licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
“Ha, I wish it was that easy. Really, I do. But for now, guess I’ll just have to deal with the constantly circulating death rumors.”
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“Well you’re not dead-.. thank god that you aren’t.. To be fair though I’m pretty sure people are ready for you guys to just say ohp we’re done and come back like two months into this break. Obviously it won’t happen as soon as they think but that’s what they’re hoping.”
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
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“Alright, alright. So, the paps are still houndin’ me whenever they get a chance, but the fans? They have a hard time findin’ you when you don’t have a schedule anymore, mate. When you have a schedule, there’s always a way some fan, somewhere is gonna find out what you’re up to. But for me? That’s a problem no more.”
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“Do you live here and own a mansion, or something? I highly doubt they’d let Liam Payne slide right under their camera lens.”
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
“The amount of fans who’ve come up to me while just strollin’ ‘round saying ‘I was starting to think you were dead’ is beginning to become a bit alarming. I’ve been on break not even three months, forgive me for enjoyin’ it and not feelin’ the need to post a hundred times a day.”
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
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“Well, for a singer, you’d think I know how to command a stage while keepin’ my feet on the ground at all times, but if you search ‘Liam Payne Fail Compilation’ on Google, well--you’ll find you’re not the only one lacking in your ability to perform your occupation at all times. M’Liam, good to meet you, mate.”
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– for an actor you’d think i’d have something creative and important as an introductory but unfortunately i have nothing but i also have brain freeze so that might be the problem also?! i’m ed and i like to ramble.
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
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“I never thought I’d be able to say this, but... Mate, I’ve been doin’ just that lately, and it’s absolutely amazin’.”
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ugh, dude. i wish i could nonchalantly walk around eating my nice subway sandwich while taking in the LA air without being followed, or having phones shoved in my face. 
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
lmaooooo spoke too soon and this is exactly why i’m on a semi-hiatus. as soon as i get comfortable and ready to do threads i get interrupted. i have to go to bed to be up early tomorrow but i’m gonna try to get on tomorrow night again to do more threads and replies i’m sorry i’m the worst sigh i miss y’all loads :(
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
“With you? Eh.”
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Anyone wanna hang out? 
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
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“mate, tell me about it. fuckin’ tell me about it. all that shit about ‘this is the life you asked for, get used to it!’ fuckin’ bullshit. absolute, shithole, rubbish. they houndin’ you about freddie again?”
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        y’know what, fuck this culture that says it’s okay to have your privacy completely invaded because you’re in the public eye. does that really give you the right to stalk somebody & wait outside private property for bloody hours ? fuck nah. does that make it okay for you to hack their shit ? another no. honest to god, this crap makes us want to pull a britney & then go into hiding. hope everyone’s had a better day than me, though.
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
i’m going to post a starter, i’m not sure how long i can be on so i’m gonna try to reply to as much as i can but if i poof outta nowhere i’m sorry!!
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
text message ; harry
Harry: true... but I'm getting older. YOLO and all that, ha. So yeah, gonna head down to a club at some point.
Harry: I doubt it, you're safe to come to my house tonight, mate. Though give a brother a headsup if you're planning on bringing someone.
Liam: Down to get a lil out n dirty hm?
Liam: I'll be sure to but i have no plans of bringing anyone back to ur place. Just you
Liam: I mean when ur like totally pissed aha
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
text message ; harry
Harry: Yeah! Is a club a bad idea?
Harry: Nah, you come on over. I wasn't gonna bring anyone else back ;) x
Liam: No i think it's a great idea, we haven't been out in a while. I just asked cause u always were more of a house party kinda lad
Liam: No? What if u change ur mind while we're out?
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
text message ; louis
Louis: at least you're allowed to get high !!
Louis: i've been sober for like, over a week & i'm deadset losing the will to live.
Liam: ugh that's fuckin rough man i'm sorry
Liam: u can make it tho
Liam: and u know if u ever need to go out and let off some steam i'm happy to watch freddie
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
text message ; camila
Camila: well can you just not sleep or like is something bugging you ??
Liam: idk honestly
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licmpcyne-blog1 · 9 years
text message ; louis
Louis: i fucking know, aye.
Louis: fair play, bro. fai r play.
Liam: ugh fuck why'd u have to bring it up
Liam: dyin for it now
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