liamxnaughty · 4 years
“There’s no point in hiding from me,” Liam laughed. “I already spotted you!”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
Ana let a small smile slip onto her face as she turned to deposit the cup in the trash can next to her. “Well, I’m happy to help then. But really you have to let me buy you something. It doesn’t have to be coffee! I can also provide donuts… teas… even the occasional smoothie.”
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Liam slowly raised his hands with a laugh. “Alright, alright. You twisted my arm,” He let out a very small laugh again. “A donut would be just fine thank you very much,” His voice returned from being teasing, to gentlemanly and proper. “I appreciate it. Even if it was spilling a drink over me that got us here.”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
“No I mean like squeeze it into the drink. So instead of sucking on it the juice goes in the shot. I’ve definitely seen people doing lime, tequila, salt though.” Fawn spoke with a light quirk on an eye brow, and small shrug. 
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Liam squinted more and more with every passing word she spoke. “Squeezing it into the tequila?” He said simply, mind too preoccupied with trying to grasp the idea. “That sounds crazy. Also like far less fun!”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
» LIAM / @liamxnaughty​​ 🎔
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She had decided to have an early night snuggled up in bed with her best friend Netflix, having avoided all the questions her roommates had tried to ask and locked her door behind her. She didn’t need them intruding, or spotting the number on her hand so she’d quickly jotted it down in pencil at the side of one of her current designs before taking a shower. Part of her wanted to simply ignore it but the male seemingly had an annoying talent at sticking in women’s head and even a few hours after their encounter. Before she’d fully considered everything she wanted to say, Drey’s hands had already sent a message.
[TXT: Guy off the street (you didn’t get a name)] Hey, it’s Drey. I bumped into you earlier. I’m sure your flirtatious nature forgot about one of the many girls you likely gave this number to today but putting a name to the number would be great ~ D x
Towel draped around his neck, Liam was on the way home from the gym when his phone buzzed in his back pocket. He stopped at the side of the pavement and unplugged his headphones from his ears. They were a wireless bluetooth neck so he just let them drop, landing on the towel. Liam didn’t reall think anything of the text on his first read but that’s because it didn’t register. On the second read, a smile spread across his face. A little chuckle fell from his lips as he replied. Once the message was sent, he continued walking.
[ Drey: Hello there lovely! Long time no speak. How on earth would I forget you? How’re you doing? x ]
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
“You sure you’re not supposed to put the lime in the shot? I swear that was a thing..” Fawn spoke with a light laugh and small shrug. “Alright master of tequila, show me how it’s done.”
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“Well in bars, they tend to rest the lime on top of the tequila,” He shrugged. “Sometimes it falls in.”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
“No - you’re doing it wrong,” Peggy insists, reaching for another shot. “It’s salt then lime and then tequila. I’m telling you, lime’s gotta go in the middle. Makes everything go down smoother.” 
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"Nope. It goes in the middle. You bookend the tequila. I work --- In bars at events. I’ve seen.”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
“How do I have it wrong?” Daisy asked the younger male with a small laugh. “I always thought the salt went last!”
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“Do you really think that a bunch of drunks are gonna be able to keep a line of salt on their hands? That shit’d go everywhere - The salt is first!”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
“No no no no,” Liam laughed, shaking his head vehemently. “You’ve got it all wrong.” He grabbed the salt shaker from their hand. “It’s salt, tequila then lime.”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
“Does calling a woman a lady usually get you a free pass into her underwear?” She spoke very matter-of-factly but his wink caught her off-guard. “It’s Audrey, or Drey. It seems flattery will get you a name, mister.”
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At this point Liam had given up on trying to hide the smirk on his face. As she spoke, he fumbled around in his pocket. “Well Audrey, or Drey,” Liam shrugged before walking over. He took her hand gently and scrawled his number on the back. “Should the flattery every settle in enough to get me more than a name, say some time, give me a call.”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
Ana ordered her usual chai tea - extra hot, half a pump of vanilla - and gave her name before turning around, and right into another human. She gasped as she watched their cup fall almost in slow motion and somehow managed to reach out and save it. Well, save the cup at least. Most of the drink was on the floor now, and some of it was on her hands, which only left a little for drinking. “I’m so sorry,” Ana looked up with wide eyes. “I’ll buy you a new one or three new ones if you want. What was this?”
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Liam was hungover as hell, but that was no surprise to anyone really. He inhaled as everything spilled. Liam braced one hand against the counter and let out a sigh. “Fuck,” he chuckled gently. After massaging his temple a moment, he looked up to the stranger. “It’s really okay,” He waved a dismissive hand. “It’s no biggie, really. I only really needed the coffee to wake up and I think this has done the job instead.” Liam teased with a flicker of a smirk.
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
She’d have laughed aloud if she’d known it wouldn’t look too insensitive, but she exhaled through her nose with a small huff, rolling her eyes as she did so. “Jealousy, yes totally that’s exactly what it is, because I’d wanna sleep with a guy with his nose up his arse. Rule number one, flattery gets you nowhere with me, pal. Sorry. ” Drey feigned her apology as she smirked at the male. He had called her hot though. 
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Liam raised his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. ”Lady doth protest too much,” He said with a smirk. “And I think it’s quite the opposite. Flattery gets you everywhere.” Liam ran his tongue along his bottom lip before winking at the woman.
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
“What hey-” Fawn spoke a shocked expression pulling onto her features before she shook her head with an entertained laugh. “For the record, I’ve been in plenty of things and never got any complaints out of them. Clearly you’re just too jealous of my amazing dance moves. It’s okay I can teach you later.” The brunette spoke with a grin and a light shrug as they headed out the apartment building. “Yeh I know that, but do we have a game plan. Like are we sticking to one place or hopping around? Also if we��re doing a proper night out, that officially means I’m your allocated wing woman of the evening. So what kinda person am I looking out for?”
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“I know. I’m not denying that. I said whoever you end up with - They’ve got to deal with your dancing for the rest of their life,” He chuckled. Liam began to walk. “Well it depends what we want. Because I know the best spots for both also - I don’t need a wing woman,” His features scrunched up and he turned to look at her before laughing. “I achieve 100% success already - But, I’d be happy to lend a hand to you, share my good luck.”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
Drey hadn’t been paying attention as she was walking down the street. She’d been ignoring the world as per usual, but the look on the woman’s face as she had walked passed caused her to roll her eyes. Following the woman she spotted someone who appeared to still be watching her. How fucking romantic? Bleh.
“ Hey. With a look on your face ya look like ya want a congratulations or somethin’? ”
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There was a clean smug grin on Liam’s face which only grew wider at the woman’s complaint. He folded his arms over his chest and leant against the wall. “You know, jealousy isn’t a good look on anyone darling - Even someone as hot as you.”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
Liam smiled and waved as the woman walked out of the apartment. A smirk spread across his features. Then just as she turned the corner, his friend came around the same corner. Liam immediately laughed. “Oh, hello.”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
“What-.. you mean none of this?” Fawn asked with a teasing grin on her face as she did a slow version of the chicken dance, beaks, wings, wiggle and clap. “Maybe I’ll just have to save all my great moves till you’re nice and drunk. I also do a great milk the cow, my sprinkler isn’t half bad either, oh- and a good worm but that’s only for special occasions. You’re in for a real treat.” The brunette teased as she slung the strap of her bag over her shoulder, pausing to call back behind her: “See you later Des-!” before joining him at the door and closing it behind her. “Right where we off to then?” 
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Liam stared at Fawn as she continued to flail around. “You will be single for you entire life if that’s what you do at parties,” He said with an expressionless face. “I truly feel sorry for whoever you end up with,” His hands tucked into his pockets as he took a step back to allow her out. “We’re off to the club Fawn, for a proper night out. Sticky floors and overpriced drinks, the lot.”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
Of course Fawn was always up for any social interaction she could get, she loved people just as much as she loved animals. Granted she hadn’t been out to a club in no doubt too long, but that didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy them. Friends, drinks, dancing, what wasn’t there to like? Even still she was never the most conventional when it came to the general ‘aesthetics’ of what people typically wore.  If it hadn’t been for Rosetta’s input she still would have still been wearing her red converse right about now. “Hey-! Just gimme one second-” The brunette chirped as she opened the door to him before moving back into the apartment to grab her jacket. “So I hope you’re ready to dance your ass off. Don’t worry I promise I won’t embrace you by doing the funky chicken.”@liamxnaughty​
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Liam rocked on his heels while he waited by the door. After learning far too much about Fawn obsession with animals, Liam had decided he’d needed to drag her out for a classic Liam night. Copious amounts of alcohol, staying in the club until the lights come up, and then a greasy breakfast in the morning. “No worries,” He chuckled. Then his features scrunched up. “Don’t you dare.”
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liamxnaughty · 4 years
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