liezel-lavellan · 4 years
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Credit: @juliehangart
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
I recommend the following:
Character Creation
Black Emporium DLC hair Mesh Visibility Fix Hairstyle DAY DAI Braids and Curls Misc Hairstyles for Frosty Aileani's Hair Megapack **link provided, not in nexus Freckles with Moles Complexion (works better in HF) Enhanced Inquisitor Sliders *(havent tried this one, but looks great)
Primal Hunter Armory - Stone bear armor retex Flowery Outerwear Great Bear Hide is Blackest (because i really want a black leather option) Elven Skyhold Retexture Tintable Armor Padding by Dalishious
Complete war table missions without waiting Conversation Camera Zoom Buttflap be Gone Respec Store Expanded Frosty Stuff by kittentails
vivienne complexion tweak by ellise Josephine Flower Ambassador Origin Alistair Blackwall Cutie of the North Above the Dim and the Damned (Vivienne Complexion) by Ellise
. . .
**Note: All my reccs are on nexus except Aileani’s Megapack.  You can find them by typing the mods name on the nexus search bar.
does anyone have dragon age inquisition frosty mod recs
daimodmanager literally breaks my game so 
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
Arthfael's Short Hair HF Conversion
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Hello, just reposting this on my main blog now instead for anyone looking for it. A human female conversion with minor edits of Skaramoosh’s HM Arthfael’s Short Hair.
― Replaces Mesh 52 ― Trespasser Compatible ― Please do not reupload anywhere or distribute using direct link share.
« Download Here »
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
thanks for answering!
hello, if i may ask, of the seven variations of josephine's hair, which one is the short wavy bob?
Hi! This is not the first time this question has been asked and unfortunately I never got around to replying (I’m terribly sorry for that). I managed to do a very rudimentary picture for reference from my phone but I hope it helps.
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Josephine’s original hair (my attempt at recreating it of course)
The short bob at the back
Past the shoulders
Waist long hair v1
Waist long hair v2
Hip long hair
With fringe and bun
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
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At long last, here is my Skyhold outfit mod for female elves, inspired loosely by the Qartheen outfit Daenerys wore!
(download here)
Includes 3 separate .daimod files for each skin tone option. Hope you enjoy!
(I recommend using xstephyg’s Bumps Be Gone mod with this!)
(If anyone tries these out, feel free to tag/mention me or submit photos of your Lavellans wearing them–I’d love to see. :D )
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
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this is good
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
yeah you’ve grown all your wisdom teeth but what about your strength teeth? your charisma teeth? your
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
You flirt and kiss and for what??? Sex?????! Love?????? Pathetic.
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
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Regan was present at the Temple of Sacred Ashes as a representative of her family’s interests, along with other distant relatives in the Chantry. She was the only survivor at the temple after the explosion. Rumors that the mysterious mark on her hand is a sign of the Maker’s favor were spread by those who claim they saw the divine prophet, Andraste herself, lead Lady Regan out of the Fade.
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
Solas and Inquisitor
I’ve been thinking about Solas lately. Not as part of the Solavellan hell, but for the other, non-elven Inquisitors.
I think of Trevelyan, who considered Solas her best friend. The mage from Ostwick, who’d been discarded by her family. Who had been told her whole life that her magic was evil. Who meets the quiet, simple elven apostate. He makes her feel… unashamed, of who she is. Of what she is. He makes her rejoice in the magic she bears. Casting is no longer something to be done quickly, or furtively. He is both guide, and confidant, the warmth of a hearthfire after a day in the cold of winter. He’s alone, and she knows that feeling how it is to be surrounded by bodies and yet feel isolated. Kindred spirits. Hesitation blooms to trust, to friendship. To something deeper than friendship.
But then he leaves. WIthout a word. She’s confused, and she’s hurt, and she’s certain it’s her fault. What did she do? Why won’t he give her a chance to fix the problem? Two years, this uncertainty that eats away at her. Two years, the during of which the burdens of leadership, the acid of rumors, the weights of decision wear away at her, till she loses that pride in who - in what - she is.
And then they meet again. She weeps, for he is still her friend, and she can see just how lonely he has been. She can see the part of him that yearns for the comfort of friends, can see the way he desires for true company, and knows, with certainty, that he does not want to be alone. And for him, she puts aside her pride. Her friend has stood by her when she needed him the most. Now it is her turn to do the same for him.
 Even if he does not know it, even if he cannot - or will not - acknowledge it.
I think of Adaar, Tal-Vashoth, with no place to call home. With friends only through the virtue of the coin they earn. With raw, primal magic that courses through her veins and floods her blood, but with no one to protect her in the dreams, where the demons mock her. Who knows she has a face no one will trust, but yearns to have someone look deeper, into her heart. Who meets an elven apostate who says enough but knows far more. They don’t take to each other. They’re both slow to trust. But something happens, something more inexplicable than the mechanics of the sorcery they both bear. And he sees beyond her skin - and she sees beyond the shutters on his eyes. A strange friendship, but a true one.
And then he leaves. Her doubts rush back. Did she offend him? Did he not like who she was? Could he not accept what she was? Two years of relentless self-doubt, though she would never let them show on her face.
But then they meet. She is tired, weary; she has battled her way through those who look like her, but who think her lesser. She has fought, and defeated, those of her kind who would have her in chains with her lips sewn shut. So when she hears his voice, she is grateful he has escaped that fate, too. And after he spills his truth, she wants to rage at him. But she finds she cannot. She sees in him the same doubt, the same self hate that has plagued her for all these years. And because he is her friend, she will help him through his. 
Even if he does not - will not - ask for it.
I think of Cadash, quick with blade and wit, forced into a way of life that she had no choice in. Who knows little of the world, except for how to profit off of its weakness. Who does not know magic, does not understand it, but finds herself with a hand full of it. She’s mesmerized by the green glow, by the sparks it emits. Even on nights when the agony makes her want to scream - she does not, she never will, the Carta taught her that - she can appreciate the power within it. She doesn’t trust the elven apostate. He’s too smooth with his words, knows too much, and her experience (far too much for her years, but such is life) has shown her that those of his ilk have secrets both dark and dangerous. But he is always there by her side - or her back, or wherever it is she needs him the most - and soon her doubts give way to questions. Questions, and answers, and the give and take of them, turn into a friendship that runs deeper than the deepest vein of lyrium that the ground beneath them holds.
But he leaves. Not a word, not a note, not a sign. She’s angry - what kind of asshole does something like that? - but deep down, she’s frightened. Scared that the only friend she has - had? - learned something out of her past, and abandoned her for it. Two years she spends trying to find out what it was about her that made him leave.
And then they meet. There’s rage still in her blood, viperous fury in her veins, but she listens to him. Learns his secret, sees the shame in the way he cannot meet her eyes, and her temper breaks. She knows all there is to know about guilt - she’s not guilt-free, never has been. And so, because he is her friend, she will help him through his.
Even if he does not - cannot, will not - ask for it.
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
I like that Blackwall refers to the Inquisitor by name when asking to dance with her. I don’t know why I like it so much, but I do. None of the other love interests does it, I’ve noticed. It’s like… it shows how much he respects her, I guess. Idk. 
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
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I am beyond excited to have gotten the opportunity to commission @wifihunters 
They did such a good job capturing the mood and overall tone for Aurora, and they are truly an amazing artist!  
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
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And She Will Know No Fear 
The commission card for @inner-muse
Dragon Age Inquisition | Inquisitor Kelandris Trevelyan The Queen of Swords
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
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“This calls for a new title. Dragonslayer Harding, perhaps?”
“A fancy title goes against the point of being a scout. Nobody should see me coming.”
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liezel-lavellan · 5 years
I love the *idea* of being a tank or healer better than the reality, I'm afraid. Healers need so much patience and its stressful to me personally because I overworry and overthink, plus the gameplay of it feels kinda tedious and boring to me. I prefer being DPS, I kill the enemies, preferably before they become a problem and before they know I'm there. There's nothing like that joy you get when you kill an enemy with one hit. Plus, DPS is a bit of a glass canon, and there's this addicting rush in knowing that you are inches away from death if you make the wrong move. The strategizing, the sneaky underhanded tactics is also appealing. I usually play my rogues as having a heart of gold for all that they may be a thief, liar, and murderer. It makes for an interesting rp experience.
some fools be like “i play games to escape my responsibilities” then pick tank or healer
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