I'll be on more tomorrow, I'm working on finals for school and I've been super busy, but I'll be promo-ing the rp lots this weekend~
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Alright, sounds good. I'm too tired to reply right now but I will have it up tomorrow morning. I'm PST, hbu?
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THERES 2 VERSIONS WUT AHH. oh and I'll have the para up soon I'm still a bit sleepy~
Aww that'd be adorable asdfkl yeah lets do that then (: 
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Okay. (:
Oh. Well yeah I want too haha. But yes now..
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yeah, i wanted to do liariana, i thought we'd decided on that lol, but yeah its a go. if you still want to.
k,so is Liariana is go or? Because like..yeah. Me and the Harry rper were talking and I have a plot idea that could work with either one but I wondering if you’d wanted Liariana still..
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buttariana replied to your post: i accidentally fell asleep but i’m back.
I has a question for youuu.
ask awayyy
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i accidentally fell asleep but i'm back.
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Hmm...I'd say now. But whatever works!
is the para happening like..now? lol should I make her act all weird at the Liz anon?
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Uptown girl, eh? Have fun!
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G'morning! :D
oooh. Sounds like fun! I’m about to go uptown ;)
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Liam nodded and as they reached the door, he glanced over with a smile. "Sounds great. We can go there first. I've been here quite a few times but not really just to hang out and not worry about having to go to a concert later, which is nice for a change." When the two of them headed down the steps that led they walked along the sidewalks that eventually led into downtown. Kicking a few pebbles as he walked, he wondered what had gotten into him earlier. She was fun to hang out with, that was for sure, but should he be worried about developing feelings for a girl that he didn't know too well? He was already so wary about relationships at the moment, but he decided to just play it out and have fun, after all who said he couldn't make some friends while he was there. Deciding to go with it, he took Ariana's hand as he glanced around, hoping that the two wouldn't get bombarded with fans seeing them. Even if he loved the fans, he just wanted to be...well like a regular person for once and not have to worry about having pictures taken every other second.
Popcorn & Puns || Liam & Ariana
Ariana’s smile stayed plastered to her face. She rose after him and slipped her VANS back onto her feet. Her arms automatically wrapped around her body but she couldn’t help feeling like that might give off the wrong idea. She forced her arms down quickly grabbed her phone. “Thank you,” she shot his way as he held the door open for her. Gentleman as well. She shifted on her feet, that feeling in the pit of her stomach still there. Telling her to leave. She refused. This was..too nice. Too great. Something she needed. As he began down the hallway she slight shrugged. “Anywhere is good. I’ve seen most of it actually. But there is this one frozen ice place.” Her eyes traveled up to his as her smile was replaced with a grin. 
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Nothing much! Just hanging around the house, about to go explore downtown.
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G'morning! :D
Oy Liam! Waddup’ brother?
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misscherll0yd replied to your post: I thought you liked Liz
Liam likes me too. we’re broskis so chill anon.
And this is why I love you Cher.
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Hey, Cher!
G'morning! :D
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I thought you liked Liz
I'm not sure who I like right now, I'm pretty much just friends with everyone.
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“Perfect.” With a smile, Liam unwrapped his arms from around her and stood up, moving aside the popcorn and pop cans as he made his way over to his bed, grabbing the jacket that was lying there. Even the California nights were getting a bit chillier as the days went on so it would probably be a good idea to bring a jacket. Slipping it over his shoulder, he put it on along with a pair of vans. Walking back over he opened the door for Ariana and waited for her to walk out before he shut his own door, double checking that he had his wallet and room key. Heading down the hallway, he looked toward Ariana. “Anywhere or anything in particular you want to do? I don’t mind.” 
Popcorn & Puns || Liam & Ariana
Her mind was set to rest, finally, as the two kissed. It wasn’t a hungry kiss. Not to much not to little. Their lips seemed to move perfectly together. Perfect wasn’t something Ariana believed in. Not until now. A smile took over her features. Her whole face was brighter she could tell. “Hi,” She replied and giggled her head still dizzy from his intoxication. She stayed close. Liking the way it felt being with him. Their bodies touching. She felt stupid all of a sudden. What had she honestly just done? She barely knew this boy and here she was..contemplating giving up everything she’d worked on herself for. Just for him. There was a spot in her that wanted her to move. Leave. Tell him she didn’t want to see him again. There was another part though. That part that told her to stay. This part was stronger. Her cheeks blushed again and she latched her gaze with him. “That walk sounds perfect.” 
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I'm going to go eat, but I'll be on after~ 
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Liam could feel her leaning into the kiss as he wrapped his own arms around her small waist. All of his worries had dissapeared as his lips moved against hers before he pulled away, just enough to look into her eyes. "Wow." He mumbled before somewhat shyly looking down. Meeting her look again, he just smiled. "Hi." With a light chuckle he kept his arms around Ariana, not wanting to pull himself away. Did that really just happen? Sure, he'd kissed his own fair share of girls but it wasn't as if he did it on the first day, and it definetely wasn't common for him to feel a connection to someone so quick either. With a content sigh, he glanced torwards the time, unsure of what to do next. "So..What do you say about that walk downtown?"
Popcorn & Puns || Liam & Ariana
Ariana’s breath hitched in her throat as she axionsly waited. There was her left hand. That hand that knew this is wasn’t a good idea. She was simply setting herself up to be let down and hurt again. She didn’t know if she could handle that again. Not that kind of pain. Her thigh began to itch again. Her right hand weighed slightly heavier than the left. This hand held the positvit things. If he did finally kiss her, although they only met, she’ll know that he indeed felt what she felt. That simple yet pulling attraction that scared her to death. In the best way possible of course. If he did indeed kiss her than maybe that could lead to her recovery. Maybe he was different. Maybe that kiss would make things better. “Li-” Ariana began to talk but was cut of by the feel of his lips pressing lightly against hers. It was perfect. She shifted her body and leaned into him more. Her hands trailed over his shoulders and linked behind his neck. She’d be pleased if this never ended.
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