretch of a journey. The water in our berkey became undrinkable and I think it's because of faulty filters, we started eating meat again but realize Seafood is best, my body got too tired to cook often so we budget to go out to eat, my digestion is out of whack and have to reintroduce good bacteria bc the water wrecked havoc on me so we've been eating yogurt and pickled veggies (kombucha was too acidic), my eyesight was getting poor since bc of the water but has since improved, my familial connections are still distant but so beneficial for my well being, the cars paid off, baby's doing amazing at work (so proud), I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I'm supposed to do but I trust the process and take heed to God's warning and discerning, no longer need cannabis as much bc the pains not as intense and I'm able to complete my daily tasks without it, anxiety is not as bad and socializing is somewhat normal, realizing isolation is not a bad thing especially when I can hold myself accountable and see a lesson in everything and make a conscious effort to improve as a person but even minimal socialization is necessary for a healthy psyche, haven't had cold pains this winter season I assume due to improved circulation, oral health is improving, everything is just so good and there is more to come. I'm so thankful to God for this blessings and favor. Our journey is a true testament to God's power and I know we're supposed to share our testimonies with the world. In due time all will be revealed and we're so thankful, grateful, blessed, and highly favored. To God be the glory always and forever 馃檹馃徑馃挍
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lialoveglow 4 years
I started smoking cannabis for my chronic pain and it's made a huge difference. I stopped about 5 months ago and was severely inflamed, stressed, and almost completely let myself go. My wife was concerned with the direction I was taking so I smoked one day and I was finally able to care for myself. I was stretching and being active again. I know I've teetered in the past about if I needed this or not but I think with the dramatic improvement in my quality of life after I sparked up again I can't turn my back on it ever again.
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lialoveglow 4 years
I just worked on the yard today because the weather was beautiful and my body permitted it and I loved it. I've been trying to figure out what exactly I want to do with my life and I've just been giving it to God and waiting for direction. Lately I've been fixated on the salary and income as the deciding factor for which profession I want to get into but deep down my hearts not in it. I tried the nursing thing and wow the pressure. I did so well in school and was able to apply all of that to a great managerial position for a nasty company but I feel that's where it might end. There's this one nursing job I've had my eye on but just to even get there idk if my mind and my body can take it. The one thing I feel like I love doing is gardening and spacial arts like interior design or real estate even but I don't like the technical aspect of it. I know I'm smart enough to apply a little more pressure to myself but it the injury changes everything. So far my direction is nature. I don't even care for cooking that much these days. It's like a drag when I have to but it's u fortunate because I do have to. And getting take out just doesn't nourish me on the same level. Tonight's a full moon and I know God will help me with these hurdles. I'm just going to go to sleep with the window and curtains wide open and let the smell of my freshly cut grass ease me.
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lialoveglow 4 years
We had and still have to get a lot done in the house but so far we've got a new oven and are about to get a new heater. I'm so thankful that we'll be able fix up the house. I just finished sorting and cleaning up the storage but there's still some work to do. We finished up the gym 馃挭 and we just put up the hallway curtain. I'm so thankful to God for everything. Even if initially there were problems we kept faith that it was all going to work out. 馃檹馃挍
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lialoveglow 4 years
I was drinking water from this metal tumbler that I used to use daily and immediately smelled some strange metallic familiar smell. Can you guess what it was? My metal sweat smell. I haven't used that tumbler for a while and just realized I haven't smelled like that so I'm coming to the conclusion that that's what caused me to have that smell and poor vision. Possible heavy metal/lead poisoning?? Be weary of 32oz amazon steel tumblers even if its labeled stainless steel. I'll be sticking to my glass and ceramic from now on.
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lialoveglow 4 years
Just remembered that I'm traumatized by my dad emotionally pushing me away by telling me he's going to die and I'm going to have to take care of myself often at bedtime. That how he tucked me in. I was in elementary school. Up until recently I worried myself sick thinking of the people I love dying and it ruined me. Im just now getting over it and I'm excited about it. I also don't talk to my parents anymore so that helps.
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lialoveglow 4 years
I need to really step it up with my bible study. I'll start tomorrow! 馃槄馃槍馃檹馃挍
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lialoveglow 4 years
God has been so good to us and I'm so forever thankful. 馃檹馃挍
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lialoveglow 4 years
Babys talking about joining the airforce and we're both sadness but we're planning out for a couple years from now. Alot of hardworking to do until then 馃挭馃檹
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lialoveglow 4 years
I started a fit blog the other day to track my health related progress and so far so good. The workouts are helping with my posture and awareness. One time that concerns me is my GERD. I've been waking up almost every night coughing on my own saliva and its been giving me pretty bad insomnia. I'm going to try a few things to get rid of it which I'm pretty hopeful for. When I fasted I didn't have this issue so I'm sure with the diet change it'll be fine. I've also been more aware that my skin isn't doing too well from being inside so much. I did a good exfoliating and moisturizing tonight that'll help with that. Now I just need to drink more water and add some blood flow, sweat, and sunlight to really get it going healthy. I noticed too that I developed more Fordyce spots on my lips. Supposedly it could be an indicator of something serious or nothing serious at all but I'm going to try and get rid of them and then we'll see how it goes. I've also developed this weird metal sweat smell but no one else can smell it as strongly as but me so idk. I know I'm not trippin but still I got to keep an eye out.
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lialoveglow 4 years
Is this really what I'm meant to do? Lord I trust you 馃檹馃挍
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lialoveglow 4 years
For the first time in my life I'm experiencing a period flu. Fantastic.
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lialoveglow 4 years
Currently binging on Joseph Solomon videos on YouTube 馃グ
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lialoveglow 4 years
I'm so happy the tar on my lips from smoking so much dro is finally fading
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lialoveglow 4 years
We just replaced the water pump in our washer ourselves and the part was only about $25. Saved us $500!
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lialoveglow 4 years
I'm thankful for everything God has given me but sometimes I just wonder what life would've been if I had a fully supportive family that didn't give up on me. I know I'm making something of myself but it still crosses my mind.
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