liddle-f00t-blog · 9 years
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liddle-f00t-blog · 9 years
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liddle-f00t-blog · 9 years
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Instagram - @yellunzboi
137 notes · View notes
liddle-f00t-blog · 9 years
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liddle-f00t-blog · 9 years
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liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
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liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
I wanted to kill myself and you were yelling about dirty dishes
12 word story, d.m (via i-need-a-cure) (via pvnkslut)
wow… this just hit me on a very personal level.
(via kiefeon)
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liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
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253K notes · View notes
liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
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11K notes · View notes
liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
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422 notes · View notes
liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
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liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
You think you have your best friends now in high school? Hahah, wait until all of you go to college. You’ll be dropped like flies, so enjoy your life and don’t take your friends for granted.
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liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
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liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
It seemed like you could know me. Like you could understand anything I told you. And the more we spoke, I knew why. The same things excited us. The same things concerned us.
Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why (via sadillite)
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liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
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420K notes · View notes
liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
She was too quiet, or she was too loud. She took things too seriously, or not seriously at all. She was too sensitive, or too cold-hearted. She hated with every fiber of her being, or loved with every piece of her heart. There was no in-between for her. It was either all or nothing. She wanted everything but settled for nothing.
(via painandbutterflies)
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liddle-f00t-blog · 10 years
It’s funny, if you ask a Republican in Congress if they believe in climate change, they say, well, uh, I’m not a scientist. “I’m not a scientist” — that’s what they say. But when it comes to a woman’s right to choose, suddenly they’re a doctor.
President Barack Obama, 11/01/14 (via slasherbarbie)
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